Trump Administration Revokes Obama-Era Rule on For-Profit Universities


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
DeVos, other administration officials have argued that the mandate unfairly targeted for-profit schools and allowed poor-performing programs at nonprofit colleges to continue without scrutiny

In place of the rule, the Education Department has moved to require colleges and universities—for-profits, nonprofits and public schools—to publish more detailed data on the finances of their graduates, part of a broader effort to make higher education more market-driven and focused on consumer choice. The data will drill down to individual college majors or degree programs, allowing people to see how much debt students take out to complete certain degrees and how much they earn in the few years after they leave.

More @ Trump Administration Revokes Obama-Era Rule on For-Profit Universities
Gotta prop up these scam Universities.

Seems that DeVos is doing her best to dismantle public education.
Betsy DeVos scraps Obama-era rule on for-profit colleges - CNNPolitics

She is really trying to be the worst of Trump's picks...

Thank God. All public education should be abolished. It’s a shit show run by Marxists.

Let the free market take care of education, it will be far cheaper and superior.

Is that why the US education system has been dropping like a stone in world rankings, every since Reagan gave parent's "choice" in education? For profit education does it cheaper, not better. Letting parents decide what their kids learn has been a recipe for disaster.
Gotta prop up these scam Universities.

Seems that DeVos is doing her best to dismantle public education.
Betsy DeVos scraps Obama-era rule on for-profit colleges - CNNPolitics

She is really trying to be the worst of Trump's picks...

Thank God. All public education should be abolished. It’s a shit show run by Marxists.

Let the free market take care of education, it will be far cheaper and superior.

For profit schools are cheap? In what universe?
Gotta prop up these scam Universities.

Seems that DeVos is doing her best to dismantle public education.
Betsy DeVos scraps Obama-era rule on for-profit colleges - CNNPolitics

She is really trying to be the worst of Trump's picks...

Thank God. All public education should be abolished. It’s a shit show run by Marxists.

Let the free market take care of education, it will be far cheaper and superior.

Is that why the US education system has been dropping like a stone in world rankings, every since Reagan gave parent's "choice" in education? For profit education does it cheaper, not better. Letting parents decide what their kids learn has been a recipe for disaster.

It’s been dropping like a rock because education is run by liberal retards.

The only good schools are private ones that parents pay for. Only a Marxist moron would consider a better education a “disaster”.
Gotta prop up these scam Universities.

Seems that DeVos is doing her best to dismantle public education.
Betsy DeVos scraps Obama-era rule on for-profit colleges - CNNPolitics

She is really trying to be the worst of Trump's picks...

Thank God. All public education should be abolished. It’s a shit show run by Marxists.

Let the free market take care of education, it will be far cheaper and superior.

For profit schools are cheap? In what universe?

In our universe, dumbass. Private schools can cost as little as $6k per child, public schools average $11k per student. And private schools result in better test scores from kids.
DeVos, other administration officials have argued that the mandate unfairly targeted for-profit schools and allowed poor-performing programs at nonprofit colleges to continue without scrutiny

In place of the rule, the Education Department has moved to require colleges and universities—for-profits, nonprofits and public schools—to publish more detailed data on the finances of their graduates, part of a broader effort to make higher education more market-driven and focused on consumer choice. The data will drill down to individual college majors or degree programs, allowing people to see how much debt students take out to complete certain degrees and how much they earn in the few years after they leave.

More @ Trump Administration Revokes Obama-Era Rule on For-Profit Universities

Here's a radical thought. The federal government has no business being in the education business or the student-loan business. Individual states can run their own public schools. Eliminate the Department of Education.
Gotta prop up these scam Universities.

I think a good argument can be made that colleges are, indeed, taking advantage of and ''scamming'' young people. College administrators and professors make BIG money at the expense of students. Ironically, many of them preach socialism while capitalizing, as much as possible, their own personal income.
Seems that DeVos is doing her best to dismantle public education.

Has education in America improved since the Department of Education was created during the Carter Administration? For that matter, why does the left want to control every facet of society?
Is that why the US education system has been dropping like a stone in world rankings, every since Reagan gave parent's "choice" in education? For profit education does it cheaper, not better. Letting parents decide what their kids learn has been a recipe for disaster.

Education is dropping because the left insists on the federal government being involved and exerting control over state education systems. Virtually anything the government touches becomes more expensive and of lower quality.
The worst are the religious universities that supposedly follow the teachings of Jesus yet are for profit and field nascar teams etc. Just admit you've devised your own version of christianity now and Jesus is an afterthought.

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