Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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And right on cue...........the Surgeon general does a DON'T ON TV by pulling the mask out of his pocket in front of everyone.

LMAO........and he says why the change............put the 25% to 50% don't know they have it .......the study I showed showed 40% to 60 %.............

Moo..............half the population had T Cell recognition when this shit started VIA THE STUDIES SHOWN.
I wonder if Trump still thinks it's a hoax?
There are two types of people who believe that Trump said the virus is a hoax.

Type 1 are people who don't really follow politics. They just heard the lie about Trump on the fake news or in casual conversation or something and never bothered to fact check it. They are not aware that the Democrats are such despicable lying immoral America hating scumbags that they would purposefully and relentlessly disseminate dangerous defamatory disinformation regarding COVID 19. They have only heard one side of the story and are a bit naive regarding exactly how fucking evil Democrats really are. It's simply unfathomable for them to believe that Democrats would stoop so low that they would spread such an unconscionable lie. A lie that has certainly caused an untold number of Americans to die a slow painful death drowning in their own bodily fluids.

My aunt was type one. She doesn't follow politics. She's never even voted before in her life. She wasn't taking prudent precautions to because she heard that the POTUS said the virus was a hoax. She didn't start taking prudent precautions until after I informed her that the POTUS never said that. She was so incredulous that anyone would spread such a unconscionable lie that I had to send her a link to the unedited version of Trump's speech before she believed me.

Type 2 are low IQ individuals. TDS afflicted morons who do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to fact check anything. They are feeble-minded individuals who's low IQ makes them extremely suggestable and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media via the simplest brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging. They will believe whatever lie about Trump has been told to them repeatedly, even after they have been informed of the truth. If they are told both the truth and a lie, they will believe whatever they heard most often. And in this case, they believe the lie because they were simply told the lie more often than the truth. In their simpleton minds, the lie becomes the truth. They're idiots.

You are not type 1. You have been informed on this very board that Trump never said that the virus was a hoax.

On the last Friday of February 2020 during the first major breakout of the virus in the US, Trump held a campaign rally in South Carolina and made comments during a speech in which he accused Democrats of “politicizing” the coronavirus outbreak that left many with the impression that he had referred to the virus itself as a “hoax.” He of course was referring to Democrat comments in the media about the seriousness of the virus and that it was not just the flu. Trump did not say "the virus is a hoax" but that is exactly what he meant. His downplaying of virus, misrepresenting the facts, attacking medical experts that were cautioning the public confirms that a hoax is exactly what he thought or what he hoped the voters would think.

Apparently you believe in categorizing people which is at the heart of the greatest problems this country faces. The problem with categorizing people is that when we do that we dehumanize them. People are no longer individuals, with unique backgrounds, upbringings, genes, quirks, traits and opinions. Instead, people are symbols. They are black or white or Irish Catholic or liberal or conservative or rich or poor. When you lump people into categories, they becomes symbols not individuals. And that leads to deep resentments, persecution, harassment, riots, and bloodshed.
Now see, there you go with "he didn't directly say it, but we know what he meant" bullcrap. You Democrats have been trying to figure Trump out ever since his office was bugged, and you still don't know crap.

Fast forward to now in virus land, and you'll see that it doesn't matter on either side what was said about the virus, because this virus does what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Mask don't work, even though they might mitigate flying debris from a person sneezing or coughing if sick, but the spread isn't slowing. Trump fast tracking a vaccine is the only answer.

Please stop spreading disinformation

Your meme is exactly what leftist have been engaging in forever.
Not even close. The biggest liar in this country's history , the most hated man in the world and our country the laughing stock of the world. No man alive has come close to that level of Hate Nazism.
I thought you assholes loved Obozo. You just described him to a tee.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”
Fewer people would have died had Impeached Trump warned the American people early on, when he knew, how deadly this virus is; and had he worn a mask regularly and promoted its use.

He did not lead America in this fight against a pandemic, he failed America. And now his failures have come home to roost.

You mean like biden saying Trump was a xenophobe for stopping travel from China, and the other democrats telling us there wasn't a problem? You mean like doofus......

Masks? You are a fucking moron....masks do not stop the spread of the virus......

