Trump and today's Republicans are redefining "Conservatism"


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

Conservatives talked about preserving the values and morals of traditional United States.

What is conservatism today? From Trump and today's GOP, how would you define "conservatism". Remember, the marker is defined by GOP policies. What are GOP policies that could be used to define "conservatism".
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

Conservatives talked about preserving the values and morals of traditional United States.

What is conservatism today? From Trump and today's GOP, how would you define "conservatism". Remember, the marker is defined by GOP policies. What are GOP policies that could be used to define "conservatism".
Pussy grabbing gets you a job in the WH.....and lol family values
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

Conservatives talked about preserving the values and morals of traditional United States.

What is conservatism today? From Trump and today's GOP, how would you define "conservatism". Remember, the marker is defined by GOP policies. What are GOP policies that could be used to define "conservatism".

To many conservatives like myself, the GOP does not represent my version of conservatism. I am not a Republican, and Trump is not a conservative IMO.
They need a new word for themselves, the traditional definition of "conservative" no longer applies to these people. Trouble is, the existing words that already describe them such as fascist, plutocrat and theocrat have negative connotations.
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

Conservatives talked about preserving the values and morals of traditional United States.

What is conservatism today? From Trump and today's GOP, how would you define "conservatism". Remember, the marker is defined by GOP policies. What are GOP policies that could be used to define "conservatism".
Trump has redefined absolutely everything in the world of US politics singlehandedly.
Putting a strict constitutional conservative like Gorsuch on the SC defines what "conservatism" is. I never liked the term "compassionate conservative". That just meant that we were willing to give the left what it wanted.

I prefer to call myself an "Alinsky Conservative" and am more aligned with Crowder, Milo, Breitbart, etc. Trump appears to be one too: He has no reservations against using the same tactics the left has been using for decades.
Putting a strict constitutional conservative like Gorsuch on the SC defines what "conservatism" is. I never liked the term "compassionate conservative". That just meant that we were willing to give the left what it wanted.

I prefer to call myself an "Alinsky Conservative" and am more aligned with Crowder, Milo, Breitbart, etc. Trump appears to be one too: He has no reservations against using the same tactics the left has been using for decades.
So you are saying conservatives have no compassion.

That is definitely something we can both agree with.
Putting a strict constitutional conservative like Gorsuch on the SC defines what "conservatism" is. I never liked the term "compassionate conservative". That just meant that we were willing to give the left what it wanted.

I prefer to call myself an "Alinsky Conservative" and am more aligned with Crowder, Milo, Breitbart, etc. Trump appears to be one too: He has no reservations against using the same tactics the left has been using for decades.
A conservative without a clear moral core is a fascist, no need to invent new terms for an old problem of human governance.
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

Conservatives talked about preserving the values and morals of traditional United States.

What is conservatism today? From Trump and today's GOP, how would you define "conservatism". Remember, the marker is defined by GOP policies. What are GOP policies that could be used to define "conservatism".

To many conservatives like myself, the GOP does not represent my version of conservatism. I am not a Republican, and Trump is not a conservative IMO.
Perhaps you could give a few examples of what your "conservative values" are? And how they differ with Trump and the GOP?
Trump is the best president America has had in decades. ..... :thup:
What would make you say something so obviously ridiculous? You must be thinking of something or have some evidence? What exactly is it he's done that leaves you so amazed?
Putting a strict constitutional conservative like Gorsuch on the SC defines what "conservatism" is. I never liked the term "compassionate conservative". That just meant that we were willing to give the left what it wanted.

I prefer to call myself an "Alinsky Conservative" and am more aligned with Crowder, Milo, Breitbart, etc. Trump appears to be one too: He has no reservations against using the same tactics the left has been using for decades.
A conservative without a clear moral core is a fascist, no need to invent new terms for an old problem of human governance.
And what are some of those "policies" or "rules" that make up that "moral core"?
Pro owner, pro shareholder, anti-worker
Pro business, anti consumer
Pro gun, anti gun safety laws
Pro life, anti free choice
Pro today, anti tomorrow

Perhaps most importantly, republican is becoming synonymous with anti woman, anti black, Muslim, and foreigner, and pro white. However deserved this blossoming reputation for bigotry is, that's what the republican party of Trump will be remembered for.
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

That was W's term, and explains much about why W started with a strong economy and a budget surplus and returned a depression and a trillion dollar deficit.

"compassionate conservative" = Bible Thumping SOCIALIST and ZIONIST TRAITOR

Conservatism starts with FISCAL CONSERVATISM, and anyone/everyone not a fiscal conservative is not a conservative, period.

W and the GOP Congress are not conservatives.
Putting a strict constitutional conservative like Gorsuch on the SC defines what "conservatism" is. I never liked the term "compassionate conservative". That just meant that we were willing to give the left what it wanted.

I prefer to call myself an "Alinsky Conservative" and am more aligned with Crowder, Milo, Breitbart, etc. Trump appears to be one too: He has no reservations against using the same tactics the left has been using for decades.
So you are saying conservatives have no compassion.

That is definitely something we can both agree with.

Of course we have compassion, silly. But it's not the job of the government to be "compassionate", nor is it to be a charity.

Compassion is the act of emboldening a person to take control over their own life: To allow them to grow and profit without the interference of the government telling them who can and who can't succeed.

The real problem here is not what the GOP was or is: It's how far to the left the Democrat Party has shifted. They seem to be openly embracing Communism, an ideology which is as incompatible with American ideals as Sharia Law would be.
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Compassion is the act of emboldening a person to take control over their own life: To allow them to grow and profit without the interference of the government telling them who can and who can't succeed

And when W socialized senior drugs by lying to Congress about the estimated cost.... was that "conservative?"
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

Me too. That particular one was coined by George W. Bush, who openly stated that he was not a conservative.

Interesting, eh? Nowadays the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are all one big happy family.
I remember past statements like "compassionate conservatism".

Conservatives talked about preserving the values and morals of traditional United States.

What is conservatism today? From Trump and today's GOP, how would you define "conservatism". Remember, the marker is defined by GOP policies. What are GOP policies that could be used to define "conservatism".

Lol, fuck typical Rdumb thread. Say, your democrat party ain’t doing much better, lol.
Republican conservatism means love of country and its people.

It's the complete opposite of Democrat liberalism. ...... :cool:

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