Trump Asks Tokyo to Quadruple Payments for U.S. Troops in Japan

Saddam was a bastard. Taking him out was a good thing.
It was a crime against peace and its perpetrators should have been hauled to the Hague.

Anyone attempting to put an American president on trial in any sort of international kangaroo court should be prevented from doing so by any means necessary, up to and including the use of nuclear weapons.

Your patriotism is appreciated, but we overwhelmed the Viet-Cong and the NVA, won every battle, and they still beat us.

You are confused Moon Bat. You Moon Bats don't know anymore about History as you do Economics, Biology, Climate Science, the Constitution or Ethics.

We defeated the fucking Communist assholes when they signed the Paris Peace Accords allowing the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the objective of the war.

The filthy ass Democrats, aided by a few weak minded Republicans, gave away the victory when they passed the Case Church Amendment defunding military aid to South Vietnam, giving your Communist buddies the green light to invade. I shit you not. Go look it up.

One of the most despicable things ever done by Congress. As bad as that Kennedy asshole betraying the Cuban freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs.
God bless Trump for looking after the interest of America first. No more giving away the store like that worthless Obama piece of shit.
As Washington seeks to renew denuclearization talks with Pyongyang, U.S. President Donald Trump is asking Japan, a longtime ally that the United States leans on for stability in the region, to pay drastically more to cover the cost of a continued U.S. military presence in that country.

The administration has asked Tokyo to pay roughly four times as much per year to offset the costs of stationing more than 50,000 U.S. troops there, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the matter told Foreign Policy. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton and Matt Pottinger, the National Security Council’s Asia director at the time, delivered the request to Japanese officials during a trip to the region in July, the officials said.

Japan is not the only Asian ally the United States is asking to cough up more money for continued U.S. troop presence. The officials confirmed that during that same trip, Bolton and Pottinger made a similar demand of South Korea, which hosts 28,500 U.S. troops, asking Seoul to pay five times as much as it currently does. CNN and Reuters previously reported that Trump had demanded Seoul increase its contribution.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The Trump administration is reportedly demanding South Korea pay 400% more for U.S. troops in the region, officials said.

The president’s demands for an increase in spending of about $4.7 billion came as Defense Department Secretary Mark Esper is visiting South Korea to discuss the change in military costs, saying South Korea is wealthy enough to cover what the president is asking for, according to CNN, citing a congressional aide and an administration official.

“Sustaining the costs of our global military presence is not a burden that should fall on the US taxpayer alone but is a responsibility that should be shared fairly with allies and partners who benefit from our presence,” a State Department spokesperson said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Trump is demanding that South Korea pay roughly 400% more in 2020 to cover the cost of keeping US troops on the peninsula, sources say. (Corrects price tag increase percentage) Trump hikes prices tag for US forces in Korea almost 400% as Seoul fumes, frets - CNNPolitics

— CNN (@CNN) November 15, 2019

Esper said during a joint press conference with South Korean Minister of National Defense Jeong Kyeong-doo that South Korea is a wealthy enough country to foot part of the United States’ bill for military forces in the area, according to The Associated Press.

“This is a very strong alliance we have, but [South] Korea is a wealthy country and could and should pay more to help offset the cost of defense,” Esper said, adding that while South Korea has given the U.S. “a fair amount of support in the past … most of that money stays here in this country — easily over 90% of that money stays here in Korea, it does not go to the United States.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's about time we stopped supporting the world ... for free. The only Americans 'benefiting BIG TIME' were Wahington elites milking fees from speeches, book deals and demanding butt kissing from foreigners...

Those days are over - thank YOU President Trump.

One can see why the Democrat Swamp needs Trump removed immediately. they would never do this sort of thing. It cuts into their ability to get kickbacks and favors no doubt. One more way Trump is trying to defeat the status quo and one more reason he is hated by the left.
They should man up and learn how to defend themselves. A short stint in military service could only be beneficial to young, able bodied Japanese men who have chosen to drop out of society and masturbate their lives away because girls are scary.
That insult could apply to a lot of American kids raised in our modern liberal culture

The japanese are good allies and we are lucky to have them on our side
It seems like half the world's nations are depending the United States to bail them out if they're ever attacked. This made sense when Communism was a threat, but now this kind of thinking is obsolete. Time to bring the troops home and let the world man up and defend themselves.
The US couldn't even defeat Vietnam, Cuba and still struggling with poor poorly dressed fighters in Afghanistan.

