Trump approval higher than Obama

There is no such thing as a popular vote having anything to do with electing the President. It is a meaningless number.

Claiming a mandate?

To say the popular vote is meaningless is so ignorant - not even the founders of the system would go that far.

try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
The media was saying there is a 100% chance Trump can't win the presidency.
And Trump said he had investigators who had very interesting evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii......
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
Trump himself said he continued with his family business because he believed he would not win'
you're not only confused, you're being purposefully disingenuous
Trump certainly had moments of doubt about winning, as did nearly everyone, but that's because he didn't fully understand the impact Clinton's incompetence would have on the election.
Trump certainly had moments of doubt about winning, as did nearly everyone, but that's because he didn't fully understand the impact his Collusion(s) with America's enemies would have
Whodathunkit? Trumps approval is higher than Obama's at this point in his presidency. He must be doing something right!!

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Trump: 48%
Obama: 46%
And don’t forget to layer in Barry had the fawning press filling his sails since Inauguration Day as opposed to the constant headwinds they’re blown Trump’s way for 3+ years.
Trump got more free campaign coverage from the press than any other candidate in history -- the press/media is the only reason why Trump is spare me the bullshit about the press....
The bullshit is what you left out of the Trump press coverage, wall to wall negativity vs. sucking Barry’s balls by your media buddies.
Reporting dumb shit Trump said is not negative coverage...You do understand that right?

And you also keep leaving out the fact that Trump is a media creation...he is obsessed with the same media you idiots claim to hate.....

And the only people sucking Obama's balls are conservatives since they keep them resting on their chin all the time....

There is no getting around the fact that if Trump had never jumped on the racist birther movement train, NONE OF YOU IDIOTS would give a fuck about him....and when he doubled down on demonizing brown people by getting your panties wet over calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, that is when your cult programming was complete...

It wasn't that long ago when GOP candidates pulled out of a debate because Trump was a moderator -- why? Because they were afraid their party was beginning to look like a was already a joke
Whodathunkit? Trumps approval is higher than Obama's at this point in his presidency. He must be doing something right!!

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Trump: 48%
Obama: 46%
Aww, how adorable. Look at how excited the rightards get over a statistical tie in the most right-leaning poll out there.


Oh, by the way, moron, they were actually tied at this point at 48% according to Rasmussen..,

06-Feb-11: 48%

06-Feb-19: 48%

And that’s just one poll.

Gallup, the longest established pollster, shows a clearer picture:

Obama: 47%
Trump: 37%

Wrong. The thread was made on Feb 5th, and that site shows Feb 5 2011 was 46% Obama approval just like I said.

Quit cherry picking dates.

I’m not cherry picking, I’m using the most current data. You’re stuck in the past.

Your crying does not change the FACT that is more popular than Obozo. Yes you are cherry picking. Again you are the weakest link. Goodbye. YOU are dismissed.

Oh look ^^^ yet another moron who thinks laughing is crying and thinks he’s man enough to dismiss me.

Sorry, rightard, Trump is not more popular than Obama at this same point in their respective presidencies. In the best poll for trump, he’s tied with Obama. Trump’s 48% is not more popular than Obama’s 48%. :cuckoo:

And that’s just one poll. Obama has a higher rating than Trump in every other poll.

Oh look, the guy who knows nothing about the job he claims to have can't read wither. Sorry libtard, numbers don't lie and Trump's are higher than Obozo's. By the way little girl, a 5 year old could dismiss your idiocy, Now STFU, you've been dismissed. Again. Now cry some more.
Aww, how adorable. Look at how excited the rightards get over a statistical tie in the most right-leaning poll out there.


Oh, by the way, moron, they were actually tied at this point at 48% according to Rasmussen..,

06-Feb-11: 48%

06-Feb-19: 48%

And that’s just one poll.

Gallup, the longest established pollster, shows a clearer picture:

Obama: 47%
Trump: 37%

Wrong. The thread was made on Feb 5th, and that site shows Feb 5 2011 was 46% Obama approval just like I said.

Quit cherry picking dates.

I’m not cherry picking, I’m using the most current data. You’re stuck in the past.

Your crying does not change the FACT that is more popular than Obozo. Yes you are cherry picking. Again you are the weakest link. Goodbye. YOU are dismissed.

Oh look ^^^ yet another moron who thinks laughing is crying and thinks he’s man enough to dismiss me.

Sorry, rightard, Trump is not more popular than Obama at this same point in their respective presidencies. In the best poll for trump, he’s tied with Obama. Trump’s 48% is not more popular than Obama’s 48%. :cuckoo:

And that’s just one poll. Obama has a higher rating than Trump in every other poll.

Oh look, the guy who knows nothing about the job he claims to have can't read wither. Sorry libtard, numbers don't lie and Trump's are higher than Obozo's. By the way little girl, a 5 year old could dismiss your idiocy, Now STFU, you've been dismissed. Again. Now cry some more.

In what backwards conservative universe is 48 greater than 48? :cuckoo:

If I know nothing about the job I have, why did the company I’m working for pay an additional fee to buy out my contract rather than just wait six months and make me an employee at no extra charge?

And if I know nothing about the job I have, why did the company promote me to a lead position in just 6 months?

You have any idea how stupid you sound?

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