Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

I wish Clinton and Trump both would stop with the sob story speakers. Yes, it is awful. Yes, we know your pain at losing your child/husband/parent. Just stop dragging them in front of cameras to fight your battles for you (Trump and Clinton). Get behind the damn podium and do you own battles of why you are the best of the best and leave others out of it. Jeez.

Right on ! I was getting annoyed with all of the tug at your heart speakers.....
Shame on both of them for using grief at the podium. Which shows...again...the two we have to choose from. Or none of the above, which means one of those two WILL be POTUS. Then what? What awaits us? What hidden thing will happen because someone fucked up and ___________ wound up being POTUS?
Answer the fucking question..
I don't know that he sided with any fact he droned the shit out of them and continues to do so...creating more terrorists.

Nevertheless, I can only assume you're talking about Ali Abdullah Saleh who, despite playing the US for fools was allowed to leave power peacefully and head to the US for medical treatment.
I think he's back in Yemen now creating havoc.

Yes you do.. that is unless you're incapable of knowing how to read? Are you illiterate? You know, a dumbass?

Here, let me help you dummy

June 5, 2015
Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
By James Lewis
Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. …

The UAE government also has labeled two U.S. affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist support groups. Both groups denied the UAE claims. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013.

Critics of the administration's strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group's motto includes the phrase "jihad is our way." Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.

Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood is called the "Ikhwan" in Arabic, meaning "brotherhood." (Like German "ich" and "won.") It took that name in 1928, when fascist and Nazi "brotherhoods" were spreading all over Europe.

From the start, the Ikhwan actively collaborated with Hitler through the mufti of Jerusalem. One of their slogans is "All we want is to die in the way of Allah" – which means killing as many infidels as you can when you die. This is the theological basis for suicide-bombing. Today, there is no daylight between the Ikhwan and ISIS.

In 1981, an Ikhwan front group assassinated Pres. Anwar Sadat, the most important Arab peacemaker with Israel.

The Ikhwan employs Malik Obama, the president's half-brother, as a big money man.

The Ikhwan created Hamas – the terrorist group that uses children as human shields to protect rocket launchers in Gaza.

The Ikhwan helped neo-Ottoman fascist Erdoğan to take over Turkey.

The Ikhwan is almost certainly behind ISIS, together with Turkey and Qatar.

In 2011, the Ikhwan overthrew Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak – who upheld the Egypt-Israel peace treaty for four decades – in close collusion with Obama, Code Pink, and Bill Ayers. The Western media actually reported that Code Pink and Bill Ayers were protesting Hosni Mubarak in the weeks before Mubarak was overthrown. Today, millions of Egyptians believe that Obama supports their mortal enemy, the Ikhwan.

The Ikhwan is now engaged in a monumental civil war against President El Sisi, whose court just condemned its leader to death. Their leaders who are not in jail have fled to Qatar, Turkey, and Gaza, all part of the Ikhwan network.

The Ikhwan controls American front groups like CAIR, which buys up American politicians by the truckload, especially on the left.

Four-star admiral James Lyons (USN, Ret.) has gone public with the charge that the Ikhwan has deeply penetrated U.S. intelligence. That is why Obama can't even say the words "Muslim war on America." That is why our defense has been so feeble and cringing.

Hillary Clinton's closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider. Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary's illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi. Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign. Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama. Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.

Bill Gertz's Pentagon documents now prove the Ikhwan connection directly. The liberal media will try to stifle the facts, as always.

Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

Blog: Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
I'm happy to believe you if you can give me proof.
There is no proof in that piece...nothing but supposition and unattributed "reports".
I bet you still believe the Hildebeast isn't guilty of anything to do with emails, also!
Now we're talking about emails?

This is the MORONIC game of liberals.. they slime threads with their stupid game.. Note this specific dumbo has used the same tactic in every single post that lists with proof he demanded.. It's time to shut him off.. He's the typical liar on the left.
Answer the fucking question..
I don't know that he sided with any fact he droned the shit out of them and continues to do so...creating more terrorists.

Nevertheless, I can only assume you're talking about Ali Abdullah Saleh who, despite playing the US for fools was allowed to leave power peacefully and head to the US for medical treatment.
I think he's back in Yemen now creating havoc.

