Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

I'm happy to believe you if you can give me proof.
There is no proof in that piece...nothing but supposition and unattributed "reports".
I bet you still believe the Hildebeast isn't guilty of anything to do with emails, also!
Now we're talking about emails?
Apparently THAT ALSO went over your head, or a very poor way of diverting!
Not a must be the second option.
So, please explain what Hillary's emails have to do with Obama's supposed support for terrorism?
Odd that others with SUPPOSED less of an IQ than your NEAR GENIUS one, understood it,,How can this be? Your mental masturbation is on display...again!
Fine...but it would have been less typing to write "I can't".
This sucks. I mean, it really sucks. HIllary screaming, Trump tweeting, people insulting each other, friendships lost over which side to choose or better choose or should choose otherwise you are this or that. Its overwhelming, and trying to decide what to do doesn't make it any easier.
If you don't know who to vote for when the most corrupt BITCH to ever run for office is on the ticket, you have major problems.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
WTF are you even talking about?? Where the hell did that come from? I blog for him over on BB..... I've never ever read or even seen anything remotely close to what you're accusing him of here.. LINK IT.
I didn't say he was going to do that. I said "what about the hidden things" that will come out none of us knew would happen. Obama fooled a lot of people. And I mean A LOT. None of us can see the future. I lean towards trump.....but I have this big but hanging over my head. BUT, WHAT IF. WHAT IF. WHAT IF. Same with Hillary.

So I need to think of things someone has never said and be worried about that? That makes ZERO sense but hey.. whatever you need to help you make an informed decision..
Yes. We all need to think ahead, don't you think? It weighs heavy on the mind. Trust me in this. HEAVY. However, I think I would sleep better knowing people who want me dead and my fellow americans dead...not allowed in. But what will be the cost of that sleep?

I know I am not making a lot of sense. I am not a politician. I am not a debater. I am not a spokesperson. I am just me. Like many others who feel and think as I do. Yelling at us won't make this any easier is all I am saying.
Everyone hang in there.. Julian Assange is going to deliver the DEATH blow to the corrupt Democratic Plantation at the right time.. Just before the election.. More slimey dirt on the SEWER Party.

I pray for it.

Never mind Benghazi, where this depraved Bitch stood in front of the coffins of the dead heroes and told their bereaved parents that they would get the man who made that awful movie and that got their sons killed...which she knew at the time to be a craven lie.

Never mind the personal e-mails server which put this country at risk;

Never mind the blatant lies she told the Citizens for over a year...until no less than the Director of the FBI exposed them as blatant lies;

Never mind all that;

It is the Waivers and Permits and Trades she approved as Secretary of State for other countries and their exchange for millions and millions of donations to the Clinton Foundation, which is going to keep her out of the White House...and perhaps land her in the Penitentiary.

Think how far this country has descended into dependence and depravity. 68% know she is an outright crook....and yet enough of those are so suckled on the Federal Tit that she still has a chance to win.
You're pathetic and now you're just looking stupid.. I don't play you liberals stupid game of semantics which is nothing more than trying to divert, cover up your lies and pure HORSESHIT.. I argue FACTS and always back them up , like tonight.. Now go buzz off and annoy some shit faced coward who may mistake you for a woman.. hell, even you might get lucky.
A few short posts ago the conversation was about how Muslims treat their women as having no rights and here you are using being a woman as an insult.

You just fucked up big time.
Do tell.

You can tell the class what your balls taste like in a few minutes. A life long dream for most liberals. You'll be famous.
Again with the RW thing about oral and and anal sex!!!
It certainly explains one thing...

Business is Booming for Male Escorts Around RNC | National | News | SFGN Articles
Two answers immediately come to mind... The Republican's have opened their doors to GAYS as one of the big headliners was GAY and many LOG CABIN Republicans were in attendance OR the MSM sure do like da BOYS but only advertised it for the RNC and not the DNC which openly promotes perversion...gender neutral bathrooms, and ALL!

I pray for it.

Never mind Benghazi, where this depraved Bitch stood in front of the coffins of the dead heroes and told their bereaved parents that they would get the man who made that awful movie and that got their sons killed...which she knew at the time to be a craven lie.

