Trump allegedly disclosed US submarine secrets to foreign national actually think that there is some relevance here? I'm pretty sure most people knew that neither Clinton or Trump were runners-up for the papacy. I don't like Trump...never did...but he had the right ideas for our economy and national security.
SavannahMann made a comment, and I responded.

Trump is a walking national security disaster, his tax cut sent deficits soaring, his foreign policy overall put our country at risk. The few things he got right do not outweigh the negatives.

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Trump is a former US president, running for reelection. In that job, he is paid to be the CEO of the country, For 4 years, he did that job admirably, with over 400 positive accomplishments.

What he does in his private life is his business, his wife's business, and none of yours.
Most of that is padding/fluff, what were his major legislative accomplishments? A tax cut? Trump hypes everything. He claims he got 'historic peace agreements'. they are neither historic nor peace agreements. A peace agreement is between warring nations and none of the nations were at war with each other. All they were were cooperation agreements. This is typical of Trump, he will go for all the low hanging fruit and tout it as 'historic' and call it something far more than it really is or outright lie, the man is a con man.

As for his tax cut, Any repub can do a tax cut blindfold and most of the benefits of that tax cut went to the super rich, which they did not need, nor did the nation need the soaring deficits and debt he caused.

Trump is a criminal and a walking national security disaster, As for your 'list' all presidents have fluff lists. But Biden has had several major legislative accomplishments done in his first 300 days. He got a historic infrastructure bill what will put America to work and fix the infrastructure, a 10 year project, where Trump paid lip service to it for four years, and with a repub house and senate, couldn't get it done, but Biden got it done, BIPARTISAN.

And 90% of the evil on this list, was done on the job:

Do you really think a Chinese spy just happened to get a job working for the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee because he had a wife and kids to feed, and needed the work? He was not only her driver for 20 years, he also served as a gofer in her Bay Area office and was a liaison to the Asian-American community.

When someone in such a position has a personal driver behind the wheel day in and day out for 20 years, or course they're going to talk about their business. And Chinese agents are not only involved in extracting information, they're often involved in trying to create political influence. Her driver would have been in the ideal position to do that.

There is no evidence she was his 'driver for 20 years'.

Christine ("Fang") Fang first approached Swalwell in 2012. She helped raise funds for Swalwell’s 2014 House re-election campaign and had an intern hired to Swalwell’s Congressional office after receiving her recommendation. Fang reportedly continued work as a “bundler” for Swalwell, convincing high-money donors to write big checks for the campaign, before unexpectedly leaving the U.S. in mid-2015 after living in the country for four years, amid an ongoing U.S. intelligence investigation into her activities.

Swalwell cut all his ties to Fang after he was alerted by the FBI to the investigation. There is no publicly available evidence Swalwell knew or suspected Fang was working for Beijing, nor is there evidence Fang broke any laws through her fundraising. actually think that there is some relevance here? I'm pretty sure most people knew that neither Clinton or Trump were runners-up for the papacy. I don't like Trump...never did...but he had the right ideas for our economy and national security.
Same with me and lots of others .
Hell.... I voted for Jill Stein in '16.
Your pedigreed horse shit precedes you......found your calling, Dude...........LOL

That's because you spend your time wrapped in a safe cocoon of a white nationalist dumpster fire, USMB. Things are different, on the outside.
I'm old enough to remember it.
Senile dementia slowly creeping up?

Last year, you may remember it was revealed that the Clinton administration had changed the approval process for high-technology satellite transfers, how waivers were granted for American companies so they could launch satellites in China. This ultimately resulted in China acquiring advanced United States missile guidance technology, making their missiles more accurate and more reliable. President Clinton personally signed the waiver allowing China to acquire this missile technology.

By helping China develop their long-range missiles, President Clinton also helped North Korea and other rogue nations with theirs--nations like Iran. Let me read three paragraphs from last week's Washington Times article entitled `China Assists North Korea Space Launches.'

Let me repeat, President Clinton personally signed the waiver allowing China to achieve this missile technology.

So finally, Mr. President, let me repeat the six proven incontrovertible facts:

1. President Clinton hosted over 100 campaign fundraisers in the White House, many with Chinese connections.
2. President Clinton used John Huang, Charlie Trie, Johnny Chung, James Riady, and others with strong Chinese ties to raise campaign money.
3. President Clinton signed waivers to allow his top campaign fundraiser's aerospace company to transfer United States missile guidance technology to China.
4. President Clinton covered up the theft of our most valuable nuclear weapons technology.

Congressional Record
Thanks to Trump.

