Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Well, I wish them the best outcome. Really I do, but you can hardly ignore the strong possibility that Donald brought this on himself with the anti-mask and dismissive nonsense. The COVIDS are serious business and hardly just "the flu". Maybe he'll take a different tone now and everyone (most everyone) will kind of get on the same page and realize it.

Now perhaps this thought belongs in Conspiracy Theories, but we all know that Donald will do just about ANYTHING to stay in power. He'll be indicted if he doesn't and has shown a willingness to cheat and lie in order to consolidate power.

So, what if this is actually a pity party play because he knew he'd have to throw another big monkey wrench in the works in order to win. If people feel sorry for him, it could change the dynamic.

Or, do you think I should fashion myself a nice tinfoil hat? ;)
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
Prog Socialists weaponized the virus. It has become a political toy for the good for the party. Trump lives is his life. The virus was not to important to impeach him. The real problem is the hysteria that was created by people like you and your minions. Not for a moment do I doubt that when you have complete control, life is going to be dreary, of inquisition and dangerous to each individual from other ones if we do not tow the Prog Socialist line.
I'll take "Word Soup" for a thousand Alex.

Do you come with a translator?

"Trump lives is his life"? Wow.

candycorn? You didn't answer my simple question. Why was that?
A simple question is all that you're able to muster....isn't it shit brains?

Nope. I'm able to muster a simple question, where your refusal to answer it, makes a strong and valid counter point.

Pretty clever if I say so myself.

Come on. Admit that you get the point. Or I will keep asking you the simple question, which you have not answered.

YOu do realize that being a crack whore is less toxic in our culture than being a ws? Which is the lie you were supporting with your support of Wallace's "simple question.

I'll defer to your expertise on crack's about the only sex you could ever hope to have INCEL.
It's around a 9% mortality rate for those who catch it, in Trump' s age group.... NOT less than 1% as you had mentioned earlier... his age makes him at much higher risk than most the country...something like a 70 times greater risk of dying than an 18 yr old.

In addition to his age, he's obese and pre-diabetic.
There was a thread a little while back where somebody predicted Biden would say he tested positive for Covid-19 to avoid the first debate. Now Trump says he tested positive 5 days before the 2nd debate. :lol:
Isn't the next debate is Vice Presidents, not the President.
One of Melanias aids also tested positive and that may be how they got it.

Trump never said the Covid virus was a hoax

Biden is safe he will never get the virus, unless they finally let other people in his basement

Yes he did - He said it was "a Democrat hoax" Shall we go to the tape?
First got the news of this on tiktok where a Trump supporter did a ton of screen shots of the left all giddy over this.

Vile creatures who cannot be allowed in any political office in Washington

Yeah, I saw some really ugly responses. But then again I think their response to the whole covid thing from the start has been as low and vile as it gets. Politicizing the hell out of something that people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together realized long ago was another fake "crisis", but they go along with it, knowingly or not, for political purposes.

You think this is a fake crisis?


It's already been established that the numbers are a total joke. You need to turn off the idiot box and get out more.
Yeah, Herman Cain is still laughing at that total joke.

I said the numbers overall, dupe. People die every year from the flu, tuberculosis, and numerous other illnesses. Which you hypocrites don't care one whit about. You only "care" about this because you've been politicizing the hell out of it, and because the TV told you to.
Dumbfuck, COVID-19 is as much as 20 times deadlier than the flu. Can you be any more retarded?

First of all, nice big fat strawman, since I never made a specific claim on how it compares to the flu. I simply said people die every year from the flu and other illnesses. Secondly, turn off the idiot box. I laugh at brainwashed zombies like you who believe everything you're spoon-fed. You probably aren't even aware that the US can legally propagandize its own citizens. It's pathetic that you call others dumbfucks, when you're a typical brainwashed, bootlicking zombie.

Your projection is noted and laughed at. Of course you compared it to the flu. In response to me pointing the deaths are real in response to you claiming it's a fake crisis, you compared it to how people also die from the flu.

They do, but they are about 20 times more likely to die if they catch COVID-19.
You are either really dishonest or you have terrible reading comprehension. First of all, I didn’t single out the flu like you keep doing. My exact statement was: “People die every year from the flu, tuberculosis, and numerous other illnesses.” - nowhere in that statement did I make a claim one way or the other on how contagious COVID-19 is, YOU brought that into this, not me. The bottom line is that when you strip away all the lies and propaganda, the death count is significantly less... far more people die of other illnesses which you guys don’t care one whit about, because you don’t actually care about lives, you care about politics and trying to score political points, which is as low as it gets.

Now, if you bring up up another strawman, then you will just confirm that you are a dishonest person, in addition to being a deeply indoctrinated bootlicking zombie.
One of Melanias aids also tested positive and that may be how they got it.

Trump never said the Covid virus was a hoax

Biden is safe he will never get the virus, unless they finally let other people in his basement

Yes he did - He said it was "a Democrat hoax" Shall we go to the tape?

LIAR! He said the democrat response was a hoax...
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
Obviously this won't change conservatives' wrongheaded perception of the pandemic.

Why are you not talking about what might happen if he dies?
CELEBRATION ? World wide

So, you planning on it? YOu stocking up on champagne and streamers?
No ,nothing quite that elaborate But like that old country song said ,Thank God and Greyhound he's gone

So, you're pretty sure he's going to die? Being so old and fat?
No He's getting the best of care ,care others won't get BUT IF it happens there will be no tears in my eyes The man is a slime bag and I'm being kind
I’m hoping Joe has the virus too. Then just maybe both assholes would have to drop out and with any luck, we could get competent people running for potus.
Do you or Mac1958 ever give us the government or candidates you want?