Never mind the personal e-mails server which put this country at risk;

Never mind the blatant lies she told the Citizens for over a year...until no less than the Director of the FBI exposed them as blatant lies;

Never mind all that;

It is the Waivers and Permits and Trades she approved as Secretary of State for other countries and their exchange for millions and millions of donations to the Clinton Foundation, which is going to keep her out of the White House...and perhaps land her in the Penitentiary.

Think how far this country has descended into dependence and depravity. 68% know she is an outright crook....and yet enough of those are so suckled on the Federal Tit that she still has a chance to win.
A few short posts ago the conversation was about how Muslims treat their women as having no rights and here you are using being a woman as an insult.

You just fucked up big time.
Do tell.

You can tell the class what your balls taste like in a few minutes. A life long dream for most liberals. You'll be famous.
Again with the RW thing about oral and and anal sex!!!
It certainly explains one thing...

Business is Booming for Male Escorts Around RNC | National | News | SFGN Articles
Two answers immediately come to mind... The Republican's have opened their doors to GAYS as one of the big headliners was GAY and many LOG CABIN Republicans were in attendance OR the MSM sure do like da BOYS but only advertised it for the RNC and not the DNC which openly promotes perversion...gender neutral bathrooms, and ALL!
Both are possible explanations...
If you don't know who to vote for when the most corrupt BITCH to ever run for office is on the ticket, you have major problems.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
WTF are you even talking about?? Where the hell did that come from? I blog for him over on BB..... I've never ever read or even seen anything remotely close to what you're accusing him of here.. LINK IT.
I didn't say he was going to do that. I said "what about the hidden things" that will come out none of us knew would happen. Obama fooled a lot of people. And I mean A LOT. None of us can see the future. I lean towards trump.....but I have this big but hanging over my head. BUT, WHAT IF. WHAT IF. WHAT IF. Same with Hillary.

So I need to think of things someone has never said and be worried about that? That makes ZERO sense but hey.. whatever you need to help you make an informed decision..
Yes. We all need to think ahead, don't you think? It weighs heavy on the mind. Trust me in this. HEAVY. However, I think I would sleep better knowing people who want me dead and my fellow americans dead...not allowed in. But what will be the cost of that sleep?

I know I am not making a lot of sense. I am not a politician. I am not a debater. I am not a spokesperson. I am just me. Like many others who feel and think as I do. Yelling at us won't make this any easier is all I am saying.
When I type a word in caps its for emphasis.. not yelling.. For people here who have talked to me or on my facebook page, I have a voice that's as sweet as pure honey.. my debate style won't change because you don't fucking like it or are annoyed by it..
Oh dear. Seems Mr Khan is a tad hypocritical.

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart.

Muslim Family of Fallen Army Captain Responds to Trump: 'Shame on Him'
Trump - "Hey, I'm not saying that this Muslim doesn't let his suppressed wife talk...but wait, I am :wink: :wink: :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Isn't it a fucking joke that the leftists in this thread are the Women libbers, attack on women blah blah blah cheerleaders and yet support TERRORISTS and the religion of Islam at heart..

The Submission of Women in Islam
by Dr. Bill Warner (Oct. 2007)

Islamic doctrine about women is the same as it is on all issues—duality and submission. Dualism demands a worldview that everything is seen not as a unified whole, but as divided. The primary political duality is the division between kafirs (unbelievers) and believers. The primary internal duality is the division between males and females.

The principle of submission means that one must rule over the other. No surprise, the women must submit to the men.

CSPI measured the submission of the female to the male by analyzing the Islamic doctrine. All of Islam’s doctrine is found in the Koran, the Hadith (Traditions) and the Sira (the life of Mohammed), the Trilogy. We collected every verse, paragraph and sentence that mentioned women and their power relationships. These were all categorized into women being superior, inferior, equal or merely mentioned.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
WTF are you even talking about?? Where the hell did that come from? I blog for him over on BB..... I've never ever read or even seen anything remotely close to what you're accusing him of here.. LINK IT.
I didn't say he was going to do that. I said "what about the hidden things" that will come out none of us knew would happen. Obama fooled a lot of people. And I mean A LOT. None of us can see the future. I lean towards trump.....but I have this big but hanging over my head. BUT, WHAT IF. WHAT IF. WHAT IF. Same with Hillary.

So I need to think of things someone has never said and be worried about that? That makes ZERO sense but hey.. whatever you need to help you make an informed decision..
Yes. We all need to think ahead, don't you think? It weighs heavy on the mind. Trust me in this. HEAVY. However, I think I would sleep better knowing people who want me dead and my fellow americans dead...not allowed in. But what will be the cost of that sleep?