Yes you do.. that is unless you're incapable of knowing how to read? Are you illiterate? You know, a dumbass?

Here, let me help you dummy

June 5, 2015
Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
By James Lewis
Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. …

The UAE government also has labeled two U.S. affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist support groups. Both groups denied the UAE claims. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013.

Critics of the administration's strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group's motto includes the phrase "jihad is our way." Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.

Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood is called the "Ikhwan" in Arabic, meaning "brotherhood." (Like German "ich" and "won.") It took that name in 1928, when fascist and Nazi "brotherhoods" were spreading all over Europe.

From the start, the Ikhwan actively collaborated with Hitler through the mufti of Jerusalem. One of their slogans is "All we want is to die in the way of Allah" – which means killing as many infidels as you can when you die. This is the theological basis for suicide-bombing. Today, there is no daylight between the Ikhwan and ISIS.

In 1981, an Ikhwan front group assassinated Pres. Anwar Sadat, the most important Arab peacemaker with Israel.

The Ikhwan employs Malik Obama, the president's half-brother, as a big money man.

The Ikhwan created Hamas – the terrorist group that uses children as human shields to protect rocket launchers in Gaza.

The Ikhwan helped neo-Ottoman fascist Erdoğan to take over Turkey.

The Ikhwan is almost certainly behind ISIS, together with Turkey and Qatar.

In 2011, the Ikhwan overthrew Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak – who upheld the Egypt-Israel peace treaty for four decades – in close collusion with Obama, Code Pink, and Bill Ayers. The Western media actually reported that Code Pink and Bill Ayers were protesting Hosni Mubarak in the weeks before Mubarak was overthrown. Today, millions of Egyptians believe that Obama supports their mortal enemy, the Ikhwan.

The Ikhwan is now engaged in a monumental civil war against President El Sisi, whose court just condemned its leader to death. Their leaders who are not in jail have fled to Qatar, Turkey, and Gaza, all part of the Ikhwan network.

The Ikhwan controls American front groups like CAIR, which buys up American politicians by the truckload, especially on the left.

Four-star admiral James Lyons (USN, Ret.) has gone public with the charge that the Ikhwan has deeply penetrated U.S. intelligence. That is why Obama can't even say the words "Muslim war on America." That is why our defense has been so feeble and cringing.

Hillary Clinton's closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider. Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary's illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi. Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign. Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama. Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.

Bill Gertz's Pentagon documents now prove the Ikhwan connection directly. The liberal media will try to stifle the facts, as always.

Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

Blog: Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
I'm happy to believe you if you can give me proof.
There is no proof in that piece...nothing but supposition and unattributed "reports".
I bet you still believe the Hildebeast isn't guilty of anything to do with emails, also!
Now we're talking about emails?
Apparently THAT ALSO went over your head, or a very poor way of diverting!
I wish Clinton and Trump both would stop with the sob story speakers. Yes, it is awful. Yes, we know your pain at losing your child/husband/parent. Just stop dragging them in front of cameras to fight your battles for you (Trump and Clinton). Get behind the damn podium and do you own battles of why you are the best of the best and leave others out of it. Jeez.

Right on ! I was getting annoyed with all of the tug at your heart speakers.....
Shame on both of them for using grief at the podium. Which shows...again...the two we have to choose from. Or none of the above, which means one of those two WILL be POTUS. Then what? What awaits us? What hidden thing will happen because someone fucked up and ___________ wound up being POTUS?
omg really??
This sucks. I mean, it really sucks. HIllary screaming, Trump tweeting, people insulting each other, friendships lost over which side to choose or better choose or should choose otherwise you are this or that. Its overwhelming, and trying to decide what to do doesn't make it any easier.
If you don't know who to vote for when the most corrupt BITCH to ever run for office is on the ticket, you have major problems.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
This sucks. I mean, it really sucks. HIllary screaming, Trump tweeting, people insulting each other, friendships lost over which side to choose or better choose or should choose otherwise you are this or that. Its overwhelming, and trying to decide what to do doesn't make it any easier.
If you don't know who to vote for when the most corrupt BITCH to ever run for office is on the ticket, you have major problems.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
WTF are you even talking about?? Where the hell did that come from? I blog for him over on BB..... I've never ever read or even seen anything remotely close to what you're accusing him of here.. LINK IT.
I wish Clinton and Trump both would stop with the sob story speakers. Yes, it is awful. Yes, we know your pain at losing your child/husband/parent. Just stop dragging them in front of cameras to fight your battles for you (Trump and Clinton). Get behind the damn podium and do you own battles of why you are the best of the best and leave others out of it. Jeez.

