Trump approval higher than Obama

I’m just here for the trump derangement syndrome lol
The doctor will see you now. Fortunately for the rest of us, you're not contagious.

Yeah, leftards such as yourself have been "vaccinated" in order to ward off the malady of "common sense" and "critical thinking", lil faun. You doubled down on the shots.


Poor, delusional dale. Bless your heart. Still smokin' chemtrails in Comet Ping Pong's basement with the "real" JFK shooter who guided a missile into the Pentagon. <smh>

Keep clinging to leftardism and their goals of collectivism all for the (snicker) "greater good", moron.........
I’m just here for the trump derangement syndrome lol
The doctor will see you now. Fortunately for the rest of us, you're not contagious.

Yeah, leftards such as yourself have been "vaccinated" in order to ward off the malady of "common sense" and "critical thinking", lil faun. You doubled down on the shots.


Poor, delusional dale. Bless your heart. Still smokin' chemtrails in Comet Ping Pong's basement with the "real" JFK shooter who guided a missile into the Pentagon. <smh>

Keep clinging to leftardism and their goals of collectivism all for the (snicker) "greater good", moron.........
Slobbers the forum’s most delusional poster. :cuckoo:

You’re real convincing, delusional dale.
I’m just here for the trump derangement syndrome lol
The doctor will see you now. Fortunately for the rest of us, you're not contagious.

Yeah, leftards such as yourself have been "vaccinated" in order to ward off the malady of "common sense" and "critical thinking", lil faun. You doubled down on the shots.


Poor, delusional dale. Bless your heart. Still smokin' chemtrails in Comet Ping Pong's basement with the "real" JFK shooter who guided a missile into the Pentagon. <smh>

Keep clinging to leftardism and their goals of collectivism all for the (snicker) "greater good", moron.........
Slobbers the forum’s most delusional poster. :cuckoo:

You’re real convincing, delusional dale.

But yet? I kick that ass of yours every single time you dare to cross my for you.

The doctor will see you now. Fortunately for the rest of us, you're not contagious.

Yeah, leftards such as yourself have been "vaccinated" in order to ward off the malady of "common sense" and "critical thinking", lil faun. You doubled down on the shots.


Poor, delusional dale. Bless your heart. Still smokin' chemtrails in Comet Ping Pong's basement with the "real" JFK shooter who guided a missile into the Pentagon. <smh>

Keep clinging to leftardism and their goals of collectivism all for the (snicker) "greater good", moron.........
Slobbers the forum’s most delusional poster. :cuckoo:

You’re real convincing, delusional dale.

But yet? I kick that ass of yours every single time you dare to cross my for you.


Sure you have, delusional dale. Suuuure you have. :itsok:
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
Trump himself said he continued with his family business because he believed he would not win'
you're not only confused, you're being purposefully disingenuous
I’m just here for the trump derangement syndrome lol
The doctor will see you now. Fortunately for the rest of us, you're not contagious.

Yeah, leftards such as yourself have been "vaccinated" in order to ward off the malady of "common sense" and "critical thinking", lil faun. You doubled down on the shots.


Poor, delusional dale. Bless your heart. Still smokin' chemtrails in Comet Ping Pong's basement with the "real" JFK shooter who guided a missile into the Pentagon. <smh>
Hey who did you vote for? Lol
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
The media was saying there is a 100% chance Trump can't win the presidency.
Orange, Capitalist, Pro American Man Bad.

Black (part black) Racist, Communist, anti American "man" good!
Last edited:
But he said his path to victory would involve winning the electoral while losing the popular...which is what happened....

Because he knows that NY, and CA would never vote for him, nor any Republican at this point.
Bush won the popular vote in 2004 despite not winning CA and NY....why couldn't Trump?

Hell, why couldn't Trump get more votes than the last 2 republican candidates?
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
The media was saying there is a 100% chance Trump can't win the presidency.
And Trump said he had investigators who had very interesting evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii......
Whodathunkit? Trumps approval is higher than Obama's at this point in his presidency. He must be doing something right!!

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Trump: 48%
Obama: 46%
And don’t forget to layer in Barry had the fawning press filling his sails since Inauguration Day as opposed to the constant headwinds they’re blown Trump’s way for 3+ years.
Trump got more free campaign coverage from the press than any other candidate in history -- the press/media is the only reason why Trump is spare me the bullshit about the press....
Whodathunkit? Trumps approval is higher than Obama's at this point in his presidency. He must be doing something right!!

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

Trump: 48%
Obama: 46%
And don’t forget to layer in Barry had the fawning press filling his sails since Inauguration Day as opposed to the constant headwinds they’re blown Trump’s way for 3+ years.
Trump got more free campaign coverage from the press than any other candidate in history -- the press/media is the only reason why Trump is spare me the bullshit about the press....
The bullshit is what you left out of the Trump press coverage, wall to wall negativity vs. sucking Barry’s balls by your media buddies.
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.

He underestimated the lies and fabrications Russian trolls spread into social media. I had a friend that saud the Clinton Foundation spends 80% of it funds on Administration. He said "I read it" so it had to be true....but it was not...It was a Russian Troll lie.

These lies were shared and shared on Social Media.....Putin was determined to see trump in the White House.
All bullshit created by the Obama administration and the Clintor campaign to try to distract voters from Wiki revelations of corruption within the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration. With all the crap that was posted on Facebook, instagram, and twitter about both candidates, can you really be stupid enough to believe the posts by the Russians swayed the election?

Nate Silver only deals with other polls and not with other factors, but if he did, he would have reported Trump won because of Clinton's astonishing incompetence. In the final days of the election, the polls, including Silver's, showed that Clinton held the lead in the electoral college, but her lead was paper thin in some of the swing states. Trump and Clinton both saw the same numbers but while Trump began campaigning 20 hours a day in those swing states, Clinton went to California to celebrate her victory with major donors. Clinton's astonishing display of incompetence was simply beyond the ken of Silver's methods. If he could have taken it into account, he would have given Trump a 100% chance of winning at the beginning of the campaign.
try not to cherry pick a poll

How Popular Is Donald Trump?
538? Isn't that the guy who told us Trump couldn't win in 2016?
He's the guy Nate Silver who said Trump had a pathway - win the EC vote while losing the Popular vote

Confusing for you to grasp?
Not confusing at all. He did say Trump had a path to victory but then told us his calculations showed it was nearly impossible.
Trump himself said he continued with his family business because he believed he would not win'
you're not only confused, you're being purposefully disingenuous
Trump certainly had moments of doubt about winning, as did nearly everyone, but that's because he didn't fully understand the impact Clinton's incompetence would have on the election.
The numbers don't surprise me.
Trump has been an infinitely better president than Obama who, by the way, had all the Government Approved Media kissing his butt for eight years. Trump should be so lucky with all the quislings in the press sticking knives in his back.
I know if the media was in Trumps pocket. His approval ratings would be in the high 80's.

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