Not only are you UnAmerican, your pathetic. No one fucks with the US for a reason. We have a superior military and thanks to President Trump who gave the military the funds back that dickhead Obama took away, we are back on top. Are Navy is superior to any other. Every other country is 3 generations behind our Aircraft Carrier’s. Get a clue then speak

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
19 hijackers fucked with us on 9-11 and that big military was useless against guys with box cutters. Are you old enough to remember that day?
Medina and Mecca should have vanished in nuclear fireballs the next day.

Why would you kill innocent civilians for terrorist acts by 19 individuals? Are you insane?
Saddam was a bastard. Taking him out was a good thing.
It was a crime against peace and its perpetrators should have been hauled to the Hague.

Anyone attempting to put an American president on trial in any sort of international kangaroo court should be prevented from doing so by any means necessary, up to and including the use of nuclear weapons.

Ok so you are either insane or have no fucking clue. Which is it?
It seems like half the world's nations are depending the United States to bail them out if they're ever attacked. This made sense when Communism was a threat, but now this kind of thinking is obsolete. Time to bring the troops home and let the world man up and defend themselves.
The US couldn't even defeat Vietnam, Cuba and still struggling with poor poorly dressed fighters in Afghanistan.

Not only are you UnAmerican, your pathetic. No one fucks with the US for a reason. We have a superior military and thanks to President Trump who gave the military the funds back that dickhead Obama took away, we are back on top. Are Navy is superior to any other. Every other country is 3 generations behind our Aircraft Carrier’s. Get a clue then speak

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What funds did he give back? We have always been on top.
Tell that to my brother. Dumbass.

So where are the contemporary accounts.

What people "remember" after they saw First Blood.... that doesn't impress me.

Where's the documented evidence that people were spat on?

You know, headlines reading "Hippy Spit on Soldier"... or "Hippy Rushed to Hospital after Marine beats him">
You are confused Moon Bat. You Moon Bats don't know anymore about History as you do Economics, Biology, Climate Science, the Constitution or Ethics.

We defeated the fucking Communist assholes when they signed the Paris Peace Accords allowing the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the objective of the war.

The filthy ass Democrats, aided by a few weak minded Republicans, gave away the victory when they passed the Case Church Amendment defunding military aid to South Vietnam, giving your Communist buddies the green light to invade. I shit you not. Go look it up.

One of the most despicable things ever done by Congress. As bad as that Kennedy asshole betraying the Cuban freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs.

If we needed to keep pumping money into Saigon to keep them afloat, then they really weren't ever going to win.

Nixon knew when he signed the Paris Accords that we were abandoning South Vietnam... Theiu and Ky knew it... which is why they diverted so much loot to Swiss Bank Accounts.
You are confused Moon Bat. You Moon Bats don't know anymore about History as you do Economics, Biology, Climate Science, the Constitution or Ethics.

We defeated the fucking Communist assholes when they signed the Paris Peace Accords allowing the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the objective of the war.

The filthy ass Democrats, aided by a few weak minded Republicans, gave away the victory when they passed the Case Church Amendment defunding military aid to South Vietnam, giving your Communist buddies the green light to invade. I shit you not. Go look it up.

One of the most despicable things ever done by Congress. As bad as that Kennedy asshole betraying the Cuban freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs.

If we needed to keep pumping money into Saigon to keep them afloat, then they really weren't ever going to win.

Nixon knew when he signed the Paris Accords that we were abandoning South Vietnam... Theiu and Ky knew it... which is why they diverted so much loot to Swiss Bank Accounts.

You are confused one again Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Ethics as you do History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution or Biology.

Your worthless Negro buddy sent billions of dollars in cash to his Mullah friends in Iran to keep them afloat so quit your hypocritical bitching about spending money.

Right or wrong Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon made a commitment to the people of South Vietnam to keep the Communists from taking over their country and we succeeded in doing that when your Communist buddies signed the Paris Peace Accords that guaranteed the sovereignty of South Vietnam. That cost the sacrifice of over 56,000 Americans.

