Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

Former FBI Chief Confirms Under Oath Trump is a LIAR

I see it more as an attestation than a confirmation; however, that Comey made the attestation under oath carries a lot more "weight" than does any rebuttal of that fact that may come from myriad other sources and settings. That said, his saying Trump is a liar surprised no one, not people in the hearing room and not people watching, for everyone who matters knows it's so.
Did Comey ever comment on Hillary's claim to have landed under sniper fire in a war zone? Why yes I am mocking you, Bill, Hillary, Obama, all confirmed liars. Not one lie a pattern of lying multiple times. You people have no cred.
Another deflection. Why can't you stay on topic?

The topic is a joke
The President being called a liar at a publicly held Senate Hearing by a former high-ranking government official is not a joke. It is a serious topic. The OP asked if this had ever been done before. So far, no one has found an example of it happening before.

It has. It happened at Black Jesus's state of the union adress and it turned out he was indeed a liar.
A State of the Union Address is not the same as a Senate Hearing where the witness testifies under oath under penalty of perjury. Presidents tell lies during State of the Union address often and frequently. The State of the Union Addresses are political speeches filled with promises. Remember when Bush claimed Iraq was providing support and protection as a reason for the invasion of Iraq. That was done during a State of the Union Address.

So was the "yellowcake from Niger" scandal.
Comey is coming off as vindictive.

He said he didn't have a "clear view then". why would he have a clear view now?

The man is a clown

ANY person who puts donald trump next to james comey and sees mr comey as the one who is a clown.............. a clown themselves. this means YOU, sassafras --> :laugh2:
Even after this prick had his lawyer release prejudicial information to the press immediately after he was fired?
Comey is a spineless two-faced badge polisher trying to get even with the president after his feelings were hurt.
That is quite alarming

I'm disturbed on multiple levels....I'm going to wait for the dust to settle...but my thoughts are this...

The people named to head the FBI have traditionally been approved with broad bi-partisan support as well as a broad understanding that this is a non-political position - it's supposed to operate free of politics and that is one of the reasons why it's a ten year term. Only once before has an FBI director been fired, and that was for criminal activity.

Now, we have Comey. And, the more that is revealed, the more I think he is a man of integrity caught in a political vicegrip with Clinton and Dems on one side and Trump and Pubs on the other - each trying to exert pressure on the investigation. To say I'm disturbed with the Clintons is an understatement. I'm truly disgusted :(

I was angry when Comey reopened the email scandal shortly before election day, but then hearing what he had to say about Clinton and Lynch meeting on the tarmac combined with Lynch's pressure to not call it an "investigation" provided an explanation as to why he did what he did - they were trying to influence/politicize the FBI which I find highly disturbing.

Then there is Trump - there is no way to ignore the fact that he also has had highly inappropriate demands made of Comey - personal loyalty, abandoning the investigation, etc. - culminating in firing him. There really is no way to whitewash the firing at that particular time - it looks really bad no matter how you dice it. To be clear, there are multiple investigations of which only one is looking at possible collussion between the Trump Campaign and Russia, all of which have had attempts made to stonewall and disrupt.

I think Comey must have been extremely concerned to take these steps to protect not just himself, but his institution - the FBI.

I'm not sure what else to say except in my mind Comey is coming off as a much better man then either the President or Clinton and this whole thing just makes me sick.
Another deflection. Why can't you stay on topic?

The topic is a joke
The President being called a liar at a publicly held Senate Hearing by a former high-ranking government official is not a joke. It is a serious topic. The OP asked if this had ever been done before. So far, no one has found an example of it happening before.

It has. It happened at Black Jesus's state of the union adress and it turned out he was indeed a liar.
A State of the Union Address is not the same as a Senate Hearing where the witness testifies under oath under penalty of perjury. Presidents tell lies during State of the Union address often and frequently. The State of the Union Addresses are political speeches filled with promises. Remember when Bush claimed Iraq was providing support and protection as a reason for the invasion of Iraq. That was done during a State of the Union Address.

