Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

You felt the need to post this? Who cares, dumbass?
You, obviously.

Nah, don't flatter yourself...I just happened accross your stupid post and thought to myself, you could have saved the bandwidth and just got your coffee, and posted something later.
As I read through this thread after sleeping for a few hours I am looking at the left trying to force their shutdown and control agenda thwarting the will of the people. I am in disgust of this blatant power grab.. 99.8% of the US populace will now get and heal from this virus just as they do from the flu each year. There is no reason to fearmonger and become hyperbolic.

I do not see Trump moving anywhere. The White House has been compromised with this virus and there is no reason to do it to other regions or locations without a clinical need to do so. As for the rule of not campaigning from the White House, these are exigent circumstances and can be justified for the temporary removal of this rule. Its commonsense..

What people fail to understand is people have the right to choose. This virus does not suspend the US constitution and people have the right to pursue happiness. Trump has taken personal responsibility for his own decisions just as every American has the right and duty to do also.
Trump takes personal responsibility for his own decisions??? He didn't hold back info about how deadly the virus was so he wouldn't panic the people ? and then back off taking responsibility for all the extra deaths that caused? Trump ALWAYS blames others Don't you get that yet?
Leaders have to maintain calm and not create panic...

This is a concept that you clearly do not understand. You can not think and act rationally if your populace is in a panic. People die if you allow the herd to panic and become a raging stampede.

You wouldn't know leadership if it hit you up the side of your head...
And you think the schmuck in our WH is a leader??? WOW

So which of eddiew's socks are you? Left or right?
I’ll say it again. Biden’s was smart enough to avoid the Virus and Trump was dumb enough to catch despite being protected by dozens of people 24/7. He almost had to try to get it. That’s a special kind of stupid

Gonna laugh my ass off at YOU when Biden gets the Rona.
If Biden tests positive then he caught it from the debate and the dumb ass Presidents posse. They should all be ashamed for how cavalier and dishonest they’ve been about this whole thing. I wish a speedy recovery for all but I also hope they learn a fucking lesson and start taking this thing seriously. Stop endangering others
Never leave your house

Trump used to say that too. Now he has it.
Your mask cannot stop it... This virus is <0.1 microns in size and N-95 masks are 1.5 microns filtration. The major mode of transmission is hand touches surface, hand touches face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Air borne is about 7th on the list of ways to contract this.

Yea? Tell me more about your medical degrees.
I am trained in biological warfare. Everything I have stated can be backed up with medical fact.

Yea? Tell me about your medical degrees.
How about you refute the FACTS I have presneted and lets not play the pussy games of personal destruction... Refute the facts!

Still waiting on those medical degrees of yours. Seems like you don't have any.

I think I'll listen to the people who do have the medical degrees over some random person on an anonymous message board. Thanks though.
Yea? Well I’ll take the word of the medical professionals at the CDC
Doctors have different opinions. You accept the doctor's Google pushes. There are other legitimate voices out there who disagree

I'll take the head of the CDC over what you think.

Thanks though.

Looks to me like DA is getting his COVID info from Dr Scott Atlas (a radiologist) Dr Oz (a hack) and the My Pillow Guy (a snake oil salesman). ;)
Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?

What exactly do you want to see them do right now?
Resign ! Any public official who has treated this pandemic the way Trump has , needs to resign.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
My "neither" Vote is a punishment to the Democrats. Not those in Office, the ones at home who were so block-headed as to choose the Candidate with the least favorable optics two times straight thus allowing the most dangerous President we might have ever had. They deserve what they get. Instead of an active, coherent & future-looking Candidate that can actually articulate all of the vile shit he's done and elucidating a decent path for the future, they chose a belt-way candidate who has them all hoping that he can speak coherently at a debate.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?

What exactly do you want to see them do right now?
Resign ! Any public official who has treated this pandemic the way Trump has , needs to resign.

HA! your posting is a joke man....
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.

It is difficult for me to believe that anyone who is aware of the facts would even consider throwing support behind Trump unless
they were convinced that the resulting chaos somehow benefits them personally....even though they know it is bad for the nation.
Some folks do not see him as that damaging. They hate his tweets, they think he is a barbarian AND this is all better than letting AOC (and all she represents to them) rush the gates of government. That is an opinion and like all opinions may or may not be completely supported by facts. But to say that the facts can only support one possible conclusion here is exactly the type of sediment folks on the right see as proof of left wing fascism. The hard part about democracy is that well meaning, intelligent and thoughtful people can disagree. To see one side as inherently good and one as inherently evil is the reason why so much of what goes on in places like this is utter nonsense. If you believe you are correct make an argument around ideas, hold your insults for those who show themselves to be either irrational or actually unintelligent. Not hard to find, but don’t dismiss their argument before they make it.
Sorry for the soap box, but what is killing democracy is not our politicians but The Peoples unwillingness to actually participate in meaningful ways.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
As I read through this thread after sleeping for a few hours I am looking at the left trying to force their shutdown and control agenda thwarting the will of the people. I am in disgust of this blatant power grab.. 99.8% of the US populace will now get and heal from this virus just as they do from the flu each year. There is no reason to fearmonger and become hyperbolic.

