Trump Addresses Empty Church As African-American Photo-Op Backfires In Detroit

Liberals cant admit they are wrong because their ego is so inflated just as their self assured intellectual superiority is. To them admitting an error is a self image in their mirror and they don't like what they see. They know deep inside they are so vile and intellectually inferior that they must always try to label and defame those who PROVE and UNMASK their lack of true intellect. Those who were Democrats, like myself, have become completely sick of the vile scum who claim the label these day. All I hear from them is slime and vomit every time they try to devise another way to protect their frog princess. It seems each time they try to label and slander an opponent they use the same old lies and vomit out the same labels . It is really funny if it were not so SAD to hear> "Everyone running but ME is a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, sexual predator and wants to take away all of your money and give it to the corporations!!!". > It's okay for me to do all of those things I did and more because I am Special, and I am just like you!!!". Fact is Electoral college and vile scum will elect clinton with a 500 plus EC count I think. Proving there should be a major change in federal election laws making each district delegate vote the way their assigned district votes, NO all for one anymore. Every districts votes count and every persons vote counts.

Yeah that isn't "empty"....poor Matthew fell for it


Gotta love it when a Liberal gets punked like a little bitch on his own thread. LOL
Take a look at the video, the church was full and the people responded warmly to him.

Is that a bullet proof podium that was brought out at the last minute?

Are you saying black people are violent and dangerous or that Clinton supporters are violent and dangerous or just that your head is filled with murderous thoughts?

No matter, if you watched the tape, you know the congregation responded to him warmly.

No, I'm saying that is what Trump thinks.

The first few rows were full is all the video proved.

Clearly, that was what you were thinking. Obviously more than the first few rows were filled.


Wow, maybe 75 people, many of them his security team. I love the expression of the woman to his left. Maybe Trump had just farted.

It's killing you, isn't it. During August Hillary's support among women, Hispanics and liberals has fallen sharply, and now her last bastion of strong support, African Americans, is welcoming Trump.
Is that a bullet proof podium that was brought out at the last minute?
Are you saying black people are violent and dangerous or that Clinton supporters are violent and dangerous or just that your head is filled with murderous thoughts?

No matter, if you watched the tape, you know the congregation responded to him warmly.
No, I'm saying that is what Trump thinks.

The first few rows were full is all the video proved.
Clearly, that was what you were thinking. Obviously more than the first few rows were filled.

Wow, maybe 75 people, many of them his security team. I love the expression of the woman to his left. Maybe Trump had just farted.
It's killing you, isn't it. During August Hillary's support among women, Hispanics and liberals has fallen sharply, and now her last bastion of strong support, African Americans, is welcoming Trump.
You are fooling yourself, just like Correll and Vigilante did earlier, if you think she is collapsing. She is certainly not. She needs 36 EVs in todays polls, and Trump has not budged from the 116 he needs.
Taken at an angle, that looks like about the first 6 or 7 rows. Several news organization are reporting the Church was nearly empty and that Trump walked out half way through the service.

And this is the problem when you pander to people.

Many blacks have expressed their disappointment at Trump talking about blacks from a white stage. They suggested that Trump go out with the people. Go into their black neighborhoods and speak to them directly if you want their vote. Show them that you personally care about their problems. And what happens?

You can't talk to people who have the palms of their hands against their ears and singing aloud. It just doesn't work. If blacks don't even want to hear Trump, let them stay on their plantation where they are nice and happy. Stay poor, stay uneducated, and stay unsafe. That's the Democrat way.

When did the Republican party get the poor rural whites in America out of poverty?

White vs Black unemployment rate please?

Irrelevant. Do you think it matters to poor whites in rural Republican run areas what percentage they represent?

It's the racism of the Republican Party. Whenever they talk about poverty, they code it as urban minority poverty so they can directly or indirectly blame on Democrats or on the minorities themselves.
Liberals cant admit they are wrong because their ego is so inflated just as their self assured intellectual superiority is. To them admitting an error is a self image in their mirror and they don't like what they see. They know deep inside they are so vile and intellectually inferior that they must always try to label and defame those who PROVE and UNMASK their lack of true intellect. Those who were Democrats, like myself, have become completely sick of the vile scum who claim the label these day. All I hear from them is slime and vomit every time they try to devise another way to protect their frog princess. It seems each time they try to label and slander an opponent they use the same old lies and vomit out the same labels . It is really funny if it were not so SAD to hear> "Everyone running but ME is a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, sexual predator and wants to take away all of your money and give it to the corporations!!!". > It's okay for me to do all of those things I did and more because I am Special, and I am just like you!!!". Fact is Electoral college and vile scum will elect clinton with a 500 plus EC count I think. Proving there should be a major change in federal election laws making each district delegate vote the way their assigned district votes, NO all for one anymore. Every districts votes count and every persons vote counts.

