Trump Approval Among Blacks 41%

I wonder if this is a factor......

View attachment 347572

This is appropriate.

Democrats have been running Minneapolis for 47 years. Every member of the city council, but one, is a Democrat; and that one is a Green Party member.

These people are responsible for the Police Force, and have been for a long time. These people had that officer who had his knee on the poor man's neck---In Charge of that crew, even though 18 complaints had been made about his behavior as a cop.

Minneapolis people keep electing these Dumb-Asses.

Minneapolis needs to have, if they don't already, a Dumb-Ass Lives Matter Parade every year.

The Meme is appropriate.
I wonder if this is a factor......

View attachment 347572
Well, remember, hair sniffin' groper Joe told blacks that if they didn't vote for HIM, "they ain't BLACK."

I'm SURE that every single black in America agreed with that 100%!

Oh wait...

Rasmussen always has black approval at 40% for Trump. Other pollsters have it at 12%.
yet every week we see threads about this 40% number, as if it were some kind of intra-pollster surge.

Rasmussen had Republicans winning the house in the 2018 midterms.

Rasmussen is discredited as a polling firm.

"This week black voter approval of the president has returned to its typical mid 20% range."


You will note that the Rasmussen quote is from an August 2019 Article, so you are clearly Full of Shit on your Facts----which you Dumb-Ass Bolsheviks usually are---mainly out of Ignorance, but also because the Facts you do know are against you. You always win in opinions, because you have declared yourself, like a good Bolshevik, the sole judge of your opinions. But, Facts aren't Blind Partisans.

I note that you concede Trump is at least at 12% of the Black Vote. He won last time with 8%. So, are you Bolsheviks pretending you are happy about the 12%?

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Saw this a few days ago....

"Poll: 40% Of Likely Black Voters Approve Of President Trump
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:30 PM PT — Friday, June 5, 2020

According to a new poll, 40% of likely black voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. This data came from a new report by Rasmussen, which was released on Friday.

50% of likely white voters reported they approve of the president, while 43% of those categorized as “other” stated the same.

This comes as Americans across the nation are uniting in the fight against racial inequality.

“The black community needs to stand up for this president, this isn’t about a handout,” stated one conservative activist. “It’s about lifting up ourselves, our community, working together (and) understanding policy better.”

And this in an email....

Hooray for him. :yes_text12:
Skin color does not reflect party affiliation.....but don't tell the liberals that.....its been working against them for years now....
The media has been pushing one election poll after another these days, but they really won’t like this.

In the aftermath of COVID-19 and the riots, Democrats want to lay the chaos at Trump’s feet. They especially work extra hard to turn black Americans against him. (Especially after Joe Biden’s gaffe.)

Just look at Democrat-run cities with high black populations. They are being overrun by Antifa thugs, burning, looting, and destroying black businesses.

Where are all those Democratic “allies”? Nowhere to be found. Democrat mayors and governors (by and large) refused to condemn the riots and bring order.

Until it was much too late, of course.

Why would black people support politicians like that?

Meanwhile, Trump has spent the last four years investing in black communities, bringing reforms that have released black men from prison, and brought black unemployment to record lows.

BJ - The entire poll numbers are quite interesting

The Myth that the Godless Liberal White Democrats believe is that all blacks hate being safe in their communities and will vote to be less safe. It's weird I know, but-

You ain't black unless you vote for dementia Joe
Yes, I saw how well Trump is like by the way he ran to hide in the basement so he didn't have to greet his fans that were black.

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