Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.
Is that equal to when obama the butt boy referred to the republicans as enemies?
Not even close. Obama wasn't displaying cowardice the way Trump was.

What is being cowardly about Trump knowing that he could not have changed that man's mind?
He did the right thing and moved on to another more sane question.
Did you even notice that Hillary has no audience participation?
He didn't have to change the man's mind and no one is suggesting he should have tried. All he had to do was tell the guy and the crowd that it was inappropriate to bash a religion and question the President's religion at HIS VENUE and event. He didn't have to agree or disagree, just point out that HIS VENUE and events were not designed or meant to be hate platforms or construed as such. He was a coward for not doing so.
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.
Is that equal to when obama the butt boy referred to the republicans as enemies?
Not even close. Obama wasn't displaying cowardice the way Trump was.

What is being cowardly about Trump knowing that he could not have changed that man's mind?
He did the right thing and moved on to another more sane question.
Did you even notice that Hillary has no audience participation?
He didn't have to change the man's mind and no one is suggesting he should have tried. All he had to do was tell the guy and the crowd that it was inappropriate to bash a religion and question the President's religion at HIS VENUE and event. He didn't have to agree or disagree, just point out that HIS VENUE and events were not designed or meant to be hate platforms or construed as such. He was a coward for not doing so.
I dont see it as such.
I think ignoring it was the best course of action, not making something of it. A lesson the left would be good to learn
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.
I missed the part in your response where you showed me that the majority of free care was going to the democrats pets paid for by the whites that were forced to purchase a plan.
would it be possible for you to point that part out? all you have done is proven my point with your numbers.

its hard to educate morons on a forum board, but lets give it a try (ask a grown up to help you with the nuances...)

According to a new poll taken by the Commonwealth Fund, people enrolled in ObamaCare are satisfied. And yes, that includes Republicans:

Overall, 73 percent of people who bought health plans and 87 percent of those who signed up for Medicaid said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their new health insurance. Seventy-four percent of newly insured Republicans liked their plans. Even 77 percent of people who had insurance before — including members of the much-publicized group whose plans got canceled last year — were happy with their new coverage. [Commonwealth Fund]

So for all the Hitler analogies and claims that ObamaCare causes cancer, the people enrolled in the program — even Republicans — are mostly happy about it.

Really? No kidding? So when you tax one group of people, and give it to another group of people, they are 'satisfied' by that? Crazy thought.

Hey, if I can get you morons, to pay my bills for me, I'll be satisfied. I almost qualify for food stamps. If they lower the requirements, I'll sign up for sure. I'm looking at a job change which might mean a pay cut, and I'll sign up for welfare if I qualify. And of course with the job change, I'll qualify for subsidized health care, and I will most certainly sign up for that.

And if or when I do, I will get tons of saticifaction knowing you people on the left, are paying my bills. I will get tremendous saticifaction from that.

Here's the difference between me, and right-wing people like myself, and left-winger like you.

We understand that there is a massive difference between what is good for an individual, and what is good for the country as a whole.

A few weeks back I was listening to this caller into a radio program, asking for help. Their mother had been giving her social security check to her son, because her son wouldn't get a job, and was going to be kicked out of his home. In order to do this, she failed to pay her own mortgage. Now both her, and her son, were both in default and at risk of losing both their homes.

The caller was the daughter, who refused to pay for her brothers mortgage, and her mothers mortgage, because she only made $50,000 a year, and there was no way she could pay her bills, and either of their mortgages, let alone both.

Let me ask you something.... the brother.... do you think the brother was "saticified" with the "mother pays my mortgage for me" program?

Of course he was! What a fantastic program! Mommy pays my bills, and I get to live like a slob with no worries! That's a GREAT program! :)

But was that program good for the entire family? No it was not. That program, allowing him to abrogate his responsibilities to take care of his own house, caused him to not only bankrupt himself, but also his mother, and if his sister had been stupidity enough to pay for both them, bankrupt his sister too.

