Trump allegedly disclosed US submarine secrets to foreign national

Get ready for a bunch of stories like this... some source who you can't check out says this and says that... just TDSers freaking out that Trump is leading Biden....
The closer we get to the election, the more absolute hysteria we'll see from the Left because their media gods will want them primed for violence should Trump win.
How many nukes boomers carry is not a secret

Boomers have published data and classified data. The issue was whether or not Trump divulged classified data. Whether he has or hasn't, the networks admit it hasn't been confirmed. We probably won't know until the trial begins, and it's brought out.
Key word is "ALLEGEDLY" - never believe anything coming from the mainstream LEFTWING press. Next they'll be saying Trump conspired with aliens from Mars to attack earth.

I guess they sit around conference tables discussing what new kind of dirt they can throw at Trump. Oh, I could just hear them.

That's interesting, how many times on RWmedia did we hear that Democrats stole the election, and I don't recall 'allegedly' being used, especially by Trump

As for dirt on Trump, that's easy, he's up to his chin in dirt. The man's a walking dumpster fire.
Boomers have published data and classified data. The issue was whether or not Trump divulged classified data. Whether he has or hasn't, the networks admit it hasn't been confirmed. We probably won't know until the trial begins, and it's brought out.
If it's classified, you'll never know it.
That's interesting, how many times on RWmedia did we hear that Democrats stole the election, and I don't recall 'allegedly' being used, especially by Trump
At least you've come to grips with the realization that the right didn't have to use the word 'allegedly'.
So to summarize your point. Clinton and the rest are absolute scum. And Trump is awesome because while he is scum, he is 5% less scummy than they are. That about cover it?

Well, let's do a measure. Clinton got extramarital blowjob in the oval office. Trump fornicated with a porn star, and did it again with a playmate, JUST AFTER HIS NEWLY WED WIFE GAVE BIRTH.

I don't know about you, but my scum meter is red lining on Trump.
Well, let's do a measure. Clinton got extramarital blowjob in the oval office. Trump fornicated with a porn star, and did it again with a playmate, JUST AFTER HIS NEWLY WED WIFE GAVE BIRTH.

I don't know about you, but my scum meter is red lining on Trump.
You forget about Clinton giving away nuke missile targeting technology to China......Loral.
There is no question the election was stolen.

Only a complete retard thinks otherwise. A mindless, gullible fuck like yourself.
Allow me to explain to you why, precisely, in point of fact, that you are, inescapably, irretrievably, incontrovertibly, and immutably a moron.

Every election has irregularities, but the idea that a party can internally rig an election is preposterous. Elections can, and have, been exacted undue influence from the outside, via external means, and this isn't that uncommon, but some call that rigging, but it really isn't, rigging is an internal affair, and it's what Trump is accusing Democrats of. He is lying to the teeth, and he knows it.

The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar and from leaking, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally.

To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison.

And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the American system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd.

And, with all those operatives, there would be at least a few whistleblowers, even someone looking for a book deal, think of the money he or she could make on it, if the whistleblower came out and blew the whistle? Okay, WHERE ARE THE WHISTLEBLOWERS? Hmmmm? Did you ever take a stupid fuck of a moment and think this through?

No, you didn't, and the reason you didn't is because you are doorknob dumb.

On top of this, the down ballot candidates, republicans gained in the house. If this were a massive conspiracy by the left, they wouldn't have chanced such a close win on the house, they would have made the margin wider, same goes for the senate. This, right there, disproves any massive fraud scheme.

The more this idea of fraud via tampering with the ballot is scrutinized, the more absurd it becomes.

When criminals commit fraud, 99.999999% of the time it is for immediate and private gain. Beer is an immediate and private gain for a teenager trying to buy beer. But ,I wouldn't call a teenager a 'criminal' for doing it, however.
A better example: a criminal sees a check in someone's mail, steals the envelope, and forges a check with the information garnered from the check. Immediate and private gain, both items missing in voting.

Moreover, take for example the claim made by Trump and some republicans that millions of illegals voted. Okay, if an illegal voted, it could give immigration evidence to find him or her and deport him or her, which is a tremendous disincentive to vote, in the first place. The contention that illegals are voting is not even logical.

Fraud is about immediate and private gain of which both are missing when it comes to voting.

