Trump Asks Tokyo to Quadruple Payments for U.S. Troops in Japan

You are discussing this with me, not your fellow hypocrites.

What we did was exactly what we condemned Saddam for doing. That is what we do.

If we turned Iraq into a colony like he tried to do with Kuwait, you might have a point.

Saddam was tried and convicted of killing people in 1982 and 1988 so we were a little bit late for liberating anybody. I don`t know one liberal who was in favor of removing SH.

Really? So when Biden, Lieberman, Hillary, Kerry, Edwards and 22 other Senate Democrats voted to authorize Bush to take out Saddam, what did they think he was going to do, give him a stern talking to?

Come on, this is why people don't trust Democrats... They're pussies. They were all for the war when it started, and totally against it when the going got tough....

The young men and women we sent over there to fight didn't have that option.
The vote to authorize a war was designed to encourage Saddam to allow the UN weapons inspectors to search the country and it worked as it was supposed to. It was not a declaration of war. Hans Blix and his team of inspectors failed to find those stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons or Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. We invaded anyway. "They were all for the war when it started"? Bullshit!
Vincent Bugliosi who prosecuted Charlie Manson wrote a best seller making the case for charging Bush with murder. Bugliosi won 102 of the 103 felonies he prosecuted. There`s a reason why Bush is living out his life in exile on a fake ranch in a shithole state. If there`s a reason that people don`t trust Democrats you haven`t provided one.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder by Vincent Bugliosi
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It seems like half the world's nations are depending the United States to bail them out if they're ever attacked. This made sense when Communism was a threat, but now this kind of thinking is obsolete. Time to bring the troops home and let the world man up and defend themselves.
The US couldn't even defeat Vietnam, Cuba and still struggling with poor poorly dressed fighters in Afghanistan.
Rules of engagement are what defeated the US in all wars.... You fucking moron
You are discussing this with me, not your fellow hypocrites.

What we did was exactly what we condemned Saddam for doing. That is what we do.

If we turned Iraq into a colony like he tried to do with Kuwait, you might have a point.

Saddam was tried and convicted of killing people in 1982 and 1988 so we were a little bit late for liberating anybody. I don`t know one liberal who was in favor of removing SH.

Really? So when Biden, Lieberman, Hillary, Kerry, Edwards and 22 other Senate Democrats voted to authorize Bush to take out Saddam, what did they think he was going to do, give him a stern talking to?

Come on, this is why people don't trust Democrats... They're pussies. They were all for the war when it started, and totally against it when the going got tough....

The young men and women we sent over there to fight didn't have that option.
The vote to authorize a war was designed to encourage Saddam to allow the UN weapons inspectors to search the country and it worked as it was supposed to. It was not a declaration of war. Hans Blix and his team of inspectors failed to find those stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons or Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. We invaded anyway. "They were all for the war when it started"? Bullshit!
Vincent Bugliosi who prosecuted Charlie Manson wrote a best seller making the case for charging Bush with murder. Bugliosi won 102 of the 103 felonies he prosecuted. There`s a reason why Bush is living out his life in exile on a fake ranch in a shithole state. If there`s a reason that people don`t trust Democrats you haven`t provided one.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder by Vincent Bugliosi
What are we going to do if Japan and South Korea refuse to pay any more money?
We leave.

And cede East Asia to China? Really? This is a solution to you?

Seems a bit racist but ok

History is racist, now? You are sounding like a liberal snowflake.

Okay-the reality. Japan probably could rearm, but almost everyone else in Asia would object. They have long memories.

The Japanese don't worship their emperor as a god anymore.
So you agree. We fail at this but you are going to argue we should continue doing it? We have failed over and over.

Well, if the Democrats keep stabbing the troops in the back, we will fail. Then you all wonder why we get a character like Trump.

Here's a crazy idea... next time you support a war, actually support the troops.
So you agree. We fail at this but you are going to argue we should continue doing it? We have failed over and over.

Well, if the Democrats keep stabbing the troops in the back, we will fail. Then you all wonder why we get a character like Trump.

Here's a crazy idea... next time you support a war, actually support the troops.

I haven't supported the wars. I believe I support the troops by siding with bringing them home.
The vote to authorize a war was designed to encourage Saddam to allow the UN weapons inspectors to search the country and it worked as it was supposed to. It was not a declaration of war. Hans Blix and his team of inspectors failed to find those stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons or Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. We invaded anyway. "They were all for the war when it started"? Bullshit!

