Trump Admits That He Didn't Know if the Vaccines Would Work

Our mainstream media has trained them to see Trump as the sum of all their fears and what we are seeing is the resultant conditioned response.

Heaven forbid they ever consider WHY the media has trained them in this way.

They will own nothing and they will be happy.

Democrats just tell Dont Taz Me Bro and their other supporters what to think, and they think it. No brains involved, like Democrat policies.

Another thing that none of them have grasped is the reason I'm being so vicious to them is I have had it with their double standards and am doing to them what they do to us. Note they say shit like that all the time and it's only an issue when one of us says it.

Well, that's going to be me until something changes
Interesting that the party of faux smelly trannies with buck teeth ,beards, hairy underarms and purple hair disparaging anyone’s else’s looks.
i'm not disparaging anyone's looks, but i question anyone who claims they "did their own" medical research and came up with a different answer than the cdc.
i'm not disparaging anyone's looks, but i question anyone who claims they "did their own" medical research and came up with a different answer than the cdc.
The CDC even states masks and the vax ineffective .
"We also put billions and billions of dollars, ten billion, to produce the vaccines before we knew they were going to work. It was called a calculated bet or a calcuated risk, we took a risk."

The man admits he didn't know if the vaccines, which his supporters now call the "clot shot" would work and he took a calculated risk on your health and the health of everyone else. Remember that his administration sold these vaccines as 100% safe and effective.

This is yet ANOTHER position this man has taken (the list has gotten really long) that runs counter to what his supporters claim to believe in. Will he get a pass on this too? Judging by the applause he received at the ACU, I'm guessing so.

Yeah, and Biden took that very “vaccine” and mandated that all government workers take it, and was on tv daily telling everyone “it’s safe, it’s effective, get the shot, you won’t get Covid if you do!”

Yeah, trump is certainly the one who pushed “warp speed”, but Biden drive it home by telling everyone to take it.
No amount of booze or drugs could move me to be so blindly partisan as i'm reading here.....~S~
So Trump should have stood up to everybody that was saying the vaccine was ready? He should have gone anti-vax from the get and turned the public against it?

It was a pretty dicey situation. Everybody wanted the vaccine. Everybody was on board with funding it. Was Trump even qualified to decide if it was ready or not? That sounds like something that should be decided by experts. Were experts telling him that the vaccine was not ready?
I don’t know, but fauci was certainly telling everyone it was safe…they had no more idea of if it was safe than trump did.

Funny, when asked if they would take the vaccine, Biden and Harris both said “not if trump told me to take it”, but as soon as they were in office, the exact same “vaccine” was the best thing since sliced bread, and EVERYONE should take it!
Your harmful lies are far more vulgar than anything I will post.
I knew from the very beginning the vax was bogus bull shit. Only dumb fucks thought it safe and effective.

Fauci and the rest need long prison sentences, if not execution.

As retarded as the Darwin winning anti-Vaxxers are, the one thing I'll give Orange Jesus credit for is Operation Light Speed.

Trump is a POS, but he was 100% correct on this.

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