Trump took immediate steps, and gave the Governors all they needed.....then the democrat governors put infected people in with at risk seniors, killing them.......the democrat governors should be in jail....

Those very same incompetent governors all said Trump was great and his help saved lying doofus....

‘He Has Delivered for New York': Cuomo Praises Trump's Coronavirus Response
But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.
He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

New Jersey..

'Extremely responsive': New Jersey governor praises Trump for coronavirus assistance | News Break
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gave the Trump administration a round of applause for helping his state combat the coronavirus. New Jersey has been one of the states hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 120,000 confirmed cases and over 7,500 deaths. Murphy, a Democrat, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and praised President Trump and his team for helping the state.

California governor praises Trump's efforts to help state amid coronavirus crisis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN. "So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."
You're deranged, brain-dead con. :cuckoo:

a) your deflection from Impeached Trump's failure to warn America is noted.

b) Biden never called Impeached Trump a xenophobe for banning travel from China.

c) while masks can't entirely stop the spead of COVID-19, they do lower the risk of spreading it.
Bullshit. More lies From a yellow coward gay Communists dick sucker. Utter denial of reality. Biden certainly did call exonerated Trump a xenophobe you illiterate uneducated idiot. Now fuck off liar.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
STFU you ignorant lying POS. Hey fuckwad, the moron Wallace wasn’t wearing a mask either and has NOT been tested. Your utter ignorance is no surprise. You are a damn fool spreading bullshit as usual. Go back to boing boing dot com. That suits you better liar.
Funny how you think quoting statements made a month after the virus landed are somehow more relevant to what they are saying after learning much much more about how it works. That’s a joke of an argument you’re making there. Do better
We learned lots. Like masks don't stop viruses they stop aerosol droplets and those droplets get trapped in masks. We learned that viruses are typically transmitted from hand to face. Each time you put on that mask you're touching your face, each time you pull the mask down (like I see many doing) you are infecting your face with whatever is on your hands.
Masks don’t stop viruses, huh? Is that why doctors and nurses who treat contagious patients wear them and don’t get sick?! Dude you’re way to dumb to be trying to make this argument
Surgical masks.......not cloth ones......I could show the studies again on that but what's the dang point.

Most in this country are wearing cloth masks or gators .........that get soaking ass wet with sweat during the the outdoors at work........kinda like water boarding yourself every day with Sweat............these are NOT SURGICAL MASKS............

Even if they were.........they will get wet quickly........making them frankly USELESS.......but we have to play the stupid game at work..........EVERY FUCKING DAY........I'm sick of it.

The studies show that medical workers shouldn't wear cloth it.
I don’t need to google it. If you want to protect yourself wear a surgical mask and a face cover. If you want to protect others then anything over your mouth helps. You still don’t get it after all this time huh? Unbelievable
I’m all for personal responsibly. Part of that responsibility is to act in a way to keep yourself and your community safe. Part of our nations leaders res1ponsibility is to keep us ACCURATELY informed and to give guidelines and support so we can act in a safe way.
It's the Democrats and their fake news media affiliates that are spreading disinformation regarding the virus, dumbass. They're going around bombarding the airwaves and internet with false claims the the most powerful man in the world said the COVID 19 is a fucking hoax, even though their own most often cited favorite fact checkers admit that Trump never said it was a hoax.

And the Democrats did it with a professional cleverly edited deep fake video of the same type that our military and intelligence agencies use against our foreign enemies.

Now there are millions of people in the USA who think COVID 19 is a hoax, not because the president said it, but because Democrats who control the media told them the president said it. And the Democrats have been telling that big lie over and over for months.

Fuck off, scumbag. You're a piece of shit.
Are you trying to make the point that the retards that actually believe what the president says believe what the MSM lies about him saying over what he actually says?! You didn’t think that one through did ya?
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
STFU you ignorant lying POS. Hey fuckwad, the moron Wallace wasn’t wearing a mask either and has NOT been tested. Your utter ignorance is no surprise. You are a damn fool spreading bullshit as usual. Go back to boing boing dot com. That suits you better liar.
I knew that about wallace, I saw his recent interviews. What exactly do you think I’m lying and ignorant about? Be specific.
All those wishing Trump dead-please continue on loud and long and maybe have some death protest demonstrations and riots for all the world to see.