This is a bit off the original topic, but you seem to be saying Trump is afraid to get behind a podium and defend his positions.

That is pretty much all he does!

He does it every after day....answers to the best of his ability the questions...all the questions...hostile...Liberal Plants...its what occasionally gets him in trouble. His Guts. His willingness to talk candidly to the American People.

Mrs. Bill, the coat-tail rider, on the other hand, hasn't had a press conference in 240 days.

How could you possible confuse the two--and wind up lumping them together. Bullshit.
I don't know that he sided with any fact he droned the shit out of them and continues to do so...creating more terrorists.

Nevertheless, I can only assume you're talking about Ali Abdullah Saleh who, despite playing the US for fools was allowed to leave power peacefully and head to the US for medical treatment.
I think he's back in Yemen now creating havoc.

Yes you do.. that is unless you're incapable of knowing how to read? Are you illiterate? You know, a dumbass?

Here, let me help you dummy

June 5, 2015
Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
By James Lewis
Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. …

The UAE government also has labeled two U.S. affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist support groups. Both groups denied the UAE claims. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013.

Critics of the administration's strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group's motto includes the phrase "jihad is our way." Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.

Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood is called the "Ikhwan" in Arabic, meaning "brotherhood." (Like German "ich" and "won.") It took that name in 1928, when fascist and Nazi "brotherhoods" were spreading all over Europe.

From the start, the Ikhwan actively collaborated with Hitler through the mufti of Jerusalem. One of their slogans is "All we want is to die in the way of Allah" – which means killing as many infidels as you can when you die. This is the theological basis for suicide-bombing. Today, there is no daylight between the Ikhwan and ISIS.

In 1981, an Ikhwan front group assassinated Pres. Anwar Sadat, the most important Arab peacemaker with Israel.

The Ikhwan employs Malik Obama, the president's half-brother, as a big money man.

The Ikhwan created Hamas – the terrorist group that uses children as human shields to protect rocket launchers in Gaza.

The Ikhwan helped neo-Ottoman fascist Erdoğan to take over Turkey.

The Ikhwan is almost certainly behind ISIS, together with Turkey and Qatar.

In 2011, the Ikhwan overthrew Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak – who upheld the Egypt-Israel peace treaty for four decades – in close collusion with Obama, Code Pink, and Bill Ayers. The Western media actually reported that Code Pink and Bill Ayers were protesting Hosni Mubarak in the weeks before Mubarak was overthrown. Today, millions of Egyptians believe that Obama supports their mortal enemy, the Ikhwan.

The Ikhwan is now engaged in a monumental civil war against President El Sisi, whose court just condemned its leader to death. Their leaders who are not in jail have fled to Qatar, Turkey, and Gaza, all part of the Ikhwan network.

The Ikhwan controls American front groups like CAIR, which buys up American politicians by the truckload, especially on the left.

Four-star admiral James Lyons (USN, Ret.) has gone public with the charge that the Ikhwan has deeply penetrated U.S. intelligence. That is why Obama can't even say the words "Muslim war on America." That is why our defense has been so feeble and cringing.

Hillary Clinton's closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider. Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary's illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi. Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign. Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama. Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.

Bill Gertz's Pentagon documents now prove the Ikhwan connection directly. The liberal media will try to stifle the facts, as always.

Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

Blog: Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
I'm happy to believe you if you can give me proof.
There is no proof in that piece...nothing but supposition and unattributed "reports".
I bet you still believe the Hildebeast isn't guilty of anything to do with emails, also!
Now we're talking about emails?