I know I am not making a lot of sense. I am not a politician. I am not a debater. I am not a spokesperson. I am just me. Like many others who feel and think as I do. Yelling at us won't make this any easier is all I am saying.
When I type a word in caps its for emphasis.. not yelling.. For people here who have talked to me or on my facebook page, I have a voice that's as sweet as pure honey.. my debate style won't change because you don't fucking like it or are annoyed by it..
I have not said a thing about your debate style and my post was not specifically at you only, LGS. And I am not annoyed. I am confused and overwhelmed. Just like millions of others. And I type in caps too, for emphasis, so yes..I can relate to that.
Isn't it a fucking joke that the leftists in this thread are the Women libbers, attack on women blah blah blah cheerleaders and yet support TERRORISTS and the religion of Islam at heart..

The Submission of Women in Islam

The Submission of Women in Islam
by Dr. Bill Warner (Oct. 2007)

Islamic doctrine about women is the same as it is on all issues—duality and submission. Dualism demands a worldview that everything is seen not as a unified whole, but as divided. The primary political duality is the division between kafirs (unbelievers) and believers. The primary internal duality is the division between males and females.

The principle of submission means that one must rule over the other. No surprise, the women must submit to the men.

CSPI measured the submission of the female to the male by analyzing the Islamic doctrine. All of Islam’s doctrine is found in the Koran, the Hadith (Traditions) and the Sira (the life of Mohammed), the Trilogy. We collected every verse, paragraph and sentence that mentioned women and their power relationships. These were all categorized into women being superior, inferior, equal or merely mentioned.

Check it out.. from the same article:

In 4% of the cases, women were superior, in 91% of the cases they were inferior and in 5% they were equal. But there is a big catch. The only way that women are equal is after death on Judgment day, when men and women will be judged on how well they followed the Koran and the Sunna. And guess what? The only way to follow the Koran and the Sunna is to obey men. Equality then means women obeying men.
WTF are you even talking about?? Where the hell did that come from? I blog for him over on BB..... I've never ever read or even seen anything remotely close to what you're accusing him of here.. LINK IT.
I didn't say he was going to do that. I said "what about the hidden things" that will come out none of us knew would happen. Obama fooled a lot of people. And I mean A LOT. None of us can see the future. I lean towards trump.....but I have this big but hanging over my head. BUT, WHAT IF. WHAT IF. WHAT IF. Same with Hillary.

So I need to think of things someone has never said and be worried about that? That makes ZERO sense but hey.. whatever you need to help you make an informed decision..
Yes. We all need to think ahead, don't you think? It weighs heavy on the mind. Trust me in this. HEAVY. However, I think I would sleep better knowing people who want me dead and my fellow americans dead...not allowed in. But what will be the cost of that sleep?

I know I am not making a lot of sense. I am not a politician. I am not a debater. I am not a spokesperson. I am just me. Like many others who feel and think as I do. Yelling at us won't make this any easier is all I am saying.
When I type a word in caps its for emphasis.. not yelling.. For people here who have talked to me or on my facebook page, I have a voice that's as sweet as pure honey.. my debate style won't change because you don't fucking like it or are annoyed by it..
I have not said a thing about your debate style and my post was not specifically at you only, LGS. And I am not annoyed. I am confused and overwhelmed. Just like millions of others. And I type in caps too, for emphasis, so yes..I can relate to that.

That's funny because you literally said, "LGS" and then went on berating me LOL No problem.. you're entitled to your opinion Gracie.. and I am entitled to mine and to post however the hell I like.
With that said...this thread has also made me take yet another little step towards one particular person in getting my vote. I was always there, but not quite yet ready to step over the proverbial line. Just a few more steps and I will reach it.
I was not berating you LGS. Sorry if that is how it came across.

No apologies Gracie.. I can handle it.. I don't cry like a bitch like the liberals here when attacked.. I fire back and give much better than the incoming.. like I said, that's my debate style.. I hope you have a good night.. No hard feelings on my end.
Tail of elephant held high vs head of american held high by asshole allowed in along with 100K more?

My love of animals is stronger than my love of humans. But I also love my country.

