Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
Yeah and they still caught the dam thing. It helps, but not like that vaccine you all have rallied against for almost a year now. One thing I will say, and that is that your side was able to take him off his game sometimes. I'll give ya that much. Right to try was something great, but don't hear much about that anymore.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
Yeah and they still caught the dam thing. It helps, but not like that vaccine you all have rallied against for almost a year now. One thing I will say, and that is that your side was able to take him off his game sometimes. I'll give ya that much. Right to try was something great, but don't hear much about that anymore.

Tramp is disgusting, how many people have died because of him? Many.

Tramp pays no taxes but he gets around the clock care and the best of medicine,

all the while he is trying to take health ins away from millions.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
If Biden got it from the debate then hell yeah it’s Trumps fault. Are you kidding?! I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. He’s been taking care of himself and being safe and then pompous jackass comes in full of disease and mocks him for wearing a mask. How do you not understand how this thing works yet?! Unbelievable!
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
How did Trump catch a "hoax"? Karma...

He i
kinda like your a I’m sure that hurts his feelings that you could care less aBout him and his your really getting desperate as well,that’s apples and oranges,doctors wear masks because they are sometimes inches away from the patients in operations they perform ,wow talk about
Last edited:
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
Which is a hoax of inflated numbers that you have fallen for hook,line,and sinker,you believe the media like a good little sheep
over patriot whistle blowing doctors who have a conscience that the hospitals are getting profits for ruling practically every death from Covid,yes you are right for once,it indeed is what it is,yes that is true,lol
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
Except none of the dems I believe have gotten it since they are doing the bidding of the establishment so I don’t see him getting it.oh and this IS coming from someone who has always for decades now said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which held true until the last couple years with the dems taking the trophy now as being in
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
How did Trump catch a "hoax"? Karma...

He i
kinda like your a I’m sure that hurts his feelings that you could care less aBout him and his your really getting desperate as well,that’s apples and oranges,doctors wear masks because they are sometimes inches away from the patients in operations they perform ,wow talk about

Masks protect the person as well of the person they come in contact with.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
Yeah and they still caught the dam thing. It helps, but not like that vaccine you all have rallied against for almost a year now. One thing I will say, and that is that your side was able to take him off his game sometimes. I'll give ya that much. Right to try was something great, but don't hear much about that anymore.

Tramp is disgusting, how many people have died because of him? Many.

Tramp pays no taxes but he gets around the clock care and the best of medicine,

all the while he is trying to take health ins away from micro king

drinking the koolaide again I see,seriously,I mean firstly,you can’t even spell his name correctly,lol,second of all,you have been trolling the last four years ignoring how he is not near as corrupt as past presidents fromReagan to Obama have been,cowardly ignoring how he came out two weeks ago and told the truth all wars are started so defense contracters can profit from them,guess you missed that one along wit him not starting any new wars,the first potus to do so sense carter.

he is not near as disgusting as your filth who keep tooting the horn of the corruption of the dems and hitlery and Biden.there you go lying as always the fact it’s the dem leaders who we can all ask how many people have died because of their actions shutting down businesses causing the deaths of manyso with suicides at an alll time high the fact they lost their livlihoods,oh but according To your warped mind,that was all trumps fault as well even though he wanted tokeep them open? Comedy relief,lol

Like the presidents before him did pay them,again,better stop drinking that koolaide,lol
You have proven you have a chilidish butthurt obsession over trump sense your hero mass murderer hitlery did not get elected.when that fraud mass murderer Obama was murdering g women and children around the world and sighed fucking Obamacare or when he expanded bush’s corruption expanding the patriot act to allow the government to expand their dreconian illegal survaliiance on citizens and Obama was taking a crap on the constitution Same as his buddy bush,where wrere you then,we never heard a freaking peep out of you then you Americans hater.
Last edited:
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
How did Trump catch a "hoax"? Karma...

He i
kinda like your a I’m sure that hurts his feelings that you could care less aBout him and his your really getting desperate as well,that’s apples and oranges,doctors wear masks because they are sometimes inches away from the patients in operations they perform ,wow talk about

Masks protect the person as well of the person they come in contact with.
Except the best doctors have come out and said masks are no good for an alleged deadly virus but credible doctors voices means nothing to you of course,just what the idiot box in the living room tells

If you would stop drinking the koolaide,you would know an alleged deadly virus like this,a mask is useless,you would need a special suit like you see in the movies they wear when a deadly virus has been released,logic and common sense never has been your forte
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
Yeah and they still caught the dam thing. It helps, but not like that vaccine you all have rallied against for almost a year now. One thing I will say, and that is that your side was able to take him off his game sometimes. I'll give ya that much. Right to try was something great, but don't hear much about that anymore.

