TRUMP APPROVAL 52% in latest poll

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Hey Old Yeller since we are on the same pager here tell me what YOUR thoughts are on this, as i saidTrump is the first president we have had since carter who is not a war monger and puts american first.americans cant come to grips that the LAMESTREAM media has always gone out of their way to slander carter and demonize him with lies that he was the worst president ever which sadly,so many stupid ass americans have gobbled it up and swallowed because he was the last president before trump who ALSO tried to get rid of the deep state hense WHY he only served one term in office, well trump it appears is also trying to do away with it but the thing i dont get is WHY if that s true,has he not yet got rid of the CIA and the FED,they are the REASON the world is in the mess it is today.

my theory i came up with on that recently is maybe he is right now focused on how they are trying to impeach him since russia gate and everything else has failed, whats YOUR thoughts on it why he hasnt? agree? disagree?

oh and this goes for everybody else to answer as well that is who CAN can accept these facts about reagan i posted earlier.:D not interested in the opinonis of sheep who cannot accept facts they have been brainwashed tier whole lives on the propaganda BS lies of Reagan,LOL

you DO know that reagan was the same as obomination and bushwacker despite what the sheep in american have been led to believe,that same as them,he was a globalist and traiter and mass murderer.

TRUMP APPROVAL 52% in latest poll
Thtas why this is the first time i ecer cared about who got elected because in years past it was always one globalist against another,example romney vs obama,same clothing,same tailor. no difference in the two. Trump is the first president in five previous administrations before him that is NOT a globalist to serve their agenda and traiter to all started with reagan and FINALLY has ended.:2up::dance:
Hey Old Yeller since we are on the same pager here tell me what YOUR thoughts are on this, as i saidTrump is the first president we have had since carter who is not a war monger and puts american first.americans cant come to grips that the LAMESTREAM media has always gone out of their way to slander carter and demonize him with lies that he was the worst president ever which sadly,so many stupid ass americans have gobbled it up and swallowed because he was the last president before trump who ALSO tried to get rid of the deep state hense WHY he only served one term in office, well trump it appears is also trying to do away with it but the thing i dont get is WHY if that s true,has he not yet got rid of the CIA and the FED,they are the REASON the world is in the mess it is today.
I can't believe anyone writes like this. Do you realize this is one sentence with about 15 subjects and countless verbs objects and conjunctions? I can't imagine the trainwreck of his mind.
Did you know it was the only poll that called the 2016 presidential race let's stop the bullshit about it being a right wing poll!

Rasmussen Reports Calls It Right - Rasmussen ...
Rasmussen Reports › election_2016 › ras...

Dec 5, 2016 · Stein: Closest to Electoral College Results (Winner - Trump) .... 2) The media created a false narrative about the 2016 presidential campaign,

You dumbfuck. :eusa_doh:

Rasmussen was the only one to get it wrong

They were the only ones to predict that Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary.
Did it matter that he BURIED HER IN the E.C. where it matters....of corse not....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Dumbfuck, it mattered to Rasmussen, which was dead wrong, which you idiotically thought they got right. :cuckoo:
He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are

You dumbfuck. :eusa_doh:

Rasmussen was the only one to get it wrong

They were the only ones to predict that Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary.
Did it matter that he BURIED HER IN the E.C. where it matters....of corse not....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Dumbfuck, it mattered to Rasmussen, which was dead wrong, which you idiotically thought they got right. :cuckoo:
He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are

the shills from Langley are so butthurt it did not go the way they planned.:abgg2q.jpg:
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

Dems are in full panic mode now. He was supposed to be at 20% approval and removed from office by now.

Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.
LIkely voters omits non voters who actually omit themselves. Lib media are the ones really getting excited about this.

"Democrats are so concerned about Trump’s rise in the polls that even CNN is reporting it. Democrats should be concerned. They have no message other than being anti-Trump. Why should voters support them?"

CNN: Democrats Are Worried About Trump's Rising Poll Numbers (VIDEO)
Trump is president of all citizens, not just those who are likely to vote. It makes no sense to poll only likely voters to determine job approval.
Who cares what convicts, drug addicts, crack whores and gang members think? Oh wait, I know. Democrats care
Last edited:
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

that poll used a method called Cherry Picking. You can make a poll show any results you want it to by being careful what demographics you poll. And in this case, it polled mostly people more likely to be Republican than Democrat or Independent. The ratings that most of the fact checkers give it is mostly false because of this.
Great News....

I trust Rasmussen over every TDS left wing poll that had crooked Hillary winning in 2016 and the gullible left wingers sucking up the fake news like salivating imbeciles..

Well, just saying... :)

Everyone of those supposed left wing polls got the midterms wrong. How is that Republican House majority that Rasmussen predicted in 2018 doing?

Eh. +average historical turnover and Democrats had epic special interest contributions/payoffs. (+ the the phony votes)

I'd say that they're stuck in a loony Democrat swamp now.. ;)
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...

Dems are in full panic mode now. He was supposed to be at 20% approval and removed from office by now.

Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.

