Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..
I asked for an example of Liberals being supporters of posted about Egypt...I replied and suddenly the conversation is expanded into a general global rant.
Great fun.

I gave the proof.. Is Hussein a LIBERAL????? IS HE?? He sided with terrorists and had an ALLY, friend of the US removed from power and imprisoned.. You liars think you can play word semantics and get away with it.. WRONG ANSWER
Who did he have removed from power and imprisoned...just so that we're clear?

You tell me??? TELL US why your messiah trashed and betrayed an ally and sided with FUCKING TERRORISTS... This should be good.
Who are you talking about?
Everyone hang in there.. Julian Assange is going to deliver the DEATH blow to the corrupt Democratic Plantation at the right time.. Just before the election.. More slimey dirt on the SEWER Party.[/QUOTE
You liars on the left always slurping up Al Baraqis shit laden bathwater.. NO.. He fucked the entire stability of the Middle East with his Community Organizing amateur CLUSTERFUCK.. he helped to create ISIS and nothing you batshit crazy leftist SHEEPLE say or do will ever change the historical facts.
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..

These morons don't understand Obama's chief aid is Muslim and so is Hillarious". They parade a man who they preyed on for political gain out on stage and tell him it's Trump's fault his son was killed. Goebbels would be proud. did not say it was Trumps fault his son killed, not even close. That wasn't even what his speech was about.

What was it about? Hillary should submit to Huma and all the Muslims in the world should be able to come to America because only 10% want to kill you.

If you don't know, then your comments are coming off as just plain stupid. Listen to the speech or read a transcript.
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..
I asked for an example of Liberals being supporters of posted about Egypt...I replied and suddenly the conversation is expanded into a general global rant.
Great fun.

I gave the proof.. Is Hussein a LIBERAL????? IS HE?? He sided with terrorists and had an ALLY, friend of the US removed from power and imprisoned.. You liars think you can play word semantics and get away with it.. WRONG ANSWER
Who did he have removed from power and imprisoned...just so that we're clear?

You tell me??? TELL US why your messiah trashed and betrayed an ally and sided with FUCKING TERRORISTS... This should be good.
Who are you talking about?
Answer the fucking question..
We all need to realize that both sides have faults. Some bigger than others. I am biased..due to being conservative..I will admit that in a heartbeat, but I am not stupid, and I do not think Hillary cares one iota for anything or anyone but herself.

I care about the USA.
Is this the same Barack Obama that is constantly criticised for supplying weapons to Syrian rebels that eventually ended up in Daesh hands?

It's the same DAMN FOOL who doesn't give a rats ass about American lives or anything else for that matter.. He never lied.. he broadcast his intentions before he was ever elected so I blame the dumbed down electorate.. he was clear that he sided with the Muslims if he had to choose and HE'S PROVEN IT refusing to call ISLAMIC TERROR for what it is..
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?

Don't act like you didn't fucking read my post in order to make more excuses for that fucking loser in the WH.. I SAID ISLAMIC TERRORISTS .. AKA The Muslim Brotherhood, the very Barbarians who SLAUGHTERED innocent Iranians who rose up to take back their country as your POS messiah sat back and watched.. did NOTHING.. Oh wait that sounds oddly fucking familiar?! Why gee, same thing happened to 4 AMERICANS WHO WERE LEFT BEHIND for no reason, NO FUCKING reason but for that son of a bitch's dirty quest for power and the upcoming election..
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.

SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT

That's the military doofus.
Everyone hang in there.. Julian Assange is going to deliver the DEATH blow to the corrupt Democratic Plantation at the right time.. Just before the election.. More slimey dirt on the SEWER Party.[/QUOTE
I thought we were talking about Egypt and Morsi?
We're talking about your failed messiahs worldwide clusterfuck that has enabled, emboldened terrorists..

These morons don't understand Obama's chief aid is Muslim and so is Hillarious". They parade a man who they preyed on for political gain out on stage and tell him it's Trump's fault his son was killed. Goebbels would be proud. did not say it was Trumps fault his son killed, not even close. That wasn't even what his speech was about.

What was it about? Hillary should submit to Huma and all the Muslims in the world should be able to come to America because only 10% want to kill you.

If you don't know, then your comments are coming off as just plain stupid. Listen to the speech or read a transcript.

Help me out here, I'm trying to find in the Constitution where it says we should let more people in to this country than we can police and feed. Got some spare change and some blood to donate?
Gracie this is a GREAT election. It comes down to submission to the political establishment (evil) vs. making America great again (good). For example, it is a good thing to prevent the USA from becoming Europe which is becoming like an Muslim empire. Only one candidate will do anything to stop the Muslim invasion. The again, if you are intrigued by the idea of being submissive to Muslim doucebags then Crooked Hillary is your choice.
Agreed. But at what cost? There is ALWAYS that, you know. To gain, you must lose something. What...that nobody has thought about, will be lost forever with EITHER trump or clinton?
It's the same DAMN FOOL who doesn't give a rats ass about American lives or anything else for that matter.. He never lied.. he broadcast his intentions before he was ever elected so I blame the dumbed down electorate.. he was clear that he sided with the Muslims if he had to choose and HE'S PROVEN IT refusing to call ISLAMIC TERROR for what it is..
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?