27 Democrats in the Senate voted to give Bush a blank check to start the war. Please. This is the crap Democrats always do... all for a war when it starts, suddenly turn into a bunch of hippies when the going gets rough.

They didn't do it on any principal.. they did it because the looked at the polls, saw most Americans would have run them out of office if they didn't...

Vincent Bugliosi who prosecuted Charlie Manson wrote a best seller making the case for charging Bush with murder. Bugliosi won 102 of the 103 felonies he prosecuted. There`s a reason why Bush is living out his life in exile on a fake ranch in a shithole state. If there`s a reason that people don`t trust Democrats you haven`t provided one.

Um, Reason why People don't trust Democrats.. Trump is in the White House. Donald Trump. Fucking Game Show Host.

So, yeah, Obama ran on getting us out of Iraq. Ignored the Generals and pulled out our troops, and we were back there a year later.

Bugliosi convicted a bunch of doped up hippies and still couldn't get them in the death house.

He took a slam dunk case and made it the longest criminal trial in California history until OJ topped that record.

This is the biggest problem Democrats have. People don't trust them to make the big important decisions on national security. Even a clown like Trump has more credibility.
I haven't supported the wars. I believe I support the troops by siding with bringing them home.

That's nice. Let me know when the Rainbow Farting Unicorns stop by.

Again- 27 Democrats gave Bush a blank check to go after the guy who humiliated his father. What did they THINK he was going to do with that?
I haven't supported the wars. I believe I support the troops by siding with bringing them home.

That's nice. Let me know when the Rainbow Farting Unicorns stop by.

Again- 27 Democrats gave Bush a blank check to go after the guy who humiliated his father. What did they THINK he was going to do with that?

I don't disagree but that has NOTHING to do with anything I've said. I'm not a Democrat. I've noted their hypocrisy many times.
Here's a crazy idea... next time you support a war, actually support the troops.
Yeah, right.

That's nice. Let me know when the Rainbow Farting Unicorns stop by.

Again- 27 Democrats gave Bush a blank check to go after the guy who humiliated his father. What did they THINK he was going to do with that?
Perhaps they took him at his word and didn't realise he was lying through his teeth.
I haven't supported the wars. I believe I support the troops by siding with bringing them home.

That's nice. Let me know when the Rainbow Farting Unicorns stop by.

Again- 27 Democrats gave Bush a blank check to go after the guy who humiliated his father. What did they THINK he was going to do with that?
Stop blaming the Democrats for George Bush`s criminal invasion. One man and one man alone was responsible for the Iraq fiasco. Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors came up empty and there was no longer a legitimate reason to start killing people and truth be told, there wasn`t a reason to invade if they did have WMDs. Give it up already. Gomer Bush killed more americans than the 19 hijackers and was rewarded with a second term.
Stop blaming the Democrats for George Bush`s criminal invasion. One man and one man alone was responsible for the Iraq fiasco. Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors came up empty and there was no longer a legitimate reason to start killing people and truth be told, there wasn`t a reason to invade if they did have WMDs. Give it up already. Gomer Bush killed more americans than the 19 hijackers and was rewarded with a second term.

Guy, the Democrats were still supporting the war up until the 2004 election, where Kerry was still defending his vote for it. (His complaint was the war was fine, but Bush mismanaged it.) There was not an "anti-War" Democrat in 2004. Kerry, Edwards, Lieberman, all supported the war. It wasn't until 2006 that you guys all decided the war was a bad idea.... And even then, your opposition was so mealy-mouthed that Bush was able to do a "Surge" in 2007 that escalated the war.

Note on 2006. You guys managed to retain Joe Lieberman (D-Israel) but pushed out Sheldon Whitehouse, the only Republican to vote against giving Bush the authority to invade Iraq.

Then Obama got in... got us out for like half an hour, and then went right back in when ISIS took over half the country. He also got us into unnecessary wars in Syria and Libya that quite honestly made Bush look like General Patton by comparison.

The best thing for Democrats in 2020, is that this won't be a foreign policy election.
Perhaps they took him at his word and didn't realise he was lying through his teeth.

Or perhaps they read the same intelligence reports he was and came to the same conclusion. But I don't even give them that much credit.