I do not see Trump moving anywhere. The White House has been compromised with this virus and there is no reason to do it to other regions or locations without a clinical need to do so. As for the rule of not campaigning from the White House, these are exigent circumstances and can be justified for the temporary removal of this rule. Its commonsense..

What people fail to understand is people have the right to choose. This virus does not suspend the US constitution and people have the right to pursue happiness. Trump has taken personal responsibility for his own decisions just as every American has the right and duty to do also.
Trump takes personal responsibility for his own decisions??? He didn't hold back info about how deadly the virus was so he wouldn't panic the people ? and then back off taking responsibility for all the extra deaths that caused? Trump ALWAYS blames others Don't you get that yet?
Leaders have to maintain calm and not create panic...

This is a concept that you clearly do not understand. You can not think and act rationally if your populace is in a panic. People die if you allow the herd to panic and become a raging stampede.

You wouldn't know leadership if it hit you up the side of your head...
And you think the schmuck in our WH is a leader??? WOW

So which of eddiew's socks are you? Left or right?
As I read through this thread after sleeping for a few hours I am looking at the left trying to force their shutdown and control agenda thwarting the will of the people. I am in disgust of this blatant power grab.. 99.8% of the US populace will now get and heal from this virus just as they do from the flu each year. There is no reason to fearmonger and become hyperbolic.

I do not see Trump moving anywhere. The White House has been compromised with this virus and there is no reason to do it to other regions or locations without a clinical need to do so. As for the rule of not campaigning from the White House, these are exigent circumstances and can be justified for the temporary removal of this rule. Its commonsense..

What people fail to understand is people have the right to choose. This virus does not suspend the US constitution and people have the right to pursue happiness. Trump has taken personal responsibility for his own decisions just as every American has the right and duty to do also.
Trump takes personal responsibility for his own decisions??? He didn't hold back info about how deadly the virus was so he wouldn't panic the people ? and then back off taking responsibility for all the extra deaths that caused? Trump ALWAYS blames others Don't you get that yet?
Leaders have to maintain calm and not create panic...

This is a concept that you clearly do not understand. You can not think and act rationally if your populace is in a panic. People die if you allow the herd to panic and become a raging stampede.

You wouldn't know leadership if it hit you up the side of your head...
And you think the schmuck in our WH is a leader??? WOW

So which of eddiew's socks are you? Left or right?
So which of eddiew's socks are you? Left or right?
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
That's trivial - nobody is the arbiter of what a fact is besides reality. Just because someone recognizes what the facts are, doesnt mean theyre the ones deciding its a fact...glad I could clear up that distinction, though...because it seems to me that in the interest of some magical fairness you're suggesting that everyone is entitled to their own facts.
Yea? Well I’ll take the word of the medical professionals at the CDC
Doctors have different opinions. You accept the doctor's Google pushes. There are other legitimate voices out there who disagree

I'll take the head of the CDC over what you think.

Thanks though.

Looks to me like DA is getting his COVID info from Dr Scott Atlas (a radiologist) Dr Oz (a hack) and the My Pillow Guy (a snake oil salesman). ;)
My Pillow has a proven cure. WhatS going on here?!

Trump used to say that too. Now he has it.
Your mask cannot stop it... This virus is <0.1 microns in size and N-95 masks are 1.5 microns filtration. The major mode of transmission is hand touches surface, hand touches face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Air borne is about 7th on the list of ways to contract this.

Yea? Tell me more about your medical degrees.
I am trained in biological warfare. Everything I have stated can be backed up with medical fact.

Yea? Tell me about your medical degrees.
How about you refute the FACTS I have presneted and lets not play the pussy games of personal destruction... Refute the facts!

Still waiting on those medical degrees of yours. Seems like you don't have any.

I think I'll listen to the people who do have the medical degrees over some random person on an anonymous message board. Thanks though.
Poor Left tard.... Cant or wont debate the facts I posted?
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.

It is difficult for me to believe that anyone who is aware of the facts would even consider throwing support behind Trump unless
they were convinced that the resulting chaos somehow benefits them personally....even though they know it is bad for the nation.
Some folks do not see him as that damaging. They hate his tweets, they think he is a barbarian AND this is all better than letting AOC (and all she represents to them) rush the gates of government. That is an opinion and like all opinions may or may not be completely supported by facts. But to say that the facts can only support one possible conclusion here is exactly the type of sediment folks on the right see as proof of left wing fascism. The hard part about democracy is that well meaning, intelligent and thoughtful people can disagree. To see one side as inherently good and one as inherently evil is the reason why so much of what goes on in places like this is utter nonsense. If you believe you are correct make an argument around ideas, hold your insults for those who show themselves to be either irrational or actually unintelligent. Not hard to find, but don’t dismiss their argument before they make it.
Sorry for the soap box, but what is killing democracy is not our politicians but The Peoples unwillingness to actually participate in meaningful ways.

What. factually speaking, does AOC represent? Not looking for an opinion here.
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