This is the MORONIC game of liberals.. they slime threads with their stupid game.. Note this specific dumbo has used the same tactic in every single post that lists with proof he demanded.. It's time to shut him off.. He's the typical liar on the left.
I'm happy to debate if you keep on topic.
I'm not about to indulge your dopey Gish Gallop tactics.
You really need to calm down LGS. Name calling and ranting at us does nothing but make those of us not sure what to do, feel even worse.
Yes you do.. that is unless you're incapable of knowing how to read? Are you illiterate? You know, a dumbass?

Here, let me help you dummy

June 5, 2015
Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
By James Lewis
Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. …

The UAE government also has labeled two U.S. affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist support groups. Both groups denied the UAE claims. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013.

Critics of the administration's strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group's motto includes the phrase "jihad is our way." Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.

Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood is called the "Ikhwan" in Arabic, meaning "brotherhood." (Like German "ich" and "won.") It took that name in 1928, when fascist and Nazi "brotherhoods" were spreading all over Europe.

From the start, the Ikhwan actively collaborated with Hitler through the mufti of Jerusalem. One of their slogans is "All we want is to die in the way of Allah" – which means killing as many infidels as you can when you die. This is the theological basis for suicide-bombing. Today, there is no daylight between the Ikhwan and ISIS.

In 1981, an Ikhwan front group assassinated Pres. Anwar Sadat, the most important Arab peacemaker with Israel.

The Ikhwan employs Malik Obama, the president's half-brother, as a big money man.

The Ikhwan created Hamas – the terrorist group that uses children as human shields to protect rocket launchers in Gaza.

The Ikhwan helped neo-Ottoman fascist Erdoğan to take over Turkey.

The Ikhwan is almost certainly behind ISIS, together with Turkey and Qatar.

In 2011, the Ikhwan overthrew Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak – who upheld the Egypt-Israel peace treaty for four decades – in close collusion with Obama, Code Pink, and Bill Ayers. The Western media actually reported that Code Pink and Bill Ayers were protesting Hosni Mubarak in the weeks before Mubarak was overthrown. Today, millions of Egyptians believe that Obama supports their mortal enemy, the Ikhwan.

The Ikhwan is now engaged in a monumental civil war against President El Sisi, whose court just condemned its leader to death. Their leaders who are not in jail have fled to Qatar, Turkey, and Gaza, all part of the Ikhwan network.

The Ikhwan controls American front groups like CAIR, which buys up American politicians by the truckload, especially on the left.

Four-star admiral James Lyons (USN, Ret.) has gone public with the charge that the Ikhwan has deeply penetrated U.S. intelligence. That is why Obama can't even say the words "Muslim war on America." That is why our defense has been so feeble and cringing.

Hillary Clinton's closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider. Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary's illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi. Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign. Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama. Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.

Bill Gertz's Pentagon documents now prove the Ikhwan connection directly. The liberal media will try to stifle the facts, as always.

Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

Blog: Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
I'm happy to believe you if you can give me proof.
There is no proof in that piece...nothing but supposition and unattributed "reports".
I bet you still believe the Hildebeast isn't guilty of anything to do with emails, also!
Now we're talking about emails?

This is the MORONIC game of liberals.. they slime threads with their stupid game.. Note this specific dumbo has used the same tactic in every single post that lists with proof he demanded.. It's time to shut him off.. He's the typical liar on the left.
I'm happy to debate if you keep on topic.
I'm not about to indulge your dopey Gish Gallop tactics.
I already excused you..
This sucks. I mean, it really sucks. HIllary screaming, Trump tweeting, people insulting each other, friendships lost over which side to choose or better choose or should choose otherwise you are this or that. Its overwhelming, and trying to decide what to do doesn't make it any easier.
If you don't know who to vote for when the most corrupt BITCH to ever run for office is on the ticket, you have major problems.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
Get real Gracie, NONE of those things can happen...unlike the Manchurian muslim with a pen and a phone, Trump RESPECTS the Constitution!
You really need to calm down LGS. Name calling and ranting at us does nothing but make those of us not sure what to do, feel even worse.

I am perfectly calm.. this is how I debate- always has been.. Now answer the question.. and link it.
I don't know that he sided with any fact he droned the shit out of them and continues to do so...creating more terrorists.

Nevertheless, I can only assume you're talking about Ali Abdullah Saleh who, despite playing the US for fools was allowed to leave power peacefully and head to the US for medical treatment.
I think he's back in Yemen now creating havoc.

