Trump administration opens door for prescription drug importation

How accurate are the words "opens door" after you read the link? Not very.
I do support the effort, but this is fake news on the part of the op. No open door, just exploration of the idea.

The Trump administration is exploring ways to safely import certain drugs from foreign countries, part of an effort to lower the price of prescription medicine.
Trump administration to explore importing prescription drugs

Good,very good. Drive the prices down! Damn I love having a president who does what he says he is going to do!

You bet. Many people can actually afford their medications if they can get them in any country but the US.
Even drugs manufactured in America are sometimes even 10x cheaper in any other country.

We have been subsidizing the fucking world. So, pay a premium for drugs and pay for the world’s security while they suck at the teet.

Are we tired of subsidizing the world?

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