Trump asked China to help him win in 2020, offered 'favours to dictators,' John Bolton says in book

Bolton is just angry he couldn't be the Mastermind behind WWIII. Now he tries to take some shots and earn a few bucks. It's not as if he has anything to offer civilization otherwise.

If Trump wasn't nominee, the GOP party would have lost a great amount of influence and outreach. The neo-con "brand" is finished in America, and most of the world. It had no future. Hence all the anger and even bitter spitting of phlegm by Trumps enemies. They know he is more moderate and not an ideologue which makes it difficult to pin him down.

So, some will use this old, tired, distrusted ChickenHawk guy who might appeal to a fraction of 1% of GOP voters and of course, the MSM who suddenly embrace ANYONE who goes against Trump. Be it a creepy porn lawyer, a ChickenHawk or Stalin himself if he rose from the grave.

Ask the voters, "were you most happy when Bolton was hired, or fired?" Almost certainly him being turfed was celebrated universally. I said at the time it was a most peculiar hiring by Trump considering what his supporters and the country want (war only when necessary, not at the reflex of some nut like Bolton).


I said at the time it was a most peculiar hiring by Trump considering what his supporters and the country want (war only when necessary, not at the reflex of some nut like Bolton).
Or this is fake news, once again the Left lobbing accusations at Trump of things they are more guilty of. First it was Russian collusion, then Ukraine collusion and now it's China collusion, because China bribed Biden though his son Hunter to the tune of 1.5 billion investment in his fund, two days after he joined daddy on a trip to China.
Trump is only colluding with Americans
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Bolton is just a disgruntled former employee. No hatred there.
If you want to see someone colluding with China, look no further than that senile China asset, Joe Biden. It takes little research to see that Chinese agents have been funneling millions to him, much of it anonymously.
The "disgruntled former employee" meme, again? Why would there be so many? Sounds like the result of a terrible management style. Can't wait for them to all come out of the woodwork, when Trump gets booted.
How is it "draining the swamp", if they're people he hired? Usually, if you want to drain a swamp, you don't fill it first.
Because Trump is NOT establishment. These first few years he's had to RELY on advice from people, and yes, some of that advice is from people that want nothing more than to SEE HIM FAIL, and that includes recommending people that are deep state establishment, but Trump is not personally aware of it.

He's a fast learner though, thankfully. He fires them as soon as they reveal their establishment agenda.
What this shows is Trump is willing to sell out the USA for personal profit. Trump not only kowtows to Putin but to Xi as well. What can be more deprived than telling Xi that concentration camps are okay with him or to assist him in his re-election by buying more of his supporters agricultural products.

I have to laugh that so many Trumpers debase and degrade themselves justifying this con man's actions. You all are the worst kind of pathetic.
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According to Bolton, Trump wanted to use U.S. farmers as pawns to get re-elected.
What this shows is Trump is willing to sell out the USA for personal profit. Trump not only kowtows to Putin but to Xi as well. What can be more deprived than telling Xi that concentration camps are okay with him or to assist him in his re-election by buying more of his supporters agricultural products.

I have to laugh that so many Trumpers debase and degrade themselves justifying this con man's actions. You all are the worst kind of pathetic.

Simply factually false.
At some point enough Americans are just gonna have to stand up and say "enough of this childish behavior" and put the smack down on some of you idiots.

Mutliple members of Congress caught employing actual spies from foreign countries, nothing to see here, John Bolton makes a third accusation of Trump colluding with a foreign government, it's true he's a traitor..........

Yall gotta stop with this bullshit, or it is gonna lead to civil war, and the people you hate have all the guns.

You're not even smart enough to figure that out.
Bolton is just a disgruntled former employee. No hatred there.
If you want to see someone colluding with China, look no further than that senile China asset, Joe Biden. It takes little research to see that Chinese agents have been funneling millions to him, much of it anonymously.
The "disgruntled former employee" meme, again? Why would there be so many? Sounds like the result of a terrible management style. Can't wait for them to all come out of the woodwork, when Trump gets booted.
It's called DRAINING THE SWAMP. Yes, Butt Hurt Pinnochio maker man Bolton is a pure deep state big military war complex man, and when Trump wouldn't buy into all his war mongering advice, Trump canned him.

Now Butt Hurt Bolton is trying to GET EVEN and CASH IN while doing it.
I have no problem with a large cutting edge military, I do have a problem with the hawks like Bolton.

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