Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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China invented it, china released it
Dang we are a country full of morons...

I'm pretty sure at least 10% of America's morons are on this board. ;)
Which you are in that group oh and the donald is not willingly taking remdiviser,they are trying to kill him off with that to make sure he does it get re-elected.obviously you are ignorant of how hoe corrupt government officials at Walter reed participated in the murder coverup of jfk with false autopsy you are the one that is a pro at disinformation as we both know,not him.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
STFU you ignorant lying POS. Hey fuckwad, the moron Wallace wasn’t wearing a mask either and has NOT been tested. Your utter ignorance is no surprise. You are a damn fool spreading bullshit as usual. Go back to boing boing dot com. That suits you better liar.
I knew that about wallace, I saw his recent interviews. What exactly do you think I’m lying and ignorant about? Be specific.
I'd say you're playing the stupid game, but you're not playing are you? Peddle your bullshit elsewhere
So is that a no you can’t list anything specific that I lied about or that you think I’m wrong about? Big surprise. What a joke
Wrong as usual proven liar. Lying about masks being so effective, constant lying about Trump's statements and pretty much everything else. So to conclude. Fuck you asshole.

Shitstain, if masks aren't that effective, why is Impeached Trump wearing one?

trump may be ill but it’s not because of no virus as he says

Please provide evidence for this claim you fucking retard.

It’s ok. We both know you have none.

If anyone ever has a question about what/who Q Anon is, 9/11 Rimjob (his former handle) is Exhibit A.

They were saying that Trump was going into the hiding because "the great cleansing" was about to take place where he would have to be closely guarded due to the Deep State being rounded up and killed.

We'll see if shit-brains responds....
trump may be ill but it’s not because of no virus as he says

Please provide evidence for this claim you fucking retard.

It’s ok. We both know you have none.
Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common What’s funny is your evidence is the word of trump a president,which is funny sense there has never been a president who did not lie,and the corrupt

if he does die,evidence will emerge the cia killedhim same as they did jfk,the media can’t cover up facts anymore and keep it a secret for decades as they did on nov 22nd 1963. Lol

he. may not even be sick as he claims,this could be a clever ploy
he is playingto get sympathy votes to get re-elected. By thedecided.

you are such a coincidence tin foil hat theorist not to put two and two together i
That this is too fishy and too coincidental that it just happened Wright now with the election sin just a i thought from now and that biden,the elites poster boy for them,did not get
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President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

The ones who are saying masks work to slow the spread of infection, are the ones who told us before they don't work and can in fact be dangerous.

What is that sound? London bridge is falling down!

You suck at analogies. That or you don't have long term memory to remember what happened six months ago.

So why don't we wear masks for the flu if masks work on viruses?

Speechless dude - Simply Speechless :eusa_doh:
People should wear mask to prevent the spread of the flu. It would save tens of thousands of lives as would raising participation in flu vaccines from 45% to 65%. As to why people don't wear masks, lots of reasons. Coronavirus is much more infections and spreads more easily than the flu. It is about 5 to 10 times more deadly than the flu. Symptoms last a lot longer than the flu and there appears to be some long term effects on health. There is no known cure for the coronavirus. IMHO, the main reasons most people don't wear masks to prevent the flu is about 45% of them take the vaccine and feel protected and the inconvenience out weights the risk in the minds of most people.

Since coronavirus will be around for years, although not at epidemic levels, many people will continue to wear masks just as they will attempt to keep social distance, wash hands, use hand sanitizer. The result will be a more healthy America, with less infections, and lower healthcare costs.

Coronavirus will have changed America in many ways long after it has gone.

And yet they tell us what we need to do to stop the flu is wash our hands and not touch our face.

If masks are so clearly effective for viruses, then why did the medical community have such trouble figuring that out since they first told us masks are dangerous and we should NOT wear them.

