Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers

Money well spent. Unlike the lefty loons on this board I like to eat. Whatever the farmers need Trump needs to give it to them.

You lefty loons can starve for all I care.

you are such the little socialist.

LMAO Nothing socialist about supporting farmers who supply the food for the nation.

Really now. The subsidies we give farmers work to control what they produce, how much produce, what they do with it and how much it cost. Seems socialism has something to do with controlling the means of production and distribution.
Money well spent. Unlike the lefty loons on this board I like to eat. Whatever the farmers need Trump needs to give it to them.

You lefty loons can starve for all I care.

you are such the little socialist.

LMAO Nothing socialist about supporting farmers who supply the food for the nation.

Really now. The subsidies we give farmers work to control what they produce, how much produce, what they do with it and how much it cost. Seems socialism has something to do with controlling the means of production and distribution.

If you want to call that socialism then that's a socialism I can live with. I love to eat and I'd bet you do as well.

I love to do a lot of things. I wonder if I can get the government to give golf courses money...

Worth a try. The Government is good at giving things away. Put in an application. You might just might get millions. LOL
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
Seriously? Because the recipients are a different set of corporate interests it’s all good?
Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?

Too bad Ear's Solyndra fiasco went bust, eh? How much did that cost taxpayers?

$16.6 billion.

- It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout

B-but, THAT WAS LIKE A TAX on the poor people of America! The HORROR. The SHAME.

it's the bill.

people will call it what they want from here but if GM went down cause they couldn't keep going - good. same for any company.

Cool story, same for the farmers then right?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


I love his Nazi WWII group name hat.
His cult are too dumb to know history.
And no mention of him creating fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2?
I love him.
I can drag my wife by the hair before raping her, lust after my daughter and peek in teens dressing rooms now.
Obama gave that much to dying solar companies and we got nothing for it.
The program way paid for its self.
Solyndra was 5 %
Such ignorance. My daughter founded a $150mm company, just needs a few brains.
Unknown to the trump cult
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Obama handled a crisis that appeared before him. Trump created one. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Funny. Obumma was part and parcel of the Democratic Senate that created the SNL meltdown and banking implosion that created the crisis in the first place!
Obummer, pathetic
Goes down well at KKK meetings
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Rube white boy?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Guess you salute his war deferment?
Doc paid off by his dad?
A real hero
Losing $1b , more than any American?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
Who's running Congress, shitforbrains?
Congress Approves $400 Billion for Farmers, Forests, Poor

Your article is 7 months old.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?

The bailout of farmers is self-inflicted.
What if this was Obama?
“U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.”

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The Taxpayer Tab for Trump’s Golf Outings Tops $100 Million: Report
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

conservative like socialism only when they are the ones benefiting from it.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Obama handled a crisis that appeared before him. Trump created one. BIG DIFFERENCE.
No, Obama paid off the Donor class while everyday Americans suffered alone.

GMs collapse was of their own making yet we paid them. Banks bundled loans they knew were bad yet we bailed them out. We feed and house illegals.

What is your damn excuse for not helping farmers hit by government policy? Seriously I want to hear it.

Are you just so desperate to hurt Trump that Americans are viable casualties?
I thought the auto loans were paid with interest?

I thought the 20 women fondling suits were going to hurtThe auto loans were, just like the solar.were.
Also the constantly blabbed solar.
Sylindra was a few % of the total.
I know, my daughter started a $150mm business (no help)
All it takes is a few brains
They got $50MM orders in a week before the tariffs kicked in.
Guess whose going to pay?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

conservative like socialism only when they are the ones benefiting from it.
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the con cult girl said
His cult don't care
What if this was Obama?
“U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.”

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The Taxpayer Tab for Trump’s Golf Outings Tops $100 Million: Report
and he cheats on every hole.
Has posters in his clubs saying he was the club champ!!!
Unbelievable low life

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