Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Yea? Well I’ll take the word of the medical professionals at the CDC
Doctors have different opinions. You accept the doctor's Google pushes. There are other legitimate voices out there who disagree

I'll take the head of the CDC over what you think.

Thanks though.

Looks to me like DA is getting his COVID info from Dr Scott Atlas (a radiologist) Dr Oz (a hack) and the My Pillow Guy (a snake oil salesman). ;)
Haha this literally just popped up on Fox

To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.

It is difficult for me to believe that anyone who is aware of the facts would even consider throwing support behind Trump unless
they were convinced that the resulting chaos somehow benefits them personally....even though they know it is bad for the nation.
Some folks do not see him as that damaging. They hate his tweets, they think he is a barbarian AND this is all better than letting AOC (and all she represents to them) rush the gates of government. That is an opinion and like all opinions may or may not be completely supported by facts. But to say that the facts can only support one possible conclusion here is exactly the type of sediment folks on the right see as proof of left wing fascism. The hard part about democracy is that well meaning, intelligent and thoughtful people can disagree. To see one side as inherently good and one as inherently evil is the reason why so much of what goes on in places like this is utter nonsense. If you believe you are correct make an argument around ideas, hold your insults for those who show themselves to be either irrational or actually unintelligent. Not hard to find, but don’t dismiss their argument before they make it.
Sorry for the soap box, but what is killing democracy is not our politicians but The Peoples unwillingness to actually participate in meaningful ways.

What. factually speaking, does AOC represent? Not looking for an opinion here.
Same as Graham McConnell Barr All garbage
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
My "neither" Vote is a punishment to the Democrats. Not those in Office, the ones at home who were so block-headed as to choose the Candidate with the least favorable optics two times straight thus allowing the most dangerous President we might have ever had. They deserve what they get. Instead of an active, coherent & future-looking Candidate that can actually articulate all of the vile shit he's done and elucidating a decent path for the future, they chose a belt-way candidate who has them all hoping that he can speak coherently at a debate.

Were I you, I'd choose the beltway candidate who stutters, misspeaks on occasion and is too damn old over the most dangerous president we've ever had. ;)
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
It would be funny to watch Trump chase Biden around on the stage trying to get a hug......:auiqs.jpg:
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.

It is difficult for me to believe that anyone who is aware of the facts would even consider throwing support behind Trump unless
they were convinced that the resulting chaos somehow benefits them personally....even though they know it is bad for the nation.
Some folks do not see him as that damaging. They hate his tweets, they think he is a barbarian AND this is all better than letting AOC (and all she represents to them) rush the gates of government. That is an opinion and like all opinions may or may not be completely supported by facts. But to say that the facts can only support one possible conclusion here is exactly the type of sediment folks on the right see as proof of left wing fascism. The hard part about democracy is that well meaning, intelligent and thoughtful people can disagree. To see one side as inherently good and one as inherently evil is the reason why so much of what goes on in places like this is utter nonsense. If you believe you are correct make an argument around ideas, hold your insults for those who show themselves to be either irrational or actually unintelligent. Not hard to find, but don’t dismiss their argument before they make it.
Sorry for the soap box, but what is killing democracy is not our politicians but The Peoples unwillingness to actually participate in meaningful ways.

What. factually speaking, does AOC represent? Not looking for an opinion here.
Same as Graham McConnell Barr All garbage
Graham McConnell and Barr are the only thing keeping Obamas butt out of should be thanking them...
Yea? Well I’ll take the word of the medical professionals at the CDC
Doctors have different opinions. You accept the doctor's Google pushes. There are other legitimate voices out there who disagree

I'll take the head of the CDC over what you think.

Thanks though.

Looks to me like DA is getting his COVID info from Dr Scott Atlas (a radiologist) Dr Oz (a hack) and the My Pillow Guy (a snake oil salesman). ;)
Haha this literally just popped up on Fox

View attachment 396072

Is Dr Oz gonna promote a new miracle cure? :rolleyes:
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
My "neither" Vote is a punishment to the Democrats. Not those in Office, the ones at home who were so block-headed as to choose the Candidate with the least favorable optics two times straight thus allowing the most dangerous President we might have ever had. They deserve what they get. Instead of an active, coherent & future-looking Candidate that can actually articulate all of the vile shit he's done and elucidating a decent path for the future, they chose a belt-way candidate who has them all hoping that he can speak coherently at a debate.