Don't act like you didn't fucking read my post in order to make more excuses for that fucking loser in the WH.. I SAID ISLAMIC TERRORISTS .. AKA The Muslim Brotherhood, the very Barbarians who SLAUGHTERED innocent Iranians who rose up to take back their country as your POS messiah sat back and watched.. did NOTHING.. Oh wait that sounds oddly fucking familiar?! Why gee, same thing happened to 4 AMERICANS WHO WERE LEFT BEHIND for no reason, NO FUCKING reason but for that son of a bitch's dirty quest for power and the upcoming election..
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.

SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT

That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs- Leave no man behind” and “failure is not an option” are examples of cultural mantras that evolved as the unwritten “SEAL code” from the Teams battlefield .
Not supporting ME dissidents means he doesn't give a rats ass about American lives?
Your logic, as always, is difficult to argue against.

You do realise that ME dissidents are mostly Muslim don't you?
Should he just keep pumping weapons into the Middle East and hope they stay in the hands of the 'good Muslims'?

Don't act like you didn't fucking read my post in order to make more excuses for that fucking loser in the WH.. I SAID ISLAMIC TERRORISTS .. AKA The Muslim Brotherhood, the very Barbarians who SLAUGHTERED innocent Iranians who rose up to take back their country as your POS messiah sat back and watched.. did NOTHING.. Oh wait that sounds oddly fucking familiar?! Why gee, same thing happened to 4 AMERICANS WHO WERE LEFT BEHIND for no reason, NO FUCKING reason but for that son of a bitch's dirty quest for power and the upcoming election..
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.

SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT

That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Seals are the military.
For the idiot Coyote

SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Warrior creeds, such as the Ranger’s famous creed, have been around for over a century to guide the actions of operators on and off the battlefield. The creed is a code of conduct and inspirational daily reminder of the “reason we train and fight” for the men and women of these units. Many outside observers point to the mission of the units and preparation of the teams when describing who these people are. Warriors know better. It is the Warrior Ethos that best describes who they are, an ethos that has been shared, albeit with different words, with the Samurai, the Spartans, the Marines and other Special Operations forces around the world.

The SEAL Code was created just two years ago. Prior to this, the SEALs had an unspoken code defined by the culture, historical experience and training. “Leave no man behind” and “failure is not an option” are examples of cultural mantras that evolved as the unwritten “SEAL code” from the Teams battlefield experiences in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and elsewhere. We have held to this code, never leaving a teammate in the field, dead or alive. Recent experience in Afghanistan with Medal of Honor winner LT Murphy and his teammates exemplifies this code of conduct.

The SEAL code, however, was not recorded or “written in stone” and as the community grew, it needed some grounding. Would it be more powerful if it were more than a few mantras like “leave no man behind” and “Failure is not an option?” It became clear to the SEALs that they needed a more comprehensive creed that was not subject to interpretation and erosion over time. In 2005 a cross-functional team from all ranks was brought together to ponder the issue and come up with a durable, written, code. The team took input from all quarters, and did some serious community soul searching to penetrate the essence of what it meant to be a SEAL. The results are nothing short of extraordinary.

How do you think the SEAL Code stands up? Will it be powerful and durable enough to guide Naval Special Warfare operators into a chaotic future, much as the Ranger Creed has done for the Rangers?

We at feel that the SEAL Code stands tall with the greatest creeds of martial history and is one of the most succinct articulations of how a warrior culture is to conduct themselves in war and peace. Read for yourself and decide:

The SEAL Code

• Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate
• Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield
• Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit
• Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates
• Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation
• Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation’s Enemies
• Earn your Trident everyday

United States Navy SEAL

In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation’s call. A common man with uncommon desire to succeed.

Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America’s finest special operations forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life.

I am that man.

My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day.

My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.

I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men.

Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my bond.

We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations.

I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teammates and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight.

We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me – my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete.

We train for war and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of combat power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my country. The execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required yet guided by the very principles that I serve to defend.

Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail.

Bravo! Let’s all try to live up to this wonderful code of conduct in our daily pursuit of excellence. I believe you would see some serious results.

Mark Divine founder
Everyone hang in there.. Julian Assange is going to deliver the DEATH blow to the corrupt Democratic Plantation at the right time.. Just before the election.. More slimey dirt on the SEWER Party.

I pray for it.

Never mind Benghazi, where this depraved Bitch stood in front of the coffins of the dead heroes and told their bereaved parents that they would get the man who made that awful movie and that got their sons killed...which she knew at the time to be a craven lie.