Tramp is disgusting, how many people have died because of him? Many.

Tramp pays no taxes but he gets around the clock care and the best of medicine,

all the while he is trying to take health ins away from micro king
Kinda like how your filth is disgusting ignoring how the numbers are inflated that hospitals Are profiting for ruling practically every death from Covid even a gunshot wound to the head, a Covid death.

Better get off the koolaide you Been drinking seriously cause first you can’t even spell his name right,second of all,How many people have died because of the dem leaders shutting down businesses with suicides at an all time high because of depressing not being able to pay the bills,oh let me guess,that was all trumps fault to? Cuomo did not kill anybody in New York either,oh and all presidents pay no taxes so you kinda have no point as always.

Meanwhile you are butthurt cause mass murderer of women and children around the world Hitlery who took a crap on the constitution same as your other hero Obama did when they were both in office, did not get elected,we never heard a peep from you when Obama was taking a crap on the constitution expanding bush’s corrupt patriot act with more illegal surveillance of Americans expanding his patriot act that took away our civil libertys and freedoms,oh and thanks to the dem leaders you love,what little freedoms we had left from 9/11,are all gone thanks to this fake corona virus hoax.

not one peep from you then from that mass murderer and traiter who hates America,which I understand sense you obviously hate America as
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
Yeah and they still caught the dam thing. It helps, but not like that vaccine you all have rallied against for almost a year now. One thing I will say, and that is that your side was able to take him off his game sometimes. I'll give ya that much. Right to try was something great, but don't hear much about that anymore.

Tramp is disgusting, how many people have died because of him? Many.

Tramp pays no taxes but he gets around the clock care and the best of medicine,

all the while he is trying to take health ins away from micro king
Kinda like how your filth is disgusting ignoring how the numbers are inflated that hospitals Are profiting for ruling practically every death from Covid even a gunshot wound to the head acovid desth.
Better get off the koolaide you Been drinking seriously cause first you can’t even spell his name right,second of all,How many people have died because of the dem leaders shutting down businesses with suicides at an all time high because of depressing not being able to pay the bills,oh let me guess,that was all trumps fault to? Cuomo did not kill anybody in New York either,oh and all presidents pay no taxes so you kinda have no point as always.

Meanwhile you are butthurt cause mass murderer of women and children around the world hitlery did not get elected,we never heard a peep from you when Obama was taking a crap on the constitution expanding bush’s corrupt patriot act with more illegal surveillance of Americans expanding his patriot act that took away our civil libertys and freedoms,not one peep from you then from that mass murderer and traiter who hates America,which I understand sense you obviously hate America as
‘For much of this year, Trump has spun an alternate reality about the dangers of coronavirus — disputing science and the efficacy of masks, downplaying the risks to the American people, and making false statements about how 99% of coronavirus cases in America are "totally harmless" or that the virus "affects virtually nobody."

He encouraged his aides and advisers to live in that dangerous fantasy land, pushing his luck to the limits as late as this past week when he again recklessly gathered thousands of unmasked Americans at his political rallies and packed the top officials in government into a Rose Garden ceremony for his Supreme Court nominee. All the while, White House officials embraced the fallacy that administering rapid coronavirus tests frequently at the White House could provide a shield of immunity.

The President's construct crumbled Friday when he was airlifted to Walter Reed after contracting the virus, while many aides, advisers and allies were testing positive for Covid-19 after interacting with him over the past week.’

A president so callous as to place Americans at risk clearly doesn’t merit a second term.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
Which is a hoax of inflated numbers that you have fallen for hook,line,and sinker,you believe the media like a good little sheep
over patriot whistle blowing doctors who have a conscience that the hospitals are getting profits for ruling practically every death from Covid,yes you are right for once,it indeed is what it is,yes that is true,lol
The fact Langley resident shill candyass is posting laughing smileys proves I am telling the truth in all
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
If Biden got it from the debate then hell yeah it’s Trumps fault. Are you kidding?! I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. He’s been taking care of himself and being safe and then pompous jackass comes in full of disease and mocks him for wearing a mask. How do you not understand how this thing works yet?! Unbelievable!
Keeping himself safe from a virus hoax,comedy

It’s too complicated for you to understand that the deep state has been plotting against trump from day one to remove him from office so sense their pathetic attempts failed,this is their latest attempt trying to get rid of him trying to pass it off as Covid which is so very convient for the dems the fact the election is just a month away,oh what a coincidence the fact this is so convient for the dems who would love nothing more to do than kill him for keeping us out of wars and trying to stop their plans to destroy
Last edited:
You hear it, you think it

And those who believe the Misinformer in Chief are still CULT MEMBERS.
It’s nothing short of a cult. To call it a cult is not hyperbole in the least. Its simply a massive example of a cult.
Yes you idiots who swallow the Dim Lies every time are a cult. The truth doesn’t penetrate your thick skulls.
Actually we don’t always agree on key issues. You people? You blindly believe anything Trump says.