One of my buddy here mentioned that Trump is the most hated person in this planet. That is true. World population of 7.8 billions you can estimate at least half of that HATE Trumps.

Here is the problem with Trump devotee like most or all of you.
1. When Trump attack Hillary and make fun when she was sick. You cheered and so are his followers inside his rallies. That is very sickening.
2. When he attack minorities like American Asians KUNG FLU.....disgustingly displaying his racist attitude. You people cheered.
3. Attack his own fellow Americans instigating violence LIBERATE LIBERATE save your second amendment. Against the democrats. You people love it.
4. Endorsing and promoting the Proud Boys. You people love it.
5. Total failure of handling the pandemic crisis. Facing an almost economic meltdown down that it will take a very long time to recover.
6. His love and affection with Putin.
7. All these threats and insults to foreign leaders even with our closest allies.


NOW you tell me what is this president good for? Hurting millions of millions of millions of Americans. Do you expect any sympathy?
Let me remind you that Trump showed he is bad cruel ugly person with total disregard of human lives. Trump made this country a pity full shit hole around the world.
Funny how you think quoting statements made a month after the virus landed are somehow more relevant to what they are saying after learning much much more about how it works. That’s a joke of an argument you’re making there. Do better
We learned lots. Like masks don't stop viruses they stop aerosol droplets and those droplets get trapped in masks. We learned that viruses are typically transmitted from hand to face. Each time you put on that mask you're touching your face, each time you pull the mask down (like I see many doing) you are infecting your face with whatever is on your hands.
Masks don’t stop viruses, huh? Is that why doctors and nurses who treat contagious patients wear them and don’t get sick?! Dude you’re way to dumb to be trying to make this argument
Surgical masks.......not cloth ones......I could show the studies again on that but what's the dang point.

Most in this country are wearing cloth masks or gators .........that get soaking ass wet with sweat during the the outdoors at work........kinda like water boarding yourself every day with Sweat............these are NOT SURGICAL MASKS............

Even if they were.........they will get wet quickly........making them frankly USELESS.......but we have to play the stupid game at work..........EVERY FUCKING DAY........I'm sick of it.

The studies show that medical workers shouldn't wear cloth it.
I don’t need to google it. If you want to protect yourself wear a surgical mask and a face cover. If you want to protect others then anything over your mouth helps. You still don’t get it after all this time huh? Unbelievable
Yawn..........I choose to tell you to shove your masks with this virus.............

You know why they are MANDATING...........


That's spittle droplets don't get out if YOU MAY HAVE IT............The surgeon said that in the video I just posted..............surgical masks are much better............but they are supposed to be reserved for the medical community and NOT THE GENERAL PUBLIC.......

I can show those videos......only those at risk should get the better masks because the medical people need those..........NOT THE WHOLE POPULATION.

So..............we have masks mandates for BETTER THAN NOTHING.........LMAO

Now go wear a dang mask outside in 110 degree heat indexes and run 3 inch rigid conduit and see how it works out for you idiot.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
Oh please. Stop eating your droppings. Go eat at McDonald’s it’s good for your brain.
I wonder how many others are also infected?
the majority of humanity , with only a minority that will realize, or get tested for it.

doubt me? well ring up 'active cases' juxtaposed to actual C19 ICU beds in any given state

but i digress....not the point.....

what i'm far more worried about is our POTUS / FLOTUS submitting themselves to lab rat status for the pharmacabal's machinations

yes you read that right 'cabal' is what i call them

imagine the political theater folks , along with the timing of it!

I wonder if Trump still thinks it's a hoax?
There are two types of people who believe that Trump said the virus is a hoax.

Type 1 are people who don't really follow politics. They just heard the lie about Trump on the fake news or in casual conversation or something and never bothered to fact check it. They are not aware that the Democrats are such despicable lying immoral America hating scumbags that they would purposefully and relentlessly disseminate dangerous defamatory disinformation regarding COVID 19. They have only heard one side of the story and are a bit naive regarding exactly how fucking evil Democrats really are. It's simply unfathomable for them to believe that Democrats would stoop so low that they would spread such an unconscionable lie. A lie that has certainly caused an untold number of Americans to die a slow painful death drowning in their own bodily fluids.

