Trump asks his cabinet to submit 5% budget CUTS...


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Will Dims who complained about Trump increasing the deficit support the budget cuts, or will they be strictly partisan when it comes to passing the next budget?

I am afraid they will go with liberal standard of raising spending and raising taxes on “the rich”.
Whatever Trump does, he has to do without the support of any Democrats. Advancing their political agenda is the only thing that matters to them.
About damn time...if Congress wont do it someone has too. I'd settle for half of that, lets just get moving in right direction.
Will Dims who complained about Trump increasing the deficit support the budget cuts, or will they be strictly partisan when it comes to passing the next budget?

I am afraid they will go with liberal standard of raising spending and raising taxes on “the rich”.

Some subversive on the inside must have told Rump what his "tax cuts" are going to cost. Now he wants them to check the sofa for nickels.
Will Dims who complained about Trump increasing the deficit support the budget cuts, or will they be strictly partisan when it comes to passing the next budget?

I am afraid they will go with liberal standard of raising spending and raising taxes on “the rich”.

Trump asks his cabinet to submit 5% budget CUTS...

Already multiple threads on this: I posted one the other day & it just went POOF
Will Dims who complained about Trump increasing the deficit support the budget cuts, or will they be strictly partisan when it comes to passing the next budget?

I am afraid they will go with liberal standard of raising spending and raising taxes on “the rich”.

Some subversive on the inside must have told Rump what his "tax cuts" are going to cost. Now he wants them to check the sofa for nickels.
It’s called responsible governing. Too bad it’s only 5% he should have demanded at least 10%.
Will Dims who complained about Trump increasing the deficit support the budget cuts, or will they be strictly partisan when it comes to passing the next budget?

I am afraid they will go with liberal standard of raising spending and raising taxes on “the rich”.

Some subversive on the inside must have told Rump what his "tax cuts" are going to cost. Now he wants them to check the sofa for nickels.
It’s called responsible governing. Too bad it’s only 5% he should have demanded at least 10%.

Here's what "responsible" means:
When you cut taxes or any other kind of income, and you still have expenses, you need to make up the shortfall somewhere. That's what "paying for" a tax cut means.

Of course that's kind of a moot point when the central figure is an orange freak who's never taken responsibility for a damn thing in his life.
Whatever Trump does, he has to do without the support of any Democrats. Advancing their political agenda is the only thing that matters to them.
It’s why I’m looking forward to seeing democrats lose more seats in November.
Well... that and watching them them ramp up their craziness. :)
Remembering The Grace Commission from Reagan's administration, I really wish that President Trump would put a similar investigation into motion today, and find some way to give it some real teeth that the Grace Commission ultimately lacked.

The Grace Commission Report was presented to Congress in January 1984. The report claimed that if its recommendations were followed, $424 billion could be saved in three years, rising to $1.9 trillion per year by the year 2000. It estimated that the national debt, without these reforms, would rise to $13 trillion by the year 2000, while with the reforms they projected it would rise to only $2.5 trillion. The report's recommendations that intruded into policy were ignored by Congress, but many other efficiency recommendations were considered and some were implemented. The debt reached $5.8 trillion in the year 2000. The national debt reached 13 trillion after the subprime mortgage-collateralized debt obligation crisis in 2008.

The report said that one-third of all income taxes are consumed by waste and inefficiency in the federal government, and another one-third escapes collection owing to the underground economy. "With two thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and by federal government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services [that] taxpayers expect from their government."

It seems to me that of all the Presidents that we've had since Reagan, Mr. Trump is the one who would be best suited to try to pull something off like this, and make it stick.
For certain departments it should be 100%. For the others it should be 10%, minimum.

I'd say for the vast majority of departments. Most of what the federal government now does—most of what it spends taxpayer resources on—fall well outside the federal government's legitimate functions and powers under the Tenth Amendment. If we could prune back the federal government, to functioning only in those areas where the Constitution actually gives it authority, then the savings there would be huge, even if we allowed it to continue to operate as wastefully and inefficiently as it does in those areas where it has legitimate authority to operate.
I'd say for the vast majority of departments. Most of what the federal government now does—most of what it spends taxpayer resources on—fall well outside the federal government's legitimate functions and powers under the Tenth Amendment. If we could prune back the federal government, to functioning only in those areas where the Constitution actually gives it authority, then the savings there would be huge, even if we allowed it to continue to operate as wastefully and inefficiently as it does in those areas where it has legitimate authority to operate.

I agree 100%. Even most of what is Constitutional needs to be brought back inside proper limits.
poor old man - a TV show host trying to lead the most powerful country in the world.
This is a political stunt, nothing more. The main targets of spending can't really be cut through executive action. Unless he's preparing to use the numbers to ask Congress for a reduced budget, this will go nowhere.
Of course that's kind of a moot point when the central figure is an orange freak who's never taken responsibility for a damn thing in his life.

That “orange freak” has probably carried more responsibility on any average day, than you have carried in the entire whole of your worthless, parasitic life.

Ummmmmmm not really.

I've never shirked all responsibility for raising my kids; I've never stiffed people who worked for me; I've never made up fake names of fake press agents to plant sex stories in tabloids; I've never turned around and denied I did that after admitting to it in court; I've never claimed bone spurs to get out of military service; I've never tried to claim my inauguration was packed and it wasn't raining, or that I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan; I've never gone bankrupt and then denied it; I've never made up fake stories of "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops" and then melted down into a gyrating hissyfit when a reporter wouldn't lie to back me up; I've never claimed I didn't know who David Duke is; I've never sat out a debate because mean old Megan Kelly would be there and she might ask me questions :gay:; I've never taken out a full page ad calling for the Central Park Five to fry in the electric chair and then when I was proven wrong refused to admit I was wrong; I've never paid $130,000 to porn stars (or any amount to anybody) to keep quiet about when we did that thing at that place; I've never claimed I would make donations to charities and then failed to do so; I've never uttered one thing and then denied I ever uttered it when it was already recorded; I've never had to delete a tweet....

-- I think you get the idea.

I do however run my own business and my own house, so please, do tell me more about my "worthless parasitic life", worm.

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