Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers

'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

It's called SOCIALISM.

You stupid SOB you don't even recognize what you supoort. Go read Huffingpaint and dumb yourself even more
When? So far he's just made it worse.

Really, shitstain? You're kidding, right?! I mean, it is only the 2st drive of the 1st quarter and you are complaining we've LOST because we're down by 3 points?!

Idiots like you make me sick.

How long do we expect people to hang on? Or how much more money does Trump need to spend to bribe his base to stay with him?

For you, I expect you to hang on for about 10 X 10^-8 nanoseconds. I can only hope you let go soon as possible, fall and land hard.

I see, how about those farmers and others who have to pay for the tariffs?
Once again the only defense the Trumpians can muster is...BUT OBAMA

Sent from my iPhone using

Hey fuckwit remember 8 years of BBBBUUUTTT BOOOOOOOOSH!!!!

Ya fckn fake

Yep I do remember, amazing how much you are the same as those people that did that. You rail against them, but you are them.

you wingnuts are all the same, does not matter if you are right or left wingnuts
I don't like government bailouts...but we are in a non shooting war with China...that changes everything in my opinion....
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
Trump once again proves that socialism works MAGA!
I thought baby Trump said no more legislation until his tantrum was over?

Massive big gubmint tariffs and subsidies, the cornerstones of the modern GOP
A few farmers told Trump they'd teach him what the true meaning or "cornholing" really meant if they didn't get some dough..
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
Who's running Congress, shitforbrains?
Congress Approves $400 Billion for Farmers, Forests, Poor
Nothing is ever Trump's fault!
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
Translation: It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Is this the "they" you speak of,, you and me paying??? F that
It is an investment in our nation. A stop gap to lessen the burden as we try to negotiate a better trade deal.

Our trade deficits with China and Mexico have SKYROCKETED, and the Dow has been flat for a year and a half, since Trump started his retarded trade war.

Now Deficit Donald is bribing voters with MY tax dollars to make sure they keep liking him.

Some deal!
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
Translation: It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

No, you just hate that Rump is doing what they have. Fuck off boi.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
Who's running Congress, shitforbrains?
Congress Approves $400 Billion for Farmers, Forests, Poor
Nothing is ever Trump's fault!

The article was from Dec 18...when the Repubs still had all of congress. Weather is too stupid to read the date of the article.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

Hey Scum Bag...

Suck it up like usual...….

Get used to Trump MAGA.....
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

And Americans get the bill for it.
Please PM me and provide your mailing address

I’m going to send you a condom....
This way you’ll have protection when you go fuck yourself

U.S. Aid that Americans were billed for

2007: 4.9 BILLION
2008: 8.3 BILLION
2009: 8.6 BILLION
2010: 7.8 BILLION
2011: 11 BILLION
2012: 10 BILLION
2013: 10 BILLION
2014: 7.1 BILLION
2015: 9.1 BILLION
2016: 4.2 BILLION
2017: 4.9 BILLION

2018: 789 MILLION
2019: 114 MILLION

Trump buying votes?

Obviously the shovel ready jobs were sent overseas
Wow, this is a special kind of SOCIALISM...


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