Trump and his allies are quietly “plotting” to “deploy the U.S. Military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day” if Trump wins in 2024.

BREAKING: Washington Post drops Sunday morning bombshell, reveals that Trump and his allies are quietly “plotting” to “deploy the U.S. Military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day” if Trump wins in 2024.

But it gets WAY worse…

In today’s explosive new report, the Washington Post just unveiled a meticulously detailed plan being hatched behind the scenes by former President Donald Trump and his inner circle. This shocking scheme, to be put into motion if Trump secures a second term, involves leveraging the formidable powers of the federal government to target critics and adversaries.

The most chilling aspect? Discussions are underway about invoking the Insurrection Act on Inauguration Day, a move that could pave the way for the deployment of the military to quash civil demonstrations, plunging the nation into uncharted constitutional territory.

Trump's readiness to unveil a list of individuals deemed ripe for investigation or prosecution, including former officials like John Kelly and William P. Barr, adds a layer of vindictiveness to this unfolding saga. Publicly, Trump has even threatened to appoint a special prosecutor to go after President Biden and his family, despite a stark absence of tangible evidence to substantiate these claims.

However, what raises the most eyebrows and concerns is the concerted effort to dismantle well-established policies that have long separated criminal prosecutions from political considerations. These discussions have triggered widespread alarm, with critics arguing that such actions have the potential to erode the core tenets of democracy and, in some instances, draw alarming parallels to autocratic regimes.

A significant part of this secretive planning has been outsourced to a coalition of right-wing think tanks collectively referred to as "Project 2025." This consortium is hard at work crafting a comprehensive strategy, which includes the deployment of the military domestically under the provisions of the Insurrection Act, a law that has seen minimal use since its last significant revision in 1871.

The Washington Post's revelation comes in the wake of previous instances where Trump's supporters had urged him to employ the Insurrection Act during his first term. In recent public statements, Trump has expressed regret for not taking such drastic action in the past, signifying a willingness to entertain more forceful measures in the future.

This revelation provides a disturbing glimpse into Trump's unwavering determination to seek retribution against his critics, which has become an unmistakable and central theme of his campaign. It underscores the notion that a second term would serve as the ideal platform for settling scores.

Trump and his allies are mapping out plans to use the government to punish opponents if he wins in 2024

Deploy the U.S. military? Does this surprise anyone? I'm not surprised. What do you think?
Where do you come up with this crap?
I think it's more than clear as we saw in 2020 that Democratic governors and mayors have zero interest in quelling violence in their cities, so what's your solution to that?

Trump is the guy who did NOTHING to stop these protests, because he thought they would help his election chances, but this thread is about his planned destruction of the Constitution if he can win re-election, which is highly unlikely.

We saw Trump "disappearing protestors" during those 2020 demonstrations. Having military personnel, without insignia, picking up protestors on the street in unmarked vans and taking them to undisclosed locations. All of the protestors were released, but it was an obvious dress rehearsal for what Trump had planned if he was re-elected.

Trump is also planning on gutting the DOJ so they WILL arrest Democrats this time out. Lord knows he tried last time, but the only charges he managed to bring were tossed out faster than the jury could order in lunch. The prosecutor was told the charges never should have been brought.

Two Grand Juries were empanelled to indict Andrew McCabe, five additional investigations of Hillary Clinton, IG investigations of the FBI's handling of the Clinton email investigation, the origins of "Crossfire Hurricane". Four years of Trump trying and failing to indict Democrats.

This time they're just going after Democrats. It'll be South America in the 1970's all over again.

I guess paranoia (and hatred) runs deep on the left. The world is in chaos and the U.S. is relatively leaderless and yet lefties think the former president is plotting against them. Does it even make sense unless you are consumed with hatred?

Just like y'all demanded your pound of flesh for defeating your Empress Killary.


Your posts are some of the funniest material on this board. Empress Killary!!!!

You elected a criminal conman President, and now you're complaining that the criminal you elected is being arrested and charge with the crimes we all watching him committing as President.

It takes a special kind of stupid to come here day in and day out and reveal yourself to be the village idiot every single day, but you are that idiot.
Trump is the guy who did NOTHING to stop these protests, because he thought they would help his election chance

He threatened to send the National Guard into Portland and people like you wet your pants over it. Try again.
Do you really think your incessant use of dismissive terms to describe, for example, members of the DoJ is in some way persuasive in defending Trump's actions as part of the failed coup?