Friday night is apparently the time for the brainless chicks to come out. I hope you're hot, the only way you're making a living is on your back

Charming dude - Charming! :icon_rolleyes:

A guy who chose to be a turd talking about charming is something
If you haven't already gotten this eventually will.

Everything else here is utter BS...........Nothing but political pandering and Fear mongering..........the Herd will move through.

Now stop being a a sheep and moo for me.

Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
If Biden got it from the debate then hell yeah it’s Trumps fault. Are you kidding?! I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. He’s been taking care of himself and being safe and then pompous jackass comes in full of disease and mocks him for wearing a mask. How do you not understand how this thing works yet?! Unbelievable!
How do you not know how freedom of choice works ??? Do you think that you need to hold Bidens feeble hand, and guide him to every choice he makes ?? That's what many are hoping for in a Biden presidency.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
How did Trump catch a "hoax"? Karma...

He i
kinda like your a I’m sure that hurts his feelings that you could care less aBout him and his your really getting desperate as well,that’s apples and oranges,doctors wear masks because they are sometimes inches away from the patients in operations they perform ,wow talk about

Masks protect the person as well of the person they come in contact with.
Except the best doctors have come out and said masks are no good for an alleged deadly virus but credible doctors voices means nothing to you of course,just what the idiot box in the living room tells

If you would stop drinking the koolaide,you would know an alleged deadly virus like this,a mask is useless,you would need a special suit like you see in the movies they wear when a deadly virus has been released,logic and common sense never has been your forte

I never drink the Kool-Aid.

Tramp sure did. White privilege. Even his kids think they are above everyone else.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
How did Trump catch a "hoax"? Karma...

He i
kinda like your a I’m sure that hurts his feelings that you could care less aBout him and his your really getting desperate as well,that’s apples and oranges,doctors wear masks because they are sometimes inches away from the patients in operations they perform ,wow talk about

Masks protect the person as well of the person they come in contact with.
They help, but there are no guarantee's. The virus goes after weakness in the individual, otherwise one might be just run down or tired, obese, underlying conditions, a track record of catching viruses etc. One things certain, you can't be perfect, and you will slip. If you want to hide, then barracade and hide, but good luck with that strategy. You can't hide forever. A vaccine is our only hope, and now that Trump has this thing, maybe something will get done. Waiting on the politicized, polarized Democrats is a fool's game. Election's mean more than a vaccine to them.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

First Trump ridicules the mask the journalist used, What does he say now ?. The clown have now got the virus. Trump is coming, and polls have long shown that he will lose this election. That's good for our country America.

But i wish them both. Good health and fast recovery

October 2 (GMT)
I really don't care about them or their family who refused masked at the debate.

"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Tramp said

Tramp is the cause of a lot of deaths in the US.

More than half of the guests on Trump’s side at the debate reportedly declined to wear masks, while everyone on Biden’s side was wearing masks. A doctor with the clinic even approached some of Trump’s guest and offered them masks, but they refused. During the debate, Trump also ridiculed Biden for the extent of his mask-wearing. “I don’t wear masks like him,” the president said. “Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them, and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

there you go again as always falling for the inflated death counts by the media and our corrupt government.

oh and several doctors have debunked your babble that masks are effective,but you of course have no interest in the opinions of patriot whistleblower doctors,only what our corrupt media and government tell

Just as you retard have no evidence that this is a deadly virus that is worse than the common flu.

He said it himself on Feb 7th. Why do they wear masks in the hospital taking are of covid pts and why do they wear them is surgery??

I could careless about him or his family. It is what it is.
How did Trump catch a "hoax"? Karma...

He i
kinda like your a I’m sure that hurts his feelings that you could care less aBout him and his your really getting desperate as well,that’s apples and oranges,doctors wear masks because they are sometimes inches away from the patients in operations they perform ,wow talk about

Masks protect the person as well of the person they come in contact with.
Except the best doctors have come out and said masks are no good for an alleged deadly virus but credible doctors voices means nothing to you of course,just what the idiot box in the living room tells

If you would stop drinking the koolaide,you would know an alleged deadly virus like this,a mask is useless,you would need a special suit like you see in the movies they wear when a deadly virus has been released,logic and common sense never has been your forte

I never drink the Kool-Aid.

Tramp sure did. White privilege. Even his kids think they are above everyone else.
Oh now you're race bait pimping ? Just like a nasty ole demoncrat.
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