Trump attacks Foxnews, his only friend in the media

I watched this interview between Wallace and Pelosi. I found it to be tolerable, certainly not attacking Trump that much. Sometimes he acts like a whiney child not getting their way.

Difference in biz plans.. Fox doesn't just want to dominate cable news... They want to OWN it and put CNN/MSNBC out of their miserable 4 or 5 year long suicide attempt... Wouldn't be a bad thing. Then maybe we'd get "mainstream news" and STILL have pretty good "partisan" coverage on the web...
Are you saying Fox would provide “mainstream” news? They are as bad if not worse than cnn/msnbc.
They are nothing more than the rightwing version of msnbc.
Exactly. If I want to laugh at transparent programming meant to brainwash people I watch Faux or MSNBC.
I watched this interview between Wallace and Pelosi. I found it to be tolerable, certainly not attacking Trump that much. Sometimes he acts like a whiney child not getting their way.

Difference in biz plans.. Fox doesn't just want to dominate cable news... They want to OWN it and put CNN/MSNBC out of their miserable 4 or 5 year long suicide attempt... Wouldn't be a bad thing. Then maybe we'd get "mainstream news" and STILL have pretty good "partisan" coverage on the web...
Are you saying Fox would provide “mainstream” news? They are as bad if not worse than cnn/msnbc.
They are nothing more than the rightwing version of msnbc.

Actually they are.. THey DO follow stories that NONE of the other options do.. ACTUAL REAL stories.. And for THAT -- they are valuable... Otherwise, the entire nation would have missed the attempted removal of Trump BEFORE and AFTER he was elected by a corrupt FBI leadership and Intel cronies.. Only place to get actual DETAILS of the trade negotiations that weren't just ammunition to hate Trump about..

And they COULD moderate their tone a bit and STILL serve... The other media -- they're too far gone in their long painful suicide...

Fox also has been shown to lie, further conspiracy theories (in fact they are being sued for one). They are a complete and almost uncritical mouthpiece for Trump. I think the only reason others do not cover these stories is they unsubstantiated.

No, I totally disagree there. I find MSNBC far more honest, they don’t pretend to be unbiased. Their main fault is a strong left bias but as long as you recognize that, they are pretty good.
No, I totally disagree there. I find MSNBC far more honest, they don’t pretend to be unbiased. Their main fault is a strong left bias but as long as you recognize that, they are pretty good.

Three years of them lying to you about the Trump campaign was spied on.. Three years of false reporting on the "investigation" into Russian collusion and the Mueller activities.. Three years of them feeding you shit about "Trump is a spawn of Putin".. FOUR years of the phony ass DNC/Hillary paid for Steele dossier is mostly true?? Those are the lowlights of how they OWN YOU now..

I've had here to sit and watch all my leftists buds get PUMMELED with facts and truth on these things and I HATE IT... But you are like ---- Please sir -- whip me some more and I'll go and repeat your fake news and get ridiculed for doing it ??

Wish it wasn't this way -- but it is...

Only defense is to consume a BROAD diet, fire your fucking crooked "fact checkers" -- learn how stuff really works and THINK FOR YOURSELF....
MSNBC the station that promoted a complete slimeball Avenatti for PREZ? A "media" that whipped you about the dangers of confronting China on trade and CONSTANTLY predicted doom? A "political action committee" posing as journalists who CASUALLY used "The China or Wuhan:" virus on their broadcasts and then turned tail and starting to ding TRUMP on it? A media torching your ass with "Trump acted too late" on Covid when THEY were broadcasting in JAN/FEB that it was a "nothing burger"? And DIDNT SHOW YOU both Nancy Pelosi and the mental midget midget DeBlasio ignoring the outbreak into late Feb and early march??

Feb 24th -- SanFranNan -- "C'mon down to ChinaTown --- we're having a parade.
March 12th -- Big bird -- "Enjoy the "city that never sleeps"


Your doting on propaganda and lies by COMMISSION AND OMISSION. And you're loving it.. But you're whining about why Trump "never gets caught"... It's because Wiley Coyote is explaining to America why the Road Runner deserves to get blown up by an Acme bomb... It's because the garbage dumpster is SOOOO full of trash -- you can't find the REAL REASONS to hate or disagree with Trump..

If you didn't need to dumpster dive that DEEP -- you'd find PLENTY of valid reasons to criticize Trump... And I do...

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