Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Last edited:
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious
Trying to mix vaccines up in your argument won't work. Yes we have the anti-vax crowd out there, and yes presidents might rub shoulders with them on the issues here and there all depending, but we are talking about one virus here, and a much needed vaccine for it. Nice try though, but it was seen through like a piece of brand new glass.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.
Good read. Your opinion in which you have, and I enjoyed reading it.
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious
Trying to mix vaccines up in your argument won't work. Yes we have the anti-vax crowd out there, and yes presidents might rub shoulders with them on the issues here and there all depending, but we are talking about one virus here, and a much needed vaccine for it. Nice try though, but it was seen through like a piece of brand new glass.
Nothing to see through, I wasn’t hiding a thing, it is what it is. Easy to parrot the conspiracies when there isn’t a pressing issue. Funny how the tables turn and now it’s our only hope.

But moving onto your “only Hope” comment. Let me ask a hypothetical. If everybody locked themselves in their houses for three weeks What would happen to the virus? Direct answer please
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool wouldIgnore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden dies not just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I see it totally differently.

As for the last thing you said about him allegedly getting the Rona, it's probably too soon to conclude anything but yeah, so far I'm not buying it. But unless I'm misunderstanding you, it sounds like my take on it is very different than yours. My take on it will probably get me tarred and feathered around here, so I don't know if I feel like explaining it right now.
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious
Trying to mix vaccines up in your argument won't work. Yes we have the anti-vax crowd out there, and yes presidents might rub shoulders with them on the issues here and there all depending, but we are talking about one virus here, and a much needed vaccine for it. Nice try though, but it was seen through like a piece of brand new glass.
Nothing to see through, I wasn’t hiding a thing, it is what it is. Easy to parrot the conspiracies when there isn’t a pressing issue. Funny how the tables turn and now it’s our only hope.

But moving onto your “only Hope” comment. Let me ask a hypothetical. If everybody locked themselves in their houses for three weeks What would happen to the virus? Direct answer please
Ridiculous question. Not ever gonna happen, so focus on a vaccine which is way more rational.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious
Trying to mix vaccines up in your argument won't work. Yes we have the anti-vax crowd out there, and yes presidents might rub shoulders with them on the issues here and there all depending, but we are talking about one virus here, and a much needed vaccine for it. Nice try though, but it was seen through like a piece of brand new glass.
Nothing to see through, I wasn’t hiding a thing, it is what it is. Easy to parrot the conspiracies when there isn’t a pressing issue. Funny how the tables turn and now it’s our only hope.

But moving onto your “only Hope” comment. Let me ask a hypothetical. If everybody locked themselves in their houses for three weeks What would happen to the virus? Direct answer please
Ridiculous question. Not ever gonna happen, so focus on a vaccine which is way more rational.
It’s a hypothetical. Yes won’t happen, but if it did happen then what would happen to the virus?
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious
Trying to mix vaccines up in your argument won't work. Yes we have the anti-vax crowd out there, and yes presidents might rub shoulders with them on the issues here and there all depending, but we are talking about one virus here, and a much needed vaccine for it. Nice try though, but it was seen through like a piece of brand new glass.
Nothing to see through, I wasn’t hiding a thing, it is what it is. Easy to parrot the conspiracies when there isn’t a pressing issue. Funny how the tables turn and now it’s our only hope.

But moving onto your “only Hope” comment. Let me ask a hypothetical. If everybody locked themselves in their houses for three weeks What would happen to the virus? Direct answer please
Ridiculous question. Not ever gonna happen, so focus on a vaccine which is way more rational.
It’s a hypothetical. Yes won’t happen, but if it did happen then what would happen to the virus?
Humor me and let me take you through a quick sequence of questions and answers. Just give direct answers and let me make my point
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool wouldIgnore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden dies not just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I see it totally differently.

As for the last thing you said about him allegedly getting the Rona, it's probably too soon to conclude anything but yeah, so far I'm not buying it. But unless I'm misunderstanding you, it sounds like my take on it is very different than yours. My take on it will probably get me tarred and feathered around here, so I don't know if I feel like explaining it right now.
Let me know when you did explain it so I can see the tarring and
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
Oh the gullible sheep,Biden did not get it cause the elite love his corruption that all the dem leaders like him are participating in to destroy the other problem with your babble is sweeden not having the corrupt government we have,THEY never did go into lockdown mode or wear masks as the corrupt CDC tells us to do and the kids stayed in school and none of them or the teachers got

the alternativenews sources NOT controlled by the CIA all reported this,you might actually try reading some instead of swallowing everything the lamestream media tells you,hook,line,and
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
I see the truth hurts the feelings of a certain troll America hating dem
Can’t wait to watch her post her pathetic one liner remarks in defeat and run off and not debate my evidence as she always does.hee hee.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
Oh the gullible sheep,Biden did not get it cause the elite love his corruption that all the dem leaders like him are participating in to destroy the other problem with your babble is sweeden not having the corrupt government we have,THEY never did go into lockdown mode or wear masks as the corrupt CDC tells us to do and the kids stayed in school and none of them or the teachers got

the alternativenews sources NOT controlled by the CIA all reported this,you might tactually try reading some instead of swallowing everything the lamestream media tells you,hook,line,and
Biden doesn’t run around in crowds Coughing spitting and chumming around like Trump did. You know this virus is passed person to person right? It’s not that hard to avoid if you give a little effort. Trump is the most protected guy in the world, he had to be a true idiot to actually catch this thing. And you’re gonna vote for somebody like that to lead our country. How pathetic
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious

Yes he was an anti vaxxer and pro choice.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
I still don't believe in COVID-19. Donald and Melania Trump were probably poisoned, and are now recovering from an all-but-overt assassination attempt either by a foreign nation-state or by domestic agents of the Democratic Party in collaboration with a foreign nation-state. They probably needed the cover of an official diagnosis for their medical care and treatment.

The United States Secret Service is probably well aware of poisonings and attempted poisonings of the President and First Lady, including the letter sent by that Canadian woman.
They're laughing, because they don't figure that Covid can be used in these ways. A vaccine is the nation's only hope in order to stop the chaos, but look at who has been in the ways of that for the last longest now ???? You guessed it. They've shot down every potential drug as bad, and they've cried when any trials were planned without years of research first. Now you tell me what is going on ???
The vaccine is our only hope... do you hear yourself?! Were you mocking Trump a few years ago when he claimed vaccines cause Autism? Just curious

Yes he was an anti vaxxer and pro choice.
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