Never mind the personal e-mails server which put this country at risk;

Never mind the blatant lies she told the Citizens for over a year...until no less than the Director of the FBI exposed them as blatant lies;

Never mind all that;

It is the Waivers and Permits and Trades she approved as Secretary of State for other countries and their exchange for millions and millions of donations to the Clinton Foundation, which is going to keep her out of the White House...and perhaps land her in the Penitentiary.

Think how far this country has descended into dependence and depravity. 68% know she is an outright crook....and yet enough of those are so suckled on the Federal Tit that she still has a chance to win.
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.

SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT

That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Seals are the military.
What's wrong you big fucking ass buffoon? Now trying to come back and not look like the FOOLISH absolute MORON that you obviously are???

Just trying to figure out what in the hell you're yammering on about. You were talking about Benghazi (I think?) and then going on about never leaving anyone behind. What Seals were left behind?
SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT

That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Seals are the military.
What's wrong you big fucking ass buffoon? Now trying to come back and not look like the FOOLISH absolute MORON that you obviously are???

Just trying to figure out what in the hell you're yammering on about. You were talking about Benghazi (I think?) and then going on about never leaving anyone behind. What Seals were left behind?
Awww look at the leftist cry and whine now.. Stepped in to my arena trying to trash me and ended up getting your skank ass handed to you..
That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Seals are the military.
What's wrong you big fucking ass buffoon? Now trying to come back and not look like the FOOLISH absolute MORON that you obviously are???

Just trying to figure out what in the hell you're yammering on about. You were talking about Benghazi (I think?) and then going on about never leaving anyone behind. What Seals were left behind?
Awww look at the leftist cry and whine now.. Stepped in to my arena trying to trash me and ended up getting your skank ass handed to you..

You're still not making any sense. WHO was left behind? Are you talking about Benghazi or talking out of a bottle?
SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT

That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Seals are the military.
What's wrong you big fucking ass buffoon? Now trying to come back and not look like the FOOLISH absolute MORON that you obviously are???

Just trying to figure out what in the hell you're yammering on about. You were talking about Benghazi (I think?) and then going on about never leaving anyone behind. What Seals were left behind?
You're kidding, or just :lame2:

What's wrong you big fucking ass buffoon? Now trying to come back and not look like the FOOLISH absolute MORON that you obviously are???

Just trying to figure out what in the hell you're yammering on about. You were talking about Benghazi (I think?) and then going on about never leaving anyone behind. What Seals were left behind?
Awww look at the leftist cry and whine now.. Stepped in to my arena trying to trash me and ended up getting your skank ass handed to you..

You're still not making any sense. WHO was left behind? Are you talking about Benghazi or talking out of a bottle?

You're pathetic and now you're just looking stupid.. I don't play you liberals stupid game of semantics which is nothing more than trying to divert, cover up your lies and pure HORSESHIT.. I argue FACTS and always back them up , like tonight.. Now go buzz off and annoy some shit faced coward who may mistake you for a woman.. hell, even you might get lucky.
That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Seals are the military.
What's wrong you big fucking ass buffoon? Now trying to come back and not look like the FOOLISH absolute MORON that you obviously are???

Just trying to figure out what in the hell you're yammering on about. You were talking about Benghazi (I think?) and then going on about never leaving anyone behind. What Seals were left behind?
You're kidding, or just :lame2:

He was left behind?
I asked for an example of Liberals being supporters of posted about Egypt...I replied and suddenly the conversation is expanded into a general global rant.
Great fun.

I gave the proof.. Is Hussein a LIBERAL????? IS HE?? He sided with terrorists and had an ALLY, friend of the US removed from power and imprisoned.. You liars think you can play word semantics and get away with it.. WRONG ANSWER
Who did he have removed from power and imprisoned...just so that we're clear?

You tell me??? TELL US why your messiah trashed and betrayed an ally and sided with FUCKING TERRORISTS... This should be good.
Who are you talking about?
Answer the fucking question..
I don't know that he sided with any fact he droned the shit out of them and continues to do so...creating more terrorists.

Nevertheless, I can only assume you're talking about Ali Abdullah Saleh who, despite playing the US for fools was allowed to leave power peacefully and head to the US for medical treatment.
I think he's back in Yemen now creating havoc.
Are you talking about Benghazi?
I think you're talking about Benghazi.
Someone really should investigate that.

SEAL MOTTO: WE NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND.. It's called honor.. something you scumback leftist traitors haven't the first clue of.. No one needs a fucking investigation to know your messiah has no honor.. Sleep in it.. YOU OWN IT

That's the military doofus.
Don't thank me you fucking moron
SEAL Code: a Warrior Creed | Navy SEALs

Seals are the military.
What's wrong you big fucking ass buffoon? Now trying to come back and not look like the FOOLISH absolute MORON that you obviously are???
Don't get abusive...I thought they were military as well.
Here, I'll give you an 'informative' for teaching us otherwise.

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