All it would take would have been the same kind of commitment to South Vietnam that we had to South Korea and to Western Europe after WWII. However, you filthy immoral Libtards couldn't stand the fact that your Communist buddies got their asses kicked and you gave away the victory earned on the battlefield with the actions by the Democrats in Congress. That cost the lives of millions of South Vietnamese, and Cambodians. Shame!

Ethics, You don't haz it.
As Washington seeks to renew denuclearization talks with Pyongyang, U.S. President Donald Trump is asking Japan, a longtime ally that the United States leans on for stability in the region, to pay drastically more to cover the cost of a continued U.S. military presence in that country.

The administration has asked Tokyo to pay roughly four times as much per year to offset the costs of stationing more than 50,000 U.S. troops there, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the matter told Foreign Policy. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton and Matt Pottinger, the National Security Council’s Asia director at the time, delivered the request to Japanese officials during a trip to the region in July, the officials said.

Japan is not the only Asian ally the United States is asking to cough up more money for continued U.S. troop presence. The officials confirmed that during that same trip, Bolton and Pottinger made a similar demand of South Korea, which hosts 28,500 U.S. troops, asking Seoul to pay five times as much as it currently does. CNN and Reuters previously reported that Trump had demanded Seoul increase its contribution.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The Trump administration is reportedly demanding South Korea pay 400% more for U.S. troops in the region, officials said.

The president’s demands for an increase in spending of about $4.7 billion came as Defense Department Secretary Mark Esper is visiting South Korea to discuss the change in military costs, saying South Korea is wealthy enough to cover what the president is asking for, according to CNN, citing a congressional aide and an administration official.

“Sustaining the costs of our global military presence is not a burden that should fall on the US taxpayer alone but is a responsibility that should be shared fairly with allies and partners who benefit from our presence,” a State Department spokesperson said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Trump is demanding that South Korea pay roughly 400% more in 2020 to cover the cost of keeping US troops on the peninsula, sources say. (Corrects price tag increase percentage) Trump hikes prices tag for US forces in Korea almost 400% as Seoul fumes, frets - CNNPolitics

— CNN (@CNN) November 15, 2019

Esper said during a joint press conference with South Korean Minister of National Defense Jeong Kyeong-doo that South Korea is a wealthy enough country to foot part of the United States’ bill for military forces in the area, according to The Associated Press.

“This is a very strong alliance we have, but [South] Korea is a wealthy country and could and should pay more to help offset the cost of defense,” Esper said, adding that while South Korea has given the U.S. “a fair amount of support in the past … most of that money stays here in this country — easily over 90% of that money stays here in Korea, it does not go to the United States.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's about time we stopped supporting the world ... for free. The only Americans 'benefiting BIG TIME' were Wahington elites milking fees from speeches, book deals and demanding butt kissing from foreigners...

Those days are over - thank YOU President Trump.
Right or wrong Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon made a commitment to the people of South Vietnam to keep the Communists from taking over their country and we succeeded in doing that when your Communist buddies signed the Paris Peace Accords that guaranteed the sovereignty of South Vietnam. That cost the sacrifice of over 56,000 Americans.

But here's the problem. Most of the Vietnamese were just fine with the Communists taking over their country. The fact is, we pumped billions of dollars into Vietnam and lost 56,000 lives, and the minute we stopped sending money, our puppet regime in Saigon was done in 55 days.

All it would take would have been the same kind of commitment to South Vietnam that we had to South Korea and to Western Europe after WWII. However, you filthy immoral Libtards couldn't stand the fact that your Communist buddies got their asses kicked and you gave away the victory earned on the battlefield with the actions by the Democrats in Congress. That cost the lives of millions of South Vietnamese, and Cambodians. Shame!

We dumped far more money into Vietnam than we ever did into Western Europe. The entire Marshall Plan was only 20 Billion dollars. We spent 168 BILLION dollars (A trillion today adjusted for inflation) on Vietnam, and we still couldn't get the South Vietnamese to love Coca-Cola and Democracy. We dropped 6.1 million tons of bombs on North Vietnam, more than the 2.1 million we dropped on both Germany and Japan in WWII. We dumped 20 million gallons of herbicides and deforested 5 million acres of forest and a half million acres of farmland.