Yes you do.. that is unless you're incapable of knowing how to read? Are you illiterate? You know, a dumbass?

Here, let me help you dummy

June 5, 2015
Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
By James Lewis
Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. …

The UAE government also has labeled two U.S. affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist support groups. Both groups denied the UAE claims. Egypt is considering imposing a death sentence on Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood-backed former president who was ousted in military coup in July 2013.

Critics of the administration's strategy say the Brotherhood masks its goals and objectives despite advocating an extremist ideology similar to those espoused by al Qaeda and the Islamic State, but with less violence. The group's motto includes the phrase "jihad is our way." Jihad means holy war and is the Islamist battle cry.

Counterterrorism analyst Patrick Poole said the Brotherhood in recent weeks has stepped up its use of violent attacks in Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood is called the "Ikhwan" in Arabic, meaning "brotherhood." (Like German "ich" and "won.") It took that name in 1928, when fascist and Nazi "brotherhoods" were spreading all over Europe.

From the start, the Ikhwan actively collaborated with Hitler through the mufti of Jerusalem. One of their slogans is "All we want is to die in the way of Allah" – which means killing as many infidels as you can when you die. This is the theological basis for suicide-bombing. Today, there is no daylight between the Ikhwan and ISIS.

In 1981, an Ikhwan front group assassinated Pres. Anwar Sadat, the most important Arab peacemaker with Israel.

The Ikhwan employs Malik Obama, the president's half-brother, as a big money man.

The Ikhwan created Hamas – the terrorist group that uses children as human shields to protect rocket launchers in Gaza.

The Ikhwan helped neo-Ottoman fascist Erdoğan to take over Turkey.

The Ikhwan is almost certainly behind ISIS, together with Turkey and Qatar.

In 2011, the Ikhwan overthrew Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak – who upheld the Egypt-Israel peace treaty for four decades – in close collusion with Obama, Code Pink, and Bill Ayers. The Western media actually reported that Code Pink and Bill Ayers were protesting Hosni Mubarak in the weeks before Mubarak was overthrown. Today, millions of Egyptians believe that Obama supports their mortal enemy, the Ikhwan.

The Ikhwan is now engaged in a monumental civil war against President El Sisi, whose court just condemned its leader to death. Their leaders who are not in jail have fled to Qatar, Turkey, and Gaza, all part of the Ikhwan network.

The Ikhwan controls American front groups like CAIR, which buys up American politicians by the truckload, especially on the left.

Four-star admiral James Lyons (USN, Ret.) has gone public with the charge that the Ikhwan has deeply penetrated U.S. intelligence. That is why Obama can't even say the words "Muslim war on America." That is why our defense has been so feeble and cringing.

Hillary Clinton's closest personal aide as SecState was Huma Abedin – an Ikhwan insider. Abedin was one of the few people who had access to Hillary's illegal personal e-mail account on the night of Benghazi. Nothing has changed – Abedin is still at the top of the Hillary campaign. Probably for the first time in U.S. history, presidential candidate Hillary has stonewalled any media questions, period.

Major Ikhwan money flows have been reported going to the Clintons, the Carters, and Obama. Ikhwan penetration of American society and the U.S. government gives all the appearance of a political quid pro quo – with our survival at stake.

Bill Gertz's Pentagon documents now prove the Ikhwan connection directly. The liberal media will try to stifle the facts, as always.

Muslim Brotherhood." The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period.

Writes Gertz:

President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known the Muslim Brotherhood. A White House strategy document regards the group as a moderate alternative to more violent Islamist groups like al Qaeda and the Islamic State." (Aka ISIS).

The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11[.] … The directive was produced in 2011[.] …

Efforts to force the administration to release the directive or portions of it under the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. ...

