Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

I missed the part in your response where you showed me that the majority of free care was going to the democrats pets paid for by the whites that were forced to purchase a plan.
would it be possible for you to point that part out? all you have done is proven my point with your numbers.

its hard to educate morons on a forum board, but lets give it a try (ask a grown up to help you with the nuances...)

According to a new poll taken by the Commonwealth Fund, people enrolled in ObamaCare are satisfied. And yes, that includes Republicans:

Overall, 73 percent of people who bought health plans and 87 percent of those who signed up for Medicaid said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their new health insurance. Seventy-four percent of newly insured Republicans liked their plans. Even 77 percent of people who had insurance before — including members of the much-publicized group whose plans got canceled last year — were happy with their new coverage. [Commonwealth Fund]

So for all the Hitler analogies and claims that ObamaCare causes cancer, the people enrolled in the program — even Republicans — are mostly happy about it.
John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

McCain is a Progressive just like Obama.

See? You have to be an evil Progressive to believe that Obama is a Christian, born in America.

I am not a progressive but I put up a counter video that was in another thread claiming that he was Muslim, with one where he actually said he is a Christian.
John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

McCain is a Progressive just like Obama.

See? You have to be an evil Progressive to believe that Obama is a Christian, born in America.

I am not a progressive but I put up a counter video that was in another thread claiming that he was Muslim, with one where he actually said he is a Christian.
Obama has never claimed to be a Muslim. Only those who have difficulty comprehending the English language think so
Well, they (Muslims, black liberation, etc) don't have a problem with lying as long as it's for THEIR AGENDA

I missed the part in your response where you showed me that the majority of free care was going to the democrats pets paid for by the whites that were forced to purchase a plan.
would it be possible for you to point that part out? all you have done is proven my point with your numbers.

Nitwit.......You asked if blacks benefited more from the ACA...and I showed you that only about 16% of blacks have......
You then asked if ONLY democrats benefited form the ACA....and I showed you that almost 3 out of 4 republicans are happy with ACA.

What's next, you'll ask if Muslims are the only ones who signed up for the ACA????
I missed the part in your response where you showed me that the majority of free care was going to the democrats pets paid for by the whites that were forced to purchase a plan.
would it be possible for you to point that part out? all you have done is proven my point with your numbers.

its hard to educate morons on a forum board, but lets give it a try (ask a grown up to help you with the nuances...)

According to a new poll taken by the Commonwealth Fund, people enrolled in ObamaCare are satisfied. And yes, that includes Republicans:

Overall, 73 percent of people who bought health plans and 87 percent of those who signed up for Medicaid said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their new health insurance. Seventy-four percent of newly insured Republicans liked their plans. Even 77 percent of people who had insurance before — including members of the much-publicized group whose plans got canceled last year — were happy with their new coverage. [Commonwealth Fund]

So for all the Hitler analogies and claims that ObamaCare causes cancer, the people enrolled in the program — even Republicans — are mostly happy about it.
even harder to educate socialist idiots, however I will try since you were so kind as to try and educate my obviously moronic self.
Is it possible that you actually provide some sort of reference to this that is not produced by a left leaning obama ass kissing socialist site?
Im sure I could find far right sites that will dispute what you posted, will that make it fact?
Now about their poll, did they target the historically non insured population to do it? where did they come up with their numbers? is it not obvious to you that it has to be wrong? lets see, you lose your affordable insurance that had great coverage and no out of pocket, you are forced to now take on a policy that has high premiums, high out of pocket and less coverage than you had before. Only a true idiot would be happy with that.
Think before you try to pass off false statistics.
It's a rhetorical question, moron.
Then why did Trump answer at all? He's running for office. He's going to get all sorts of questions. We're going to critique the answers. It comes with the terriotory. Quit whining.

Strange, you don't "critique" Hillary's or Bernie's answers. Why is that? Did anyone ask Bernie why he let those "Black Lives Matter" thugs take away his mike? They're promoting the murder of police officers. Apparently Bernie approves.

Well, they (Muslims, black liberation, etc) don't have a problem with lying as long as it's for THEIR AGENDA
Does that mean you feel Obama is a Muslim?

from the very first day he flipped us all off with his hateful and ugly coronation. and if he isn't a Muslim, he is a Muslim Sympathizer. if people don't see that by now, well they need to take off the blinders or keep their heads buried.

