Trump allegedly disclosed US submarine secrets to foreign national

These deranged people will never stop trying to manipulate and scheme in hopes to get Trump, and as a side bring down the conservative party... It's truly pathetic what they will go through in order to protect their cultural agenda's that they have found themselves in, and are since trying to get some sort of recognition for.
These deranged peoples diet consists of Nothing Burgers
How many missile tubes the sub has is not classified.

How many missile the sub CAN carry is not classified.

How many nuclear warheads they typically carry is most certainly classified.

And whether we think our enemies know things about our subs does not change whether something is classified. If it is classified, sharing it with a foreign national is a serious crime.

Pay attention. It's not the capacity that was the secret. Read the material before commenting.

Tell it to the person that made the claim.
Don't talk to me that way again.
Let's see if you can go 5 minutes without whining.

So, did you read the material, so you can understand the national secrets the orange pile of shit was handing iout to show off?
Come back when you have a shred of evidence to back up what you are yammering about, Mr Allegedly.
Notice how liberals are always asking questions. That's because they restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media
Oh, here we go with the :lame2: brain "lawsuits" line again, as if that had some worthy foundation to it.
Court challenges is what Democrats keep harping about, but they have a hollow argument. Ho hum. Some judges were biased Democrats. Some were anti-Trump RINOs, including a few whom Trump appointed. And some, like the Supreme Court, just didn't want to bring politics into the courtroom. And not "ALL" US courts ruled against Trump. Some ruled favorable to him. The "courts" argument doesn't have an ounce of credibility.

What DOES have credibility is THIS >>> I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Post # s >>> 548....549.....550.....551 which you know nothing about.

First. I know about the great “Victories” you are cheering. My favorite is the State Supreme Court decision. In that which was cheered by the Trump Fanboys the Judges said that the elections officials should not have used drop boxes. No votes were found to be fraudulent no conspiracy. Nothing like that. The votes were fine, it is just that they shouldn’t have used drop boxes.

Yet we are still dealing with 17 lawyers who have lost their law licenses or were otherwise sanctioned and admitted they acted unethically by claiming to have proof and evidence of fraud.

Here in Georgia. Lin Wood was disbarred. And the list goes on.
Let's see if you can go 5 minutes without whining.

So, did you read the material, so you can understand the national secrets the orange pile of shit was handing iout to show off?
and of course..
verified unidentified anonymous sources.
These pieces of information should be in public knowledge. We know that US submarines can carry a maximum of 20 nuclear warheads. US submarines occasionally are detected within 12 miles by their Russian counterparts.
Ohio-class SSBNs carry 20 Trident missiles with MIRV (Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles) warheads.

In US service Trident II can be loaded with up to eight Mk-5 RVs with 475-kt W88 warheads, up to fourteen Mk-4A RVs with 90-kt W76-1 warheads, and up to fourteen Mk-4A RVs with 5–7-kt W76-2 warheads. In practice, each missile on average carries four warheads due to the warhead limitations placed by the New START treaty.

I don't know where you got the 12 mile figure.
Just a normal adult, acting normal. Probably looks weird, to you.
Your pedigreed horse shit precedes you......found your calling, Dude...........LOL

I guess it wasn’t covered in Newsmax.,on%20the%20former%20president's%20behalf.

17 lawyers have lost their licenses. Seventeen. So not only were they shut down in courts. They were later told to never practice law again.

Lost their licenses? Why doesn't your link say that? It merely says sanction, not disbarred.
Get ready for a bunch of stories like this... some source who you can't check out says this and says that... just TDSers freaking out that Trump is leading Biden....

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