Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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I would rather 10 people vote if those 10 people understood the issues and voted accordingly.
All someone needs to know is which candidate best represents your interests.

Doesn’t matter if you live under a highway overpass or are a CEO of a major corporation
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
Obviously this won't change conservatives' wrongheaded perception of the pandemic.

Why are you not talking about what might happen if he dies?
CELEBRATION ? World wide

So, you planning on it? YOu stocking up on champagne and streamers?
No ,nothing quite that elaborate But like that old country song said ,Thank God and Greyhound he's gone

So, you're pretty sure he's going to die? Being so old and fat?
No He's getting the best of care ,care others won't get BUT IF it happens there will be no tears in my eyes The man is a slime bag and I'm being kind
I’m hoping Joe has the virus too. Then just maybe both assholes would have to drop out and with any luck, we could get competent people running for potus.
Do you or Mac1958 ever give us the government or candidates you want?

Go ahead and explain it to all of us and stop pretending you are above the fray from your moral platitude.

Give us the wet dream candidate? A typical lawyer politician telling you everything you want to hear?

Tell us.
LOL. If you think Don and Joe are good candidates, you’re a dope.

I hold no hope that the empire would ever allow a good candidate to be potus. You know...a candidate that actually does the bidding of the people and not the ultra wealthy and MIC.
How can a president do the bidding of the people when we're so divided now? You think the left and right could ever get along ? If so I think you're dreaming
most people arent left and right - - thats the point. most folks have some views left, some views right - - - but listening to partisan political banter makes the people inside of the matrix believe that there's only one or the other.

thats the problem, and our leadership does nothing to calm things but instead, thrives on it
Something like 100 million Americans don’t vote. It’s the biggest voting bloc, but they don’t vote. Many know the system is failing and it doesn’t matter who wins office.
I would rather 10 people vote if those 10 people understood the issues and voted accordingly.

We were never supposed to be a democracy and voting was never supposed to be a "right." The word democracy doesn't appear in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.

As a result of voting becoming a right, we see large swaths of people seduced by tropes, propaganda and the powers of group think.

Socrates warned us of the deep flaws in democracy and allowing voting to be a RIGHT.

Watch, learn and see why we are in the position we are in today.

Okay. Good.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
Obviously this won't change conservatives' wrongheaded perception of the pandemic.
And THAT is the only really "fair" reason to lampoon the two for being sick. Melania and crew refused the mask mandate even at the debate. And Trump has done more to make sure Americans aren't wearing masks than anyone on the planet. And it's NOT FUNNY that in doing so they EXPOSE others who may even have health risks because they're both SELFISH PISSANTS.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
Obviously this won't change conservatives' wrongheaded perception of the pandemic.

Why are you not talking about what might happen if he dies?
CELEBRATION ? World wide

So, you planning on it? YOu stocking up on champagne and streamers?
No ,nothing quite that elaborate But like that old country song said ,Thank God and Greyhound he's gone

So, you're pretty sure he's going to die? Being so old and fat?
No He's getting the best of care ,care others won't get BUT IF it happens there will be no tears in my eyes The man is a slime bag and I'm being kind
I’m hoping Joe has the virus too. Then just maybe both assholes would have to drop out and with any luck, we could get competent people running for potus.
Do you or Mac1958 ever give us the government or candidates you want?

Go ahead and explain it to all of us and stop pretending you are above the fray from your moral platitude.

Give us the wet dream candidate? A typical lawyer politician telling you everything you want to hear?

Tell us.
LOL. If you think Don and Joe are good candidates, you’re a dope.

I hold no hope that the empire would ever allow a good candidate to be potus. You know...a candidate that actually does the bidding of the people and not the ultra wealthy and MIC.
How can a president do the bidding of the people when we're so divided now? You think the left and right could ever get along ? If so I think you're dreaming
most people arent left and right - - thats the point. most folks have some views left, some views right - - - but listening to partisan political banter makes the people inside of the matrix believe that there's only one or the other.

thats the problem, and our leadership does nothing to calm things but instead, thrives on it
Something like 100 million Americans don’t vote. It’s the biggest voting bloc, but they don’t vote. Many know the system is failing and it doesn’t matter who wins office.
Thank God they dont vote. Voting is a responsibility of the educated.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
Prog Socialists weaponized the virus. It has become a political toy for the good for the party. Trump lives is his life. The virus was not to important to impeach him. The real problem is the hysteria that was created by people like you and your minions. Not for a moment do I doubt that when you have complete control, life is going to be dreary, of inquisition and dangerous to each individual from other ones if we do not tow the Prog Socialist line.
I'll take "Word Soup" for a thousand Alex.