One thing is certain: Obama hate's Jews. He's made that abundantly clear.
Trump should have instead said:

"I know that the idiot that asked that questions is a bigoted, xenophobic moron....BUT, he represents my base and, you know, I love my base...."
Trump is out of the race and back to reality TV, where he belongs.
Trump should have instead said:

"I know that the idiot that asked that questions is a bigoted, xenophobic moron....BUT, he represents my base and, you know, I love my base...."

I wonder what the collective IQ of that 'base' is?
I suppose if you consider all of the illegals and ghetto chimps that the left has, The right is most likely at least 40 points higher on average then the democrats.
My opinion, certainly not a scientific certainty. For it to be factual, you would first have to have everyone take the test, and that would require trying to explain how to take the test to the left. Can never be done.
Thank you for an example of someone with a low IQ. Excellent example.
Trump should have instead said:

"I know that the idiot that asked that questions is a bigoted, xenophobic moron....BUT, he represents my base and, you know, I love my base...."

I wonder what the collective IQ of that 'base' is?
I suppose if you consider all of the illegals and ghetto chimps that the left has, The right is most likely at least 40 points higher on average then the democrats.
My opinion, certainly not a scientific certainty. For it to be factual, you would first have to have everyone take the test, and that would require trying to explain how to take the test to the left. Can never be done.
Thank you for an example of someone with a low IQ. Excellent example.
I find it refreshing that you would thank me for pointing out your deficiencies.
Could this mean that you might decide to try to seek out education and eventually find employment?
Helping people always makes me feel good.
Trump should have instead said:

"I know that the idiot that asked that questions is a bigoted, xenophobic moron....BUT, he represents my base and, you know, I love my base...."
Trump is out of the race and back to reality TV, where he belongs.

Dream on. In 16 months you'll be addressing him as President Trump.
don't count on it. The title President comes with respect, if they never find a reason to respect him, they are not morally obligated to address him as such.
I've never addressed obama in that manner, I've never even given him the respect of a capitalizing his name. He deserves no respect and I give him none.
Strange, you don't "critique" Hillary's or Bernie's answers. Why is that? Did anyone ask Bernie why he let those "Black Lives Matter" thugs take away his mike? They're promoting the murder of police officers. Apparently Bernie approves.

Someday....if you hit your head real, real hard with a hammer, you too would realize what a moronic comparison you came up with in your desperation.
I've never addressed obama in that manner, I've never even given him the respect of a capitalizing his name. He deserves no respect and I give him none.

When did Obama lose your "worthy" respect......The moment that you realized that his skin color was darker than Boehner's.....or was it when he beat your sorry ass TWICE???? :ahole-1:

(I used to live in MD, folks, trust me, they are NOT all this dumb)
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Barack Obama appears to be a tormented man filled with resentment, anger, and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others. Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. that was instilled in him by his family and mentors, it seems to have never left him.

It is not the color of his skin that is a problem in America .Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.

Blacks don't think of america as their country because they know they had no part in building it. Very very few blacks become the engineers and businesmen and scientists that have made america an advanced and powerful nation. Blacks have but 3 careers - crime, welfare, and useless govt jobs they get thru affirmative action.
its hard to educate morons on a forum board, but lets give it a try (ask a grown up to help you with the nuances...)
According to a new poll taken by the Commonwealth Fund, people enrolled in ObamaCare are satisfied. And yes, that includes Republicans:

Overall, 73 percent of people who bought health plans and 87 percent of those who signed up for Medicaid said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their new health insurance.

HAHAHA. Obamacare and medicaid are welfare you dunce. Of course when you give people money, they are going to be satisfied. But the people who saw their insurance costs rise to fund this welfare are furious.
Blacks don't think of america as their country because they know they had no part in building it. Very very few blacks become the engineers and businesmen and scientists that have made america an advanced and powerful nation. Blacks have but 3 careers - crime, welfare, and useless govt jobs they get thru affirmative action.

Hope you wear LOTS of turtlenecks.....You know, they help to hide that deep shade of "rouge" on the back of your neck.......

(I tell you folks, bait right wingers on a long thread....and eventually, their TRUE racist persona manages to surface.)

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