Trump and The President's Daily Brief


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Lame Street Media is clearly making a bit lot of nothing about President-elect Trump not taking the PDB on a regular basis. First off, the one they try to present him with is the one Obama has received for his term and is tailored to his desires. This article talks about what it is and how it's presented, written by someone involved in them.

As a former daily intelligence briefer to senior defense officials and former member of the PDB staff, I do not lament Trump’s attitude toward receiving daily intelligence briefings. Instead, I view it as a particular challenge that the intelligence community is required to decipher every four to eight years. Much of the reporting in recent days has focused on why Trump should be more interested in the PDB, but in my view, the focus should be on how the intelligence community can encourage President Trump to take the briefing. This puts pressure on the intelligence community to think deeply and creatively about ways in which to optimize the PDB for the next president.

More @ Adapting the President’s Daily Brief to Trump
And they fail to mention Obama took only one briefing before his inauguration.
The Lame Street Media is clearly making a bit lot of nothing about President-elect Trump not taking the PDB on a regular basis. First off, the one they try to present him with is the one Obama has received for his term and is tailored to his desires. This article talks about what it is and how it's presented, written by someone involved in them.

As a former daily intelligence briefer to senior defense officials and former member of the PDB staff, I do not lament Trump’s attitude toward receiving daily intelligence briefings. Instead, I view it as a particular challenge that the intelligence community is required to decipher every four to eight years. Much of the reporting in recent days has focused on why Trump should be more interested in the PDB, but in my view, the focus should be on how the intelligence community can encourage President Trump to take the briefing. This puts pressure on the intelligence community to think deeply and creatively about ways in which to optimize the PDB for the next president.

More @ Adapting the President’s Daily Brief to Trump
Trump: Give me the high points of the daily brief.

Intel: It has been determined Obama is still a douchebag.

Trump: I could have told you that.

Intel: CNN said you are a poopie head.

Trump: Tell the clown news network to suck it.

Intel: Lakhota started 9 more Trump hate threads about you from his mom's basement.

Trump: Shocker.
The Lame Street Media is clearly making a bit lot of nothing about President-elect Trump not taking the PDB on a regular basis. First off, the one they try to present him with is the one Obama has received for his term and is tailored to his desires. This article talks about what it is and how it's presented, written by someone involved in them.

As a former daily intelligence briefer to senior defense officials and former member of the PDB staff, I do not lament Trump’s attitude toward receiving daily intelligence briefings. Instead, I view it as a particular challenge that the intelligence community is required to decipher every four to eight years. Much of the reporting in recent days has focused on why Trump should be more interested in the PDB, but in my view, the focus should be on how the intelligence community can encourage President Trump to take the briefing. This puts pressure on the intelligence community to think deeply and creatively about ways in which to optimize the PDB for the next president.

More @ Adapting the President’s Daily Brief to Trump

I seem to recall the rightwinglamestreammedia doing the same about Obama....remember?
The Lame Street Media is clearly making a bit lot of nothing about President-elect Trump not taking the PDB on a regular basis. First off, the one they try to present him with is the one Obama has received for his term and is tailored to his desires. This article talks about what it is and how it's presented, written by someone involved in them.

As a former daily intelligence briefer to senior defense officials and former member of the PDB staff, I do not lament Trump’s attitude toward receiving daily intelligence briefings. Instead, I view it as a particular challenge that the intelligence community is required to decipher every four to eight years. Much of the reporting in recent days has focused on why Trump should be more interested in the PDB, but in my view, the focus should be on how the intelligence community can encourage President Trump to take the briefing. This puts pressure on the intelligence community to think deeply and creatively about ways in which to optimize the PDB for the next president.

More @ Adapting the President’s Daily Brief to Trump

"Creativity" = dumbing it down
I am really going to enjoy watching Trumpsters try to rationalize this asshole's behavior.

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