Do you come with a translator?

"Trump lives is his life"? Wow.

candycorn? You didn't answer my simple question. Why was that?
A simple question is all that you're able to muster....isn't it shit brains?
One can only observe in amazement at how much chaos one profoundly damaged man can inflict on this country.

And even more than that, how many people are fine with it. People who claim to love this country.
AS the left burn down businesses, attack people, kill people, loot stores etc.....
Right on cue.

Yes. You keep setting yourself up for that with your profound hypocrisy
You simpletons sold your soul to a buffoon, and now the country is a fucking mess.

This is yours. You own it. Tough shit.

First of all you're a complete buffoon. Now we "sold our soul." While you vote for Biden because you don't like Trump. Once again you're a hysterical woman running in circles grabbing your head and screaming like your hair is on fire, Captain Hyperbole.

And we have a Federal government. The vast majority of the deaths were in your blue States. If you were a woman, you'd be one who's barefoot and pregnant
Don't like Trump?? The understatement of the year . What's to like about this scumbag of a man, a liar ,a bully ,a jackass , a putin supporter ? He regurgitates on America and you find no fault??
WTF is wrong with you?
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

He didn't down play anything. I'd say you Dems downplayed it.

They predicted. 3.2 million deaths for the US. 200,000 is a long way from that thank God.

Nothing scares Trump. He and the FL will make out just fine even though YOU hope they don't.
In his own words he downplayed it. And in your words he didn't downplay anything. Imagine fan-crushing someone that deeply? Are you in your teens? Trump posters on the walls, like Ricky?

I'm sure he did downplay it but he didn't call it a hoax. All Governments do the same when facing something like a pandemic.

Teens?? LMAO Hel no. I'm an old lady and I do support Trump.

Before this Covid mess the country was in great shape. UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across this country. We had a great economy and all that with Trump at the helm. We will have that back but not if Biden get elected.

Hell he already said he will raise taxes on some and lift CG from 21 percent to 28%. The more money a company has the more they can expand and hire. Great for the economy 28% CG won't help with that.

Then he explained his green shit. Hell if that's implemented it will bankrupt the country. No Biden isn't anyone I'll be voting for especially since he wore a wire at the debate. Nope.
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Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
Since he never called it a hoax, that kind of makes you look like an idiot.

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of “politicizing” the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax” as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.

Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax'

Now you can explain what he meant by that. By doing that you aren't really making him look any better because that's what has to be done over and over with Trump.

He talks like a 12 year old. Name calling, incomplete sentences. Things that then have to be explained what he actually meant. Well now he can call in sick and lay in bed all day and watch cartoons.

Well if you go on Snopes and read it what he was referring to was the hoax of an impeachment the Dem were holding. Not the virus.

Like I said.....everything he says has to be explained by someone else because he speaks like a 12 year old.

No all it takes is someone with a few working brain cells. That would not be you.

Then it wouldn't have to be done all the time.
One can only observe in amazement at how much chaos one profoundly damaged man can inflict on this country.

And even more than that, how many people are fine with it. People who claim to love this country.
AS the left burn down businesses, attack people, kill people, loot stores etc.....
Right on cue.

Yes. You keep setting yourself up for that with your profound hypocrisy
You simpletons sold your soul to a buffoon, and now the country is a fucking mess.

This is yours. You own it. Tough shit.

First of all you're a complete buffoon. Now we "sold our soul." While you vote for Biden because you don't like Trump. Once again you're a hysterical woman running in circles grabbing your head and screaming like your hair is on fire, Captain Hyperbole.

And we have a Federal government. The vast majority of the deaths were in your blue States. If you were a woman, you'd be one who's barefoot and pregnant
Don't like Trump?? The understatement of the year . What's to like about this scumbag of a man, a liar ,a bully ,a jackass , a putin supporter ? He regurgitates on America and you find no fault??
WTF is wrong with you?