And you make up the 5-10 times. The CDC has the death rate for the flu at about 0.17% and the coronavirus at 0.26%
He got his ass checkmated y you and is the loser and you the
Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common What’s funny is your evidence is the word of trump a president,which is funny sense there has never been a president who did not lie,and the corrupt

if he does die,evidence will emerge the cia killedhim same as they did jfk,the media can’t cover up facts anymore and keep it a secret for decades as they did on nov 22nd 1963. Lol

he. may not even be sick as he claims,this could be a clever ploy
he is playingto get sympathy votes to get re-elected. By thedecided.

you are such a coincidence tin foil hat theorist not to put two and two together i
That this is too fish and too coincidental that it just happened Wright now with the election sin just a i thought from now and that biden,the elites poster boy for them,did not get have no evidence for your stupid claim then. Got it.

You’re excused now.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
STFU you ignorant lying POS. Hey fuckwad, the moron Wallace wasn’t wearing a mask either and has NOT been tested. Your utter ignorance is no surprise. You are a damn fool spreading bullshit as usual. Go back to boing boing dot com. That suits you better liar.
I knew that about wallace, I saw his recent interviews. What exactly do you think I’m lying and ignorant about? Be specific.
I'd say you're playing the stupid game, but you're not playing are you? Peddle your bullshit elsewhere
So is that a no you can’t list anything specific that I lied about or that you think I’m wrong about? Big surprise. What a joke
Wrong as usual proven liar. Lying about masks being so effective, constant lying about Trump's statements and pretty much everything else. So to conclude. Fuck you asshole.

Shitstain, if masks aren't that effective, why is Impeached Trump wearing one?


WOW you are totally clueless...

Mask only lower the amount of virus an ill person expels.. And that is the science... Trump was following the science to keep from expelling more virus in to the air. HE was doing it to protect others....
Outside Walter Reed

That’s how these evil arrogant elites like her operate,they are so arrogant because they know they are above the law that they don’t even try to hide their evil corruption anymore,they advertise it out in the open just as she is doing. What she said is dead on EXACTLY what the establishment and the evil dem leaders are doing to trump and THIS is coming from a guy who has always said for decades now BOTH parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true until the last five years or so when the dems stole that honor from the gop as being worse.
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China invented it, china released it
Dang we are a country full of morons...

I'm pretty sure at least 10% of America's morons are on this board. ;)
Which you are in that group oh and the donald is not willingly taking remdiviser,they are trying to kill him off with that to make sure he does it get re-elected.obviously you are ignorant of how hoe corrupt government officials at Walter reed participated in the murder coverup of jfk with false autopsy you are the one that is a pro at disinformation as we both know,not him.
The fact CIA shill candyass is trying to laugh these facts off proves I am telling the
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
STFU you ignorant lying POS. Hey fuckwad, the moron Wallace wasn’t wearing a mask either and has NOT been tested. Your utter ignorance is no surprise. You are a damn fool spreading bullshit as usual. Go back to boing boing dot com. That suits you better liar.
I knew that about wallace, I saw his recent interviews. What exactly do you think I’m lying and ignorant about? Be specific.
I'd say you're playing the stupid game, but you're not playing are you? Peddle your bullshit elsewhere
So is that a no you can’t list anything specific that I lied about or that you think I’m wrong about? Big surprise. What a joke
Wrong as usual proven liar. Lying about masks being so effective, constant lying about Trump's statements and pretty much everything else. So to conclude. Fuck you asshole.

Shitstain, if masks aren't that effective, why is Impeached Trump wearing one?


WOW you are totally clueless...

Mask only lower the amount of virus an ill person expels.. And that is the science... Trump was following the science to keep from expelling more virus in to the air. HE was doing it to protect others....
You moron, I never said Impeached Trump did it for any other reason.
You are obviously too dense of course to understand just because the media says he has it,does not mean it’s so,that there is a strong possibility the CIA planted something poisonous on him and is calling it critical thinking is not your strong point

The media says he has it because Trump says he has it.

Your tinfoil hat might be on a little too tight.
The fact you believe the inflated numbers of the cdc that this is a deadly virus,your one to trump may be ill but it’s not because of no virus as he says,if he dies,it will be because the elite who he has been trying to get rid of,got to him with a poison that our corrupt government said was the Covid virus which has killed far less people than the flu virus tinfoil
oh trump was murdered. That really is to good to
Trump is being moved to Walter Reed. Will Pence be sworn in?
No shit? You got a link?

