Trump admin considering big tech proposal to SPY on all Ameircans usinng smratphones home assista

We got a text message 5 hours after it was sent a few days ago. Responding to it one of the people in the text group got that message forty minutes later (took forty minutes to get to her phone) and she wondered why we had not responded to her calls a few days ago. When she heard we had no notice of any calls she looked and her phone had no record of making the calls. Ain't modern technology grand.
We got a text message 5 hours after it was sent a few days ago. Responding to it one of the people in the text group got that message forty minutes later (took forty minutes to get to her phone) and she wondered why we had not responded to her calls a few days ago. When she heard we had no notice of any calls she looked and her phone had no record of making the calls. Ain't modern technology grand.

Yep wait until these assholes vote it all in as our JUDGE and JURY
We got a text message 5 hours after it was sent a few days ago. Responding to it one of the people in the text group got that message forty minutes later (took forty minutes to get to her phone) and she wondered why we had not responded to her calls a few days ago. When she heard we had no notice of any calls she looked and her phone had no record of making the calls. Ain't modern technology grand.

Yep wait until these assholes vote it all in as our JUDGE and JURY
Hopefully this BS stops somewhere before it gets that far.
We got a text message 5 hours after it was sent a few days ago. Responding to it one of the people in the text group got that message forty minutes later (took forty minutes to get to her phone) and she wondered why we had not responded to her calls a few days ago. When she heard we had no notice of any calls she looked and her phone had no record of making the calls. Ain't modern technology grand.

Yep wait until these assholes vote it all in as our JUDGE and JURY
Hopefully this BS stops somewhere before it gets that far.

Taking out the grid is abut the only way to tstop these mental nuts nnow.. hell the idiots must have nano tech to fk us all up too like in revolutions that once a week tv show that came on a few years ago LOL..

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