My aunt was type one. She doesn't follow politics. She's never even voted before in her life. She wasn't taking prudent precautions to because she heard that the POTUS said the virus was a hoax. She didn't start taking prudent precautions until after I informed her that the POTUS never said that. She was so incredulous that anyone would spread such a unconscionable lie that I had to send her a link to the unedited version of Trump's speech before she believed me.

Type 2 are low IQ individuals. TDS afflicted morons who do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to fact check anything. They are feeble-minded individuals who's low IQ makes them extremely suggestable and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media via the simplest brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging. They will believe whatever lie about Trump has been told to them repeatedly, even after they have been informed of the truth. If they are told both the truth and a lie, they will believe whatever they heard most often. And in this case, they believe the lie because they were simply told the lie more often than the truth. In their simpleton minds, the lie becomes the truth. They're idiots.

You are not type 1. You have been informed on this very board that Trump never said that the virus was a hoax.

On the last Friday of February 2020 during the first major breakout of the virus in the US, Trump held a campaign rally in South Carolina and made comments during a speech in which he accused Democrats of “politicizing” the coronavirus outbreak that left many with the impression that he had referred to the virus itself as a “hoax.” He of course was referring to Democrat comments in the media about the seriousness of the virus and that it was not just the flu. Trump did not say "the virus is a hoax" but that is exactly what he meant. His downplaying of virus, misrepresenting the facts, attacking medical experts that were cautioning the public confirms that a hoax is exactly what he thought or what he hoped the voters would think.

Apparently you believe in categorizing people which is at the heart of the greatest problems this country faces. The problem with categorizing people is that when we do that we dehumanize them. People are no longer individuals, with unique backgrounds, upbringings, genes, quirks, traits and opinions. Instead, people are symbols. They are black or white or Irish Catholic or liberal or conservative or rich or poor. When you lump people into categories, they becomes symbols not individuals. And that leads to deep resentments, persecution, harassment, riots, and bloodshed.
Now see, there you go with "he didn't directly say it, but we know what he meant" bullcrap. You Democrats have been trying to figure Trump out ever since his office was bugged, and you still don't know crap.

Fast forward to now in virus land, and you'll see that it doesn't matter on either side what was said about the virus, because this virus does what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Mask don't work, even though they might mitigate flying debris from a person sneezing or coughing if sick, but the spread isn't slowing. Trump fast tracking a vaccine is the only answer.
Mask don’t work? NOW we see Trump going to his helicopter wearing a mask and the rest of his team are now wearing mask.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

Those saying that masks will protect you or imply they will protect you 100% are trying to sell you the bridge.

I searched all the way to the end of the internet (it's granny porn, btw), and I couldn't find anyone who said or implied masks will protect you 100%. You may have to look elsewhere for your bridge.

They imply it when they force everyone to wear them and don't tell people it only lowers your risk (actually lowering other's risk)
I guess you haven't seen the ads and signs, "I wear a mask for you". Another failure of the Trump administration is not creating a nationwide advertising campaign for mask wearing and social distancing. Of course that would be rather hypocritical when the president is mocking and downplaying it.
The President cannot mandate the wearing of garb. If he did that you guys would be accusing him of being a tyrant. Grow up.
Yes he can but cowardly he didn’t because of incompetent and ineptness.

No, he can't. Even if he did the only law enforcement agency he has that could enforce it is the FBI. He could also use other FEDERAL officers, or nationalize the guard to do it, but with the guard you run into posese commitus issues.

Yes he can. The least minimum he can do was to encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged people not to wear mask.At the same the main source misinformation and conspiracies. That alone he failed big time.

What are his exact quotes about mask usage and requirements?
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”
Fewer people would have died had Impeached Trump warned the American people early on, when he knew, how deadly this virus is; and had he worn a mask regularly and promoted its use.

He did not lead America in this fight against a pandemic, he failed America. And now his failures have come home to roost.

You mean like biden saying Trump was a xenophobe for stopping travel from China, and the other democrats telling us there wasn't a problem? You mean like doofus......