How the Vietnam War Affects You Today

And funny thing, the Vietnamese probably hated us more after this was all over, after we devastated their country, killed their men and turned their women into prostitutes.
You are confused Moon Bat. You Moon Bats don't know anymore about History as you do Economics, Biology, Climate Science, the Constitution or Ethics.

We defeated the fucking Communist assholes when they signed the Paris Peace Accords allowing the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the objective of the war.

The filthy ass Democrats, aided by a few weak minded Republicans, gave away the victory when they passed the Case Church Amendment defunding military aid to South Vietnam, giving your Communist buddies the green light to invade. I shit you not. Go look it up.

One of the most despicable things ever done by Congress. As bad as that Kennedy asshole betraying the Cuban freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs.

If we needed to keep pumping money into Saigon to keep them afloat, then they really weren't ever going to win.

Nixon knew when he signed the Paris Accords that we were abandoning South Vietnam... Theiu and Ky knew it... which is why they diverted so much loot to Swiss Bank Accounts.

You are confused one again Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Ethics as you do History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution or Biology.

Your worthless Negro buddy sent billions of dollars in cash to his Mullah friends in Iran to keep them afloat so quit your hypocritical bitching about spending money.

Right or wrong Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon made a commitment to the people of South Vietnam to keep the Communists from taking over their country and we succeeded in doing that when your Communist buddies signed the Paris Peace Accords that guaranteed the sovereignty of South Vietnam. That cost the sacrifice of over 56,000 Americans.

All it would take would have been the same kind of commitment to South Vietnam that we had to South Korea and to Western Europe after WWII. However, you filthy immoral Libtards couldn't stand the fact that your Communist buddies got their asses kicked and you gave away the victory earned on the battlefield with the actions by the Democrats in Congress. That cost the lives of millions of South Vietnamese, and Cambodians. Shame!

Ethics, You don't haz it.
Vietnam was unwinnable--all links/documents/etc here:
Vietnam War was unwinnable

Vietnam was unwinnable--all links/documents/etc here:
Vietnam War was unwinnable

You are confused. What do you know about Vietnam other than what you saw from Hollywood or read from Liberals dumbasses?

We did win. From a military standpoint.

That shithead LBJ tried to fight the Commies on their turf and it caused far too many causalities. Typical Democrat mismanagement. We see it all the time. Then Nixon was elected and took the war to the north and essentially kick their ass. They signed the Paris Peace Accords that guaranteed the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the objective of the war all along.

We won militarily. All we had to do was provide continuing aid to them like we did to Korea and even to Europe after the Soviet threat.

The filthy Democrats hated the idea that the Communists didn't win and since they had a majority in Congress they were able to pass a budget resolution defunding of all military aid to South Vietnam giving the Democrat's Communist buddies the green light to invade.

The blood from the Killing Fields and Communist "reeducated" of South Vietnam is on the hands of the Democrats and few weak minded Republicans that didn't do the right thing towards our allies. Shame!
I am just glad we have a President that looks after America first instead of that asshole Obama that gave away the store or that corrupt shithead Crooked Hillary that would have shook down other countries for her own personal gain.
We did win. From a military standpoint.

That shithead LBJ tried to fight the Commies on their turf and it caused far too many causalities. Typical Democrat mismanagement. We see it all the time. Then Nixon was elected and took the war to the north and essentially kick their ass. They signed the Paris Peace Accords that guaranteed the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the objective of the war all along.

Okay, this is where you are a little confused. The purpose of the Paris Accords was to give the US a face-saving way out of the war. "Peace with Honor" as Nixon said, but selling out Saigon was ALWAYS the plan. We knew the minute we pulled out, which is what a vast majority of Americans wanted, the corrupt regime in Saigon was done.

We won militarily. All we had to do was provide continuing aid to them like we did to Korea and even to Europe after the Soviet threat.

Again, we dumped 168 billion into Vietnam.... and they were still pathetic. For Sale- 500,000 ARVN Rifles... Never fired, only dropped once.

The filthy Democrats hated the idea that the Communists didn't win and since they had a majority in Congress they were able to pass a budget resolution defunding of all military aid to South Vietnam giving the Democrat's Communist buddies the green light to invade.

