Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers

'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

Can the cities grow their own food?
Where would they keep the large amounts of cows, sheep, chickens and turkeys?
Without farmers you city folks would starve to death.

Getting fairer trade deals is not buying votes.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Obama handled a crisis that appeared before him. Trump created one. BIG DIFFERENCE.
No, Obama paid off the Donor class while everyday Americans suffered alone.

GMs collapse was of their own making yet we paid them. Banks bundled loans they knew were bad yet we bailed them out. We feed and house illegals.

What is your damn excuse for not helping farmers hit by government policy? Seriously I want to hear it.

Are you just so desperate to hurt Trump that Americans are viable casualties?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

Don’t forget this is on top of the 20 billion they get every year

Sent from my iPhone using
Have to remember this when Republicans BS about welfare
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Is this the "they" you speak of,, you and me paying??? F that
It is an investment in our nation. A stop gap to lessen the burden as we try to negotiate a better trade deal. This is the perfect time to do such a thing.
It does not surprise me that many of you condemn helping struggling American farmers while at the same time demanding free shit for illegals from healthcare to housing....

Unamerican pieces of shits.
You know what would help American farmers? Getting that fatass traitor you love out of office. You know what would hurt farmers? Continuing to negotiate in bad faith, thus prolonging the trade war, and even eliminating the employees they rely on to pick their crops. SMART! Hey let's just give them more free money on top of the massive subsidies we ALREADY give them! So smart! So patriotic!
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Is this the "they" you speak of,, you and me paying??? F that
It is an investment in our nation. A stop gap to lessen the burden as we try to negotiate a better trade deal. This is the perfect time to do such a thing.
It does not surprise me that many of you condemn helping struggling American farmers while at the same time demanding free shit for illegals from healthcare to housing....

Unamerican pieces of shits.
Whats really un american is republican yapping about Obama saving our banks and auto companies WTF is the diff gramps or is your welfare better than ours?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Is this the "they" you speak of,, you and me paying??? F that
It is an investment in our nation. A stop gap to lessen the burden as we try to negotiate a better trade deal. This is the perfect time to do such a thing.
It does not surprise me that many of you condemn helping struggling American farmers while at the same time demanding free shit for illegals from healthcare to housing....

Unamerican pieces of shits.
Nice foul mouth grandma.
Sounds like you are a American piece of shit.
Please try to get educated
Illegals do not get free housing ad healthcare
ER only.
They do pay for your Medicare SS socialist benefits though
Search your religious heart and be grateful to them
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Is this the "they" you speak of,, you and me paying??? F that
It is an investment in our nation. A stop gap to lessen the burden as we try to negotiate a better trade deal. This is the perfect time to do such a thing.
It does not surprise me that many of you condemn helping struggling American farmers while at the same time demanding free shit for illegals from healthcare to housing....

Unamerican pieces of shits.
Whats really un american is republican yapping about Obama saving our banks and auto companies WTF is the diff gramps or is your welfare better than ours?
Did you SERIOUSLY just ask what the difference was? How God Damn stupid are you???

The Banks and GM caused their own collapse via their own policies.

Farmers are being fucked over specifically because of our government policy.

GM doesnt feed me
Banks don't feed me
Farmers DO

And I am sure that my "welfare" is indeed better than yours since I bust my ass for it daily and am rewarded well for it by my customers.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.



'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
too big to fail. obama bailed out the auto industry who had to rely on loans and grants the taxpayers never really got back.

please point me to your equal opportunity rage.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Obama handled a crisis that appeared before him. Trump created one. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Funny. Obumma was part and parcel of the Democratic Senate that created the SNL meltdown and banking implosion that created the crisis in the first place!
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.
So we bail out farmers instead of GM, banks or some other nation and this is a problem why?
When did you become a big gubmint liberal, gramps?
Trump policies broke it so they pay for it.

Obama didn't break GM or the banks. Big difference
Obama handled a crisis that appeared before him. Trump created one. BIG DIFFERENCE.

Funny. Obumma was part and parcel of the Democratic Senate that created the SNL meltdown and banking implosion that created the crisis in the first place!
Oh yeah you mean all those years where Republicans held the House, Senate and Presidency? Yeah, I guess he was, retard. :cuckoo:
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Spoken like the true statist that you are.

Sent from my iPhone using
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Details: The USDA said on Thursday the $16 billion package will come in three separate installments. The first payment is scheduled to come out in July or August, and the second payment will be made in late fall. A third payment will be made in early 2020.

  • "We hope to have a trade agreement before the second and third payments are made... that will depend on whether there is still damage to our producers," a USDA spokesperson said on Thursday.
Context: The administration has already made $8.52 billion in direct payments to farmers to offset effects of the U.S.-China trade war. The planned amount of aid has been criticized by some farm-state politicians, like Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), as too low for their current economic stress as a result of the trade conflict.'

Trump administration to give $16 billion in aid to farmers to offset U.S.-China trade war

So, U.S. taxpayers have to bailout farmers (whom largely voted for Trump, btw) thanks to Trump's trade war.

Trump buying votes?


And Americans get the bill for it.

Did you whine when Ears bailed out GM with taxpayer dough?

I'd rather see farmers get it than a car company who shafted the taxpayer
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?

are you saying bailouts are bad?

yes or no please.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?

Too bad Ear's Solyndra fiasco went bust, eh? How much did that cost taxpayers?
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?

Too bad Ear's Solyndra fiasco went bust, eh? How much did that cost taxpayers?

$16.6 billion.

- It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?

Too bad Ear's Solyndra fiasco went bust, eh? How much did that cost taxpayers?

$16.6 billion.

- It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout

Bbbuutt THAT'S different. It was EARS!!!
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?

Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs

And are you saying that Trump should bailout EVERY US worker who gets laid off due to his tariffs?

Yes or no, please?

Too bad Ear's Solyndra fiasco went bust, eh? How much did that cost taxpayers?

$16.6 billion.

- It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout

Trump's bailout is more and he created the problem.
'The Trump administration announced a $16 billion aid package for U.S. farmers on Thursday in an attempt to offset retaliatory Chinese tariffs.

Whadda guy. True to his word, the american businessmen are being protected from the short term impact of trade tariffs. In effect, Trump is only giving them back their own money so it isn't really costing us a thing. When all this is over and Trump beats Red Communist China into submission to create a new, better trade deal, it will be just one more great feather of accomplishment on the hat of this great 21st Century Presidential Hero.

View attachment 262100


Just for a start...where are Trump's bailouts for those 23,000 workers who lost their job thanks to his tariffs?
Trump’s solar panel tariff will cost 23,000 American jobs
WILL cost? Not HAS cost? IF it costs, we have a little thing called welfare and job placement programs. I'm sure you are very familiar with that.
Some of us are happy to serve our country and make sacrifices for the greater long term good of the nation, like in WWII.
You only like to make a show of it while beating your chest and complaining of the slightest inconvenience.

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