Masks? You are a fucking moron....masks do not stop the spread of the virus......

Trump took immediate steps, and gave the Governors all they needed.....then the democrat governors put infected people in with at risk seniors, killing them.......the democrat governors should be in jail....

Those very same incompetent governors all said Trump was great and his help saved lying doofus....

‘He Has Delivered for New York': Cuomo Praises Trump's Coronavirus Response
But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.
He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

New Jersey..

'Extremely responsive': New Jersey governor praises Trump for coronavirus assistance | News Break
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gave the Trump administration a round of applause for helping his state combat the coronavirus. New Jersey has been one of the states hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 120,000 confirmed cases and over 7,500 deaths. Murphy, a Democrat, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and praised President Trump and his team for helping the state.

California governor praises Trump's efforts to help state amid coronavirus crisis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN. "So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."
You're deranged, brain-dead con. :cuckoo:

a) your deflection from Impeached Trump's failure to warn America is noted.

b) Biden never called Impeached Trump a xenophobe for banning travel from China.

c) while masks can't entirely stop the spead of COVID-19, they do lower the risk of spreading it.
Bullshit. More lies From a yellow coward gay Communists dick sucker. Utter denial of reality. Biden certainly did call exonerated Trump a xenophobe you illiterate uneducated idiot. Now fuck off liar.
All those wishing Trump dead-please continue on loud and long and maybe have some death protest demonstrations and riots for all the world to see.
Most have been trashing him and anyone associated with him for 4 years.

Their concern is FAKE AS HELL.........just playing the Role of a SO CALLED CONCERNED person.......their True colors were for 4 years of attacks from their 4th tier of gov't and nothing more.

I don't want their SYMPATHY or concern............FAKE BS is all it is and they know it.

Are you forgetting something? Lots of lots of you posted fake news coming from fake news media against Biden? Shows how many losers, liars and fake people supports Trump. Then weaklings ignorant people like you loves it...... I blasted most of them.

Now you are BITCHIN? You and Trump created this awful situations here in America. You and Trump are part of the problem.
I wonder if Trump still thinks it's a hoax?
There are two types of people who believe that Trump said the virus is a hoax.

Type 1 are people who don't really follow politics. They just heard the lie about Trump on the fake news or in casual conversation or something and never bothered to fact check it. They are not aware that the Democrats are such despicable lying immoral America hating scumbags that they would purposefully and relentlessly disseminate dangerous defamatory disinformation regarding COVID 19. They have only heard one side of the story and are a bit naive regarding exactly how fucking evil Democrats really are. It's simply unfathomable for them to believe that Democrats would stoop so low that they would spread such an unconscionable lie. A lie that has certainly caused an untold number of Americans to die a slow painful death drowning in their own bodily fluids.

My aunt was type one. She doesn't follow politics. She's never even voted before in her life. She wasn't taking prudent precautions to because she heard that the POTUS said the virus was a hoax. She didn't start taking prudent precautions until after I informed her that the POTUS never said that. She was so incredulous that anyone would spread such a unconscionable lie that I had to send her a link to the unedited version of Trump's speech before she believed me.

Type 2 are low IQ individuals. TDS afflicted morons who do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to fact check anything. They are feeble-minded individuals who's low IQ makes them extremely suggestable and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media via the simplest brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging. They will believe whatever lie about Trump has been told to them repeatedly, even after they have been informed of the truth. If they are told both the truth and a lie, they will believe whatever they heard most often. And in this case, they believe the lie because they were simply told the lie more often than the truth. In their simpleton minds, the lie becomes the truth. They're idiots.

You are not type 1. You have been informed on this very board that Trump never said that the virus was a hoax.

On the last Friday of February 2020 during the first major breakout of the virus in the US, Trump held a campaign rally in South Carolina and made comments during a speech in which he accused Democrats of “politicizing” the coronavirus outbreak that left many with the impression that he had referred to the virus itself as a “hoax.” He of course was referring to Democrat comments in the media about the seriousness of the virus and that it was not just the flu. Trump did not say "the virus is a hoax" but that is exactly what he meant. His downplaying of virus, misrepresenting the facts, attacking medical experts that were cautioning the public confirms that a hoax is exactly what he thought or what he hoped the voters would think.