CBS News: No Evidence Trump Shared Nuclear Secrets With Australian

9 Oct 2023 ~~ By Sandy Fitzgerald

Sources are saying there is no indication that former President Donald Trump shared sensitive records with an Australian billionaire, and no charges have been filed by special counsel Jack Smith, according to CBS News.
"Sources tell CBS News there is no indication former President Trump shared sensitive records with an Australian billionaire + no charges have been filed by the Special Counsel through their alleged discussion about US Nuclear subs was investigated," CBS's Catherine Herridge posted on X, formerly Twitter, Saturday.
Her post comes after the network reported Friday that other sources confirmed, however, that Trump allegedly discussed sensitive information about American nuclear submarines with Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt.
Pratt has not been accused of any wrongdoing, and Trump called stories about his conversations with Pratt "false and ridiculous."
"I will often state that we make the best Submarines and Military Equipment anywhere in the World — A pretty well-known fact," Trump wrote on his social media site. "These fake stories are put out by corrupt prosecutors trying to interfere with the Presidential Election of 2024."

What part of witch hunt don’t people understand?
What technical or military information about nuclear submarines is Trump going to know about or understand that he could share with anyone? This accusation is ridiculous.
This all proves that Trump is squeaky clean. Nobody can withstand this kind of scrutiny and still be standing. They can find something on everyone. Except Trump apparently. Not only are they making him a martyr, they are proving he is Superman.
Once again the lies spread by Smith are proven to be lies. Unfortunately, the lies work, most people will remember the lies and not the fact that they were exposed as lies. It’s akin to all the fake “hate crime” hoaxes.
No surprises here, after the last 7 years, it is easy to determine the false stories related to Trump that the media report. Which is to say, pretty much all of them are false.
"Washington — Donald Trump allegedly discussed sensitive information pertaining to American nuclear submarines with an Australian billionaire at his Mar-a-Lago resort, according to three people familiar with the matter. The individual, Anthony Pratt, has been identified as a potential witness in special counsel Jack Smith's case against the former president, sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to CBS News." - CBS
Trump Revealed Intelligence Secrets To Russians In Oval Office: Officials.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.

Israel Was Source for Intelligence Trump Shared With Russia, Source.

Israel Was The Source of Secret Intelligence That Trump Gave Russians, NBC Confirms.

.Israel was the U.S. ally that collected the highly classified intelligence that President Donald Trump reportedly shared in a meeting with Russian officials last week, NBC News confirmed with three government officials with knowledge of the matter.

In an off-camera briefing with reporters, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said he could not comment on the news. The press secretary said, however, that the U.S. appreciates the "strong relationship that we have with Israel when it comes to intelligence sharing."

Late Monday, The Washington Post first reported that Trump had divulged highly sensitive information related to the Islamic State during the meeting. The Times, BuzzFeed and Reuters later confirmed the Post's report.

Trump Revealed Submarine Locations To Philippines President.

A call transcript between President Trump and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte reveals that Trump boasted about two U.S. nuclear submarines near North Korea.

Trump, who spoke by phone with Duterte on April 29, addressed the possibility of a strike on North Korea using the submarines. A transcript of the conversation was published by The Intercept.

We have a lot of firepower over there,” Trump said in the transcript, an official document of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.

Trump Discussed Nuclear Submaries With Australian Billionaire Anthony Pratt.

Washington — Donald Trump allegedly discussed sensitive information pertaining to American nuclear submarines with an Australian billionaire at his Mar-a-Lago resort, according to three people familiar with the matter. The individual, Anthony Pratt, has been identified as a potential witness in special counsel Jack Smith's case against the former president, sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to CBS News.

The special counsel charged Trump with 32 counts of the unlawful retention of national defense information after federal investigators found more than 300 documents with classified markings at his Palm Beach estate after he left office. The former president and two of his aides are also accused of engaging in various alleged obstruction schemes to block the investigation. All have pleaded not guilty.

There is no indication that the former president shared any sensitive records with the Australian businessman, CBS News confirmed.

P01135809 has a clear pattern and practice mishandling and sharing classified material with people who do not have the necessary clearances to hear or see classified material.

He is a threat to the National Security and Safety of The United States of America and should be locked in prison.
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Well they can start by welcoming the illegal aliens instead of turning on them since they're the ones that invited them in the first place.
Yes, but our accomodations are running way to thin. They must return to their homelands...
Yes, but our accomodations are running way to thin. They must return to their homelands...

Not really. We could easily accommedate the 3 million or so people who've applied for actual asylum. (most of the border crossers are sent back if they don't qualify.)
"Washington — Donald Trump allegedly discussed sensitive information pertaining to American nuclear submarines with an Australian billionaire at his Mar-a-Lago resort, according to three people familiar with the matter. The individual, Anthony Pratt, has been identified as a potential witness in special counsel Jack Smith's case against the former president, sources with knowledge of the situation confirmed to CBS News." - CBS
Allegedly, the US got the contract to build up to five SSN's for the Aussies.....

