Trump admits to LOSING 25,000 coal mining jobs in only a month


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
On Monday Don THE Con claimed ”Everybody was saying, 'Well, you won't get any mining jobs,' we picked up 45,000 mining jobs. Well, the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence, and we're very proud of that."

WOW! That means Tramp is admitting to LOSING 25,000 coal mining jobs in only a month!!!

Scott Pruitt on Meet the Press in June claimed that 70,000 “coal sector” jobs have been added in the US since 4th quarter of 2016, with 7,000 created in May 2017 alone.
On Monday Don THE Con claimed ”Everybody was saying, 'Well, you won't get any mining jobs,' we picked up 45,000 mining jobs. Well, the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence, and we're very proud of that."

WOW! That means Tramp is admitting to LOSING 25,000 coal mining jobs in only a month!!!

Scott Pruitt on Meet the Press in June claimed that 70,000 “coal sector” jobs have been added in the US since 4th quarter of 2016, with 7,000 created in May 2017 alone.
You guys are the bottom of the barrel.
On Monday Don THE Con claimed ”Everybody was saying, 'Well, you won't get any mining jobs,' we picked up 45,000 mining jobs. Well, the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence, and we're very proud of that."

WOW! That means Tramp is admitting to LOSING 25,000 coal mining jobs in only a month!!!

Scott Pruitt on Meet the Press in June claimed that 70,000 “coal sector” jobs have been added in the US since 4th quarter of 2016, with 7,000 created in May 2017 alone.
You guys are the bottom of the barrel.
Either that or Don THE Con and Scottie Twattie can't get their LIES straight!!!
On Monday Don THE Con claimed ”Everybody was saying, 'Well, you won't get any mining jobs,' we picked up 45,000 mining jobs. Well, the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence, and we're very proud of that."

WOW! That means Tramp is admitting to LOSING 25,000 coal mining jobs in only a month!!!

Scott Pruitt on Meet the Press in June claimed that 70,000 “coal sector” jobs have been added in the US since 4th quarter of 2016, with 7,000 created in May 2017 alone.

That's stupid...even for a loon
On Monday Don THE Con claimed ”Everybody was saying, 'Well, you won't get any mining jobs,' we picked up 45,000 mining jobs. Well, the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence, and we're very proud of that."

WOW! That means Tramp is admitting to LOSING 25,000 coal mining jobs in only a month!!!

Scott Pruitt on Meet the Press in June claimed that 70,000 “coal sector” jobs have been added in the US since 4th quarter of 2016, with 7,000 created in May 2017 alone.
You guys are the bottom of the barrel.

Wait a minute, the administration claims we picked up 45,000 mining jobs and Scott Pruitt claimed that we picked up 70,000 mining related jobs so the radical left did the math and came up with the calculation that we actually lost 25,000 mining jobs. How is that possible?
Trump's actually tally of total coal jobs added was ... 800. That's not quite 45,000. And it's less than Obama added in his last six months.

Where did Trump dig up 45,000 mining jobs?
President Donald Trump boasted Monday that the nation added 45,000 mining jobs recently — but there's scant data to back that up. One thing there is evidence for: Only 800 coal mining jobs have been created during his tenure.

Naturally, all the hardcore Trumptards on this thread will now declare that's fake news, because it's what they do. None of them every apologies for lying to our faces about everything every time they speak. They take after Trump that way.

Of course, Trump and the Trumptards are being more honest than they usually are here, being that they're off by less than a factor of 100.
Any increase in coal mining jobs is a good thing, considering the tens of thousands of coal miners who lost their jobs thanks to Obama.
You have to be a crazy angry cool-aid drinking leftie to come up with such an absurd topic.
Wait a minute, the administration claims we picked up 45,000 mining jobs and Scott Pruitt claimed that we picked up 70,000 mining related jobs so the radical left did the math and came up with the calculation that we actually lost 25,000 mining jobs. How is that possible?

Loon math :cuckoo:
On Monday Don THE Con claimed ”Everybody was saying, 'Well, you won't get any mining jobs,' we picked up 45,000 mining jobs. Well, the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence, and we're very proud of that."

WOW! That means Tramp is admitting to LOSING 25,000 coal mining jobs in only a month!!!

Scott Pruitt on Meet the Press in June claimed that 70,000 “coal sector” jobs have been added in the US since 4th quarter of 2016, with 7,000 created in May 2017 alone.
Dude. What are you talking about? Do you realize that what you've described is a decline in job growth and that a decline in job growth, which is still growth, and a loss of jobs are two different things?

Now, I realize you may not actually be aware of that, but if that's so, you really shouldn't venture into a discussion about such things, for to do is to have ideas/opinions that, free speech or not, don't merit having and/or airing. It's no great failing not to know something, but it's multidimensionally irresponsible to have opinions on and talk/write about things one doesn't well understand.

And let me be clear. I don't like Donald Trump as an individual. I don't like that he's POTUS. That said, there's no need to frame and fabricate things over which one can deride, chide and chastise him, his Administration, apologists, cohorts and cronies; they and he provide more than enough fodder for much so that I don't have enough time in the day to talk/write about it. Truly, I don't know that a single day has, since 2015, passed without Trump or his key staff not saying or doing something untoward, unsound, or untruthful.
Wait a minute, the administration claims we picked up 45,000 mining jobs and Scott Pruitt claimed that we picked up 70,000 mining related jobs so the radical left did the math and came up with the calculation that we actually lost 25,000 mining jobs. How is that possible?
Because in one month the total number of coal mining jobs DECLINED from a claim of 70,000 to a claim of 45,000, a loss of 25,000 in the last month.
It is called simple arithmetic!!!
Any increase in coal mining jobs is a good thing, considering the tens of thousands of coal miners who lost their jobs thanks to Obama.
Damn you, Obama! Damn you!


Oh, wait...

Trump lied to the West Virginia rubes. Coal jobs have been declining for a century and there is NOTHING Trump can or will do about it.

But that doesn't stop his Chumps from parroting his lies. Because that's what Trump Chumps do. They parrot what they are told to parrot, and bleev what they are told to bleev.
Any increase in coal mining jobs is a good thing, considering the tens of thousands of coal miners who lost their jobs thanks to Obama.

Eco-Eunuchs are the greatest job-killers. They shouldn't be looked at as silly idealists, but as vicious enemies of all of us who work for a living rather than earn their living putting people out of work.

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