We on the right wing, are like the sister. We see the train wreck coming, and are doing everything we can to prevent the crash. We oppose these programs, not on the basis of "are they 'saticified' with the program?" But rather on, will this program bankrupt the country in the long run?

We're like the people in Greece, who for decades, were screaming that the pension system was not sustainable, and had to be reformed. Now it's too late for them, but not us.

And by the way, I see absolutely no contradiction in my stance. You do I'm sure, but no one on the right, gives a crap what you think anyway, let alone me.

At the individual level, I'm going to take every dollar I can suck out of you people. What's best for my budget, my personal budget, is that I take welfare, food stamps, heating assistance, and Obama Care to pay my bills. And I'll do it. And I'll sleep like a baby knowing you morons are paying my bills.

And at the exact same time that I'm taking your money, I'll be voting for anyone while will end those same programs. I'll be promoting those programs be eliminated on this forum.

Ironically, either way I'll win. If you allow the programs to continue, then I'll keep taking your money. If you end the programs, I'll be ecstatic the programs are gone. I was paying for health care before Obama care existed, I'll just go back to paying for it again. I was buying my own food, before you were stupid enough to buy it for me, I'll just go back to buying it myself.

But yeah dude... I'm not surprised that Republicans who are getting their bills paid by morons like you, are perfectly 'saticified' with you being that dumb. I know I will.
Look at your avatar you idiot. You invite folks to hurl insults at you. No matter what anyone says to you they are not stooping as low as you have.

HAHAHA. So my avatar really drives you ballistic, huh? I feel real bad about that. HAHA
The board notes you never addressed and instead stooped to personal attacks. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

I don't "debate" with racists.....I follow the old adage about why its not wise to wrestle with pigs in a pigsty.

I'm the anti-racist since i oppose affirmative action. You support AA and thus are the racist.

AA is the govt mandated discrimination of white males and the biggest hate crime in america.
Look at your avatar you idiot. You invite folks to hurl insults at you. No matter what anyone says to you they are not stooping as low as you have.

HAHAHA. So my avatar really drives you ballistic, huh? I feel real bad about that. HAHA
No, I am glad you use it. It is like a sign around your neck or a tattoo on your forehead that says asshole.
No, I am glad you use it. It is like a sign around your neck or a tattoo on your forehead that says asshole.

HOW VERY TRUE...It is best to have a racist openly admit to his/her racism, than pull a "trump' and say..."we'll be looking into this."
Why would anyone be morally obligated to do what is right?

I think it would have been much more honest if trump had stated, " why should I be obligated to commit political suicide with my base of closeted racists, just to defend Obama and be moral..."

But for Trump, honesty and morality are anathema.
Remember when they all stood up and cheered this?
so again here they are showing they are all TWO FACED HYPOCRITES .Hillary especially. but her litter sheep just marches to her commands. she thinks trump should have come to Obama's defense. Can you believe this Democrat party? who can stand behind such a party of Liar and snakes

Uploaded on May 24, 2009
In 2003, Hillary Clinton screeched "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Remember when they all stood up and cheered this?
so again here they are showing they are all TWO FACED HYPOCRITES .Hillary especially. but her litter sheep just marches to her commands. she thinks trump should have come to Obama's defense. Can you believe this Democrat party? who can stand behind such a party of Liar and snakes

Uploaded on May 24, 2009
In 2003, Hillary Clinton screeched "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration."

Most people try to hide their IGNORANCE....but YOU flaunt it because....well, because you are an IDIOT......

Bush was being criticized for his POLICIES............Trump is being criticized for not having the balls to tell his base that......criticize all you want Obama's policies, BUT NOT HIS BIRTHPLACE OR RELIGION.....

Find someone with a few more brain cells than you and let that person explain the above and.......most of all....explain to you WHY you are a MORON.
Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.
Trump is never going to be honest about birther nonsense, he helped create this monster.
Not obligated.

But if you are not going to correct someone to show that you are aware of the facts of the run the risk of being seen as best uninformed or worse dishonest. Mr Trump seems to be both.

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