I guess you don't like UE the lowest its been in 50 years or jobs all across this country. You also don't like a great economy all of which we have before the Chinese gave us Covid.

I know you love Biden. A Biden who wants to raise taxes and move CG from 21 to 28%. Companies depend on that money to expand and hire. Higher CG will put a stop to that. Biden sure isn't and economist.

And of course you love his green shit that if implemented would bankrupt the country.

I'll take Trump and you can have Biden and I sure hope the rest of the Country gets Trump cause if we get Biden I can see the economy and the country going down the drain.

Trump used to say that too. Now he has it.
Your mask cannot stop it... This virus is <0.1 microns in size and N-95 masks are 1.5 microns filtration. The major mode of transmission is hand touches surface, hand touches face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Air borne is about 7th on the list of ways to contract this.

Yea? Tell me more about your medical degrees.
I am trained in biological warfare. Everything I have stated can be backed up with medical fact.

Yea? Tell me about your medical degrees.
How about you refute the FACTS I have presneted and lets not play the pussy games of personal destruction... Refute the facts!
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
Prog Socialists weaponized the virus. It has become a political toy for the good for the party. Trump lives is his life. The virus was not to important to impeach him. The real problem is the hysteria that was created by people like you and your minions. Not for a moment do I doubt that when you have complete control, life is going to be dreary, of inquisition and dangerous to each individual from other ones if we do not tow the Prog Socialist line.
I'll take "Word Soup" for a thousand Alex.

Do you come with a translator?

"Trump lives is his life"? Wow.

candycorn? You didn't answer my simple question. Why was that?
A simple question is all that you're able to muster....isn't it shit brains?

Nope. I'm able to muster a simple question, where your refusal to answer it, makes a strong and valid counter point.

Pretty clever if I say so myself.

Come on. Admit that you get the point. Or I will keep asking you the simple question, which you have not answered.

YOu do realize that being a crack whore is less toxic in our culture than being a ws? Which is the lie you were supporting with your support of Wallace's "simple question.
A little CLOROX might be just the thing
Clorox is so yesterday
But trump could test out his theory, and chug a pint of Lysol!

Or maybe do nothing and just quarantine and binge watch some Netflix series as the overwhelming majority of people who test positive do. Either the left sucks at statistics or they choose to hype how deadly this virus is despite evidence to the contrary.
It's around a 9% mortality rate for those who catch it, in Trump' s age group.... NOT less than 1% as you had mentioned earlier... his age makes him at much higher risk than most the country...something like a 70 times greater risk of dying than an 18 yr old.


26% of all COVID DEATHS comes from the President' s age group
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One can only observe in amazement at how much chaos one profoundly damaged man can inflict on this country.

And even more than that, how many people are fine with it. People who claim to love this country.
AS the left burn down businesses, attack people, kill people, loot stores etc.....
Right on cue.

Yes. You keep setting yourself up for that with your profound hypocrisy
You simpletons sold your soul to a buffoon, and now the country is a fucking mess.

This is yours. You own it. Tough shit.

First of all you're a complete buffoon. Now we "sold our soul." While you vote for Biden because you don't like Trump. Once again you're a hysterical woman running in circles grabbing your head and screaming like your hair is on fire, Captain Hyperbole.

And we have a Federal government. The vast majority of the deaths were in your blue States. If you were a woman, you'd be one who's barefoot and pregnant
Don't like Trump?? The understatement of the year . What's to like about this scumbag of a man, a liar ,a bully ,a jackass , a putin supporter ? He regurgitates on America and you find no fault??
WTF is wrong with you?

You say I'm right then ask what's wrong with me? You off your meds this morning?
It will go away.
It will disappear miraculously.
Yup, just like it has for 99.98% of the people that have ever had it.
Not true for elderly folks.
Your wrong... Left tard...

Even those over 70, with comorbidities, have a survival rate above 99.5% today..
Haven't you already made a big enough fool of yourself? At any rate, no thanks, I'll trust the actual numbers, not the ones you make up.
Poor Faun cant compete in the realm of facts and cant back up his own assertions... Too Funny!
It's around a 9% mortality rate for those who catch it, in Trump' s age group....
NOt any more... In March that was the apporximate number GLOBALLY. Today the US's mortality rate has declined by more than 98%. With the new therapeutics our rate has dropped to that of the common flu. 0.01%
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