Another step.
Isn't it a fucking joke that the leftists in this thread are the Women libbers, attack on women blah blah blah cheerleaders and yet support TERRORISTS and the religion of Islam at heart..

The Submission of Women in Islam

The Submission of Women in Islam
by Dr. Bill Warner (Oct. 2007)

Islamic doctrine about women is the same as it is on all issues—duality and submission. Dualism demands a worldview that everything is seen not as a unified whole, but as divided. The primary political duality is the division between kafirs (unbelievers) and believers. The primary internal duality is the division between males and females.

The principle of submission means that one must rule over the other. No surprise, the women must submit to the men.

CSPI measured the submission of the female to the male by analyzing the Islamic doctrine. All of Islam’s doctrine is found in the Koran, the Hadith (Traditions) and the Sira (the life of Mohammed), the Trilogy. We collected every verse, paragraph and sentence that mentioned women and their power relationships. These were all categorized into women being superior, inferior, equal or merely mentioned.

Check it out.. from the same article:

In 4% of the cases, women were superior, in 91% of the cases they were inferior and in 5% they were equal. But there is a big catch. The only way that women are equal is after death on Judgment day, when men and women will be judged on how well they followed the Koran and the Sunna. And guess what? The only way to follow the Koran and the Sunna is to obey men. Equality then means women obeying men.

Yea? did they analyze the bible too?

How about the quite diminishing "all men are created equal" on which this country was founded?

No doubt there are a lot backward muslims, but like Christianity and America, that religion it's not incompatible with modern standards of equality.

Trumps suggestion that this woman didn't speak because she was being suppressed is just another load of reactionary lash out by the Donald
I was not berating you LGS. Sorry if that is how it came across.

No apologies Gracie.. I can handle it.. I don't cry like a bitch like the liberals here when attacked.. I fire back and give much better than the incoming.. like I said, that's my debate style.. I hope you have a good night.. No hard feelings on my end.
I know, LGS. Friends can bump heads but still be friends. I didn't mean to bump yours. I was bending over in dismay and accidentally did that. ;)
Isn't it a fucking joke that the leftists in this thread are the Women libbers, attack on women blah blah blah cheerleaders and yet support TERRORISTS and the religion of Islam at heart..

The Submission of Women in Islam

The Submission of Women in Islam
by Dr. Bill Warner (Oct. 2007)

Islamic doctrine about women is the same as it is on all issues—duality and submission. Dualism demands a worldview that everything is seen not as a unified whole, but as divided. The primary political duality is the division between kafirs (unbelievers) and believers. The primary internal duality is the division between males and females.

The principle of submission means that one must rule over the other. No surprise, the women must submit to the men.

CSPI measured the submission of the female to the male by analyzing the Islamic doctrine. All of Islam’s doctrine is found in the Koran, the Hadith (Traditions) and the Sira (the life of Mohammed), the Trilogy. We collected every verse, paragraph and sentence that mentioned women and their power relationships. These were all categorized into women being superior, inferior, equal or merely mentioned.

Check it out.. from the same article:

In 4% of the cases, women were superior, in 91% of the cases they were inferior and in 5% they were equal. But there is a big catch. The only way that women are equal is after death on Judgment day, when men and women will be judged on how well they followed the Koran and the Sunna. And guess what? The only way to follow the Koran and the Sunna is to obey men. Equality then means women obeying men.

Yea? did they analyze the bible too?

How about the quite diminishing "all men are created equal" on which this country was founded?

No doubt there are a lot backward muslims, but like Christianity and America it's not incompatible with modern standards of equality.

Are you actually stupidly inferring that Islam no longer see's women in the submissive role?? Tell me you aren't actually saying that DUMB shit?
I was not berating you LGS. Sorry if that is how it came across.

No apologies Gracie.. I can handle it.. I don't cry like a bitch like the liberals here when attacked.. I fire back and give much better than the incoming.. like I said, that's my debate style.. I hope you have a good night.. No hard feelings on my end.
I know, LGS. Friends can bump heads but still be friends. I didn't mean to bump yours. I was bending over in dismay and accidentally did that. ;)

No no.. it's cool.. I promise... I told you before, I don't disown friends over things like this. I meant it. You can say whatever you need to me.. I get it. I know I'm someone that people absolutely LOATHE on the left because of how I debate.. it hits some on my own side some times.. I try to soften it, trust me LMAO

Having said as much.. I won't change.

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