You support a con man. Stop pretending you own the moral high ground.
Taken at an angle, that looks like about the first 6 or 7 rows. Several news organization are reporting the Church was nearly empty and that Trump walked out half way through the service.

And this is the problem when you pander to people.

Many blacks have expressed their disappointment at Trump talking about blacks from a white stage. They suggested that Trump go out with the people. Go into their black neighborhoods and speak to them directly if you want their vote. Show them that you personally care about their problems. And what happens?

You can't talk to people who have the palms of their hands against their ears and singing aloud. It just doesn't work. If blacks don't even want to hear Trump, let them stay on their plantation where they are nice and happy. Stay poor, stay uneducated, and stay unsafe. That's the Democrat way.

When did the Republican party get the poor rural whites in America out of poverty?

Well, the demorats under clinton will get the poor rural whites back into poverty. She's bragging about this in link below with her anti labor buddy tim caine.

I'm in upstate NY. Plenty of poor rural whites in Republican run counties, towns, villages, etc.

No coal.

Matthews just trying to keep the black man down.

It's how he rolls

That would be racist ;)
The stock-in-trade of the Democratic Party... it's just that the objects of that exercise don't understand Reality in this context.
When did the Republican party get the poor rural whites in America out of poverty?

Is that what you think our federal government or representatives are supposed to do, get people out of poverty? Then you on the left wonder why we refer to you as the Uninformed Voter.

So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.
Are you saying black people are violent and dangerous or that Clinton supporters are violent and dangerous or just that your head is filled with murderous thoughts?

No matter, if you watched the tape, you know the congregation responded to him warmly.
No, I'm saying that is what Trump thinks.

The first few rows were full is all the video proved.
Clearly, that was what you were thinking. Obviously more than the first few rows were filled.

Wow, maybe 75 people, many of them his security team. I love the expression of the woman to his left. Maybe Trump had just farted.
It's killing you, isn't it. During August Hillary's support among women, Hispanics and liberals has fallen sharply, and now her last bastion of strong support, African Americans, is welcoming Trump.
You are fooling yourself, just like Correll and Vigilante did earlier, if you think she is collapsing. She is certainly not. She needs 36 EVs in todays polls, and Trump has not budged from the 116 he needs.

HildaBeast has it in-the-bag.

Obama's Third Term, coming up.

Without even the pretense of sympathy to Black Folk, once she's in office.. ( well, maybe by summertime, 2020, if she decides to run again, God forbid )

Then again, Blacks ARE only 12% of the overall US population...

No big deal, after all, on second thought...

Never mind...
Detriot blacks look around and realize, "yeah, why are we supporting Dems if all they do is ruin things for us?"
So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

It's not the job of our government or representatives to get anybody out of poverty. They can offer advice like get a job, don't have children until you are married and financially capable of supporting that family, invest your money instead and don't spend over your means, stay in school........

Remember that it was the left that ridiculed Trump for speaking to a white audience about the problem in the black community, and it's the left (blacks) that suggested he went into those communities to speak directly to black people. So he did, and now you on the left are still critical of him.

I am a leftist, and hypocrisy is thy name.
Study the tape when he is singing and clapping with the audience.

There is a quick shot from his left front over his should to the right back and the pews don't seem full.

Agreed. The amount of people in the church is the amount that usually show up at a large hillary rally. Trump needs to stress to them that the clinton plan for more mass immigration from the third world will just keep lowering job prospects for them, as well as overloading the already overloaded safety nets we have in place for Americans.
Good plan. Trump should tell black people that they are out competed for low intelligence dead end jobs and they should be up in arms about it.

Well it's true that blacks work the low end jobs that will be competed for by third worlders. You're the one mentioning intelligence, not me. Is that what you think of black people?

Black Americans are disproportionately union workers in the US as well.

The Republican Party is the party of union busting.
So you admit that Trump will do NOTHING for the poor in Detroit that he's currently pretending to care about.

It's not the job of our government or representatives to get anybody out of poverty. They can offer advice like get a job, don't have children until you are married and financially capable of supporting that family, invest your money instead and don't spend over your means, stay in school........

Remember that it was the left that ridiculed Trump for speaking to a white audience about the problem in the black community, and it's the left (blacks) that suggested he went into those communities to speak directly to black people. So he did, and now you on the left are still critical of him.

I am a leftist, and hypocrisy is thy name.

OK, so the biggest anti-poverty program is Medicaid. How soon after you conservatives end Medicaid will poor people enjoy the prosperity of no longer having affordable healthcare?

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