Just think of all those jobs at General Dynamics Electric Boat Division and Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. - Newport News Shipbuilding.

Trump Making America Great Again.
Senile dementia slowly creeping up?

Last year, you may remember it was revealed that the Clinton administration had changed the approval process for high-technology satellite transfers, how waivers were granted for American companies so they could launch satellites in China. This ultimately resulted in China acquiring advanced United States missile guidance technology, making their missiles more accurate and more reliable. President Clinton personally signed the waiver allowing China to acquire this missile technology.

By helping China develop their long-range missiles, President Clinton also helped North Korea and other rogue nations with theirs--nations like Iran. Let me read three paragraphs from last week's Washington Times article entitled `China Assists North Korea Space Launches.'

Let me repeat, President Clinton personally signed the waiver allowing China to achieve this missile technology.

So finally, Mr. President, let me repeat the six proven incontrovertible facts:

1. President Clinton hosted over 100 campaign fundraisers in the White House, many with Chinese connections.
2. President Clinton used John Huang, Charlie Trie, Johnny Chung, James Riady, and others with strong Chinese ties to raise campaign money.
3. President Clinton signed waivers to allow his top campaign fundraiser's aerospace company to transfer United States missile guidance technology to China.
4. President Clinton covered up the theft of our most valuable nuclear weapons technology.

Congressional Record

AS usual,. leave it to Republicans to omit facts.

Fundraisers in the White House: It’s true that President Clinton hosted numerous fundraisers, some of which involved individuals with Chinese connections. This practice, while controversial, was not unique to the Clinton administration.

Use of individuals with Chinese ties for fundraising: Individuals such as John Huang, Charlie Trie, Johnny Chung, and James Riady did have connections to China and were involved in fundraising activities for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Some of these individuals were later convicted for their actions.

Transfer of missile guidance technology:

This link above discusses the controversy surrounding allegations that campaign contributions influenced President Clinton's policy toward China. The focus is on Johnny Chung, a businessman involved in the 1996 Clinton campaign-finance scandals, who has claimed that he received money from a top executive at a Chinese aerospace company and funneled some of it to the Democratic National Committee (DNC). After this illegal money was passed to the DNC, Clinton approved the transfer of commercial satellite-launch technology to China. This raised concerns about national security, as the technology could potentially improve China's long-range ballistic missiles. However, the article suggests that there may be less to the China connection than initially believed. There is no evidence that anyone in the White House knew about Chung's involvement with Chinese money or that he lobbied anyone regarding the technology transfer. Clinton's decision to allow the transfer was more influenced by his domestic political needs and the pressure from American corporations wanting to trade with China. The article also highlights the potential political risk and embarrassment that Clinton faced by signing the waiver for the technology transfer, particularly given the ongoing investigations into campaign-finance scandals. Overall, the article suggests that while there is smoke surrounding the allegations, there is no proof of illegal campaign contributions to Clinton's policy toward China.

I don't believe it was 'missile guidance technology'.
President Bill Clinton defended the controversial satellite deal with China, stating that it was in the national interest and did not involve the inappropriate transfer of technology. The White House delivered documents to Congress in support of the deal, claiming that it was consistent with US policy and recommended by national security advisers. Critics from both parties raised concerns about potential technology transfers to China during an investigation into a failed rocket launch in 1996. The documents released by the White House did not include a key document linking the transfer of technology with the investigation. Loral Space and Communications, one of the companies involved in the deal, denies any illegal activities and states that no classified information was shared with the Chinese. Bipartisan support for satellite launches in China has been present for a decade, but concerns have increased due to the use of Long March boosters, which are also used for intercontinental nuclear missiles. The investigation is expected to focus on the cooperation between Loral and the Chinese engineers in identifying the cause of the rocket failure.

Cover-up of nuclear weapons technology theft: There were indeed allegations that China stole sensitive US nuclear secrets. However, it’s important to note that these allegations were subject to extensive investigation and debate. It’s also worth noting that espionage activities are typically carried out without the knowledge or approval of top political leaders and had being going on under all US Presidents for decades.

China has been stealing America's nuclear secrets for decades, according to a congressional report released in 1999. The stolen information includes design information for thermonuclear weapons and classified information on U.S. thermonuclear warheads. China could begin testing its advanced nuclear weapons based on the stolen information as early as that year. The report states that the stolen information could significantly affect the regional balance of power, particularly with respect to Taiwan. China's goals conflict with current U.S. interests in Asia and the Pacific, potentially leading to a confrontation. China obtained the information through direct spying, the use of "front companies" in the United States, and a network of individuals and organizations. The report also criticizes the security at U.S. nuclear labs, saying it does not meet minimal standards. The Clinton administration first learned of the alleged espionage in 1995. the report contains recommendations to help improve security and curb Chinese espionage in the future.
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