Were I you, I'd choose the beltway candidate who stutters, misspeaks on occasion and is too damn old over the most dangerous president we've ever had. ;)
No, these parties need to learn from their mistakes and if the danger comes to fruition...well, I'd argue some of it already has...I'll be more than happy to tell them I told you so.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
That's trivial - nobody is the arbiter of what a fact is besides reality. Just because someone recognizes what the facts are, doesnt mean theyre the ones deciding its a fact...glad I could clear up that distinction, though...because it seems to me that in the interest of some magical fairness you're suggesting that everyone is entitled to their own facts.
No, what I am saying, is that raw data is factual, but what we all do is use our reason to extrapolate truth out of those facts. I am not defending those who willfully stick their heads in the sand and deny reality. I am simply suggesting that reasonable people can have reasonable disagreements about what the facts “mean”. This is not me saying, Alternative Facts are anything but lies, but I am suggesting like an statistician will tell you, numbers can be manipulated to derive meaning almost any meaning, yet they are factual.
Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
Since he never called it a hoax, that kind of makes you look like an idiot.

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of “politicizing” the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax” as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.

Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax'

Now you can explain what he meant by that. By doing that you aren't really making him look any better because that's what has to be done over and over with Trump.

He talks like a 12 year old. Name calling, incomplete sentences. Things that then have to be explained what he actually meant. Well now he can call in sick and lay in bed all day and watch cartoons.

Well if you go on Snopes and read it what he was referring to was the hoax of an impeachment the Dem were holding. Not the virus.

Like I said.....everything he says has to be explained by someone else because he speaks like a 12 year old.
Which is 5 grades too high for a large majority of Democrats.
Poor Left tard.... Cant or wont debate the facts I posted?

Hmmm....should I listen to the director of the CDC or the anonymous Trump supporter with no medical degrees and can't make his argument without calling me a "tard"? Such an eloquent response from someone who clearly knows what they're talking about.


Maybe try throwing in a few "commie" insults and a "cuck" or two. Oh, and don't forget to sprinkle in some "TDS". I think that will really drive your point home.

Such difficult decisions...
Yesterday morning, I went my workout gym, and I was the only person there wearing a protective mask and using disinfectant before and after each piece of equipment I used. I scrub down each area where hands are likely to land. You have to think like a virus that reproduces at will and as the opportunity to replicate when someone lets their guard and forgets to deter any stray bug that comes along. Even so. even people as careful as me can and do get the virus.

So, I pray for everyone and also all animals.
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Damn but you're as dumb and ignorant as a fucking stump. Trump is now finished and all of your NO, NO, NO's aren't going to change what will be coming to pass this October and November. He's a victim of his own bloody hubris! Live with it!
Sir or Madam, President Trump has just begun to fight, and the American people are on the man who would have people earning record good salaries, inflation is dropping like lead and fast while American manufacturing is swinging on the American star along with the American dream coming back for all.

President Trump will have a few days of isolation and recuperation, will be heard on Fox News, the Blaze, and other approved authentic journalistic sources who report accurately the truth so the American will be able to make their voting based on fair play and not throat crammers like the madcow and the accosta screamer.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
That's trivial - nobody is the arbiter of what a fact is besides reality. Just because someone recognizes what the facts are, doesnt mean theyre the ones deciding its a fact...glad I could clear up that distinction, though...because it seems to me that in the interest of some magical fairness you're suggesting that everyone is entitled to their own facts.
No, what I am saying, is that raw data is factual, but what we all do is use our reason to extrapolate truth out of those facts. I am not defending those who willfully stick their heads in the sand and deny reality. I am simply suggesting that reasonable people can have reasonable disagreements about what the facts “mean”. This is not me saying, Alternative Facts are anything but lies, but I am suggesting like an statistician will tell you, numbers can be manipulated to derive meaning almost any meaning, yet they are factual.
What you are saying is completely trivial. If you think the only way to conclude that Trump is and has been bad for the Country is by arbitrary opinion, and the facts cannot support that - then it's not by some colloquial interpretation of the facts to say that you are wrong, and perhaps stupid. Universal you, in the hypothetical...not you you. You knew that.

Which you?

The letter. The letter u.

Or two of them, or the letter that says two of them. Double you. Or W.
Now he's on equal physical footing with Biden. He has COVID and Biden is perfectly healthy, to the extent that's even possible.
Well Biden was smart enough to avoid catching it and Trump the most protected man in the world managed to catch it. We can let that one speak for itself
Like Trump said, don't ever confuse the self professed "Delaware State" grad with anything smart.
trump caught COVID19. Biden did not. So accept the fact that trump is a moron.
One of Melanias aids also tested positive and that may be how they got it.