So was the "yellowcake from Niger" scandal.
Yeah....who fucking cares that they found tons of yellowcake in Iraq. Joe fucking Wilson said it never happened.
Turned on Fox to watch their spin. 99% attack Comey.

Fair and balanced?
Do they even use that lie anymore?
So it is confirmed that Trump is a liar and Obama and Lynch ...and HILLARY ... are CRIMINALS.

Not exactly what the snowflakes were looking for, but I am sure they will focus on the former and completely ignore the latter. :p
Does anyone know if this has ever happened before? A former FBI Director has just testified under oath that the President of the United States is a LIAR and his honesty can not be trusted? What does it mean when such a high-ranking former government official such as an FBI Director calls the President a LIAR while under oath during a Senate Hearing?

Maybe, did Comey testify about Obama's claim that you can keep your doctor and plan under Obamacare and save $2,500 a year on your health insurance?
There you go, deflection. A lame one, but still, a deflection.

Did Comey ever comment on Hillary's claim to have landed under sniper fire in a war zone? Why yes I am mocking you, Bill, Hillary, Obama, all confirmed liars. Not one lie a pattern of lying multiple times. You people have no cred.

Pogo's Law strikes again. "Quick! Change the subject!!"


Pointing out the blatant double standards and hypocrisy of the left is relevant. You don't like it because it undermines your credibility.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnope. It's desperation. You can't handle the topic so you seek to change it.

You ain't dealing here with a rube so gullible he like, ever believed a word out of the Orange Mouth yanno. So yeah credibility is being undermined but ---- it ain't mine.
The topic is a joke
The President being called a liar at a publicly held Senate Hearing by a former high-ranking government official is not a joke. It is a serious topic. The OP asked if this had ever been done before. So far, no one has found an example of it happening before.

It has. It happened at Black Jesus's state of the union adress and it turned out he was indeed a liar.
A State of the Union Address is not the same as a Senate Hearing where the witness testifies under oath under penalty of perjury. Presidents tell lies during State of the Union address often and frequently. The State of the Union Addresses are political speeches filled with promises. Remember when Bush claimed Iraq was providing support and protection as a reason for the invasion of Iraq. That was done during a State of the Union Address.

So was the "yellowcake from Niger" scandal.
Yeah....who fucking cares that they found tons of yellowcake in Iraq. Joe fucking Wilson said it never happened.

Wonder if he wrote a memo? Memo or it diddnt happen!
Comey is coming off as vindictive.

He said he didn't have a "clear view then". why would he have a clear view now?

The man is a clown

ANY person who puts donald trump next to james comey and sees mr comey as the one who is a clown.............. a clown themselves. this means YOU, sassafras --> :laugh2:
Even after this prick had his lawyer release prejudicial information to the press immediately after he was fired?
Comey is a spineless two-faced badge polisher trying to get even with the president after his feelings were hurt.
The elephant in the room you're afraid to approach: that Trump is a lying scumbag..
Mocking your blatant double standards is easy.

you want to talk about double standards................??

did you hear mr comey just strongly reiterate how the FBI absolutely concluded there was NO case to be had against hillary...?

are you actually claiming that you hillary haters wouldn't have gone absolutely ballistic IF president obama had obstructed justice by clearing the oval office of everyone, including the attorney general, to whisper to the FBI director how hillary was a a good person so he hoped he could just let the investigation go..??

:laugh: :bs1: :bsflag:

Its not the FBI's job to make that determination, they turn over the results of the investigation to the DOJ and the DOJ makes that determination. Furthermore multiple legal scholars have pointed out that Comey was wrong, the law Hillary broke does not require intent. Furthermore Comey's statement that he let Hillary off the hook because she was just ignorant of the law, ignores the fact that Hillary is a lawyer, Hillary's husband is a lawyer, both of them spent 8 years in the White House, how in the hell can you play the "I didn't understand I was breaking the law" in that situation? If that's the case nobody in his country is guilty of breaking a law holy shit.

