Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

You know, during my 20 years in the Navy, there was never a single officer who asked for my loyalty to them. The only thing they asked was that I did my job to the best of my ability and remember the oath I swore to the Constitution.

If a leader has to ask for your loyalty, they aren't worth following. True leaders inspire people to follow them naturally.

Question----->where were the leaks coming from, and WHO could stop them-)

I find it fascinating, that LOYALTY to an administration, is so hard to define for lefties. Seems that lefties who were put in by Obama know what it is, now don't we! LEAK, LEAK, LEAK!

I am honesty excited to see when the OTHER investigation comes to the forefront. You know, the one about LEAKING and UNMASKING. I have a buck 3.80 that says the testimony will drive every far leftist off this board for at least 72 hours, while they create a NEW narrative to try and explain why their gonads and clitorises are now in a vice-)
Still hoping for a miracle. How cute.
It is way more likely many of the leakers are Trump people. It's been reported that there is a sense of fear and doom pervading the White House and many are already getting their resumes ready. They say the disorganization in the WH is like nothing they've never seen before in any areas where they've previously worked.

This atmosphere has been created by Trump and it's why this is the leakiest WH in history.
From the liberal media! LMAO

When are you people going to learn? lol
The anti-Donald folks better get to the local CVS for some more Preparation H for the impending re-butthurtness after the upcoming Comey testimony. :p
Start impeachment proceedings now, because Trump is the first boss to ask for one's loyalty.

Other than that, did Comey say anything tangible to soften the blow "progress"ives have felt since November?
The head of the FBI is loyal only to the Constitution, not to any politician. When the Justice Department becomes a tool of the President,we are in danger of tyranny.
If Comey went strictly by law Hillary would be in prison.
Not only did he ask for loyalty, he asked for "honest loyalty".

Horrors! Impeach impeach! So we can have PENCE!


Glory Hallelujah!!

As opposed to dishonest loyalty that Obama got from Holder. The Dems do not have the moral high ground here after what went on during Obama's tenure.



LOL When the fat senile old orange clown does something that once again proves how unfit he is for that office, don't acknowledge it, just yell Obama or Hillary.
On Fox, Homosexual Senator Lindsey Graham just alluded to a possible investigation of real collusion, since the democrats are involved in multiple illegal collusion activity, he mentioned the one between the Obama DOJ colluding and Crooked Hillary in regards to the classified emails on her and Weiner's private computer gear!
Not only did he ask for loyalty, he asked for "honest loyalty".

Horrors! Impeach impeach! So we can have PENCE!


Glory Hallelujah!!

As opposed to dishonest loyalty that Obama got from Holder. The Dems do not have the moral high ground here after what went on during Obama's tenure.




The hypocrisy from the Left is not lost on everyone else.


RW asshats admit on a daily basis Trump is NO FUCKING BETTER than Obama ...

and they're too damn dumb to know it.
On Fox, Homosexual Senator Lindsey Graham just alluded to a possible investigation of real collusion, since the democrats are involved in multiple illegal collusion activity, he mentioned the one between the Obama DOJ colluding and Crooked Hillary in regards to the classified emails on her and Weiner's private computer gear!
Wow, a con who had an affair with Lindsey Graham. I admire the honesty.
There's nothing illegal or even questionable about asking for loyalty from those upon whom you depend.

So meh, who cares if leftards *approve* of what was said, they don't know shit about anything, anyway.

The takeaway..he did nothing un proper, certainly no laws were broken. Big fat pile of nothing. But the left will continue to spasm over nothing, while ignoring reality. It's what they do.
Dictators demand loyalty. Democratic presidents are loyal to the people.
Your excuses for this POS get more outrageous by the day.
There's nothing illegal or even questionable about asking for loyalty from those upon whom you depend.

So meh, who cares if leftards *approve* of what was said, they don't know shit about anything, anyway.

The takeaway..he did nothing un proper, certainly no laws were broken. Big fat pile of nothing. But the left will continue to spasm over nothing, while ignoring reality. It's what they do.
Dictators demand loyalty. Democratic presidents are loyal to the people.
Your excuses for this POS get more outrageous by the day.
Obama went against the will of the people with Obamacare. Oops there goes that theory. And I'm sure he didn't demand loyalty. LOL
There's nothing illegal or even questionable about asking for loyalty from those upon whom you depend.

So meh, who cares if leftards *approve* of what was said, they don't know shit about anything, anyway.

The takeaway..he did nothing un proper, certainly no laws were broken. Big fat pile of nothing. But the left will continue to spasm over nothing, while ignoring reality. It's what they do.
Dictators demand loyalty. Democratic presidents are loyal to the people.
Your excuses for this POS get more outrageous by the day.
Obama went against the will of the people with Obamacare. Oops there goes that theory. And I'm sure he didn't demand loyalty. LOL
Liar. No one would be denied coverage under Obamacare.
But your asinine comment deflected from my Trump as dictator comment..

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