Apparently you believe in categorizing people which is at the heart of the greatest problems this country faces. The problem with categorizing people is that when we do that we dehumanize them. People are no longer individuals, with unique backgrounds, upbringings, genes, quirks, traits and opinions. Instead, people are symbols. They are black or white or Irish Catholic or liberal or conservative or rich or poor. When you lump people into categories, they becomes symbols not individuals. And that leads to deep resentments, persecution, harassment, riots, and bloodshed.
Now see, there you go with "he didn't directly say it, but we know what he meant" bullcrap. You Democrats have been trying to figure Trump out ever since his office was bugged, and you still don't know crap.

Fast forward to now in virus land, and you'll see that it doesn't matter on either side what was said about the virus, because this virus does what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Mask don't work, even though they might mitigate flying debris from a person sneezing or coughing if sick, but the spread isn't slowing. Trump fast tracking a vaccine is the only answer.
Mask don’t work? NOW we see Trump going to his helicopter wearing a mask and the rest of his team are now wearing mask.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

Those saying that masks will protect you or imply they will protect you 100% are trying to sell you the bridge.

I searched all the way to the end of the internet (it's granny porn, btw), and I couldn't find anyone who said or implied masks will protect you 100%. You may have to look elsewhere for your bridge.

They imply it when they force everyone to wear them and don't tell people it only lowers your risk (actually lowering other's risk)
I guess you haven't seen the ads and signs, "I wear a mask for you". Another failure of the Trump administration is not creating a nationwide advertising campaign for mask wearing and social distancing. Of course that would be rather hypocritical when the president is mocking and downplaying it.
The President cannot mandate the wearing of garb. If he did that you guys would be accusing him of being a tyrant. Grow up.
Yes he can but cowardly he didn’t because of incompetent and ineptness.

No, he can't. Even if he did the only law enforcement agency he has that could enforce it is the FBI. He could also use other FEDERAL officers, or nationalize the guard to do it, but with the guard you run into posese commitus issues.

Yes he can. The least minimum he can do was to encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged people not to wear mask.At the same the main source misinformation and conspiracies. That alone he failed big time.

What are his exact quotes about mask usage and requirements?
Oh dear.
His own administration policy and even his own surgeon general beg people to wear mask. On top of CDC and NIH wear that damn mask.
Trump told Americans in his town hall meeting that mask is not good because a waitress told him.
He mocked Biden for wearing mask even inside the debate. What am I missing Marty?
I wonder if Trump still thinks it's a hoax?
There are two types of people who believe that Trump said the virus is a hoax.

Type 1 are people who don't really follow politics. They just heard the lie about Trump on the fake news or in casual conversation or something and never bothered to fact check it. They are not aware that the Democrats are such despicable lying immoral America hating scumbags that they would purposefully and relentlessly disseminate dangerous defamatory disinformation regarding COVID 19. They have only heard one side of the story and are a bit naive regarding exactly how fucking evil Democrats really are. It's simply unfathomable for them to believe that Democrats would stoop so low that they would spread such an unconscionable lie. A lie that has certainly caused an untold number of Americans to die a slow painful death drowning in their own bodily fluids.

My aunt was type one. She doesn't follow politics. She's never even voted before in her life. She wasn't taking prudent precautions to because she heard that the POTUS said the virus was a hoax. She didn't start taking prudent precautions until after I informed her that the POTUS never said that. She was so incredulous that anyone would spread such a unconscionable lie that I had to send her a link to the unedited version of Trump's speech before she believed me.

Type 2 are low IQ individuals. TDS afflicted morons who do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to fact check anything. They are feeble-minded individuals who's low IQ makes them extremely suggestable and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media via the simplest brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging. They will believe whatever lie about Trump has been told to them repeatedly, even after they have been informed of the truth. If they are told both the truth and a lie, they will believe whatever they heard most often. And in this case, they believe the lie because they were simply told the lie more often than the truth. In their simpleton minds, the lie becomes the truth. They're idiots.

You are not type 1. You have been informed on this very board that Trump never said that the virus was a hoax.