Don't know a whole lot about lawyering do ya?
There isn't a lawyer on the planet who knows all the laws about everything, simply by virtue of having a law license. That's why they specialize. That's why they have all those law books on the shelf and a Lexis-Nexis account.... so they can look up what applies, as needed. If every lawyer knew everything simply by virtue of being an attorney there would be no need for corporate lawyers, divorce lawyers, personal injury lawyers, entertainment lawyers, etc etc etc.

And you're still off the topic. I get a nickel royalty every time some wag proves Pogo's Law. Thanks for that. I'll send my intellectual property lawyer around to collect.

None of your blithering idiot deflection changes the FACT that Comey was either wrong, or corrupt in letting Hillary off the hook and it wasn't his decision in the first place.
The elephant in the room you're afraid to approach: that Trump is a lying scumbag..
The bigger jackass in the room the Libs will have a hard time denying - Obama / Lynch obstructed justice / protected Hillary from prosecution from the crimes she committed...
Thought it was a wash, anti Trump did not get what they wanted, pro Trump did not get what they wanted. The fact that Trump say's more misleading or non factual things than your normal politican. That's been confirmed many times.
Maybe, did Comey testify about Obama's claim that you can keep your doctor and plan under Obamacare and save $2,500 a year on your health insurance?
There you go, deflection. A lame one, but still, a deflection.

Did Comey ever comment on Hillary's claim to have landed under sniper fire in a war zone? Why yes I am mocking you, Bill, Hillary, Obama, all confirmed liars. Not one lie a pattern of lying multiple times. You people have no cred.

Pogo's Law strikes again. "Quick! Change the subject!!"


Pointing out the blatant double standards and hypocrisy of the left is relevant. You don't like it because it undermines your credibility.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnope. It's desperation. You can't handle the topic so you seek to change it.

You ain't dealing here with a rube so gullible he like, ever believed a word out of the Orange Mouth yanno. So yeah credibility is being undermined but ---- it ain't mine.

As I have stated I'm fine with Trump lying, you people spew lies like a fire hose so now you can have a taste of your own medicine here's hoping you choke on it. :eusa_clap:
The alt right are pissing in their pants.

I'm not that alt right crap you over use but I'm rolling my eyes at Comey and his "feelings"

It's a nothing burger
sassafrass, you are an alt right cheer leader.

Sit down, clown. You think anyone a degree right of center is some of that stupid alt right shit....because you're far left of center

Comey has nothing, just as I suspected

What do you think about a FBI director who leaks information via a 3rd party to the NY Times? Holy shit that destroys the guy's claim to be clean as a fresh winter snow.
It also puts him dangerously close to a perjury charge which is the real definition of a liar. Comey testified before the Judiciary Committee that he had never leaked information.
Wow. Oh no. Trump is a liar? That is such a yuuuge revelation. Cause clearly that hadn't been obvious for the lady two years.

Many people have been saying that. Amazing, incredible people. I have bigly people looking into it right now, it's unbelievable what they found.

I hope "for the lady two years" was a typo -- or did you mean "ladyparts"?
Comey did not commit a crime.

Trump has no loyalty to anyone, including Jared and Ivanka.

He is a sociopath.
The alt right are pissing in their pants.

I'm not that alt right crap you over use but I'm rolling my eyes at Comey and his "feelings"

It's a nothing burger
sassafrass, you are an alt right cheer leader.

Sit down, clown. You think anyone a degree right of center is some of that stupid alt right shit....because you're far left of center

Comey has nothing, just as I suspected

What do you think about a FBI director who leaks information via a 3rd party to the NY Times? Holy shit that destroys the guy's claim to be clean as a fresh winter snow.
It also puts him dangerously close to a perjury charge which is the real definition of a liar. Comey testified before the Judiciary Committee that he had never leaked information.
How come your more focused on private citizen Comey but don't give two shits about Trump lying and dishonoring the office of the presidency?

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