Trump and Carson Threat to Boycott CNBC Works. CNBC Folds like a cheap suit.


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Trump and Carson Threat to Boycott CNBC Works. CNBC Folds like a cheap suit.

CNBC Agrees to Two-Hour Debate: This Is Why Donald Trump Is Winning - Breitbart

Our corrupt Washington DC/New York media again tried to mess with the Republican presidential field.

While every other Republican remained publicly silent, frontrunner Donald Trump got his closest rival, Dr. Ben Carson, to join with him and together they stood up and said, “No.”

This kept Trump in the headlines and at the top of the news cycle throughout yesterday afternoon and this morning. And now we’ve learned that Trump and Carson won. The DC/NY media agreed to the frontrunners’ demands.

Does anyone in the weak-kneed Republican Establishment, or among the bubbled-morons in the Punditocracy, have any more questions about why The Donald appears to be coasting to the Republican nomination for President of the United States?



CNBC, which is part of the same NBC News network that openly partnered with a Democrat political data firm; that funneled more than a half-billion dollars to two pro-Hillary propaganda outlets (Vox and BuzzFeed); that turned their entire network over to the Clinton campaign for five days last week, thought it would pull a fast one and expand the upcoming Republican presidential debate from 2 hours to 3 hours.
Trump and Carson beat them down...............I'd actually hoped they wouldn't fold and that another Debate would be scheduled in it's place to put the Democratic Mouth Piece of CNBC in check. For the life of me, I don't even know why the GOP even goes there for a debate at all..............

It's like going into enemy territory to devise a battle plan.................Sleeping with the enemy you might say.
I don't blame Trump and Carson. they told them 2 hours and then wanted to change it. can you imagine standing up there for three hours for one and having to sit and watch one for three hours?

at least they are having the debates and MORE than just SIX of them like the Democrats. wonder how come we don't hear anything from the lamestream medias about that and how their base wants more the six debates and they won't give it to them?
Democrats are not having debates, they just get together to agree all their scandals, lies, and flip flops don't mean anything then they go home.
Trump and Carson Threat to Boycott CNBC Works. CNBC Folds like a cheap suit.

CNBC Agrees to Two-Hour Debate: This Is Why Donald Trump Is Winning - Breitbart

Our corrupt Washington DC/New York media again tried to mess with the Republican presidential field.

While every other Republican remained publicly silent, frontrunner Donald Trump got his closest rival, Dr. Ben Carson, to join with him and together they stood up and said, “No.”

This kept Trump in the headlines and at the top of the news cycle throughout yesterday afternoon and this morning. And now we’ve learned that Trump and Carson won. The DC/NY media agreed to the frontrunners’ demands.

Does anyone in the weak-kneed Republican Establishment, or among the bubbled-morons in the Punditocracy, have any more questions about why The Donald appears to be coasting to the Republican nomination for President of the United States?



CNBC, which is part of the same NBC News network that openly partnered with a Democrat political data firm; that funneled more than a half-billion dollars to two pro-Hillary propaganda outlets (Vox and BuzzFeed); that turned their entire network over to the Clinton campaign for five days last week, thought it would pull a fast one and expand the upcoming Republican presidential debate from 2 hours to 3 hours.
Hahaha you think Buzzfeed is a pro-Hillary propoganda outlet?! Have you ever been to Buzzfeed? :rofl:

Anyways 2 hours huh? That should give the GOP's plethora of candidates maybe 5 minutes or so each of talking time. That's great for Trump, since he has less opportunity to say something stupid and his opponents have less opportunity to say something that could help them catch up. It's bad for everyone else.
Bottom Line.............Trump and Carson gave them an Offer They couldn't Refuse.

Democrats are not having debates, they just get together to agree all their scandals, lies, and flip flops don't mean anything then they go home.

Yep, even their own candidate said the same. It was just shameful that kabuki show they put out for their base of voters. and how about that spontaneous off the cuff shout out from Bernie. about they are tired of hearing about those: DAMN emails.
Jim Webb: Dem Debate Was Rigged

Not to mention that Hillary seemed extraordinarily prepared for the questions, that she seemed to be answering them almost before they were asked…

Via Daily Caller:

Jim Webb says the first Democratic debate on CNN was “rigged” by the network and its moderator Anderson Cooper to favor Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Webb, speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations on Thursday, insisted, “I’m going to be very frank, it was rigged in terms of who was going to get the time on the floor by the way that Anderson Cooper was selecting people to supposedly respond to something someone else said.”

Webb joked, “I even turned around to Bernie Sanders at one point and said, Bernie, say my name, will you? Say my name. So you know, in that kind of an environment, you know, I was either going to be Mr. Angry or I was going to be a potted plant. That was the only way to try to get into the conversation.”

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