Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

{He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative.}

OH BITCH, Herr Goebbels - that sort of puts a stake in your witch hunt.....
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
Just fell apart?
Ha ha ha haha.,

In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense
The Constitution likely shields him from prosecution, but not removal from office.
In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | HuffPost

Now run along cowards and keep pretending Tramp isn't in deep shit.

You don't read your own bullshit;

{ As professor Elizabeth Price Foley observed in a New York Times column in May, there are simply far too many moving parts to the obstruction statutes that would be hard to fit to Trump’s interactions with Comey. Others have more or less agreed with that assessment. }

You may be a hack, but you're dumb as all fuck...
{He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative.}

OH BITCH, Herr Goebbels - that sort of puts a stake in your witch hunt.....
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
Just fell apart?
Ha ha ha haha.,

In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense
The Constitution likely shields him from prosecution, but not removal from office.
In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | HuffPost

Now run along cowards and keep pretending Tramp isn't in deep shit.
What is the offense? Legal experts say the opposite, heard one on the radio today. HuffPo and CNN, really?
Stop kicking your own ass. It's downright embarrassing.

{He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative.}

OH BITCH, Herr Goebbels - that sort of puts a stake in your witch hunt.....
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
I can only tolerate his level of idiocy after a few beers.

Maybe I should wait until Friday to read his moronic shit?
{He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative.}

OH BITCH, Herr Goebbels - that sort of puts a stake in your witch hunt.....
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
Just fell apart?
Ha ha ha haha.,

In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense
The Constitution likely shields him from prosecution, but not removal from office.
In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | HuffPost

Now run along cowards and keep pretending Tramp isn't in deep shit.

You don't read your own bullshit;

{ As professor Elizabeth Price Foley observed in a New York Times column in May, there are simply far too many moving parts to the obstruction statutes that would be hard to fit to Trump’s interactions with Comey. Others have more or less agreed with that assessment. }

You may be a hack, but you're dumb as all fuck...
Trump was proven to be a liar again and you're celebrating ?
Yes you are that dumb.
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
Just fell apart?
Ha ha ha haha.,

In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense
The Constitution likely shields him from prosecution, but not removal from office.
In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | HuffPost

Now run along cowards and keep pretending Tramp isn't in deep shit.


HuffingGlue can't go a day without claiming they are impeaching Trump.

What fucking idiocy.
Do you know what KEY WORDS mean?
HUFFPO reported what legal experts are saying. They didn't make it up themselves.
But you're too lazy to actually read it.

HuffyGlue is throwing red meat to vicious little scum like you, then walking it back at the end. It is the technique the Little Goebbels of the left always use.

{ As professor Elizabeth Price Foley observed in a New York Times column in May, there are simply far too many moving parts to the obstruction statutes that would be hard to fit to Trump’s interactions with Comey. Others have more or less agreed with that assessment. }

You gutter scum have nothing but more slander, more libel, more innuendo.
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
Just fell apart?
Ha ha ha haha.,

In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense
The Constitution likely shields him from prosecution, but not removal from office.
In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | HuffPost

Now run along cowards and keep pretending Tramp isn't in deep shit.
What is the offense? Legal experts say the opposite, heard one on the radio today. HuffPo and CNN, really?
Stop kicking your own ass. It's downright embarrassing.
Who said Rush? I was talking about a legal expert, not jackasses on HuffPo or CNN.
I don't do CNN. Just quote the best one. Should be easy, instead you post a video smokescreen from a fake news site.

CNN just spews a host of innuendo and a few open falsehoods.
CNN reported the exact testimony of Comey you pathetic liar.

{"I discussed with the FBI’s leadership team whether I should be prepared to assure President-Elect Trump that we were not investigating him personally," Comey says while describing a January 6 meeting at Trump Tower. "That was true; we did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him. We agreed I should do so if circumstances warranted. During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower, based on President-Elect Trump’s reaction to the briefing and without him directly asking the question, I offered that assurance."}

CNN pulls shit from the Earlier Comey letter and presents it as if it were testimony. They like you, are lying hacks.

Tell me the truth, are you in fact too stupid to grasp that it's over? Or are you just playing the hack fool despite the fact that your witch hunt failed?

So if FOX reported the same thing, you'd believe it?
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
Just fell apart?
Ha ha ha haha.,

In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense
The Constitution likely shields him from prosecution, but not removal from office.
In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | HuffPost

Now run along cowards and keep pretending Tramp isn't in deep shit.

You don't read your own bullshit;

{ As professor Elizabeth Price Foley observed in a New York Times column in May, there are simply far too many moving parts to the obstruction statutes that would be hard to fit to Trump’s interactions with Comey. Others have more or less agreed with that assessment. }

You may be a hack, but you're dumb as all fuck...
Trump was proven to be a liar again and you're celebrating ?
Yes you are that dumb.

What did Trump lie about, Herr Goebbels?
Trump whores think this is GOOD NEWS. Lol

The prepared congressional testimony of ousted FBI Director James Comey is the closest documentary evidence the public has seen that President Donald Trump behaved in ways that could be grounds for impeachment, if not criminal obstruction of justice, according to some legal scholars.

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Comey’s prepared remarks ahead of his public testimony on Thursday, which is bound to unsettle the White House and distract from Trump’s agenda in his still relatively young presidency.

