Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers

Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?

Too bad Ear's Solyndra fiasco went bust, eh? How much did that cost taxpayers?
$16.6 billion.

- It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout

Trump's bailout is more and he created the problem.
find a link that calculates the cost and attributes it to trump w/o injecting how evil trump is and i'll listen.

otherwise this is just you yappin.

also - the trade war isn't over. did you think it would be easy? when it's over give me the details. on second thought, i'll wait for someone with less bias to give me the deets.

The trade war is Trump, the bailout is Trump. What more do you need?

And unfortunately the trade war isn't over.

The trade imbalance is every previous gutless president's that ignored it to "get along" and bend over taking it up the pooper to keep peace whith Red China.

Trump is the SOLUTION.

Last I checked, China was not exactly THRILLED at what Trump was doing!

China LOVED Obamma! Nuff said.
Once again the only defense the Trumpians can muster is...BUT OBAMA

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well he did bail people out and waste a shitton of money.

if people didn't get so 1-sided in what they allow these whataboutisms would go away. but when you scream at TRUMP/OBAMA for something the other has also done but you're ok with that - yea. you're going to get the "but but but"

human nature and not contained to a "cult" on either side.

All the “but, but, but” does is show how alike the two men are. But nobody seems to understand that.

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The trade war is Trump, the bailout is Trump. What more do you need?
for it to be done before cost is calculated?

yea. let's wait for that. we can calculate the cost of obama's bailout. also - a trade war is not a bailout but what the fuck - let's go with it and wait, shall we anyway?

We're not getting that money back, it's been dispersed.
show me the math then. you'll need to forgive me if i don't fall over here and go "gosh, it's been dispersed???? shit we're fried now".

The math? It appears to be 24 billion spent.
again - you're blithering; nothing more. you're not backing up what you say - and you say a lot of shit so i can see why. but tell me why i should just take some happy-joy dogboy on a forum at their word for how evil trump is when they can't even take the time to show why they feel what he is doing is wrong?

too much effort for the "feelz" crowd?

Trump is giving the farmers a combined 24 billion, I'm sorry you didn't know this.
find a link that calculates the cost and attributes it to trump w/o injecting how evil trump is and i'll listen.

otherwise this is just you yappin.

also - the trade war isn't over. did you think it would be easy? when it's over give me the details. on second thought, i'll wait for someone with less bias to give me the deets.

The trade war is Trump, the bailout is Trump. What more do you need?
for it to be done before cost is calculated?

yea. let's wait for that. we can calculate the cost of obama's bailout. also - a trade war is not a bailout but what the fuck - let's go with it and wait, shall we anyway?

We're not getting that money back, it's been dispersed.
show me the math then. you'll need to forgive me if i don't fall over here and go "gosh, it's been dispersed???? shit we're fried now".

The math? It appears to be 24 billion spent.

On top of the 20 billion a year they get every year.

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The trade war is Trump, the bailout is Trump. What more do you need?
for it to be done before cost is calculated?

yea. let's wait for that. we can calculate the cost of obama's bailout. also - a trade war is not a bailout but what the fuck - let's go with it and wait, shall we anyway?

We're not getting that money back, it's been dispersed.
show me the math then. you'll need to forgive me if i don't fall over here and go "gosh, it's been dispersed???? shit we're fried now".

The math? It appears to be 24 billion spent.

On top of the 20 billion a year they get every year.

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Yeah, but I don't blame Trump for that, that's just farmer pc bullshit
The usual suspects will condemn this despite cheering Obama's bail outs.

Oh look, another thread about Trump that got derailed by a jack ass & turned into an Obama thread.
Seems to be an epidemic.

Look grandpa turd, Obama didn't make a trade war with China that financially endangered his voting base.
Trump did though & you comparing the two makes you look like the dumb ass you are.
Once again the only defense the Trumpians can muster is...BUT OBAMA

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well he did bail people out and waste a shitton of money.

if people didn't get so 1-sided in what they allow these whataboutisms would go away. but when you scream at TRUMP/OBAMA for something the other has also done but you're ok with that - yea. you're going to get the "but but but"

human nature and not contained to a "cult" on either side.

All the “but, but, but” does is show how alike the two men are. But nobody seems to understand that.

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ok - so when you do that you're just picking in the side doing it - not saying only that side does it. fair enough cause you do it both sides as well. no need to put a constant disclaimer on such things so that's on me to stop taking it that way.
for it to be done before cost is calculated?

yea. let's wait for that. we can calculate the cost of obama's bailout. also - a trade war is not a bailout but what the fuck - let's go with it and wait, shall we anyway?

We're not getting that money back, it's been dispersed.
show me the math then. you'll need to forgive me if i don't fall over here and go "gosh, it's been dispersed???? shit we're fried now".

The math? It appears to be 24 billion spent.
again - you're blithering; nothing more. you're not backing up what you say - and you say a lot of shit so i can see why. but tell me why i should just take some happy-joy dogboy on a forum at their word for how evil trump is when they can't even take the time to show why they feel what he is doing is wrong?

too much effort for the "feelz" crowd?

Trump is giving the farmers a combined 24 billion, I'm sorry you didn't know this.
so - "no" to showing your math, just keep pushing your emo's more.

ok - later on hos. this is going nowhere.
Now if we could just get that $150 Billion from Iran back Obama gave them to buy Nukes, Missiles and other weapons to terrorize the world with, we'd be golden!

Repeating the tRump lie?

First of all, former President Barack Obama didn’t give “150 billion in cash” to Iran.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash' -

Donald Trump: Iran got $150 billion and $1.8 billion in cash
When? So far he's just made it worse.

Really, shitstain? You're kidding, right?! I mean, it is only the 2st drive of the 1st quarter and you are complaining we've LOST because we're down by 3 points?!

Idiots like you make me sick.

How long do we expect people to hang on? Or how much more money does Trump need to spend to bribe his base to stay with him?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?

Or, and the more truthful statement, we bail out farmers, GM, and banks due to mismanagement of a Republican administration.

And now, the real sweet deal for farmers which most are multi-billion dollar conglomerates.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

Conservatives sure do love socialism. While they use the word as a weapon to silence people who say things they don't like.

What a waste of our tax dollars.

How is this going to be paid or is it going to be added to the debt?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?

Or, and the more truthful statement, we bail out farmers, GM, and banks due to mismanagement of a Republican administration.

And now, the real sweet deal for farmers which most are multi-billion dollar conglomerates.
When? So far he's just made it worse.

Really, shitstain? You're kidding, right?! I mean, it is only the 2st drive of the 1st quarter and you are complaining we've LOST because we're down by 3 points?!

Idiots like you make me sick.

How long do we expect people to hang on? Or how much more money does Trump need to spend to bribe his base to stay with him?

For you, I expect you to hang on for about 10 X 10^-8 nanoseconds. I can only hope you let go soon as possible, fall and land hard.
I wonder how much of this money will end up in non Americans hands?

We know millions have already been paid to a rich Brazilian. Millions that were supposed to go to American farmers but was paid to a rich Brazilian who didn't need the money.

I thought that conservatives didn't like our tax dollars being given to people who aren't Americans. What farmer didn't get helped because that money went to that rich Brazilian who didn't need the money?

While the whole time the same conservatives scream they hate socialism.

It's pathetic.
The president enacts a trade war that results in American farmers losing money and in response he doles out billions in taxpayer dollars in aid. Where are the cries of Socialism from the right?

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