Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.
He continues to speak of his lack of action toward the bigot as it the comment was a random statement with no connection to Trump himself. He is attempting to frame the question as if it happened somewhere out of his control. He is trying to escape, evade and ignore the fact that it was a comment made directly to Trump himself at a Trump event where Trump had picked the bigot to ask a question. That is what makes Trump a coward. He refuses to confront the issue and instead he is trying to hide from it.
You want people to defend this uncaring, cold and arrogant man and his NASTY goons he has working for him. They've pulled this kind of stunt over Obama more than once. Children with cancer. You people go defend him and this while you're at it

Secret Service Chief Apologizes For Cancer Stricken Kids Being Evicted From Park For Obama

She should make a donation too.

Via Washington Post:

The head of the Secret Service apologized for how a group of children suffering from cancer and their supporters were treated after they said they were pushed out of Lafayette Square on Saturday night.

Joseph Clancy, director of the Secret Service, called one of the organizers on Monday after CureFest for Childhood Cancer said that about 700 parents and children were ordered out of the park in front of the White House for at least two hours. The move disrupted their plans for a candlelight vigil to raise awareness and research funding for childhood cancer.

Keep reading…

all of it here
Secret Service Chief Apologizes For Cancer Stricken Kids Being Evicted From Park For Obama
Trump is lowering American standards and traditions to new levels. Yes, the answer is yes, you are responsible for what goes on in your home and the same applies to your gathering or event where you control the venue and the microphone. He is not responsible for defending random comments made outside of his control. Notice that is where he wants to steer the discussion. What a huckster that man is. He wants to deflect the fact that the ignorant comments made are under his control. He has a microphone and can make a comment to neutralize the ignorant or misleading of negative comments. It was his gig.
Trump showed what kind of man he is. Cowardly and of the lowest character. What does anyone expect from a spoiled brat who brags about whining to get what he wants. He has the bravery of a girly girl.

The comments were not under his control.

You have raised the discourse level in this forum to new heights of idiocy.

The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

None of which contradicted each other.

No banana.

See, I can say 2+2=4 and 2+2="an even number" and both answers can be correct. I realize that's difficult for your logic challenged brain to comprehend, but nevertheless it's a fact.
The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?
The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.
He continues to speak of his lack of action toward the bigot as it the comment was a random statement with no connection to Trump himself. He is attempting to frame the question as if it happened somewhere out of his control. He is trying to escape, evade and ignore the fact that it was a comment made directly to Trump himself at a Trump event where Trump had picked the bigot to ask a question. That is what makes Trump a coward. He refuses to confront the issue and instead he is trying to hide from it.

Trump, unlike Hillary, doesn't control what other people say. He doesn't screen everyone who attends his events to make sure they aren't going to ask any questions he doesn't want to answer.
A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

What's Hillary's excuse for using her keeping her emails on a personal server? What's Obama's excuse for selling us out to the Iranians?
Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

What's Hillary's excuse for using her keeping her emails on a personal server? What's Obama's excuse for selling us out to the Iranians?
Obama is selling us out to the iranians? By taking their enriched uranium? LOL.
Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

What's Hillary's excuse for using her keeping her emails on a personal server? What's Obama's excuse for selling us out to the Iranians?
This is the spot where you concede you have been making a stupid argument and change the subject to standard whining about something the Clinton's or Obama have done instead of staying on your lame Trump defense. Why not just STFU and move on over to a standard hateful derangement and bashing thread ?
John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

A widely respected Senator.
McCain showed courage and Trump showed cowardice. One is viewed as a brave man the other is viewed as a man without courage.

"Courage?" Okay. Maybe. I don't know. McCain corrected his supporter and Trump decided to let it run. Its possible that he didn't want to interrupt the guy or something like that. However; when you're in a forum and a person brings up something that is flat out wrong and you accept it as look stupid. I mean, what if the guy said, "We all know the world is flat...." and he didn't correct him. We would rightly assume that The Donald thinks the world is flat.

No, only liberal morons like you would draw that conclusion. Polite people don't say anything when a dumbass says something stupid. I'm sure you've noticed people remaining quiet after you've spoken.

