Trump and his allies are quietly “plotting” to “deploy the U.S. Military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day” if Trump wins in 2024.

BREAKING: Washington Post drops Sunday morning bombshell, reveals that Trump and his allies are quietly “plotting” to “deploy the U.S. Military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day” if Trump wins in 2024.

But it gets WAY worse…

In today’s explosive new report, the Washington Post just unveiled a meticulously detailed plan being hatched behind the scenes by former President Donald Trump and his inner circle. This shocking scheme, to be put into motion if Trump secures a second term, involves leveraging the formidable powers of the federal government to target critics and adversaries.

The most chilling aspect? Discussions are underway about invoking the Insurrection Act on Inauguration Day, a move that could pave the way for the deployment of the military to quash civil demonstrations, plunging the nation into uncharted constitutional territory.

Trump's readiness to unveil a list of individuals deemed ripe for investigation or prosecution, including former officials like John Kelly and William P. Barr, adds a layer of vindictiveness to this unfolding saga. Publicly, Trump has even threatened to appoint a special prosecutor to go after President Biden and his family, despite a stark absence of tangible evidence to substantiate these claims.

However, what raises the most eyebrows and concerns is the concerted effort to dismantle well-established policies that have long separated criminal prosecutions from political considerations. These discussions have triggered widespread alarm, with critics arguing that such actions have the potential to erode the core tenets of democracy and, in some instances, draw alarming parallels to autocratic regimes.

A significant part of this secretive planning has been outsourced to a coalition of right-wing think tanks collectively referred to as "Project 2025." This consortium is hard at work crafting a comprehensive strategy, which includes the deployment of the military domestically under the provisions of the Insurrection Act, a law that has seen minimal use since its last significant revision in 1871.

The Washington Post's revelation comes in the wake of previous instances where Trump's supporters had urged him to employ the Insurrection Act during his first term. In recent public statements, Trump has expressed regret for not taking such drastic action in the past, signifying a willingness to entertain more forceful measures in the future.

This revelation provides a disturbing glimpse into Trump's unwavering determination to seek retribution against his critics, which has become an unmistakable and central theme of his campaign. It underscores the notion that a second term would serve as the ideal platform for settling scores.

Trump and his allies are mapping out plans to use the government to punish opponents if he wins in 2024

Deploy the U.S. military? Does this surprise anyone? I'm not surprised. What do you think?

You need a checkup from the neck up, paranoid nut job
Aw, gee, maybe you could start a thread about it. This thread is about a presidential election.

Wow, making Taz look good. That's quite a trick.

So you seriously don't grasp the connection between your conspiracy theory thread and election violence? Wow, so you thank God every day for social promotions in our government schools, huh racist nut job?
Yeah daring to reach across the isle for a compromise is a dangerous thing these days. No wonder he is so comfortable in visiting war zones.
Nah, I was commenting on his running a criminal enterprise, selling his office, for years. Than having the balls to run for President. Big huge brass ones.
Nah, I was commenting on his running a criminal enterprise, selling his office, for years. Than having the balls to run for President. Big huge brass ones.
Hahaha, Trumpybear proves those don't take big balls at all. You've been listening to Faux Not New a bunch haven't you?

Your projection is quite telling.

Keep up the good work, tiny!


No I'm not, YOU are! That's all the leftist racist bitch Blind Boob can come up with. No I'm not, YOU are, you are kaz, I'm not, you are!

What a useless boob.

There there, man/girl. So can I expect another no your not I am? What a useless bitch. Lamest comeback ever. No I'm not, you are, classic ...
Both the right and the left keep throwing out the term fascism without any justification or evidence, of any type. Throwing out the term without any justification doesn't make a point or an opinion more valid. It is the equivalent of talking louder and over someone in written form today.
The fascists are Trump and others on the illiberal, anti-democratic right who support Trump being ‘president’ again – who ignore Trump’s corruption and crimes, who ignore Trump’s desire for revenge and getting even for imaginary, non-existent wrongs, and who ignore the damage Trump caused when he was last ‘president.’
Your posts are some of the funniest material on this board. Empress Killary!!!!

You elected a criminal conman President, and now you're complaining that the criminal you elected is being arrested and charge with the crimes we all watching him committing as President.

It takes a special kind of stupid to come here day in and day out and reveal yourself to be the village idiot every single day, but you are that idiot.

Wow! I bet you feel better now, don't you?


No I'm not, YOU are! That's all the leftist racist bitch Blind Boob can come up with. No I'm not, YOU are, you are kaz, I'm not, you are!

What a useless boob.

There there, man/girl. So can I expect another no your not I am? What a useless bitch. Lamest comeback ever. No I'm not, you are, classic ...
Awww "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"


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