On the last Friday of February 2020 during the first major breakout of the virus in the US, Trump held a campaign rally in South Carolina and made comments during a speech in which he accused Democrats of “politicizing” the coronavirus outbreak that left many with the impression that he had referred to the virus itself as a “hoax.” He of course was referring to Democrat comments in the media about the seriousness of the virus and that it was not just the flu. Trump did not say "the virus is a hoax" but that is exactly what he meant. His downplaying of virus, misrepresenting the facts, attacking medical experts that were cautioning the public confirms that a hoax is exactly what he thought or what he hoped the voters would think.

Apparently you believe in categorizing people which is at the heart of the greatest problems this country faces. The problem with categorizing people is that when we do that we dehumanize them. People are no longer individuals, with unique backgrounds, upbringings, genes, quirks, traits and opinions. Instead, people are symbols. They are black or white or Irish Catholic or liberal or conservative or rich or poor. When you lump people into categories, they becomes symbols not individuals. And that leads to deep resentments, persecution, harassment, riots, and bloodshed.
Now see, there you go with "he didn't directly say it, but we know what he meant" bullcrap. You Democrats have been trying to figure Trump out ever since his office was bugged, and you still don't know crap.

Fast forward to now in virus land, and you'll see that it doesn't matter on either side what was said about the virus, because this virus does what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Mask don't work, even though they might mitigate flying debris from a person sneezing or coughing if sick, but the spread isn't slowing. Trump fast tracking a vaccine is the only answer.
Mask don’t work? NOW we see Trump going to his helicopter wearing a mask and the rest of his team are now wearing mask.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

Those saying that masks will protect you or imply they will protect you 100% are trying to sell you the bridge.

I searched all the way to the end of the internet (it's granny porn, btw), and I couldn't find anyone who said or implied masks will protect you 100%. You may have to look elsewhere for your bridge.

They imply it when they force everyone to wear them and don't tell people it only lowers your risk (actually lowering other's risk)
I guess you haven't seen the ads and signs, "I wear a mask for you". Another failure of the Trump administration is not creating a nationwide advertising campaign for mask wearing and social distancing. Of course that would be rather hypocritical when the president is mocking and downplaying it.
The President cannot mandate the wearing of garb. If he did that you guys would be accusing him of being a tyrant. Grow up.
Yes he can but cowardly he didn’t because of incompetent and ineptness.

No, he can't. Even if he did the only law enforcement agency he has that could enforce it is the FBI. He could also use other FEDERAL officers, or nationalize the guard to do it, but with the guard you run into posese commitus issues.

Yes he can. The least minimum he can do was to encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged people not to wear mask.At the same the main source misinformation and conspiracies. That alone he failed big time.

What are his exact quotes about mask usage and requirements?
Oh dear.
His own administration policy and even his own surgeon general beg people to wear mask. On top of CDC and NIH wear that damn mask.
Trump told Americans in his town hall meeting that mask is not good because a waitress told him.
He mocked Biden for wearing mask even inside the debate. What am I missing Marty?

Wearing a mask at all, or wearing a mask in situations where it its pointless or just theater?
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
BS.........I've shown the studies.......those INFECTED BY TDS you........well.........SORRY ......NO CURE FOR YOU.
What studies? From you? I’m not sure why you keep repeating TDS which it represents humpers like you suffering from TRUMP DERANGED SYMPATHIZERS.
I wonder if Trump still thinks it's a hoax?
There are two types of people who believe that Trump said the virus is a hoax.

Type 1 are people who don't really follow politics. They just heard the lie about Trump on the fake news or in casual conversation or something and never bothered to fact check it. They are not aware that the Democrats are such despicable lying immoral America hating scumbags that they would purposefully and relentlessly disseminate dangerous defamatory disinformation regarding COVID 19. They have only heard one side of the story and are a bit naive regarding exactly how fucking evil Democrats really are. It's simply unfathomable for them to believe that Democrats would stoop so low that they would spread such an unconscionable lie. A lie that has certainly caused an untold number of Americans to die a slow painful death drowning in their own bodily fluids.