Go ahead and explain it to all of us and stop pretending you are above the fray from your moral platitude.

Give us the wet dream candidate? A typical lawyer politician telling you everything you want to hear?

Tell us.
LOL. If you think Don and Joe are good candidates, you’re a dope.

I hold no hope that the empire would ever allow a good candidate to be potus. You know...a candidate that actually does the bidding of the people and not the ultra wealthy and MIC.
How can a president do the bidding of the people when we're so divided now? You think the left and right could ever get along ? If so I think you're dreaming
most people arent left and right - - thats the point. most folks have some views left, some views right - - - but listening to partisan political banter makes the people inside of the matrix believe that there's only one or the other.

thats the problem, and our leadership does nothing to calm things but instead, thrives on it
Something like 100 million Americans don’t vote. It’s the biggest voting bloc, but they don’t vote. Many know the system is failing and it doesn’t matter who wins office.
Thank God they dont vote. Voting is a responsibility of the educated.
Yeah the educated vote for a Don or Joe. LMFAO.

You could learn a lot from George Carlin but it’s too late for you and so many other dumb Americans, who buy into the two party duopoly.

The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork…. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. …The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice…. Nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on…. It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it.
Well, I wish them the best outcome. Really I do, but you can hardly ignore the strong possibility that Donald brought this on himself with the anti-mask and dismissive nonsense. The COVIDS are serious business and hardly just "the flu". Maybe he'll take a different tone now and everyone (most everyone) will kind of get on the same page and realize it.

Now perhaps this thought belongs in Conspiracy Theories, but we all know that Donald will do just about ANYTHING to stay in power. He'll be indicted if he doesn't and has shown a willingness to cheat and lie in order to consolidate power.

So, what if this is actually a pity party play because he knew he'd have to throw another big monkey wrench in the works in order to win. If people feel sorry for him, it could change the dynamic.

Or, do you think I should fashion myself a nice tinfoil hat? ;)
I've learned that you don't put ANYTHING past the POS He'll go as low as he can to stay in power
As I read through this thread after sleeping for a few hours I am looking at the left trying to force their shutdown and control agenda thwarting the will of the people. I am in disgust of this blatant power grab.. 99.8% of the US populace will now get and heal from this virus just as they do from the flu each year. There is no reason to fearmonger and become hyperbolic.

I do not see Trump moving anywhere. The White House has been compromised with this virus and there is no reason to do it to other regions or locations without a clinical need to do so. As for the rule of not campaigning from the White House, these are exigent circumstances and can be justified for the temporary removal of this rule. Its commonsense..

What people fail to understand is people have the right to choose. This virus does not suspend the US constitution and people have the right to pursue happiness. Trump has taken personal responsibility for his own decisions just as every American has the right and duty to do also.
The president and the first lady ARE experiencing symptoms....What does that mean? A fever? A dry cough?

Remember, he and Melania will have the best medical care, that anyone on Earth could have if they do get really sick...And all the promising drugs to fight covid at their fingertips!
Wasn't hydroxychloroquine supposed to have prevented this?

So much for that legend.
Do you ever have an honest moment.

It doesnt eliminate the possibility of ever getting the disease, but MANY think it greatly reduces the symptoms.

I know your praying to Satan for his death, but that is HIGHLY UNLIKELY. 9 out of ten his age recover
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
Prog Socialists weaponized the virus. It has become a political toy for the good for the party. Trump lives is his life. The virus was not to important to impeach him. The real problem is the hysteria that was created by people like you and your minions. Not for a moment do I doubt that when you have complete control, life is going to be dreary, of inquisition and dangerous to each individual from other ones if we do not tow the Prog Socialist line.
I'll take "Word Soup" for a thousand Alex.

Do you come with a translator?

"Trump lives is his life"? Wow.

Drinking early ... or Late? :D
There go the rest of the debates. He'll be in quarantine until like a week before election.
I have not been told what treatment regiment the Presidents Doctor has started them on, but you can bet money that it has already begun.

That said, most of the new therapeutics clear this virus in about 7-10 days. Quarantine is ended when there are two negative tests 24 hours apart. You can bet that Trump will be back on the trail 30 seconds after test number two is done and proofed negative...

The best part is, HE WONT REQUIRE A MASK as he will now have ACQUIRED IMMUNITY.
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As I read through this thread after sleeping for a few hours I am looking at the left trying to force their shutdown and control agenda thwarting the will of the people. I am in disgust of this blatant power grab.. 99.8% of the US populace will now get and heal from this virus just as they do from the flu each year. There is no reason to fearmonger and become hyperbolic.

I do not see Trump moving anywhere. The White House has been compromised with this virus and there is no reason to do it to other regions or locations without a clinical need to do so. As for the rule of not campaigning from the White House, these are exigent circumstances and can be justified for the temporary removal of this rule. Its commonsense..

What people fail to understand is people have the right to choose. This virus does not suspend the US constitution and people have the right to pursue happiness. Trump has taken personal responsibility for his own decisions just as every American has the right and duty to do also.
Trump takes personal responsibility for his own decisions??? He didn't hold back info about how deadly the virus was so he wouldn't panic the people ? and then back off taking responsibility for all the extra deaths that caused? Trump ALWAYS blames others Don't you get that yet?
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