Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

I don't do CNN. Just quote the best one. Should be easy, instead you post a video smokescreen from a fake news site.

CNN just spews a host of innuendo and a few open falsehoods.
CNN reported the exact testimony of Comey you pathetic liar.

Looks Like CNN's Anonymous Sources Got This One Wrong | Zero Hedge
He did it again folks. Used a blogger from the off the wall Zero Hedge to disprove what ALL the news stations have reportedly all day long.
You're a special type of stoopid aren't you
...yet you can offer no quote that backs up your obstruction claim.
Let's recap. You just lied.
I gave a summary verbally and two links what just went down today.
And all you pathetic DEPLORABLES can do is call me a liar..

Tough times for you know nothings.

You are a liar.

{"I discussed with the FBI’s leadership team whether I should be prepared to assure President-Elect Trump that we were not investigating him personally," Comey says while describing a January 6 meeting at Trump Tower. "That was true; we did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him. We agreed I should do so if circumstances warranted. During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower, based on President-Elect Trump’s reaction to the briefing and without him directly asking the question, I offered that assurance."}

You may just be repeating lies from Certainly Not News, but you are telling deliberate falsehoods. Comey obliterated the narrative you Fascists are peddling.
Look at this asshole keep ignoring the major bombshell today.
WASHINGTON — Former FBI director James Comey confirmed in stunning detail Wednesday that President Trump privately requested his loyalty and later urged him to drop the investigation into ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a preview of his highly anticipated testimony.
Repeating lies don't make them true. You can't back up your claims.
I just did. 3times. While you've brought nada to the table. Same ole..
I asked you to back up your claims and all you had was CNN videos, no quote. How is that nada?

The FACT is after all this time the Russian hacking thing has gone no where so now libs have devolved into obstruction and that's not what Comey said. Poor baby.
Lmao. Moron doesn't know COMEY WASNT SPEAKING TODAY, he just released his testimony a day early he'll be speaking tomorrow.
Nice face plant.

Not a pretty scene, not one I ever expected in America.

How horrifying, not at all like you democrats.

Those are anti-fa's, not Democrats. I can post pictures of the present KKK and the White Nationalists and state they are all Republicans, just as easily. And it would be just as truthful as your post. In other words, not true at all.
Ice bucket is afraid to turn on the TV and find out for himself.
Maybe he's not wired for cable in his trailer park..
Those are anti-fa's, not Democrats. I can post pictures of the present KKK and the White Nationalists and state they are all Republicans, just as easily. And it would be just as truthful as your post. In other words, not true at all.

No you can't, the KKK is long gone.

BTW, the KKK were democrats. You know this, but chose to lie.
You are a liar.

{"I discussed with the FBI’s leadership team whether I should be prepared to assure President-Elect Trump that we were not investigating him personally," Comey says while describing a January 6 meeting at Trump Tower. "That was true; we did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him. We agreed I should do so if circumstances warranted. During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower, based on President-Elect Trump’s reaction to the briefing and without him directly asking the question, I offered that assurance."}

You may just be repeating lies from Certainly Not News, but you are telling deliberate falsehoods. Comey obliterated the narrative you Fascists are peddling.
Look at this asshole keep ignoring the major bombshell today.
WASHINGTON — Former FBI director James Comey confirmed in stunning detail Wednesday that President Trump privately requested his loyalty and later urged him to drop the investigation into ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a preview of his highly anticipated testimony.
Repeating lies don't make them true. You can't back up your claims.
I just did. 3times. While you've brought nada to the table. Same ole..
I asked you to back up your claims and all you had was CNN videos, no quote. How is that nada?

The FACT is after all this time the Russian hacking thing has gone no where so now libs have devolved into obstruction and that's not what Comey said. Poor baby.
Lmao. Moron doesn't know COMEY WASNT SPEAKING TODAY, he just released his testimony a day early he'll be speaking tomorrow.
Nice face plant.
A quote would consist of this thing called words. A written testimony would be made of ...words. Yet you cannot support your obstruction claims after all the gyrations.
Those are anti-fa's, not Democrats. I can post pictures of the present KKK and the White Nationalists and state they are all Republicans, just as easily. And it would be just as truthful as your post. In other words, not true at all.

No you can't, the KKK is long gone.

BTW, the KKK were democrats. You know this, but chose to lie.
The KKK is alive in many southern states W Kamou Bell attended a cross burning and spoke to many Klan members and it was part of his show UNITED SHADES OF AMERICA on CNN.
It's startling how little Trumpies know..

{He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative.}

OH BITCH, Herr Goebbels - that sort of puts a stake in your witch hunt.....
The KKK is alive in many southern states W Kamou Bell attended a cross burning and spoke to many Klan members and it was part of his show UNITED SHADES OF AMERICA on CNN.
It's startling how little Trumpies know..

Attended, or staged?

The KKK is a thing of the past. CNN is fake news and not a valid source for anything.
Good, now find the part that makes your case. It isn't or our job to support your allegations.
Go fuck yourself asshole you lazy fuck.
I gave you summaries, links and the exact report... while you sat on your fat ass and did nothing but look stupid. THAT you're good at.
You posted nothing but links that obviously don't support your case. Otherwise you would have simply posted the quote(s). How stupid do you think people are? You want us to do your homework and you call ME lazy?

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