As a flat earthier your acrimony is funny
What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

What's Hillary's excuse for using her keeping her emails on a personal server? What's Obama's excuse for selling us out to the Iranians?
This is the spot where you concede you have been making a stupid argument and change the subject to standard whining about something the Clinton's or Obama have done instead of staying on your lame Trump defense. Why not just STFU and move on over to a standard hateful derangement and bashing thread ?

Trump doesn't need defending, your idiocies do.
As I've told someone else, I follow the old adage of never wrestling with pigs in a pigsty because one is bound to get dirty and the pig actually LIKES it. LOL

So why don't you put all us conservative pigs on ignore? HAHAHA.
So why don't you put all us conservative pigs on ignore?

...because pigs are very, very entertaining..............mostly harmless, easy to pick on, greedy, dirty, sporting the level of intelligence of a 7 year old and, like Trump, self-destructive.
The board notes you never addressed and instead stooped to personal attacks. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.

I don't "debate" with racists.....I follow the old adage about why its not wise to wrestle with pigs in a pigsty.
Then you sir, are in fact a liar. You have been debating with me all morning as far as the failed and worthless obamacare goes, then you turned around and called me a racist because I have no respect for the imbecile in the white house.
However to entertain your question of when I lost respect for him.
he was nothing more than a community organizer,
he stood with his hands down during the anthem
he frequented a church that denounced the United States even after his pastor and good friend said, God damn the United States
he said that if it came to it, he would stand on the side of the muslims
he married a transvestite ( ok, this one really cant be proven, but I like to point it out anyway)
his transvestite said that she was finally proud of her country, but only because it elected a black man. (very small percentage black actually)
he is an admitted socialist
I can go on all day but the fact is that I would hate him just as much if he was white, as a matter of fact, bernie sanders is white and I find no reason to respect him. Guess I hate white people too.
You admit that you are a racist, good to see you are being honest.
only a seriously damaged mind could come up with your response,,, oh wait, you're a liberal, never mind.
Thanks for proving my point.
A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

At least he has an excuse. You sure don't.

An excuse that is true, is still true.
Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

At least he has an excuse. You sure don't.

An excuse that is true, is still true.
None of his excuses has been believable or true. That is why he is still stumbling whenever he has been asked about the incident. If he had a valid excuse the issue would have ended and not still be getting talked about.
I don't need excuses. I am just a person making comments on a message board. Your cowardly cult leader is going down. Deal with it. Whining like a little girl is not going to get him out of the mess he made for himself.
What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

At least he has an excuse. You sure don't.

An excuse that is true, is still true.
None of his excuses has been believable or true. That is why he is still stumbling whenever he has been asked about the incident. If he had a valid excuse the issue would have ended and not still be getting talked about.
I don't need excuses. I am just a person making comments on a message board. Your cowardly cult leader is going down. Deal with it. Whining like a little girl is not going to get him out of the mess he made for himself.
Yeah, besides, Trump sends jobs out of the country by using foreign-made materials in his buildings, right?

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.
They are multiple excuses. Who said anything about making up different excuses hoping one would work have to contradict each other?

At least he has an excuse. You sure don't.

An excuse that is true, is still true.
None of his excuses has been believable or true. That is why he is still stumbling whenever he has been asked about the incident. If he had a valid excuse the issue would have ended and not still be getting talked about.
I don't need excuses. I am just a person making comments on a message board. Your cowardly cult leader is going down. Deal with it. Whining like a little girl is not going to get him out of the mess he made for himself.

And yet here you are, trying to defend yourself.

Much of what he's said has been true. That's you just 'say' it's wrong, without proving it wrong, because you can't.
The question is not what makes him a cowardly whiner. It was the way he responded and how he has reacted in the following days.

A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.

His original answer contradicts the "Loving Muslim People", one.
A coward would have meekly apologized and then slunk away. Trump told the liberal press to stuff it, which is why we admire him.

Well no he did not.

He gave the Press multiple answers.

What were the "multiple answers?"

First his campaign tweeted "Christians are under attack".
Then his campaign tweeted "They were talking about training camps".
Then he said, "He's not morally obligated to defend Obama".
Then he said, "He loves the Muslim people".

Pretty head spinning.

So which one contradicts the others?

Oh, that's right . . . . none of them.

His original answer contradicts the "Loving Muslim People", one.

No, it does not. You are wrong.

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