Trump approval higher than Obama

try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.

He underestimated the lies and fabrications Russian trolls spread into social media. I had a friend that saud the Clinton Foundation spends 80% of it funds on Administration. He said "I read it" so it had to be true....but it was not...It was a Russian Troll lie.

These lies were shared and shared on Social Media.....Putin was determined to see trump in the White House.

He told you that?
Whodathunkit? Trumps approval is higher than Obama's at this point in his presidency. He must be doing something right!!

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Trump: 48%
Obama: 46%
Aww, how adorable. Look at how excited the rightards get over a statistical tie in the most right-leaning poll out there.


Oh, by the way, moron, they were actually tied at this point at 48% according to Rasmussen..,

06-Feb-11: 48%

06-Feb-19: 48%

And that’s just one poll.

Gallup, the longest established pollster, shows a clearer picture:

Obama: 47%
Trump: 37%

Wrong. The thread was made on Feb 5th, and that site shows Feb 5 2011 was 46% Obama approval just like I said.

Quit cherry picking dates.

I’m not cherry picking, I’m using the most current data. You’re stuck in the past.

Your crying does not change the FACT that is more popular than Obozo. Yes you are cherry picking. Again you are the weakest link. Goodbye. YOU are dismissed.

Oh look ^^^ yet another moron who thinks laughing is crying and thinks he’s man enough to dismiss me.

Sorry, rightard, Trump is not more popular than Obama at this same point in their respective presidencies. In the best poll for trump, he’s tied with Obama. Trump’s 48% is not more popular than Obama’s 48%. :cuckoo:

And that’s just one poll. Obama has a higher rating than Trump in every other poll.

Trumps 48% outdoes Obama's 46% and you HATE THAT SHIT.
Aww, how adorable. Look at how excited the rightards get over a statistical tie in the most right-leaning poll out there.


Oh, by the way, moron, they were actually tied at this point at 48% according to Rasmussen..,

06-Feb-11: 48%

06-Feb-19: 48%

And that’s just one poll.

Gallup, the longest established pollster, shows a clearer picture:

Obama: 47%
Trump: 37%

Wrong. The thread was made on Feb 5th, and that site shows Feb 5 2011 was 46% Obama approval just like I said.

Quit cherry picking dates.

I’m not cherry picking, I’m using the most current data. You’re stuck in the past.

Your crying does not change the FACT that is more popular than Obozo. Yes you are cherry picking. Again you are the weakest link. Goodbye. YOU are dismissed.

Oh look ^^^ yet another moron who thinks laughing is crying and thinks he’s man enough to dismiss me.

Sorry, rightard, Trump is not more popular than Obama at this same point in their respective presidencies. In the best poll for trump, he’s tied with Obama. Trump’s 48% is not more popular than Obama’s 48%. :cuckoo:

And that’s just one poll. Obama has a higher rating than Trump in every other poll.

Trumps 48% outdoes Obama's 46% and you HATE THAT SHIT.

Stop.... You're killing his erection! Besides you can't argue with him he has a picture of Bob Mueller as his Avatar.... That means he's really tough!

The OP did nothing of the sort.

The OP did, however, screw with liberals minds LOL
Considering the 24 and 7 negative media coverage Trump gets about every single thing he does, for his approval rating to be NEAR Obamas is a testament of how good hes actually doing.
He's under seventeen criminal investigations. He's not doing well.
Well the "far right" wing poll you had no issues with before when it had Obama at 46%. Selective criticism isn't criticism at all.
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
I’m just here for the trump derangement syndrome lol
The doctor will see you now. Fortunately for the rest of us, you're not contagious.

Yeah, leftards such as yourself have been "vaccinated" in order to ward off the malady of "common sense" and "critical thinking", lil faun. You doubled down on the shots.


Poor, delusional dale. Bless your heart. Still smokin' chemtrails in Comet Ping Pong's basement with the "real" JFK shooter who guided a missile into the Pentagon. <smh>

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