Sure, politicians and corporations gain by installing their man in the presidency or congress, but if they try and rig the vote by tampering with the election process, that's the road straight to the jail house, so what they do do, is what Republicans are doing, by gerrymandering, by creating laws which shrink the number of ballots cast, ie, voter suppression, and these are all external methods, not the internal methods Trump, et al, are claiming against democrats. It's called 'undue influence', it's not really internal tampering.

No president in history has ever accused the opposition of massive fraud.

What Trump did was a scheme, to shake the national confidence in the election, and hope to persuade state houses to set aside electors and install his own, and if that can't be done, challenge votes so that the 1/6 would be delayed passed the deadline, such that the vote would go to the house, where republicans have a two state advantage in the state delegations, that was the plan, it didn't succeed, fortunately. It was a hair brained scheme. But, ironically, here he is claiming Dems stole the election when, in fact, it is he who tried to steal it. This is why he has been indicted twice related to 1/6 criminal activity, him and his co-conspirators.

How could Trump shake the national confidence in the election? First, by declaring long before the first ballot was ever cast by claiming 'The only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election", then By taking what are normal irregularities, and hyping them up as 'fraud'. See, all elections have irregularities. Al Gore could have gone down the same path as Trump has gone, but he conceded the election 'for the good of the nation'. All losing candidates in close races have done this in the past, because what Trump is doing is injurious to America, and he is the only person in history who was not willing to do what is best for the country, and concede.

All elections have irregularities. Remember hanging chads? well, they get fixed, no more hanging chads, irregularities get fixed and are not repeated in future elections, but new ones always crop up. WE can't have every district that has in irregularity audited as Cyber Ninjas did, if we did that, no election would ever meet the deadline and the vote would always go to the house, where repubs have a two state advantage, and if that is what is to occur, then why vote at all?

In short, what Trump is doing is insanity and injurious to America, he has damaged this country far greater than Putin or China has, to date.

And you sir, are one colossal dumbass for believing a phony billionaire from New York is on your side and we stole the election. Trump is only on one side, Trump's. and He lies to you, each and every day, buckets, truck loads of lies, and you lap it up, like a lemming.

Hell, I'll bet you are not even capable of a well thought out post such as this one, that proves you're a mental midget.

And, yes, it's true, THERE IS NO PROOF the election was stolen, NONE, nada, zip, squat.
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Boomers have published data and classified data. The issue was whether or not Trump divulged classified data. Whether he has or hasn't, the networks admit it hasn't been confirmed. We probably won't know until the trial begins, and it's brought out.
Derp derp derp
You forget about Clinton giving away nuke missile targeting technology to China......Loral.

You forget that unlike you morons who read about history, I'm old enough to remember it. You're talking about the famous Cox report. Well, no such accusation was made about Bill Clinton in that report. Quit lying.
First. I know about the great “Victories” you are cheering. My favorite is the State Supreme Court decision. In that which was cheered by the Trump Fanboys the Judges said that the elections officials should not have used drop boxes. No votes were found to be fraudulent no conspiracy. Nothing like that. The votes were fine, it is just that they shouldn’t have used drop boxes.

Yet we are still dealing with 17 lawyers who have lost their law licenses or were otherwise sanctioned and admitted they acted unethically by claiming to have proof and evidence of fraud.

Here in Georgia. Lin Wood was disbarred. And the list goes on.
And you cheer all these phony actions, instead of reading the content of the posts I mentioned. So on you go, on your little duped way.
Well, let's do a measure. Clinton got extramarital blowjob in the oval office. Trump fornicated with a porn star, and did it again with a playmate, JUST AFTER HIS NEWLY WED WIFE GAVE BIRTH.

I don't know about you, but my scum meter is red lining on Trump.
Trump is a former US president, running for reelection. In that job, he is paid to be the CEO of the country, For 4 years, he did that job admirably, with over 400 positive accomplishments.

What he does in his private life is his business, his wife's business, and none of yours.
You must be new to reporting on criminal manners. Until found guilty in court, every story uses allegedly.
I have no problem with the use of the word, as long as we recognize it's meaning. I do have a problem with those who bypass it and claim facts to be present.
Well, let's do a measure. Clinton got extramarital blowjob in the oval office. Trump fornicated with a porn star, and did it again with a playmate, JUST AFTER HIS NEWLY WED WIFE GAVE BIRTH.

I don't know about you, but my scum meter is red lining on Trump. actually think that there is some relevance here? I'm pretty sure most people knew that neither Clinton or Trump were runners-up for the papacy. I don't like Trump...never did...but he had the right ideas for our economy and national security.

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