Obama was at 48% at the same time in his presidency on Rasmussen. So I guess Obama's score was really bad. :2up: Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term, but the poll numbers went back down to the high 40's in 2013. He went down to 43% in November of 2013.

Point is, your comment that 52% is not a good score is disingenuous. That score is right on the mark as compared to Obama before he won his 2nd term and it's in line with a President who is generally viewed favorably by his own party.

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®
”Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term...”

Liar. Obama was as high as 67% in his first term.

From the point he was at 48% dumbass. Point is you got owned on your comment about 52%.

Good luck with that.

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ @realdonaldtrump, the government shut ‘er downer
He opened back up after Pelosi said she would negotiate if he did. Well he did and she isn't.
She did negotiate. Her negotiations did not include money for the wall. Trump is shutting down the government yet again because he’s not getting his way. But again, good luck blaming Pelosi. :lol:
Nope pelosi knew Trump will close the goverment over the wall and she won't do it for political reasons. Anyway there are other ways Trump can get the wall. The democrats aren't gonna look good when the wall goes up and crime goes down. Tell me, don't you get tired of Trump kicking your ass daily?
You keep saying he’s kicking my ass but you still can’t articulate that.
Tax cuts
Ended the illegal mandate
Approval rating of 52% after the shutdown
Oh, and has the economy tanked yet?
Tax cuts increased my take home income.
ObamaCare still lives.
52% is over. It was the peak of his short lived SOTU address bump, it was in one poll only while the rest have him in the 40's, and it's already falling.
No, he's still riding the Obama wave.

Not exactly kicking my ass. I knew you couldn't articulate your delusions. :mm:

Trump is still shutting the government down because like a baby, he’s not getting his way. It’s still on him. It always was ever since he said, “I’m going to shut it down for border security.”
Wanting to protect the american people. Between this and supporting killing babies after birth. You gonna make Trump a shoe in 2020!
We already have walls and fences to protect the American people. Rebuilding them will not make us safer.
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You dumbfuck. :eusa_doh:

Rasmussen was the only one to get it wrong

They were the only ones to predict that Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary.
Did it matter that he BURIED HER IN the E.C. where it matters....of corse not....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Dumbfuck, it mattered to Rasmussen, which was dead wrong, which you idiotically thought they got right. :cuckoo:
He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

Did it matter that he BURIED HER IN the E.C. where it matters....of corse not....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Dumbfuck, it mattered to Rasmussen, which was dead wrong, which you idiotically thought they got right. :cuckoo:
He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

And he got more than 2% in the electoral vote cocksucker he was right TRUMP WON no matter how you little fucking mental case try to spin it 232 for the murderous felon and 304 for DONALDO THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!....PUSSY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
Dems are in full panic mode now. He was supposed to be at 20% approval and removed from office by now.

Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.

Obama was at 48% at the same time in his presidency on Rasmussen. So I guess Obama's score was really bad. :2up: Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term, but the poll numbers went back down to the high 40's in 2013. He went down to 43% in November of 2013.

Point is, your comment that 52% is not a good score is disingenuous. That score is right on the mark as compared to Obama before he won his 2nd term and it's in line with a President who is generally viewed favorably by his own party.

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®
”Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term...”

Liar. Obama was as high as 67% in his first term.

From the point he was at 48% dumbass. Point is you got owned on your comment about 52%.

No, moron, I didn't. Why? Because my point wasn't that Trump's JAR is historically low ... it was how excited the right got from his SOTU bump in one right leaning poll which pushed him negligibly north of 50%.

Dumbfuck, it mattered to Rasmussen, which was dead wrong, which you idiotically thought they got right. :cuckoo:
He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

And he got more than 2% in the electoral vote cocksucker he was right TRUMP WON no matter how you little fucking mental case try to spin it 232 for the murderous felon and 304 for DONALDO THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!....PUSSY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

Dumbfuck, it mattered to Rasmussen, which was dead wrong, which you idiotically thought they got right. :cuckoo:
He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

And he got more than 2% in the electoral vote cocksucker he was right TRUMP WON no matter how you little fucking mental case try to spin it 232 for the murderous felon and 304 for DONALDO THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!....PUSSY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

WTF does that have to do with the reality that Rasmussen was wrong?

You're having a hard time dealing with reality, ain'tcha, Vagisil?

He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

And he got more than 2% in the electoral vote cocksucker he was right TRUMP WON no matter how you little fucking mental case try to spin it 232 for the murderous felon and 304 for DONALDO THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!....PUSSY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

One moron cheering another. :lmao:

I think he owes you dinner after that reach-around.
You have popular vote confused with illegal votes, Faun. Trump won the popular vote of actual American citizens... :)

Suuuure .... let's see you prove Hillary got more illegal votes than trump.........

Dumbfuck, it mattered to Rasmussen, which was dead wrong, which you idiotically thought they got right. :cuckoo:
He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

And he got more than 2% in the electoral vote cocksucker he was right TRUMP WON no matter how you little fucking mental case try to spin it 232 for the murderous felon and 304 for DONALDO THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!....PUSSY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
The only ‘poll’ that counts is all the polls.

40.3 percent approval rating today.

Conservatives are as dishonest as they are wrong.

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
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