Trump agrees to let Obama's DREAMERS stay. Will NOT enforce the law!!!!

They're gonna attack him either way. If he deports them, he's a racist. If he doesn't deport them, he's a liar. They're so predictable.

So? Trump should say hell with the libs who call him racist for enforcing the law like he's supposed to do. If you america-hating libs want the illegals to stay then go to congress and change the law. THINK
wow, yet attacks American citizens for wishing to live a different life and threatens to stick the bible up our asses. wtf?
They're gonna attack him either way. If he deports them, he's a racist. If he doesn't deport them, he's a liar. They're so predictable.

So? Trump should say hell with the libs who call him racist for enforcing the law like he's supposed to do. If you america-hating libs want the illegals to stay then go to congress and change the law. THINK
LIBERAL??? Pretty funny, coming from a Jimmy Carter apologist. Your OP is a lie. Trump never said he was not going to enforce the law.
They're gonna attack him either way. If he deports them, he's a racist. If he doesn't deport them, he's a liar. They're so predictable.

So? Trump should say hell with the libs who call him racist for enforcing the law like he's supposed to do. If you america-hating libs want the illegals to stay then go to congress and change the law. THINK
Only a Dictatorship Would Allow Getting a Right Through Illegal Means

We should retroactively repeal the law that allows anchor babies to have citizenship. Also, the children of anchor babies should be disenfranchised.

We don't have to put up with the treason of the Supreme Court. We should override its decisions instead of letting political appointments have control over our self-determination. We, the people, overrule that Star Chamber.
We should retroactively repeal the law that allows anchor babies to have citizenship. Also, the children of anchor babies should be disenfranchised.


There is no such law. It's another ruling from the courts and they claim that makes it "the law of the land".
Nine Clowns With Gavels and Gowns

Abolish judicial review. It begs the question: the Supremes interpreted the Constitution as giving them the right to interpret the Constitution. It was obiter dictum in Marbury's case against Madison. Therefore, it was non-binding.

SCROTUS is another layer of unelected government tyranny. Under the arrogant scheme of John Marshall, its only function became to prevent Congress from following the popular will. Only we, the people, can determine what is Constitutional. Or at least, whenever SCROTUS overrules a law, it must be put up for a national referendum in order to let us, the people, decide whether Congress is acting unConstitutionally.
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The law says they can't stay but trump says hell with the law.

Dreamers won’t be deported, DHS Secretary Kelly says; suggests Congress grant them full legalization

june 7 2017 Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly said Wednesday that his agents are not actively trying to deport illegal immigrant Dreamers, but pleaded with Congress to pass a bill granting them a more permanent legal status, saying only lawmakers can solve the problem.

Mr. Kelly declined to take a position on whether the 2012 amnesty President Obama created for Dreamers is legal, but said the program, known in government circles as DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is still in effect.

He said “illegals” who have been properly approved for DACA will be safe from deportation, but said those who haven’t applied, and some who were approved d
Pick your fight carefully. We are getting rid of gang members, dreamers or not. And we're preventing new illegals from getting in.

He's done NOTHING. Not one thing. He's flat out continuing the same policies that Obama had regarding immigration.

There were no people streaming across the border. Mexicans started going back to Mexico during Bush's recession and were helped along by Obamas record number of deportations.

Donnie lied, and then took credit for doing the exact same thing as Obama and like good little robots, you all dutifully cheered and thanked him, for doing the same shit you ranted against Obama for doing.
Abolish judicial review. It begs the question: the Supremes interpreted the Constitution as giving them the right to interpret the Constitution. .

Yup - that's exactly how it was don and. Trump should make a point of that. Demand to see where the constitution gives unelected judges the authority to void laws passed by an elected congress and signed by an elected president.

The press calls it an "independent judiciary" like that is a good thing. That unelected judges answer to no one.
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The law says they can't stay but trump says hell with the law.

Dreamers won’t be deported, DHS Secretary Kelly says; suggests Congress grant them full legalization

june 7 2017 Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly said Wednesday that his agents are not actively trying to deport illegal immigrant Dreamers, but pleaded with Congress to pass a bill granting them a more permanent legal status, saying only lawmakers can solve the problem.

Mr. Kelly declined to take a position on whether the 2012 amnesty President Obama created for Dreamers is legal, but said the program, known in government circles as DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is still in effect.

He said “illegals” who have been properly approved for DACA will be safe from deportation, but said those who haven’t applied, and some who were approved d
Looks like The HS secretary said this not President Trump.
He's done NOTHING. Not one thing. He's flat out continuing the same policies that Obama had regarding immigration.

I haven't given up on trump yet but it looks like you're right. Trump loves money and you can bet corporate america has offered him bribes totalling in the billions to let the illegals invade.

Some people say trump doesn't need any more money but the super-rich get to be that way because they always want more money.
Yup - that's exactly how it was done and. Trump should make a point of that. Demand to see where the constitution gives unelected judges the authority to void laws passed by an elected congress and signed by an elected president.

The press calls it an "independent judiciary" like that is a good thing. That unelected judges answer to no one.

The Supreme Court Thinks It Is a Supreme Being

"Independent" in the sense of enforcing their own ideology as a separate layer of tyranny over the people.

SCROTUS should only decide issues of jurisdiction. For example, if Texas bans flag-burning and the Congress protects it, the Court should say that the Stars and Stripes fall under Congress's jurisdiction and the Lone Star flag under Texas's jurisdiction. There should be nothing about the First Amendment, which, if we had our way, would be about speech, not an action like flag-burning.
SCROTUS should only decide issues of jurisdiction. For example, if Texas bans flag-burning and the Congress protects it, the Court should say that the Stars and Stripes fall under Congress's jurisdiction and the Lone Star flag under Texas's jurisdiction. There should be nothing about the First Amendment, which, if we had our way, would be about speech, not an action like flag-burning.

Yes - the first amendment protects freedom of SPEECH, not freedom of expression or communication. Speech means words not flag-burning or some painting.

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