No link yet. However, Marine One just arrived at the White House. Being reported by CNN.
Although, they say it is just a precaution, I wonder. The White House has a medical unit with doctors and registered. nurses. They have at lease two rooms outfitted for monitoring, quarantining, oxygen, and other life saving equipment. The medical unit has also been upgraded since coronavirus. I wonder what treatment or monitoring is needed at Water Reed.

He's taking Remdivisir under the "compassionate use" applying to experimental drugs in a life-threatening situation as a last resort. It hasn't undergone widespread clinical testing, but Donald never met an experimental, unproven drug that he didn't need to take immediately.

That is so true but the problem will be when he recovers who will get the credit. I bet his doctor says it because of his genes. He has good genes. At that point he will sell his blood as the cure all. Still like 97 percent of the population or more who survive the odds are in his favor.
unless as some believe that this was a conspiracy to get rid of trump using weird science.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I wonder if Trump still thinks it's a hoax?
There are two types of people who believe that Trump said the virus is a hoax.

Type 1 are people who don't really follow politics. They just heard the lie about Trump on the fake news or in casual conversation or something and never bothered to fact check it. They are not aware that the Democrats are such despicable lying immoral America hating scumbags that they would purposefully and relentlessly disseminate dangerous defamatory disinformation regarding COVID 19. They have only heard one side of the story and are a bit naive regarding exactly how fucking evil Democrats really are. It's simply unfathomable for them to believe that Democrats would stoop so low that they would spread such an unconscionable lie. A lie that has certainly caused an untold number of Americans to die a slow painful death drowning in their own bodily fluids.

My aunt was type one. She doesn't follow politics. She's never even voted before in her life. She wasn't taking prudent precautions to because she heard that the POTUS said the virus was a hoax. She didn't start taking prudent precautions until after I informed her that the POTUS never said that. She was so incredulous that anyone would spread such a unconscionable lie that I had to send her a link to the unedited version of Trump's speech before she believed me.

Type 2 are low IQ individuals. TDS afflicted morons who do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to fact check anything. They are feeble-minded individuals who's low IQ makes them extremely suggestable and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media via the simplest brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging. They will believe whatever lie about Trump has been told to them repeatedly, even after they have been informed of the truth. If they are told both the truth and a lie, they will believe whatever they heard most often. And in this case, they believe the lie because they were simply told the lie more often than the truth. In their simpleton minds, the lie becomes the truth. They're idiots.

You are not type 1. You have been informed on this very board that Trump never said that the virus was a hoax.

On the last Friday of February 2020 during the first major breakout of the virus in the US, Trump held a campaign rally in South Carolina and made comments during a speech in which he accused Democrats of “politicizing” the coronavirus outbreak that left many with the impression that he had referred to the virus itself as a “hoax.” He of course was referring to Democrat comments in the media about the seriousness of the virus and that it was not just the flu. Trump did not say "the virus is a hoax" but that is exactly what he meant. His downplaying of virus, misrepresenting the facts, attacking medical experts that were cautioning the public confirms that a hoax is exactly what he thought or what he hoped the voters would think.

Apparently you believe in categorizing people which is at the heart of the greatest problems this country faces. The problem with categorizing people is that when we do that we dehumanize them. People are no longer individuals, with unique backgrounds, upbringings, genes, quirks, traits and opinions. Instead, people are symbols. They are black or white or Irish Catholic or liberal or conservative or rich or poor. When you lump people into categories, they becomes symbols not individuals. And that leads to deep resentments, persecution, harassment, riots, and bloodshed.
Now see, there you go with "he didn't directly say it, but we know what he meant" bullcrap. You Democrats have been trying to figure Trump out ever since his office was bugged, and you still don't know crap.

Fast forward to now in virus land, and you'll see that it doesn't matter on either side what was said about the virus, because this virus does what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Mask don't work, even though they might mitigate flying debris from a person sneezing or coughing if sick, but the spread isn't slowing. Trump fast tracking a vaccine is the only answer.
Mask don’t work? NOW we see Trump going to his helicopter wearing a mask and the rest of his team are now wearing mask.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

Those saying that masks will protect you or imply they will protect you 100% are trying to sell you the bridge.

