Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

A widely respected Senator.
McCain showed courage and Trump showed cowardice. One is viewed as a brave man the other is viewed as a man without courage.

"Courage?" Okay. Maybe. I don't know. McCain corrected his supporter and Trump decided to let it run. Its possible that he didn't want to interrupt the guy or something like that. However; when you're in a forum and a person brings up something that is flat out wrong and you accept it as look stupid. I mean, what if the guy said, "We all know the world is flat...." and he didn't correct him. We would rightly assume that The Donald thinks the world is flat.
John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

A widely respected Senator.
McCain showed courage and Trump showed cowardice. One is viewed as a brave man the other is viewed as a man without courage.

...and McCain lost to a radical, lying scumbag and Trump is light years ahead of everyone
He lost for various reasons, none of which refer to his character or courage. Having an know nothing idiot for a VP didn't help.
You are delusional if you think Trump is light years ahead. He is ahead in a field of Republicans going after the nomination and over a year before the general election. You also seen to be ignoring the fact that his poll numbers are now going backwards, indicating he has lost momentum and is now loosing support.
Trump is never going to be honest about birther nonsense, he helped create this monster.

Birther nonsense??? HAHAHA. I'm not sure where obozo was born but the chance he was born in kenya is greater than the chance he was born in hawaii. His own literary agency admitted he was born in kenya!!!
Birther nonsense??? HAHAHA. I'm not sure where obozo was born but the chance he was born in kenya is greater than the chance he was born in hawaii. His own literary agency admitted he was born in kenya!!!

You have another 15 months or so to spew your blatant racism; after that, you can begin spewing your misogyny against Hillary. (start practicing.....LOL.)
Trump should have instead said:

"I know that the idiot that asked that questions is a bigoted, xenophobic moron....BUT, he represents my base and, you know, I love my base...."
Trump is out of the race and back to reality TV, where he belongs.

Dream on. In 16 months you'll be addressing him as President Trump.
He is dead in the water, you either cannot admit it or are too stupid to realize it.
Trump should have instead said:

"I know that the idiot that asked that questions is a bigoted, xenophobic moron....BUT, he represents my base and, you know, I love my base...."

I wonder what the collective IQ of that 'base' is?
I suppose if you consider all of the illegals and ghetto chimps that the left has, The right is most likely at least 40 points higher on average then the democrats.
My opinion, certainly not a scientific certainty. For it to be factual, you would first have to have everyone take the test, and that would require trying to explain how to take the test to the left. Can never be done.
Thank you for an example of someone with a low IQ. Excellent example.
I find it refreshing that you would thank me for pointing out your deficiencies.
Could this mean that you might decide to try to seek out education and eventually find employment?
Helping people always makes me feel good.
Such a stupid, childish reply does not surprise me in the least,
John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

A widely respected Senator.
McCain showed courage and Trump showed cowardice. One is viewed as a brave man the other is viewed as a man without courage.

...and McCain lost to a radical, lying scumbag and Trump is light years ahead of everyone
He lost for various reasons, none of which refer to his character or courage. Having an know nothing idiot for a VP didn't help.
You are delusional if you think Trump is light years ahead. He is ahead in a field of Republicans going after the nomination and over a year before the general election. You also seen to be ignoring the fact that his poll numbers are now going backwards, indicating he has lost momentum and is now loosing support.

and you seem to be ignoring the fact that the hildebeast will be under indictment for criminal release of classified information.

mark my words, Hillary Clinton will never be president.
Birther nonsense??? HAHAHA. I'm not sure where obozo was born but the chance he was born in kenya is greater than the chance he was born in hawaii. His own literary agency admitted he was born in kenya!!!

You have another 15 months or so to spew your blatant racism; after that, you can begin spewing your misogyny against Hillary. (start practicing.....LOL.)

exactly why is questioning obama's past a racist act? you assholes questioned Bush's past and Romney's and Palin's, were those racist acts?