Never happened. This is up there with the Nazi "Stabbed in the back myth".

The Myth That Congress Cut Off Funding for South Vietnam | History News Network

$700 Million

A quick, easy check of an old newspaper database shows Laird's cutoff claim to be false. In the fiscal year running from July 1, 1974, to June 30, 1975, the congressional appropriation for military aid to South Vietnam was $700 million.

Nixon had requested $1.45 billion. Congress cut his aid request, but never cut off aid.

Nixon's successor, President Gerald R. Ford, requested an additional $300 million for Saigon. Democrats saw it as an exercise in political blame-shifting. "The administration knows that the $300 million won't really do anything to prevent ultimate collapse in Vietnam," said Senator and future Vice President Walter F. Mondale, D-Mn., "and it is just trying to shift responsibility of its policy to Congress and the Democrats." Congress didn't approve the supplemental appropriation.

Political Spin Nixon crafted this secret strategy to foster the illusion that his public strategy of "Vietnamization and negotiation" worked. Vietnamization was supposed to train the South Vietnamese army to defend itself so the American army could come home; negotiations were supposed to produce a settlement guaranteeing the South's right to choose its own government by election. Nixon privately realized that Vietnamization and negotiation would not work as he said they would.

"South Vietnam probably can never even survive anyway," he said in private, but never in public. To conceal Vietnamization's failure, Nixon timed the withdrawal of U.S. forces to the 1972 election. This way, California Governor Ronald Reagan could welcome delegates to the Republican National Convention in 1972 with the perfect words to launch the President's reelection campaign: "The last American combat team is on its way home from Vietnam."

To get the North Vietnamese to accept a settlement that, on paper, guaranteed the South's right to free elections, Nixon assured them, through the Soviet Union and China, that if they waited a "decent interval" of a year or two before taking over South Vietnam, he would not intervene. The Communists accepted Nixon's settlement terms because they knew that they didn't have to abide by them and the would get a clear shot at overthrowing the South Vietnamese government if they waited approximately 18 months after Nixon withdrew the last U.S. ground forces. Nixon wanted this "decent interval" to make it look like Saigon's fall wasn't his fault.
It seems like half the world's nations are depending the United States to bail them out if they're ever attacked. This made sense when Communism was a threat, but now this kind of thinking is obsolete. Time to bring the troops home and let the world man up and defend themselves.
The US couldn't even defeat Vietnam, Cuba and still struggling with poor poorly dressed fighters in Afghanistan.

Not only are you UnAmerican, your pathetic. No one fucks with the US for a reason. We have a superior military and thanks to President Trump who gave the military the funds back that dickhead Obama took away, we are back on top. Are Navy is superior to any other. Every other country is 3 generations behind our Aircraft Carrier’s. Get a clue then speak

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Your patriotism is appreciated, but we overwhelmed the Viet-Cong and the NVA, won every battle, and they still beat us.
The US Military didn't lose the Vietnam War US politicians did.

Vietnam was unwinnable--all links/documents/etc here:
Vietnam War was unwinnable

You are confused. What do you know about Vietnam other than what you saw from Hollywood or read from Liberals dumbasses?

We did win. From a military standpoint.

That shithead LBJ tried to fight the Commies on their turf and it caused far too many causalities. Typical Democrat mismanagement. We see it all the time. Then Nixon was elected and took the war to the north and essentially kick their ass. They signed the Paris Peace Accords that guaranteed the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the objective of the war all along.

We won militarily. All we had to do was provide continuing aid to them like we did to Korea and even to Europe after the Soviet threat.

The filthy Democrats hated the idea that the Communists didn't win and since they had a majority in Congress they were able to pass a budget resolution defunding of all military aid to South Vietnam giving the Democrat's Communist buddies the green light to invade.

The blood from the Killing Fields and Communist "reeducated" of South Vietnam is on the hands of the Democrats and few weak minded Republicans that didn't do the right thing towards our allies. Shame!
..I've been reading and researching war and the military longer than you've been alive, youngster
..I've also served in the military for 8 years
..I provide much evidence for my claim....and you-like a typical liberal--provide NO evidence at all

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