Trump administration feels it's "ridiculous" for United Nations to study poverty in America

Come and listen to my story about a man named Trump
A rich billionaire, lookin’ for a deal to hump
And then one day he was tweetin; like a fool,
And the next thing you know he was OPEC’s tool.

Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea........


Well the first thing you know ol Don's a zillionaire,
The kinfolk said "Don move away from there"
Said "Californy is the place you ought to be"
So they cranked up the Fed to make more money

Bucks that is….Fiat folly……fake gold bars…


Old Don bought a mansion, lordy it was swank
Next door neighbor's the president of the bank.
Lotta folks complaining but the banker found no fault
'Cause all Don's millions, was a-sitting in his vault!

Derivatives….. hedge funds ….gold bug bars


Well now it's time to say good bye to Don and all his kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in.
You're all invited back next week to this locality
To have a heapin helpin of their hospitality

Wall street that is. Set a spell, we’ll sell your shoes off.


Y'all come back now, Y'hear?
Haley is full of shit, just like her master. Poverty exists to a significant degree in the U.S. Why not analyze it? Is there something to be afraid of?

Why would we have to have food pantries, why would we have people living in run-down and unsafe housing, why would America's school children have to rely on food provided at their schools, why do Americans have no access to health care, why do we have widespread opioid addiction, if this is such a heavenly place? Poverty is all over this country, in the cities and in the rural areas. Why run from it or try to conceal it?
The average income of the states in the U.N. is far below our poverty rate, so who are they to be criticizing us?
Haley is full of shit, just like her master. Poverty exists to a significant degree in the U.S. Why not analyze it? Is there something to be afraid of?

Why would we have to have food pantries, why would we have people living in run-down and unsafe housing, why would America's school children have to rely on food provided at their schools, why do Americans have no access to health care, why do we have widespread opioid addiction, if this is such a heavenly place? Poverty is all over this country, in the cities and in the rural areas. Why run from it or try to conceal it?
The average income of the states in the U.N. is far below our poverty rate, so who are they to be criticizing us?

What does that matter? We still have to face OUR problems in our own country. Why be so afraid? There is much to be pointed out in the U.S. as being a problem. The UN is an international body. Why not note the situations noted by an international body and attempt to fix them. Have some guts, man!
Of course these idiots think it's ridiculous.
  • They think clean air & water is ridiculous.
  • They think everyone being able to access affordable healthcare is ridiculous.
  • They think global warming is ridiculous
  • They think any form of sensible gun control is ridiculous
  • They think education is ridiculous
Ridiculous people believe ridiculous things.

You are correct to a point. Some people believe that rewarding failure and penalizing success is the secret to a good society. Some people believe if you make a law against gun ownership, the criminals will be happy to turn theirs in. Some people believe that if you force restaurants to put calorie count on all their menus, it will make fat people skinny.

Nobody believes any of that. Use your brain.

Then you wonder why we call you and your ilk uninformed voters? You don't even know WTF the party you support is all about.

Show me anywhere that the party I support claims any of those things.

When you don't respond, we'll know who was talking out of their ass.....again.

I'll be glad to respond:

Do Democrats penalize success through taxation or don't they? Stop and think now, what did DumBama do with taxes to the wealthy during his eight years? Did DumBama expand the food stamp program; in fact double it during is first term?

Are Democrats constantly trying to push for more gun laws or are they not? Careful, I have links to some of the things they tried and some of the things they said.

Did big ass Moochchelle get hubby to pass a law that required all restaurants to put calorie count on every item they sell or did she not? Did she not also force schools to use her choice of lunch items in their cafeterias?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
The average income of the states in the U.N. is far below our poverty rate, so who are they to be criticizing us?
Because we are the wealthiest nation, and have a huge wealth gap. Again....duh.

But our so called poor live better than working people in other industrialized countries. If this is all the UN is good for, then who needs them?
No, not all of them, they don't, and you sound ridiculous. As if you know anything about the UN....
The average income of the states in the U.N. is far below our poverty rate, so who are they to be criticizing us?
Because we are the wealthiest nation, and have a huge wealth gap. Again....duh.

But our so called poor live better than working people in other industrialized countries. If this is all the UN is good for, then who needs them?
No, not all of them, they don't, and you sound ridiculous. As if you know anything about the UN....

I have several links about how the average poor live in this country; some by the US Census. Would you like me to post the links?
Nikki Haley: 'Ridiculous' for UN to analyze poverty in America

“At the end of the day, however, particularly in a rich country like the United States, the persistence of extreme poverty is a political choice made by those in power,” the report reads. “With political will, it could readily be eliminated.”

The report said American democracy "is being steadily undermined" and provided several suggestions for how to alleviate poverty in the U.S. The recommendations said American citizens must realize taxes "are in their interest" and that the U.S. "must recognize a right to health care."


Under Trump, the income gap is growing faster than ever before. Which was the Republicans goal when they elected Trump.

Wow, 40 million Americans live in poverty. Wanna bet the majority are Trump voters?

A View From Appalachia: Living Below The Poverty Line

But I thought the economy was so wonderful.

It is. If you're a millionaire. Sadly, most of Trump's voters aren't millionaires.
The UN us a joke. Anyone that takes them seriously is a joke.
The average income of the states in the U.N. is far below our poverty rate, so who are they to be criticizing us?
Because we are the wealthiest nation, and have a huge wealth gap. Again....duh.

But our so called poor live better than working people in other industrialized countries. If this is all the UN is good for, then who needs them?
No, not all of them, they don't, and you sound ridiculous. As if you know anything about the UN....

I have several links about how the average poor live in this country; some by the US Census. Would you like me to post the links?
Please. It will help combat the leftist stupidity.

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