WTF is wrong with you libs? do you ever think of anything except race?
The board notes you never addressed and instead stooped to personal attacks. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

I don't "debate" with racists.....I follow the old adage about why its not wise to wrestle with pigs in a pigsty.
Then you sir, are in fact a liar. You have been debating with me all morning as far as the failed and worthless obamacare goes, then you turned around and called me a racist because I have no respect for the imbecile in the white house.
However to entertain your question of when I lost respect for him.
he was nothing more than a community organizer,
he stood with his hands down during the anthem
he frequented a church that denounced the United States even after his pastor and good friend said, God damn the United States
he said that if it came to it, he would stand on the side of the muslims
he married a transvestite ( ok, this one really cant be proven, but I like to point it out anyway)
his transvestite said that she was finally proud of her country, but only because it elected a black man. (very small percentage black actually)
he is an admitted socialist
I can go on all day but the fact is that I would hate him just as much if he was white, as a matter of fact, bernie sanders is white and I find no reason to respect him. Guess I hate white people too.
You admit that you are a racist, good to see you are being honest.
Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.
And thus Donald Trump reveals that party is more important than principles. Scoring points is more important than truth.

Just like all the unprincipled, parroting rubes who adore him.
Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.
And thus Donald Trump reveals that party is more important than principles. Scoring points is more important than truth.

Just like all the unprincipled, parroting rubes who adore him.
Trump's birther past does obligate him to repudiate it.
Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.
And thus Donald Trump reveals that party is more important than principles. Scoring points is more important than truth.

Just like all the unprincipled, parroting rubes who adore him.

^ LOLz

When did Defending Obama's Hurt Feelings become a qualification for POTUS?
Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.
And thus Donald Trump reveals that party is more important than principles. Scoring points is more important than truth.

Just like all the unprincipled, parroting rubes who adore him.

^ LOLz

When did Defending Obama's Hurt Feelings become a qualification for POTUS?
Defending the Truth should always come first. When someone tells a lie, it should be pounced upon and trounced, no matter who tells the lie or who the lie is about.

That's what integrity looks like. But you wouldn't know.
The board notes you never addressed and instead stooped to personal attacks. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

I don't "debate" with racists.....I follow the old adage about why its not wise to wrestle with pigs in a pigsty.
Then you sir, are in fact a liar. You have been debating with me all morning as far as the failed and worthless obamacare goes, then you turned around and called me a racist because I have no respect for the imbecile in the white house.
However to entertain your question of when I lost respect for him.
he was nothing more than a community organizer,
he stood with his hands down during the anthem
he frequented a church that denounced the United States even after his pastor and good friend said, God damn the United States
he said that if it came to it, he would stand on the side of the muslims
he married a transvestite ( ok, this one really cant be proven, but I like to point it out anyway)
his transvestite said that she was finally proud of her country, but only because it elected a black man. (very small percentage black actually)
he is an admitted socialist
I can go on all day but the fact is that I would hate him just as much if he was white, as a matter of fact, bernie sanders is white and I find no reason to respect him. Guess I hate white people too.
You admit that you are a racist, good to see you are being honest.
only a seriously damaged mind could come up with your response,,, oh wait, you're a liberal, never mind.
Defending the Truth should always come first

Quite the double standard since Obama does no such thing himself. So, why is Trump morally obligated to defend him? If Obama cannot come out and denounce that accusation, what does that say about him?

Could it either be A) he is a Muslim, or B) he's just too much of a lilly-livered coward to come out and defend himself from unfounded accusations?

Since we all know he isn't the former we are left with the latter. The best thing to do here is leave each man to fight his own battles. Trump is not his babysitter.
Quite the double standard since Obama does no such thing himself. So, why is Trump morally obligated to defend him? If Obama cannot come out and denounce that accusation, what does that say about him?

Could it either be A) he is a Muslim, or B) he's just too much of a lilly-livered coward to come out and defend himself from unfounded accusations?

Since we all know he isn't the former we are left with the latter. The best thing to do here is leave each man to fight his own battles. Trump is not his babysitter.

Hey, nitwit...Obama has NOTHING to gain from refuting scumbags' assertions; conversely, Trump has a LOT to lose from either "offending" his base of closeted racists or from "offending" all decent republicans who are finally seeing him as a fringe candidate without a moral rudder.

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