In Comey’s statement, he confirms many of the bombshell reports circulating in the press since Trump fired him on May 9: that Trump met with him one-on-one an unusual number of times; that Trump asked Comey for his “loyalty” in a conversation about Comey’s future at the helm of the FBI; and that Trump repeatedly lamented the “cloud” the FBI’s investigation of Russia had put over his presidency. What’s more, Comey testifies, he wrote detailed memorandums following each unsavory encounter.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
Just fell apart?
Ha ha ha haha.,

In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense
The Constitution likely shields him from prosecution, but not removal from office.
In Comey Testimony, Legal Experts See Evidence Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | HuffPost

Now run along cowards and keep pretending Tramp isn't in deep shit.

You don't read your own bullshit;

{ As professor Elizabeth Price Foley observed in a New York Times column in May, there are simply far too many moving parts to the obstruction statutes that would be hard to fit to Trump’s interactions with Comey. Others have more or less agreed with that assessment. }

You may be a hack, but you're dumb as all fuck...
Trump was proven to be a liar again and you're celebrating ?
Yes you are that dumb.

What did Trump lie about, Herr Goebbels?
I thought you read the report. Liar..
I've already told you three times. You're nothing but a troll.
Trump whores think this is GOOD NEWS. Lol

The prepared congressional testimony of ousted FBI Director James Comey is the closest documentary evidence the public has seen that President Donald Trump behaved in ways that could be grounds for impeachment, if not criminal obstruction of justice, according to some legal scholars.

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Comey’s prepared remarks ahead of his public testimony on Thursday, which is bound to unsettle the White House and distract from Trump’s agenda in his still relatively young presidency.

In Comey’s statement, he confirms many of the bombshell reports circulating in the press since Trump fired him on May 9: that Trump met with him one-on-one an unusual number of times; that Trump asked Comey for his “loyalty” in a conversation about Comey’s future at the helm of the FBI; and that Trump repeatedly lamented the “cloud” the FBI’s investigation of Russia had put over his presidency. What’s more, Comey testifies, he wrote detailed memorandums following each unsavory encounter.
...still no actual quotes. yawn, you're boring.
It's not proper for the president to ask for loyalty from the FBI director. One swears loyalty to the US, not the president.

That is what he did igmo,,,He said he EXPECTED LOYALTY, not to him but to the people he works for. comey, does not work for the president, he works at the pleasure of the president, but his loyalty is supposed to be to the people just as all government workers work FOR the people not for oshitass, shitbitch clinton and soros. comey replied that Trump would get honesty, meaning when he said TRUMP was not under investigation he either lied at one time or the other OR THAT WAS and IS TRUE. Next time he told Trump he would get his HONEST loyalty. If comey reveals any type of information in a public forum that compromises any investigation he will be guilty of a felony. Today should have been a preview of the testimony that will come tomorrow, SEEMS the witnesses today stated they had NEVER BEEN ASKED BY A PRESIDENT to interfere in any investigation. That should have ended the grilling, but the dimshit scum proved they will accept NO truth.
It's not proper for the president to ask for loyalty from the FBI director. One swears loyalty to the US, not the president.

That is what he did igmo,,,He said he EXPECTED LOYALTY, not to him but to the people he works for. comey, does not work for the president, he works at the pleasure of the president, but his loyalty is supposed to be to the people just as all government workers work FOR the people not for oshitass, shitbitch clinton and soros. comey replied that Trump would get honesty, meaning when he said TRUMP was not under investigation he either lied at one time or the other OR THAT WAS and IS TRUE. Next time he told Trump he would get his HONEST loyalty. If comey reveals any type of information in a public forum that compromises any investigation he will be guilty of a felony. Today should have been a preview of the testimony that will come tomorrow, SEEMS the witnesses today stated they had NEVER BEEN ASKED BY A PRESIDENT to interfere in and investigation. That should have ended the grilling, but the dimshit scum proved they will accept NO truth.
Parsing words like Bill Clinton here.
{He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative.}

OH BITCH, Herr Goebbels - that sort of puts a stake in your witch hunt.....
You're so stupid you make my head hurt. Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. Comey never anything like that.
Why do you keep avoiding the lies Trump told that Comey corroborated today? Why why why?
We know why.
And these investigations are in the first chapter with many more to come.
You're a weird dude, reasonable. lol

He's a mindless hack who has a nagging sense that the witch hunt just fell apart....
I can only tolerate his level of idiocy after a few beers.

Maybe I should wait until Friday to read his moronic shit?
His shit isn't worth reading. I'm just killing some time by responding to him.
On tape...Tramp saying he DIDNT ask Comey to back off the investigations..
Today. Comey released a statement saying that's exactly what happened..
And the Trump whores think this is good news lol
At the end of the day tomorrow, there will be more questions than answers. Always is.

Meanwhile, the investigation continues.
The answer will be the left blew their wad. Again.

Unlikely. The smoking gun won't be on display tomorrow more than likely. Meanwhile, Mueller's investigation continues. Asking him to "drop" the investigation is pretty close. The senate testimony of the Intel Chiefs was not helpful to Trump either where these men of great pedigree would not go to bat for their boss.

Again, there will be more questions than answers.
Time for the Trump investigation to end, and the dimocrat communist party ties to all communist countries to begin along with the deep state being closed and those involved hung for treason, espionage, and conspiracy to commit espionage. That will get all of the oshitass appointees from the IRS, to the DOJ and let the people hang the REAL traitors.

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