What they read was the polls that showed most Americans in 2002 favored throwing out Saddam, and they watched guys like Max Cleland get voted out because they weren't full throated enough about wanting to kill some Arabs.

In short, they were opportunists in 2002 when they gave Bush authority to start the war, and they were opportunists in 2006 when they stabbed the troops in the back.

And they wonder why they have Trump now.
I haven't supported the wars. I believe I support the troops by siding with bringing them home.

That's nice. Let me know when the Rainbow Farting Unicorns stop by.

Again- 27 Democrats gave Bush a blank check to go after the guy who humiliated his father. What did they THINK he was going to do with that?
Stop blaming the Democrats for George Bush`s criminal invasion. One man and one man alone was responsible for the Iraq fiasco. Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors came up empty and there was no longer a legitimate reason to start killing people and truth be told, there wasn`t a reason to invade if they did have WMDs. Give it up already. Gomer Bush killed more americans than the 19 hijackers and was rewarded with a second term.
Iraq violated the CEASE FIRE agreements---that alone, is reason enough

you don't know how the world works --if you violate an agreement it is null and void
So you agree. We fail at this but you are going to argue we should continue doing it? We have failed over and over.

Well, if the Democrats keep stabbing the troops in the back, we will fail. Then you all wonder why we get a character like Trump.

Here's a crazy idea... next time you support a war, actually support the troops.

I haven't supported the wars. I believe I support the troops by siding with bringing them home. they should never go to war?
As Washington seeks to renew denuclearization talks with Pyongyang, U.S. President Donald Trump is asking Japan, a longtime ally that the United States leans on for stability in the region, to pay drastically more to cover the cost of a continued U.S. military presence in that country.

The administration has asked Tokyo to pay roughly four times as much per year to offset the costs of stationing more than 50,000 U.S. troops there, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the matter told Foreign Policy. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton and Matt Pottinger, the National Security Council’s Asia director at the time, delivered the request to Japanese officials during a trip to the region in July, the officials said.

Japan is not the only Asian ally the United States is asking to cough up more money for continued U.S. troop presence. The officials confirmed that during that same trip, Bolton and Pottinger made a similar demand of South Korea, which hosts 28,500 U.S. troops, asking Seoul to pay five times as much as it currently does. CNN and Reuters previously reported that Trump had demanded Seoul increase its contribution.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


The Trump administration is reportedly demanding South Korea pay 400% more for U.S. troops in the region, officials said.

The president’s demands for an increase in spending of about $4.7 billion came as Defense Department Secretary Mark Esper is visiting South Korea to discuss the change in military costs, saying South Korea is wealthy enough to cover what the president is asking for, according to CNN, citing a congressional aide and an administration official.

“Sustaining the costs of our global military presence is not a burden that should fall on the US taxpayer alone but is a responsibility that should be shared fairly with allies and partners who benefit from our presence,” a State Department spokesperson said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Trump is demanding that South Korea pay roughly 400% more in 2020 to cover the cost of keeping US troops on the peninsula, sources say. (Corrects price tag increase percentage) Trump hikes prices tag for US forces in Korea almost 400% as Seoul fumes, frets - CNNPolitics

— CNN (@CNN) November 15, 2019

Esper said during a joint press conference with South Korean Minister of National Defense Jeong Kyeong-doo that South Korea is a wealthy enough country to foot part of the United States’ bill for military forces in the area, according to The Associated Press.

“This is a very strong alliance we have, but [South] Korea is a wealthy country and could and should pay more to help offset the cost of defense,” Esper said, adding that while South Korea has given the U.S. “a fair amount of support in the past … most of that money stays here in this country — easily over 90% of that money stays here in Korea, it does not go to the United States.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's about time we stopped supporting the world ... for free. The only Americans 'benefiting BIG TIME' were Wahington elites milking fees from speeches, book deals and demanding butt kissing from foreigners...

Those days are over - thank YOU President Trump.

You're an idiot. Who do you thinks best interest is served by US troops being in Japan, ans South Korea?

So if we lose geographical strategic advantage of the area in air and naval power, and South Korea is over run by the north, that will really help our cause woudn't it?

This is what happens when you have a traitor in the White House.
The founders warned that this would happen, and their worst fears are coming true.

Trump is going to lose all of the gains made by the WW2 and Korean war generation.

Why don't you Trumpettes all go piss on their graves at Arlington Cemetery.
we don't need troops in SK

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