I searched all the way to the end of the internet (it's granny porn, btw), and I couldn't find anyone who said or implied masks will protect you 100%. You may have to look elsewhere for your bridge.

They imply it when they force everyone to wear them and don't tell people it only lowers your risk (actually lowering other's risk)
I guess you haven't seen the ads and signs, "I wear a mask for you". Another failure of the Trump administration is not creating a nationwide advertising campaign for mask wearing and social distancing. Of course that would be rather hypocritical when the president is mocking and downplaying it.
The President cannot mandate the wearing of garb. If he did that you guys would be accusing him of being a tyrant. Grow up.
Yes he can but cowardly he didn’t because of incompetent and ineptness.

No, he can't. Even if he did the only law enforcement agency he has that could enforce it is the FBI. He could also use other FEDERAL officers, or nationalize the guard to do it, but with the guard you run into posese commitus issues.

Yes he can. The least minimum he can do was to encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged people not to wear mask.At the same the main source misinformation and conspiracies. That alone he failed big time.

What are his exact quotes about mask usage and requirements?
Oh dear.
His own administration policy and even his own surgeon general beg people to wear mask. On top of CDC and NIH wear that damn mask.
Trump told Americans in his town hall meeting that mask is not good because a waitress told him.
He mocked Biden for wearing mask even inside the debate. What am I missing Marty?

Wearing a mask at all, or wearing a mask in situations where it its pointless or just theater?
Then you should call Trump administration, CDC, NIH to revised their policy that mask is worthless. During the debate .......... Trump even mentioned he wear and pulled a mask from his pocket.. Don’t tell me he is lying again.
Mask don't work, not in the way that leftist think that they do or wish that they did. You been riding around in your car by yourself with one on ? You been out jogging in God's fresh air with one on ??? Do you think the microbes are hiding behind every bush waiting to jump you ???

Funny how everything is about Trump's rallies, Trump's white house get togethers outside, and the leftist are villifying the administration for any slip, but protestor's were a protected class that the media dare not touch or say anything about when they've been out breaking laws, violating mask orders, not social distancing etc. The hypocrisy is off the chain, and the rule of law is in the gutter so bad because of the media (who has blood on it's hands big time), that is as plain as the day is light.

Go hide under your bed.
You are not properly informed.

Like I’d just said call the NIH, CDC and Trump administration that mask is worthless. People wear mask alone in their car is dumb but who are you to dictate what they want with their lives?
There are 7 people of Trump goons that got infected when he presents her SC nominee Barrett in WH lawn. Like Kelly Ann Conway, GOPs Tillis, Jenkins, Lee, Donnie, Melania now Chris Christie checked himself to a hospital. ALL NOT WEARING MASK. NOW WHAT?

If you don’t want to wear mask. That’s your problem. Who cares? But you don’t have the right to infect me or others.
Put your mask on boy, and hide behind that cactus bush now, ain't nobody got you to think about except for maybe the microbes, and they probably took the day off.
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
STFU you ignorant lying POS. Hey fuckwad, the moron Wallace wasn’t wearing a mask either and has NOT been tested. Your utter ignorance is no surprise. You are a damn fool spreading bullshit as usual. Go back to boing boing dot com. That suits you better liar.
I knew that about wallace, I saw his recent interviews. What exactly do you think I’m lying and ignorant about? Be specific.
I'd say you're playing the stupid game, but you're not playing are you? Peddle your bullshit elsewhere
So is that a no you can’t list anything specific that I lied about or that you think I’m wrong about? Big surprise. What a joke
Wrong as usual proven liar. Lying about masks being so effective, constant lying about Trump's statements and pretty much everything else. So to conclude. Fuck you asshole.

Shitstain, if masks aren't that effective, why is Impeached Trump wearing one?


WOW you are totally clueless...

Mask only lower the amount of virus an ill person expels.. And that is the science... Trump was following the science to keep from expelling more virus in to the air. HE was doing it to protect others....
At least you are admitting that masks reduce the amount of virus expelled. That’s a start
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious
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