Blog: Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood
I'm happy to believe you if you can give me proof.
There is no proof in that piece...nothing but supposition and unattributed "reports".
I bet you still believe the Hildebeast isn't guilty of anything to do with emails, also!
Now we're talking about emails?
Apparently THAT ALSO went over your head, or a very poor way of diverting!
Not a must be the second option.
So, please explain what Hillary's emails have to do with Obama's supposed support for terrorism?
This sucks. I mean, it really sucks. HIllary screaming, Trump tweeting, people insulting each other, friendships lost over which side to choose or better choose or should choose otherwise you are this or that. Its overwhelming, and trying to decide what to do doesn't make it any easier.
If you don't know who to vote for when the most corrupt BITCH to ever run for office is on the ticket, you have major problems.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
WTF are you even talking about?? Where the hell did that come from? I blog for him over on BB..... I've never ever read or even seen anything remotely close to what you're accusing him of here.. LINK IT.
I didn't say he was going to do that. I said "what about the hidden things" that will come out none of us knew would happen. Obama fooled a lot of people. And I mean A LOT. None of us can see the future. I lean towards trump.....but I have this big but hanging over my head. BUT, WHAT IF. WHAT IF. WHAT IF. Same with Hillary.
This sucks. I mean, it really sucks. HIllary screaming, Trump tweeting, people insulting each other, friendships lost over which side to choose or better choose or should choose otherwise you are this or that. Its overwhelming, and trying to decide what to do doesn't make it any easier.
If you don't know who to vote for when the most corrupt BITCH to ever run for office is on the ticket, you have major problems.
And if I vote for Trump and he takes away SS and Medicare to fix the debt....I have major problems too, don't I?
WTF are you even talking about?? Where the hell did that come from? I blog for him over on BB..... I've never ever read or even seen anything remotely close to what you're accusing him of here.. LINK IT.
I didn't say he was going to do that. I said "what about the hidden things" that will come out none of us knew would happen. Obama fooled a lot of people. And I mean A LOT. None of us can see the future. I lean towards trump.....but I have this big but hanging over my head. BUT, WHAT IF. WHAT IF. WHAT IF. Same with Hillary.

So I need to think of things someone has never said and be worried about that? That makes ZERO sense but hey.. whatever you need to help you make an informed decision..
Everyone hang in there.. Julian Assange is going to deliver the DEATH blow to the corrupt Democratic Plantation at the right time.. Just before the election.. More slimey dirt on the SEWER Party.

I pray for it.

Never mind Benghazi, where this depraved Bitch stood in front of the coffins of the dead heroes and told their bereaved parents that they would get the man who made that awful movie and that got their sons killed...which she knew at the time to be a craven lie.

Never mind the personal e-mails server which put this country at risk;

Never mind the blatant lies she told the Citizens for over a year...until no less than the Director of the FBI exposed them as blatant lies;

Never mind all that;

It is the Waivers and Permits and Trades she approved as Secretary of State for other countries and their exchange for millions and millions of donations to the Clinton Foundation, which is going to keep her out of the White House...and perhaps land her in the Penitentiary.

Think how far this country has descended into dependence and depravity. 68% know she is an outright crook....and yet enough of those are so suckled on the Federal Tit that she still has a chance to win.
You're still not making any sense. WHO was left behind? Are you talking about Benghazi or talking out of a bottle?

You're pathetic and now you're just looking stupid.. I don't play you liberals stupid game of semantics which is nothing more than trying to divert, cover up your lies and pure HORSESHIT.. I argue FACTS and always back them up , like tonight.. Now go buzz off and annoy some shit faced coward who may mistake you for a woman.. hell, even you might get lucky.
A few short posts ago the conversation was about how Muslims treat their women as having no rights and here you are using being a woman as an insult.

You just fucked up big time.
Do tell.

You can tell the class what your balls taste like in a few minutes. A life long dream for most liberals. You'll be famous.
Again with the RW thing about oral and and anal sex!!!
It certainly explains one thing...

Business is Booming for Male Escorts Around RNC | National | News | SFGN Articles
I'm happy to believe you if you can give me proof.
There is no proof in that piece...nothing but supposition and unattributed "reports".
I bet you still believe the Hildebeast isn't guilty of anything to do with emails, also!
Now we're talking about emails?
Apparently THAT ALSO went over your head, or a very poor way of diverting!
Not a must be the second option.
So, please explain what Hillary's emails have to do with Obama's supposed support for terrorism?
Odd that others with SUPPOSED less of an IQ than your NEAR GENIUS one, understood it,,How can this be? Your mental masturbation is on display...again!
He's a waste of time Vigilante.. seriously ..

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