This was before your supposed "coup", mouth breather.
He threatened to send the National Guard into Portland and people like you wet your pants over it. Try again.
He did send in Federal law enforcement. Unconstitutionally too. But the Neo-GOP oppose the Constitution and want its guarantees of freedom to be suspended.

"As to what the president can’t do: Federal law enforcement personnel cannot be used to enforce state and local laws. It’s basic to the Constitution — state and local governments have the police power; federal officers are limited to enforcing federal law. But Trump clearly says he is sending officers to cities with “liberal Democrats” as mayors as a way to stop protests and “restore order.” Absent invoking the Insurrection Act, he simply does not have the power. Ironically, it is conservatives — Republicans — who have usually championed federalism and respect for the authority of state and local governments, but not Republican Donald Trump.

Another can’t: The president cannot authorize violations of the First and Fourth Amendments.

In Portland, it appears that individuals have been arrested who were engaged in peaceful protests and not breaking any law. This upends the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech and freedom of assembly, as does the use of tear gas and projectiles to disperse peaceful protesters. And for the president to use federal law enforcement in a blatantly political way — that earmarking of cities with “liberal Democratic mayors” — also infringes core principles of the First Amendment."
MAGAMOB intimidation mimics the tactics of the first Fascist, as is Donnie's dream of suspending our Constitution. However Benedict Donald was Fascist Lite. He lacks the balls of El Duce, Hitler or Franco.

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I don't believe that Trump could convince all republicans and the military to jump on board a fascist regime. Period. I believe there are more than enough republicans, moderates, and liberals that wouldn't stand for it. Our constitution is the primacy and I believe the vast majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation still believe this.

But, let's not pretend either that the left and many of the social narratives, the MSM, are just as guilty of censoring and leveraging woke ideology just like fascists have done in the past.
He did send in Federal law enforcement. Unconstitutionally too. But the Neo-GOP oppose the Constitution and want its guarantees of freedom to be suspended.

"As to what the president can’t do: Federal law enforcement personnel cannot be used to enforce state and local laws. It’s basic to the Constitution — state and local governments have the police power; federal officers are limited to enforcing federal law. But Trump clearly says he is sending officers to cities with “liberal Democrats” as mayors as a way to stop protests and “restore order.” Absent invoking the Insurrection Act, he simply does not have the power. Ironically, it is conservatives — Republicans — who have usually championed federalism and respect for the authority of state and local governments, but not Republican Donald Trump.

Another can’t: The president cannot authorize violations of the First and Fourth Amendments.

In Portland, it appears that individuals have been arrested who were engaged in peaceful protests and not breaking any law. This upends the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech and freedom of assembly, as does the use of tear gas and projectiles to disperse peaceful protesters. And for the president to use federal law enforcement in a blatantly political way — that earmarking of cities with “liberal Democratic mayors” — also infringes core principles of the First Amendment."

There was nothing peaceful about the protests in Portland, but you already knew that.
Where do you come up with this crap?
The article was based on an investigation and interviews of people in a position to know by the authors. But I completely understand your need to reject evidence of Trump's depravity.
I don't believe that Trump could convince all republicans and the military to jump on board a fascist regime. Period. I believe there are more than enough republicans, moderates, and liberals that wouldn't stand for it. Our constitution is the primacy and I believe the vast majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation still believe this.

But, let's not pretend either that the left and many of the social narratives, the MSM, are just as guilty of censoring and leveraging woke ideology just like fascists have done in the past.

Doesn't mean he didn't try intimidating Congress. 147 Neo-Republicans voted in favor of Benedicts Donald's lies about the election. The so called MSM has the freedom to publish or not publish whatever they want. Fascist governments treat the opposition news as enemies of the State and do their dead level best to shut them down or take them over to recite Government propaganda. Biden has never called "Faux Not News" the enemy of the people.
I know what I would have done. But then I would not have allowed myself to be put in that situation.
Thats wise

When you got your draft notice you could have run away to Austria

No wait, the Nazi’s reached there too

Then France maybe?

No only till 1942

Or sweden?

But you’re the smartest guy you know so you would figure it out
MAGAMOB intimidation mimics the tactics of the first Fascist, as is Donnie's dream of suspending our Constitution. However Benedict Donald was Fascist Lite. He lacks the balls of El Duce, Hitler or Franco.
Or Biden. Gotta give the demented simp credit, he's got some huge brass ones.

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