Trump Approval Rating At 50%


You are far more juvenile than Trump. How could THAT happen?
You are far more juvenile than Trump. How could THAT happen
We know how to enjoy life and have fun. 78 degrees today golf all day swim in the pool and hit the 19th hole for some beer and the best damn roast beef sandwiches ever. I know an underwear wearing basement dweller with the whole day and night to post BS will not get it. But staying young at heart and soul makes one live longer. Take it easy snowflake and enjoy life. You're in good hands with Trump.
Latest Polls
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Wednesday, April 19
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 44, Disapprove 50 Disapprove +6
President Trump Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 40, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 48, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +4
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 42, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +10
Congressional Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 14, Disapprove 61 Disapprove +47
Direction of Country Economist/YouGov Right Direction 35, Wrong Track 53 Wrong Track +18
Tuesday, April 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 43, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +9
Direction of Country Reuters/Ipsos Right Direction 30, Wrong Track 55 Wrong Track +25
Monday, April 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Pew Research Approve 42, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +10
Direction of Country Rasmussen Reports Right Direction 41, Wrong Track 53 Wrong Track +12
Georgia 6th District Special Election Emerson Ossoff 43, Handel 17, Gray 15, Moody 9, Hill 6, Abroms 2, Slotin 2 Ossoff +26
Georgia 6th District Special Election Clout Research (R) Ossoff 41, Handel 15, Gray 17, Moody 9, Hill 10, Abroms 3, Slotin 1 Ossoff +24

RealClearPolitics - 2017 Latest Polls

Any other wet dreams you would like to share?

Fool me once shame you on you, fool me twice shame to on me. Until proven otherwise, current polling methods are not to be trusted. Remember Brexit, remember the bulldykes double digit lead on election eve. It should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that the polling methods are outdated.
Real Clear politics which is an average of all polls has him at 42.5%--which is down to ground dirt support.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval!

Polls are ridiculous anyway and should not be taken seriously. Only 1 in 10 people will pick up on unknown callers--so what are you really getting?

"Election polling is in near crisis, and we pollsters know. Two trends are driving the increasing unreliability of election and other polling in the United States: the growth of cellphones and the decline in people willing to answer surveys. Coupled, they have made high-quality research much more expensive to do, so there is less of it. This has opened the door for less scientifically based, less well-tested techniques. To top it off, a perennial election polling problem, how to identify “likely voters,” has become even thornier."
Looks like the Donald is slugging and clawing his way back over 50% Job APR. I thought I needed to post this because the media will be slow to tell you and when they do they will do it as a question like the liberal POS network...CNN


There are a few reasons to be skeptical about the Rasmussen result.

* Rasmussen used an automated voice (as opposed to a real, live person) to conduct their polls. They are, therefore, barred by law from contacting people on cell phones. People who only use cell phones tend to be younger and more diverse than those who have landlines. And younger, more diverse voters have heavily favored Democrats in recent elections.

There are other, even more technical and nerdy reasons why you should be somewhat skeptical of Rasmussen, but you get the idea. In an industry in which transparency is the name of the game, Rasmussen just doesn't show very much of how they do what they do. That's not to say what they do is wrong; it's only to say we have no way of knowing how closely they adhere to accepted polling standards.

From your source, it basically says don't believe the hype.
Latest Polls
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Wednesday, April 19
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 44, Disapprove 50 Disapprove +6
President Trump Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 40, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 48, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +4
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 42, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +10
Congressional Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 14, Disapprove 61 Disapprove +47
Direction of Country Economist/YouGov Right Direction 35, Wrong Track 53 Wrong Track +18
Tuesday, April 18
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 43, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +9
Direction of Country Reuters/Ipsos Right Direction 30, Wrong Track 55 Wrong Track +25
Monday, April 17
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Pew Research Approve 42, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +10
Direction of Country Rasmussen Reports Right Direction 41, Wrong Track 53 Wrong Track +12
Georgia 6th District Special Election Emerson Ossoff 43, Handel 17, Gray 15, Moody 9, Hill 6, Abroms 2, Slotin 2 Ossoff +26
Georgia 6th District Special Election Clout Research (R) Ossoff 41, Handel 15, Gray 17, Moody 9, Hill 10, Abroms 3, Slotin 1 Ossoff +24

RealClearPolitics - 2017 Latest Polls

Any other wet dreams you would like to share?

From the CNN link
"What Rasmussen may be picking up -- and this tracks with Gallup's findings as well -- is that after hitting a low point in his job approval at the start of this month, Trump has been tracking upward"

Read it and weep.BUUUUAAAHAHAHA

Yes dumbass, that's how it works, nobody ever has their popularity sink over long term without some ups and downs on the way. Trump started out with low support for a new president and he has sunk from there.

There is only so much upside bombing shit and talking tough will buy, even among Republicans, sooner or later the reality sets in again and Trump will be back to fucking up on the contentious, complicated legislative promises his reptilian, A.D.D prone mind has tough time dealing with.

Trump doesn't have 50% approval among adult Americans (and Rasmusen does not even poll that), he is solidly in the low 40s.

RealClearPolitics - President Trump Job Approval
Yes dumbass, that's how it works, nobody ever has their popularity sink over long term without some ups and downs on the way. Trump started out with low support for a new president and he has sunk from there
Keep telling yourself that...

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