Trump never said the Covid virus was a hoax

Biden is safe he will never get the virus, unless they finally let other people in his basement

Trump was a staunch anti-masker so he reaped what he sowed.

Reaped what he mean natural immunity in a couple of weeks? Confirmation that the virus isn't as deadly as the dems claim as they demand money? Street creds on the campaign trail as he will be able to tell first hand how he survived and that the medicines that he has been stockpiling are indeed effective in fighting the disease despite the dems lies and destruction of the economy and jobs?
One can only observe in amazement at how much chaos one profoundly damaged man can inflict on this country.

And even more than that, how many people are fine with it. People who claim to love this country.
AS the left burn down businesses, attack people, kill people, loot stores etc.....
Right on cue.

Yes. You keep setting yourself up for that with your profound hypocrisy
You simpletons sold your soul to a buffoon, and now the country is a fucking mess.

This is yours. You own it. Tough shit.

FEB 25
“You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better. They’re all getting better. … As far as what we’re doing with the new virus, I think that we’re doing a great job.”

The blue States run by Democrats where most of the deaths occurred should have done a better job too, huh?
Surely you do know that the administration IMPORTED the virus in to those strong democratic metro area international airports, when they called for all Americans in Europe and in China, to come home, and stopped incoming flights thereafter....jam packing their unmasked passengers in to crowded airports, without testing for covid before they were disbursed in to US communities and metro regions....
The virus was never a hoax and being someone who has survived the virus I can tell you it is not fun.

Having fatigue, spewing phlegm and having shortness of breath more than usual is not fun nor anyone should make fun or mock those that got it...

I do understand President Trump is opened to the criticism because of past statements he had made but Melania and His family shouldn’t have to endure the abuse...

in the end this will make many on the left happy but as for me all I can write is I hope they get better and learn from this...
Yesterday morning, I went my workout gym, and I was the only person there wearing a protective mask and using disinfectant before and after each piece of equipment I used. I scrub down each area where hands are likely to land. You have to think like a virus that reproduces at will and as the opportunity to replicate when someone lets their guard and forgets to deter any stray bug that comes along. Even so. even people as careful as me can and do get the virus.

So, I pray for everyone and also all animals.
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Damn but you're as dumb and ignorant as a fucking stump. Trump is now finished and all of your NO, NO, NO's aren't going to change what will be coming to pass this October and November. He's a victim of his own bloody hubris! Live with it!
Sir or Madam, President Trump has just begun to fight, and the American people are on the man who would have people earning record good salaries, inflation is dropping like lead and fast while American manufacturing is swinging on the American star along with the American dream coming back for all.

President Trump will have a few days of isolation and recuperation, will be heard on Fox News, the Blaze, and other approved authentic journalistic sources who report accurately the truth so the American will be able to make their voting based on fair play and not throat crammers like the madcow and the accosta screamer.

Yup. I do the same. I use Purell by the gallon and wipe anything I touch at the grocery store and anywhere else I have to go. Doesn't take rocket science, just common sense.
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out Ms.from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Damn but you're as dumb and ignorant as a fucking stump. Trump is now finished and all of your NO, NO, NO's aren't going to change what will be coming to pass this October and November. He's a victim of his own bloody hubris! Live with it!
Billy Bob is very truthful, not to mention bright, and needs no personality advice ou judgment from a TDS backward clod like you.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
My "neither" Vote is a punishment to the Democrats. Not those in Office, the ones at home who were so block-headed as to choose the Candidate with the least favorable optics two times straight thus allowing the most dangerous President we might have ever had. They deserve what they get. Instead of an active, coherent & future-looking Candidate that can actually articulate all of the vile shit he's done and elucidating a decent path for the future, they chose a belt-way candidate who has them all hoping that he can speak coherently at a debate.

Were I you, I'd choose the beltway candidate who stutters, misspeaks on occasion and is too damn old over the most dangerous president we've ever had. ;)
No, these parties need to learn from their mistakes and if the danger comes to fruition...well, I'd argue some of it already has...I'll be more than happy to tell them I told you so.

"I told you so" won't do much good if half of us are dead due to 4 more years of Mango Menace incompetence or we become a totalitarian plutocracy (a near certainty).

Hold yer nose and vote!
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