My aunt was type one. She doesn't follow politics. She's never even voted before in her life. She wasn't taking prudent precautions to because she heard that the POTUS said the virus was a hoax. She didn't start taking prudent precautions until after I informed her that the POTUS never said that. She was so incredulous that anyone would spread such a unconscionable lie that I had to send her a link to the unedited version of Trump's speech before she believed me.

Type 2 are low IQ individuals. TDS afflicted morons who do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to fact check anything. They are feeble-minded individuals who's low IQ makes them extremely suggestable and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media via the simplest brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging. They will believe whatever lie about Trump has been told to them repeatedly, even after they have been informed of the truth. If they are told both the truth and a lie, they will believe whatever they heard most often. And in this case, they believe the lie because they were simply told the lie more often than the truth. In their simpleton minds, the lie becomes the truth. They're idiots.

You are not type 1. You have been informed on this very board that Trump never said that the virus was a hoax.

On the last Friday of February 2020 during the first major breakout of the virus in the US, Trump held a campaign rally in South Carolina and made comments during a speech in which he accused Democrats of “politicizing” the coronavirus outbreak that left many with the impression that he had referred to the virus itself as a “hoax.” He of course was referring to Democrat comments in the media about the seriousness of the virus and that it was not just the flu. Trump did not say "the virus is a hoax" but that is exactly what he meant. His downplaying of virus, misrepresenting the facts, attacking medical experts that were cautioning the public confirms that a hoax is exactly what he thought or what he hoped the voters would think.

Apparently you believe in categorizing people which is at the heart of the greatest problems this country faces. The problem with categorizing people is that when we do that we dehumanize them. People are no longer individuals, with unique backgrounds, upbringings, genes, quirks, traits and opinions. Instead, people are symbols. They are black or white or Irish Catholic or liberal or conservative or rich or poor. When you lump people into categories, they becomes symbols not individuals. And that leads to deep resentments, persecution, harassment, riots, and bloodshed.
Now see, there you go with "he didn't directly say it, but we know what he meant" bullcrap. You Democrats have been trying to figure Trump out ever since his office was bugged, and you still don't know crap.

Fast forward to now in virus land, and you'll see that it doesn't matter on either side what was said about the virus, because this virus does what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Mask don't work, even though they might mitigate flying debris from a person sneezing or coughing if sick, but the spread isn't slowing. Trump fast tracking a vaccine is the only answer.
Mask don’t work? NOW we see Trump going to his helicopter wearing a mask and the rest of his team are now wearing mask.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

Those saying that masks will protect you or imply they will protect you 100% are trying to sell you the bridge.

I searched all the way to the end of the internet (it's granny porn, btw), and I couldn't find anyone who said or implied masks will protect you 100%. You may have to look elsewhere for your bridge.

They imply it when they force everyone to wear them and don't tell people it only lowers your risk (actually lowering other's risk)
I guess you haven't seen the ads and signs, "I wear a mask for you". Another failure of the Trump administration is not creating a nationwide advertising campaign for mask wearing and social distancing. Of course that would be rather hypocritical when the president is mocking and downplaying it.
The President cannot mandate the wearing of garb. If he did that you guys would be accusing him of being a tyrant. Grow up.
Yes he can but cowardly he didn’t because of incompetent and ineptness.

No, he can't. Even if he did the only law enforcement agency he has that could enforce it is the FBI. He could also use other FEDERAL officers, or nationalize the guard to do it, but with the guard you run into posese commitus issues.

Yes he can. The least minimum he can do was to encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged people not to wear mask.At the same the main source misinformation and conspiracies. That alone he failed big time.

What are his exact quotes about mask usage and requirements?
Oh dear.
His own administration policy and even his own surgeon general beg people to wear mask. On top of CDC and NIH wear that damn mask.
Trump told Americans in his town hall meeting that mask is not good because a waitress told him.
He mocked Biden for wearing mask even inside the debate. What am I missing Marty?

Wearing a mask at all, or wearing a mask in situations where it its pointless or just theater?
Then you should call Trump administration, CDC, NIH to revised their policy that mask is worthless. During the debate .......... Trump even mentioned he wear and pulled a mask from his pocket.. Don’t tell me he is lying again.
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